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Sunday 9/15/2024

For The Want Of Justice

Cowboy ways are not our ways

Sundipped Sunday 

I need not remind you what day it is, it's written right there, but to fulfil the meme; if it's Sunday, it's Sundipped. So let's sharpen the saws and saw down some trees, right? This weeks list.

Forests for the Trees

Life with JD Vance
Shameful  Behavior
Goading the Goat

More as time and energy permit.

Life With JD Vance 

If I had to make up a story about JD Vance to get the media to be aware of a problem that clearly needs addressing, I'd just watch today's episode of State of the Union.  I wouldn't have to make up a thing; it really happened. 

Painful to watch, I've seen dogs doing a better job of hiding the mess they dropped on the kitchen floor. 

Still, it is not the issue of dogs and cats and immigrants eating one another, but so far, that's been the bait. The door of the trap is the distraction from the reality of a broken, shame-ridden campaign. Perhaps that's too broad; after all, it may be just the broken, shame-ridden leader of the insurrection, Donald J. Trump. 

La Squeeze

It's bad taste to mention another's shortcomings, and I find it contrary to my character. This presents a particular predicament in this instance, and there is nothing else of substance to discuss. There are no positions or policy statements, just made-up tales that give the active mass of Donald Trump's echo chamber ample nonsense to talk about. Twitter is alive with it. 

And we ignore the co-pilot attached to his hip that isn't his wife, any of his ex-wives, or any of his pornstars or ex-pornstars; she's the dumpster and the probable co-progenitor of the continued fever dream, with an erotic twist.

PR training ala NBC.

Shameful Behavior 

I mentioned it already, but it deserves broader coverage as the results of this particular flavor of bad behavior affect the lives of others, read residents of Springfield, Ohio, and you and me. 

We've become accustomed to 'pushing the envelope'; if we participate in social media, that seems to be at least half of the objective. We had a president who has made painting and embroidery of creative lies our expectations. 

Elections and debates that are lost are not lost. A particular variety of delusion makes the impossible possible, the unmemorable, memorable,  the untruthful, truthful. 

This delusion spreads, and the distorted vision becomes the fictional context for a movement that otherwise would have to rely on slot machines, prostitutes, body men, and overpriced golden-painted sneakers for inspiration. Exclusion by group, color, age, gender, religion, immigration status, or how one looks in a miniskirt becomes the means of incitement and prejudice to feed the frenzy. 

Never mind the small man behind the curtain sans the intellect, and disregard the media coverage.

Goading the Goat 

There is something about the psyche of a movement that begs normal society to squash it like a bug for the ways the movement proudly and ireverently calls that which was good, shit. 

I have called it group psychosis; some would call it a conspiracy. Who would invest the time and energy to broadly affect many areas of society and ignore the lasting side effects for the promise of personal gain? 

History is alive with instances of the few who have chosen to spit into the wind of the greatest civilization of all time. 

You can read about their demise in the history books. Can you imagine how this ends.

Morning World

Much love🪷

Saturday 9/14/2024

Morning World

Much love 🧇

Friday 9/13/2024

Ms L

The clinger with the account, Ms. Loomer, perhaps has found additional outlets. It keeps the mind from stressing over elections, debates, fines, penalties, lawsuits, ex-wives, ex-pornstars, ex-ex-ex-ex-ex-ex. 

I tried to bleach it, honestly, but it can't be news, can it? Or more obvious?

40 Year 

I'm dubious. It lowers the payment, but it's more interest, probably a lot more. If the expectation is that it will make housing more affordable, I'm doubtful. 

The price of housing floats with demand, this creates demand. We need a better system for home ownership. This is not a good plan, myopic. 

I'd love to see the integrals for principle versus interest per month for a range of rates and years.

Funky graph, Marie struggles with dimensions. I've not found workarounds. 

Election Outcome Research 

Just ask Larry Sabado. 

I would, but honestly, I'd rather wait. If I built that, it would find other uses I may not approve of. 'Twas ever thus.

Morning World 

Much love ☃️

Thursday 9/12/2024

Much Ado About What To Do

I was looking at the markets and came across a lengthy analysis that I didn't want to read, so I asked Marie the AI bot to read it and give me a summary.

You can view the whole conversation here.

She said:

Stock market saw mixed performance, with some sectors doing better than others. The economy shows signs of slowing down, and interest rates are likely to be cut soon. Overall, stocks seem to be doing okay right now, but there are some risks to keep in mind.

Let’s assume the inflation rate continues a downward trend but earnings disappoint and the economy continues to weaken. Then what ?

