I'm losing my primary bid.
Nothing lasts ever

Sundipped Sunday 


I'm very good at pattern matching. With little inspiration or forethought these columns write themselves. Often my task is to find the patterns, plural, that are there, just hidden by what Hindu's would call our delusions. These are the things we discover together Sundays, and Thursdays. We all know what day it is.

After The Fire

Duties Day

Promises Paid

Matches Made

After Burn

After the Fire

Behind the palaces, pools, and now casinos, a fire is burning. It's an unusual variety but a common one. Like an underground coal fire, it smolders, smokes, and keeps the curious at bay.  There's no documenting the start or, to some degree, the cause, though the reasoning varies little and confounds instantaneous logic. 

Near the fire is warm.

Duties Day

It was yesterday, it's been all week. To be honest, it's been forever. The counting coup is through round one, and the bill of fair calls for action; the payment comes due. 

There were 19 in chairs, looking at each other and staring straight ahead. An aide stands center stage holding a medal on a ribbon for deeds done for freedom and politics. 

A judgment might conclude it was a necessity, required, expected, and, in the odd case, deserved. Like a bag of apples, passed over and re-packaged. An honor or a gesture. All the same apples by association. A disgrace at some level. 

Long is the line of duty paid, collected, accrued, and yet to come due.

Promises Paid

The line around the palace leading to the conflagration expects cake. The popular meme cake by the ocean. A chicken in every pot, even if you don't have a pot. That was the paraphrased version in the legacy of politics. To expect relief is rational; to believe in politics is not. 

This is the stage for the War of the Losers. Congress versus the president and Congress always wins. A president can only do so much, and the act of executive power is costly in the only currency that matters: politics.  

Congress has losers on every side. The proper right, the wrong right, the old right, the new right, and the insane, and that's just the Republicans. The democrat party lost, and with Pelosi directing traffic, Congress is sure to be a parking lot. 

The question has been asked: what happens when delusions don't come true? Or is it already too late? 

It's been already too late all of our lives.

Matches Made 

There's always a crowd around an accident. The exception also draws a crowd. Not everyone in the crowd is always a fan, and the weather changes often in Washington. It has been an exceptional series of events in a long line of extraordinary and unusual events. Coincidental or spontaneous combustion, indeed to a degree. 

Other fires are the impetus and means to an end.  Not a match made in heaven. 

The contest in the big game of politics is always for all the marbles. It's carved in constitutional stone and now affirmed. A president can do no evil. Whether we see it, hear it, or talk about it. 

How long could  that possibly last?

After Burn

This goes on and on. Perhaps we rely on probability to ensure we are right at least fifty percent of the time. Perhaps probability is letting us down. Even the metric of our success is elusive and subject to interpretation or poll results. A massive problem, beyond comprehension, certainly, but effectively management by a coin flip seems cautionary, even if we could agree on the mean.

The answer does not lie in statistics, though that would prove the postulate. No one wins unless we all participate. That's not in the constitution, but it should be.

Those with the wooden matches? These wIll burn in the fire of history.

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Sundipped Thursday 


It's tha time to find the elephants hiding in the room again, I know it's hard and harder yet to find a reason to accept existentialism, even in politics, but we travail onward. Todays topic, another elephant in the room and it's here on the blog though officially I didn't preannounce this week, I wanted the image to have it's own legs before I bought shoes for it. So If it's Thursday, or Sunday, lets drop the other shoes. 

Born in the USA

The New Nerve
Coming Out Red
Blood in the Water

Born in the USA

It's not the fourth of July, it's the end of the year bash, a witching hour event. The world as we know it takes five seconds to reset the clock of our life, some using extreme measures, some as effective as a pencil eraser on permanent marker. 

In Las Vegas and New Orleans, it's just another wet day. 

During the day, there are empty streets and pastries in NO. I've never been to Las Vegas and woken up there, but I assume breakfast is popular.  The bonus of Vegas is the slot machine in the restrooms, in case you're feeling lucky. 

I bet Trump has property in both places.

The New Nerve

It's embarrassing even from. afar, these claims boasts, and outright lies that pass as policy or the seed stuck in the craw of a crony in Congress with newfound purpose in a president willing to cut a deal for a piece of the action.  

Things we think unkind, perhaps cruel, logistically challenging, counterproductive, but the mantra they've adopted solves all arguments; a simple "We're gonna do it anyway..." is the phrase that pays. No one is sure what policies are real, and being accustomed to politicians' promises provides little providence to think any of them are probable. It doesn't matter; it will all even be out. 

Even out at a level, and you may be able to keep your head above it.


But they are doing it.

Coming Out Red

You can see the blood in the president-elects -- er, eyes. ( I can't resist a meme. ) He knows he must grab and grab fast before anyone can do anything about it. Chances are he's already breaking federal law and not even inaugurated. 

I'm sure the FBI has rooms full of tapes and evidence, more every day. More opportunities for witnesses, more lawyers, more witness tampering, more appeals, endless, endless, endless games of catch me if you can, and he's not even inaugurated yet.

More non-disclosures and civil suits.

A full court press, more than usual even to press the case of impunity and inevitability, a freight train that will be powerful enough to keep anyone from ever writing the truth about the president and his family.

Good luck with that.

Blood in the Water 

No one feels safe or secure. No one. No one is safe or secure. As it turns out, neither is the president-elect. He has been manufacturing chum for years, the more red, the more he gets away with.

The markets, too, swarming with sharks seeing the end of easy money, scouting the schools of investors for prey, M and A activity is sure to peak as the big fish eat the little fish. Regulation, that's their hope. To get away with enough while he's in office to stay even for the duration and maybe pay off the third home on the island. 

The investment community is multifaceted. Like most things in economics, the mistakes or ignorance of the masses keeps the imbalance where it is. A retail investor is easy to bait. Look at NVDA.  

Blood in the water, and yesterday was your first birthday. 

You were born in the USA.


I was somewhat surprised to hear Rahm Emmanuel comment on what policians do wrong. Paraphrased, he could have been Pogo.

It's your America. These are the people that you put in charge.