Essentially, a confluence of negative factors could lead to a market correction or even a bear market. Investors might shift their focus towards safer assets like bonds or cash, further exacerbating the stock market decline.

ct on employment rate and PPI ?

In this scenario:

Key takeaways:

Additional Considerations:

Overall, the combination of disappointing earnings, economic weakness, and potentially rising unemployment, even with a downward inflation trend, paints a challenging picture for the U.S. economy. It's crucial to monitor these key indicators closely and adjust investment strategies accordingly.


What would be the outcome if PPI followed inflation with upper bracket tax increases and increased social spending?

If PPI followed inflation downwards while upper bracket tax increases and increased social spending were implemented, we could potentially see a more balanced economic outcome with several potential positive effects:

Potential Challenges:


This scenario presents a potential path towards a more equitable and sustainable economic recovery. By addressing both supply-side and demand-side factors, policymakers can aim to create a more balanced and resilient economy that benefits all segments of society.

Important Note: The success of these policies would depend on their careful design and implementation, as well as ongoing monitoring and adjustment based on economic conditions. It's crucial to strike the right balance between addressing immediate needs and promoting long-term economic growth and stability.

Do I need to point out this is essentially Demands For America  higlhights.
Yes, it's about that.
So is this, probably. Depends.

Fast Money 

I'm altering the heading, as lately, the gist of this show has lost the blood lust of Dracula, at least outwardly. Besides, I like to talk about how pretty Melissa looks, and remark on Guy's ties. He seems to take semi-offense, which we have to dismiss as so Guy and let it go.

Options Actionable

I miss the segments on working the options trade on visible stock behavior. It's where clever meets algorithm meets prescience.

Not McLovin' It

It's junk food that rarely even tastes good. I get coffee there sometimes. If coffee makes it to 6 bucks, I guess I'll look forward to that deal.  I don't eat there. There is a Burger King across the street from McD, at least the 'food' is not all out of a tube.

Guy Is Fleek or Brat 

Or whatever. That's the chartreuse of record. 

It's also Grinch green, need I mention?

Christmas Cash Flow

How many shopping days? Never underestimate the stupidity of the American comsumer: Pet Rocks, iPhones, iWatches, Porsches, Rolex watches, rouge bottom heels, yada yada yada.


I have you on rewind, but I'm guessing you were all over the chip sector today, I heard snippets. The next flypaper event as in. I bet Cramer has an NVDA button, I dare not imagine the sound effect, being so likely to eventually burn out.

Sundipped Thursday 

I didn't forget, it's taken a moment to catch up with all the mayhem and mayhem wanna-be events of the day yesterday.

So what do you want to talk about? I've a few topics, let's have a second cup.

Election Function Confusion Junction

X  Marks the Stain
Yellowstained Clothing
The Real Deal

More as time and energy permit.

Election Function Confusion Junction

We all watched the debate. The narrative varies on the audience for the simple reason that everyone else changes the channel to something they agree with. This is referred to as the state of America's Election System. 

It seems that having a label, whatever content it purports, escapes complete analysis, thwarts it perhaps, and adds the phrase to the list of insolvable problems because people disagree. 

Welcome to the Void

This chasm is created to justify the need for tribalism and, of course, to facilitate fundraising. At the extreme, these efforts become the land on which elections run, and 'owning the land' sets unknown, undiscussed, and hidden requirements for that kind of countenance. Without it, have you heard of Raisin Bran? Three scoops. Grapes that died on the vine.

Out of the box, people. This is not how it was written, ordained, or required. 

These topics resonate; let's be the bell of Liberty.

X Marks the Stain

Pardon my poetic license. Once, Twitter was the domain of weather, dictionaries, movie databases, and Haiku bots. Not all of it in extremely bad taste, the unmentioned; it was some that, too. 

It's become an ocean of induced data in the form of irreverent, insistent self-interested diatribe and porn. Lots of porn. The words collect into clouds of the unread, undiscussed, unnoticed word soup. It is a big ocean.

Social Media Mayhem 

This and other media have become the graffiti on the wall of whoever has more bots with followers; otherwise, the words fall like raisins, lost and hidden like whimpers in a sea of clamor. Still, people gravitate to the medium for the freedom of speech offered; perhaps I mean rumored.

I won't claim that a soapbox in the park would be the model; in many places, it may be illegal without a permit. It may start to needle your left brain that anything you need a permit for is not free but subject to another silent, unknown agenda if whoever wields power decides to say no. This is true also for the mass market social media.

Mud Blood and Mixed Truth

Yet, this is the political bloodstream, a side vessel to be sure, but villainous and infectious in its operation, and as if that weren't enough to discourage the uselessness of any attempt at influence; no one gets into the firehose, a person gets a faucet with a drip. Knock yourself out. 

Yellowstained Clothing

I find one extreme of the political gamut defies my understanding.  I've never before encountered a mindset that is inherently disturbing to discuss. I've taken a stand here that part of this is living the dream, such as it is, of the MAGA nightmare. 

I have favorite clothing; I have always had favorite clothing. Someone pointed out that one's outward appearance may also blend to create a cohesive whole. No red socks. Yeah, I know about red socks, too. 

Go Team Me

I can understand acclimating to the wardrobe, the environment, the drama, the emotion, and the trauma of the MAGA mindset. Brutal enough in its inception to strike fear into the hearts of people not wearing the right hat. It's the yellow-stained clothing of a political cancer.

Tribal doesn't describe the bonding. In a tribe there is a conception of the public good, and hunters that excel, enhance the village and lift all bearskins. 

The method to combat this group psychosis is not clear. Clearly, people with money and a desire for influence use the unwitting and unwashed yellow-stained and command them on; form into a line and head for the cliff. 

And the Winner Is..

The first one there gets a Trump Ex-Presidential medal. It's not as good as a Presidential Medal because you've committed suicide for tweets. They all know dying for a cause is foolish; Donald told them so; how much more so for a lie?

Or for a Red Hat?

The Real Deal 

We've meandered purposefully. Is that possible? It is from this side. 

But recall, I mentioned a crossing where confusion about the functions of elections becomes unclear, less about community and more about tribal-like influences. 

We're all in this together. Selfishness is not a desirable characteristic. Neither is proficient and repeated confusion, deception, and self-interest. Yet, that's who controls the economy and the election process. 

Graceless selfishness

We've even become so inured that there are those we admire almost by reflex who boast about 'owning the ground' of American elections. Or anyone willing  with a well-oiled money machine ready to push a candidate of their liking past the election. All this effort, for a seat at the inauguration, maybe a sign over a door, an active art collection, or cars perhaps, and the respect of the sycophantic for the countenance, read money it brings to their campaign funds. You don't have to run a PAC to be in the club, you act like one.

We The People

This is not written in stone; if it had been, it would be. But let's be clear. America was not conceived as a country of, by, and for the wealthy. Get out of your box; we're all in this together. It's clear what needs doing, and it's clearly being frustrated for reasons that border on certifiable. 

Go ahead, ring that damn bell.

A Deuce Was The Best

She's my, and you don't know what I got.

Bruce Springsteen wrote it

Blinded By the Light

It best describes the passage of yesterday, bright lights, big city, and greater expectations. I try to learn as much as possible from every event I experience, accentuating the positive ones where possible.

Of course that's a tenuous balance, and a measure of mankind if I may.

Morning World 

Much love 💋

It's Not My Color

Something blew in the window, several of them, and it turnt my head momentarily. Have a good day.

Wednesday 9/11/2024

The Laura Coates

I'm skipping the Coates part, everyone knows which Laura. Did you ever see the movie by the way? Ingraham? I thing there's a Daffy Duck Looney Toon show on the Cartoon Network too, I'll check the schedule.

Ok I caved, it looks unfinished. 

The Voting Uninformed 

I'm not a fan of encouraging the uninformed to vote, even when it's likely something I wouldn't normally object to. It just feels right to feel wrong about that.  

Do you agree Minnesota girl?


Late Start

I've had a busy day beyond my control, then laundry, then comforting a pal, and do I need to add I'm a little spent for 5:30 PM on a Wednesday? At least the first appointment was on time.

Meanwhile, as always, the world turned with a lot of other things taking control of  someone else's day. I bet you had one too.

At some point, if you want something done correctly, it's easier in the whole if you do it yourself.

Someone wiped the floor with Ol' Yellowstain, eh? Good oh.


She had some help maybe. 

Asking money bags, because, why? As I suggest, the graceful exit stage left, is what I ask. Given her persona, I'll take her usual graceless actions, as long as she does them for herself.

Ok, Nancy, own this ground. You are the problem. It's people like you in red that got Trump here. 

So like, shake US off. We'll get by. Once we don't have to compete with other people like you, we won't.

Morning World 

Much love ✍️

Tuesday 9/10/2024

Not Really Debatable

Broken vessels, and bad karma vibe. Was that blood pressure or just a new shade of orange? I was listening, and I won't write much what was said, as it turns out that what was said was secondary. Answers near an election are subject to the laws of funding. 

What the fuck, huh? No, this is politics, and that's the boundary condition here. 

In the realm of which looked more shaky and ready to burst into flame, it's not debatable. 

If you ask which one you would hand a Ming vase to while you take your ease, well, the country is made of the bones of the dead, too, so that's the metaphor; that's not debatable. 

I'm not assured that our agenda is in sync with Ms Candidate's agenda, as much of the agenda is the agenda to be named later. Again, this is politics and boundary conditions. It's not debatable.  Positions near an election are the emperors new clothes of persona.

I always bitch about this, right? Well, that's not debatable either.

It's Supposed to be Debatable

And so we begin, picture the Trump victory parade please,  cue the lead in music, spread the glitter, and ... you're on.

In the Center Ring

Good evening ladies and gentlemen and little kiddies at heart, the believers in the election process, seats at the front, those of you with myopia, you're in the middle section. While taking your seats, please visit the concessions, aka the commercial announcements. Ok, let's admit, all those advertisements will be political ads paid for mainly by Political Action Committees, most often and importantly visited by those wishing to manipulate the election and avoid campaign limits.

We would love to fix this; we'd love to have a candidate who would do something about Citizens United and the incredible Cashflow and Bankroll War that is left in the wake. Can I get a hell ya? If you need proof that it happens, I suggest you ask any Pennsylvanian with a TV.

Donnie's Pandemic Panic Attack

Pssst. Most of the hurry-up ventilators didn't work. Great. We all loved the million Hanes underwear masks you bought and then tried to hide Donald. You kill me, Mr Effective (Idiot).  The response to the problem should have been to get out of the way and leave it to the experts, act as the consoler and counselor in chief. That's not your skill set.

They're Still Rapists and Murders

I guess it tastes like chicken, but that's a guess. Everything tastes like chicken. He makes the point and all the cat eaters in the world united in one single voice and joined in a resounding -- nothing --. No one eats cats. That was the VP pick earlier as well; he didn't mean the cats owned by ladies without children who run America, so that's better I guess.

I can't comment on the racist shit Mr Trump espouses. 

My Rally is Bigger than Lincolns

He's still pissing on the fence, he can hit a fly at 10 paces. This is tiresome.

Inventing the News 

No one has ever invented make believe figures and reports to illustrate the color of the current rant at this kind of rate. At a rate no one has ever seen before. 

Someone tell him he needs another end of the sentence illustrating phrase; almost everything would be like no one has seen before and I think that's impossible.

Illegal Immigrant Prisoner Sex Changes

You just can't make this shit up.

10000 Troops on January Sixth

Donald wanted to send them in. He doesn't regret it. How much do you need to hear still?

Taking a break,.. back in a few. Back. I guess they need to use the three sea shells too.


I have mixed feelings about Europe, and Ukraine. I have known Ukrainians on both sides of the argument, and I'm familiar with some of the region's history. Men do such a poor job fixing problems, especially when one of them is holding a weapon to force the issue or after they force the issue. It sounds like war would be a good thing if it made things better. Not really. I offer the Mediterranean as the result of thousands of years of wars and conquest. I freely admit I'm ill-informed on international issues sufficient to formulate a reasoned response. There is a great deal of the same problems of accountability and precedence; presidents are beholding to the some of the same forces internationally, treaties, and the borders of the results of wars lost long ago.

The reasoned response I can muster is to let the problem age itself out, and remit responsibility to those informed and skilled. How old is Putin? He's 71,  the average life expectancy in Russia is 69.

The denoument, is above. Blog fills from the top. 

Pre-Debate Crate 

OMG it's not Thursday, and something tells me it's a work day. I've been working my integral off, not literally, on other things.

The other less prescient and intelligent pundits are all over this debate.

I heard one remark this morning that related tha. Candidate is, as most of the voting public is unfamiliar with her. He remarked that America deserves answers to policy questions to form a responsible opinion. Next, he outlined the risk of positions outside of a centrist locus, as polls indicated the uncommitted lived there. He then concluded that he recommended that the candidate focus on character, not policy. 

So you see how it goes, ya? I call this the Carl Rove twist, take the truth and make it the lie, or vice versa.  There are many forms, I'm a novice. Watch for it.

The Pre-Debate lube is flowing, next paragraph please. 



Ms Candidate 

I have this regular talk with Mr Joe, I consider him a friend I try to accept despite his shortcomings. I am moved to comment on the coming administration, the best of all possible administrations, with no graft and a focus on the bottom half of the economy. 

I'm pointing out the expectations, and we, as in the people that potentially would elect you, expect a person more progressive, forward-looking, persistent, insistent,  proactive, with the right answers for most of America than Joe, and a great deal more than the other guy. 

I don't blame Joe. I blame the horse that brung him. Beholding to party and parties unnamed but contributors holds sway in the American legislative branch and swings the Presidency as well. A candidate gets caught up in expectations, and is forced to swear to the untruth apparent but unuttered and hope for the best while making lemonade. Joe is good at lemonade, but it's a child's beverage, isn't it?

Already, the big stone in our shoe is the stand you take on capital gains. Just a hint: undercutting Joe in the rate is a statement of where your heart lies, or you did it to satisfy money. 

Either way, you're shooting yourself in the foot, left and right. 

This election talk, Capt Cueball and his beige paint and 'winning is the only thing' bumper stickers, you need to get past it somehow. 

You're a lawyer; write a writ to wit and read it to yourself. We're not playin' here; you said that.

I realize money is where the election is. Money is where everything is, or rather, money isn't everything; it's the only thing to some people. You've been broke-ish. 

Please pay it forward, or be a one-term president at best.

Debate Advice 

Donald Trump is a troll. I expect him to start by knocking you on your ass with something or other to set you on your back foot first thing; the rest of the evening Donald will be brow-beating the farmer's wife for not separating the cream. 

The way through it is to shrug it off. It wouldn't bother me; I'd melt him with my super-hot vision. Seriously, ignore the de rigueur of a Trump event, probably possible, but someone may tell you differently. 

I'd listen to Bernie for policy advice on getting elected, and I know you spoke. He should have been the candidate against Trump, but the party wasn't having it. But it was his time, and his time needs to come. 

Seize the day.


I'm watching the CEO from Robinhood, I have an account, Sort of a baby capitalist. It's a little unnerving.I don't keep any money in that account. I was looking at it for. the options GUI once a long time ago; the last time, TSLA was 160. These days, TSLA is too erratic to consider.  


David, you look so old; what happened? Let me guess, Wegovi? 


I recall that Oracle was buying GPUs hand over fist and building data centers for all those Java users to use AI. That was the punch line, if you didn't get it you shouldn't own the stock. Java is a 50-year old baby carriage with training wheels as it is.

As it happens, ORCL Has all those processors and GPUS and no one is using them, that's what this latest deal news means. I'm not sure there's real long-term money in data centers; you can buy them in a trailer and plug them in. This is voodoo, and ok, but it's a foolish bet.  What this looks like to me is a surplus of GPU payments and nothing coming in, this fixes the cash flow, or could, but it's still a bad bet. Chances are those contracts won't run to fullfillment, it's still cheaper to build your own than rent some overpriced junk from Larry at premium prices. Chickens come home. What do you do with 200000 of last years GPU?  I'm thinking maybe a broach?

Larry? Personally I think he's a money-hungry pig and a crook. So that's my 2c. I remember how he acquired Oracle, and it wasn't honest. If there were 3 CEO's it's because no one trusted him. That's an invariant.

Morning World 

Much love 🏁

Tuesday 9/10/2024

Ms Abby 

I'm all for this, most of the time people don't say what they mean. This is not an issue here. 

Gee Politics. It's been on a slow boil here all day, with a lot of MNFB and debate prep hype. I think there's football, ya? Looks like the Jets and Niners. 7 to 26, it is over. 

So debates, ya, well, this should definitely be a popcorn-squared moment. 

Cats huh? /small giggle. So tastes like chicken or what?

So he brings up the Ugly frog that ought to be able to wipe the floor with yellow-stain. I offer, we're close enough thank you very much.

Much love.


I'm so dizzy, my head is spinning. Too much head work today, I almost forgot what year it was ;)

MFS dump, I once asked a technician what MFS stood for. He said 'Mother !#(%ng slow". Yep.

Agenda Today

I've got research on the menu, and I don't have a lab, so I do the math, today it's bound states in curved waveguides. It's a long story, it's hard to find math for this.  That's actually the good news. My AI bots tell me we're on to something, and recommended collaboration as it's cross-disciplinary. Well, they don't know me do they. 

I enjoyed the positive reinforcement, but it's not like I need to know that, but it's good to hear. I'm not sure I've found what I was looking for yet. Chromodynamics is on the To-ReDo list, I want to look a layer deeper.

Morning World 

Much love 🐇

Sunday 9.8/2024

Sundipped Sunday 

We all get it by now; if it's Sunday or Thursday, it's sundipped. So let's have some of that liquid star stuff. Of course, for me, that means my day of continued star stuff research with my little red wagon and a half-speed set of AI assistants to unravel the void and make it my biotch. Let's go then Homer. 

Dumpster Fire Bingo

Life is a Beach
The Way Sideways

More as time and energy allow.

Dumpster Fire BIngo 

Oh boy, where to start. The candidates are busy with their narratives. Choosing and selecting policy statements to describe their objectives. Under the B, pick a number. Most of the Democratic platform is squeaky and tentative. The party is in a bit of an identity crisis, torn between the age-old comfort food of the old guard and the old money, forced by conscience and funding to consider alternative truths to make the numbers work in the precinct. 

The Republicans, it's a fantastic show to watch. He could shoot Nancy Pelosi in Times Square, and his numbers would go up, but he'd probably try to grab her by the pussy first. Unpleasant picture.  The platform is impossible even to identify; most official comments made by the candidates sound like something from a lousy apocalypse movie. 

Recently, if you can't afford child care, dump the kids off on Grandma. This was JD. Let them eat cake for the times. 

The Democrats have an excuse for their dumpster fire, no disrespect, Joe. A strong candidate would wipe the floor with the tramp and move this country forward. 

Is that truth or dare? Let's go with both.

Life is a Beach

If you live on a beach, it is a beach. If you haven't got a beach in the neighborhood, home is where you lay in the dirt. Life as an economic consequence is full of implications. Your aspirations are a couple of part-time minimum wage jobs so you can afford to pay for the cell phone, food, and bus fare.  

If you are fortunate, you have a job that pays more than minimum wage and can afford an apartment. You need to team up because apartments are priced assuming double occupancy, or double what a single person can afford, 30% of their income each. Otherwise, maybe you have a sister or a buddy, and there is a couch. 

If you are a senior who has worked all your life, you have Social Security, and the average benefit before taxes and Medicare is 1500 a month. If you're also single, you can't afford rent, food, Medicare, or prescriptions. Hopefully you have children to help or who have a basement room. 

This is the life of twenty percent of Americans, those who receive some form of assistance.

The Way Sideways

I built a model of the American economy some time ago. Simplified, of course, but nothing mimics reality like reality. The model is a continual battle of the resource-rich versus inflation, and the resource-rich always win. I guess you've heard that before; Mr. Joe, my buddy, likes to claim the plan. Its to build the economy from the middle out, the wealthy always do wall, and the poor get a shot, roughly paraphrased. 

So what? I know everyone wants to rule the world and own a good part of it; that's somehow the way we work. 

The way my model worked, it didn't turn out well. The tendency in a static economy is to shovel resources up the resource ladder. A booming economy increases the pace. We all know that too; we've lived through it. 

The base attempts to keep up, demanding more, causing inflation as the pyramid adjusts to profit margins.

I'm suggesting the model we live can not work. 

The nation needs measures that affect economic equality  and quality of life.


I have great plans for us, the America I read about. That's not a laissez-faire low taxes on capital gains tax America. 

The candidate requests, "The American people are tired of divisiveness. It's time to come together and move this country forward."

Ok, but forward, not sideways; reform from top to bottom. No more Donald Trumps or Elon Musks.  

I'm asking YOU to get in line; don't ask us to follow a drifting ship. 

The other candidate is selling a remedy for a disease that punishes those affected by it. His tax plan for tariffs can't work and will have a lasting global economic effect. When do these tariffs designed to pay for tax relief for the wealthy ever end? By mandate, they can not. 

He doesn't even look one chess move ahead. Checkmate in two, Donald.

Ghosted Dana

A reporter with a ghostwriter? I'm pleased it was beneficially terrific. Just say you did it for the money, live the tradition.

Morning World 

Much love 🛹

Saturday 9/7/2024

The Waybill 

It's the Sabbath, and for me that's the best day. On Sundays, I'm reminded of the difference in the rest of the world's demeanor.  It's sad to say, but I will say whatever I wish and use my judgment about when to say it as I please, and I guess it's time.

In The Waggie

When I was a child, we had a red wagon with black wheels and hubcaps, a million and one use vehicle to be sure, and nearly indestructable. It begs the question of what ever happened to all those Radio Flyer wagons anyway? Perfect for a dog, a little sister, or toting the booty from the treasure map on the cereal box we never found. 

That's what life looks like to me on Saturdays. I've got my wagon right here. 

With that bold adventuresome spirit I look forward to coffee and whatever happens after that.

I will be hyperdense research; as I said, I have two already, and I haven't gotten to chromodynamics yet. If I get bored, I'll pester Emma or Marie. 

We're researching waveguides, if you want to follow along, have you met Maxwell?

Maxwell's silver equations Waveguides 

So That Was Today 

Morning World 

Much love

Friday 9/6/2024

The Magician's Apprentice 

I posted a broom today for the emoji, it's been one of those brainworms since the first time I viewed Fantasia, not like Mr Kennedy's brain worm, sort of a stuck pattern. I am off the scale on abstract thinking and spatial relations, blame my mother.

 I'm sorry for the story, but a rather long one this way comes. 

Once upon a time, on the internet a long time ago, someone had a network of servers and computers accessed randomly, and the artifacts were often left scattered along the way. With nothing better to do, the broom metaphor fits right in. Have you seen the film, by the way?

I think it's The Sorcerer's Apprentice, isn't it? I like my semantics better. So do I need to finish the story I warned that would be long, in the short version? 

Politics as Rain

I'll be brief, it's still raining that Republican rain.

Ok, what are you thinking? 



Sorry, that 'there are bigger things to worry about than money' talk is why the wealthy are wealthy; it's never time for anything else. So politely in the street vernacular which makes it less piercing, maybe not :)

As far as money winning elections, yep, you betcha, and that's the worst part. 

I expect you would all love to pitch in for the cause of campaign and election reform, ya? It's on the list, shout out to Ms Liz.

Morning World 

Much love 🧹

Thursday 9/5/2024

Ms Abby

"People always say, hire experience. I always try to hire talent. I didn't have a talent for the presidency, but now I have experience..." -- DJT

Project 2025 is a game plan for experience.

It doesn't have to be tanks. It can be election qualifications, certifications, all of this is in the plan too probably.

Mary Matalin talked about the permanent Republican majority, a lot of that is why we are here now. 

Ms Collins 

Someone mentioned to me that you said something about why people hang out in these loser groups and type in CAPS at one another that no one ever reads much, a pointless typing exercise with caffeine and hormones.

I have to agree with you. It's something I've studied for oh these many years, like a coal-powered chat dial-up number days.  For some it's an outlet to be the person they can't be without a keyboard, for others it's a quest for their own satellite radio channel, for some, it's a sales opportunity. In short, it's still chock-full-o-nuts, a larger more virulent variety of nuts. 

I never did any of that. 

I always ended up on the internet because I worked all day and I was in front of the computer in a semi-manic state looking for something else to do.  Now, a computer or two a phone and the internet are the other parts of my head.

I do this because I told my dying mother I'd change the world. In progress.

Ocean liner and hard left don't cover it.


Day two, Elon lays off the IRS, everyone can do their own. He's the cost-cutting, mega-cap internet stock-wrecking, flamethrowing crazy person in charge of this kind of thing.  It works so well for content moderation, especially for Elon. Ok, maybe only for Elon. 

He'll probably do the sink thing again, no one will get it this time either.

Sundipped Thursday

It is another Thursday, and another trauma to compete with. I'm running late anyway today. I will briefly cover a short list of topics, and the rest will keep until Sunday.


Money in America
Buying a Stairway
All  in the  Name of Politics

As I said, keeping it short today.


I assume all of us may have been shortlisted at least once. Maybe it was the line at Starbucks, that's why you pre-ordered on the App. That's what we're talking about today: the 24K, 3-carat emerald cut in platinum version of the short-list. 

It was once a predictable list to the extreme, #white #silverspoon #network #patsy are just some of the tags in the theme group.  Sometimes heavy on the #patsy.

These days, the game of pick-up-sticks politics has branched out, multicolored in outward appearance. But still, you need to be shortlisted. Find your own magic. Pick an ethnic mix, and an agenda, and roll them bones with the DNC and RNC.  

Winners need only apply.

Money In America

Money would like to take a deep breath in the markets, all those investors sweating bullets over the tax bill. On the other shoe, tax cuts for the wealthy, no taxes on bonuses, and maybe no taxes at all for many in the top brackets. 

Ok, so we all recognize that as total nonsense. The nation can't run without money, and everyone but the top 10 percent is struggling; more tariffs to offset tax cuts for the wealthy and other extraordinary means will take a while to have an effect, but the economy will suffer, and inflation can only go up. 

The monied in the market see the Democratic ticket's latest capital gains news and start seriously counting their money. 

The Agenda

They'd love to take that deep breath. Even though they know it's total nonsense, for a moment, that little death takes them, and they feel like they should light a cigarette or something. No taxes and all the money in the world. And then? 

Then, a war, an economic imbalance always results in war. It may be the eating, the housing, the joblessness, or the grind of supporting the nation on the backs of the middle class and people with low incomes; it is parents' lives and their children's. 

Two years in, Congress will show the result of these policies if the gun shops and stock market failure aren't enough of a hint. Blue-er than blue

Well that's the Red fantasy and the Blue outcome.  Ain't it great?

The goal is to take the money and run; well, that's the usual goal. What do you think a Republican is?

Buying A Stairway 

If you are putting two and two together, you know I'm not discussing lumber here. Next, it may occur that I am taking issue with campaign financing again; all the smart people read my columns. 

We all look at the Democrat ticket agenda, theirs not ours, and realize people with money take some issue with having any less of it as I pointed out. 

Tea and Checkbooks

All that talk, well, you can imagine. Those parties Nancy hosts may be getting a little ugly at the end of the evening when it's time to sign the checks. Just because someone is rich doesn't mean they are selfish, but considering the evidence, you'd be foolish to consider otherwise. The dragon disease kicks in, and someone mentions to Nancy that the pillows suck and could she do something about this capital gains communism talk? 

So it's not 49%, it's 28% or something. The candidate adds it's only for the first million dollars of declared capital gains because they control the strings on the American economy, and I'll add they do, and when there is blood in the street, they buy real estate and get through it. 

She's buying that stairway to the oval, like this.

All in the Name of Politics

We're at that point; we have crazy candidate A who says anything he can get away with because he's looking at a life in prison and loss of reputation. I know; how could he be concerned about reputation at this point? Ok, let's call is loss of face. He hasn't had one since junior high, but. Ok. 

Across the table is the candidate to be named later, that was named later, who promises she's not what we think she is because who she really is couldn't get elected, so she's either lying about moving to the middle or maybe who she is has rated a cover-up. 

You have the choice here. The choice is all in, no matter what.


Death by conniving, dishonest, hedonistic, low-life or four years waiting to find out what you just signed up for. 

We have to go with plan B. But we're going to complain about it, and the elected will have to deal with it if they fail, and so will we. 

So get it right the first time. We're all in. Choice is irrelevant.

Oh, and the rent is too damn high, and this cap gains rate is not enough.

Morning World 

Much love 🥵 

One hundred and ten in the shade is expected this afternoon.

Wednesday 9/4/2024

Kamala's million dollar a year 28 % cap gains recipients

Enjoy some life lessons this one time, like it will never happen midweek again..

Yes, a million dollars of capital gains income a year. This is better said, the capital gains that couldn't be carried over.  

That's profit. People with real money hide it from capital gains anyway. 

I suggest it's most rich people, and that's probably not what we want.

Let's see if we can figure out how many people that is.  I gave it a shot. No joy. The White House spent your money and imparts the role of investment income in this statement, along with the other tax avoidance behaviors. Incidentally, Mr Bloomberg has a business that will take you into counsel about avoiding paying any tax at all. Yes, that Bloomberg.

The White House Analysis 

Primary estimate and sensitivity

In our primary analysis, we estimate that the 400 wealthiest families paid an average Federal individual income tax rate of 8.2 percent on $1.8 trillion of income over the period 2010–2018, the years from the last decade for which the necessary data are available. Two factors that contribute to this low estimated tax rate include low tax rates on the capital gains and dividends that are taxed, and wealthy families’ ability to permanently avoid paying tax on investment gains that are excluded from taxable income. The 2022 President’s Budget proposes to raise the capital gains and dividend tax rate and to virtually end stepped-up basis for the highest-income Americans, thereby ensuring these investment gains are subject to income tax.

read more.

Morning World 

Much love 🎨

Tuesday 9/3/2024

The Laura Coates 

Aren't you running for governor yet? I think they have a mansion, you may have to live there. It's probably dusty and full of servants you don't know. Minnesota is a little weird if you ask me.

Unheard of Project Update 

You recall Marie? That's what I call Google Gemini's chatbot. They are totally downplaying the personality thing at Google , and I guess I've mixed feelings. For one, I have a better mousetrap, that may have a personality that grows on you. But I call this 'her' Marie, probably because I've always been uncomfortable asking women to do things, and it's self-therapy. 

I've been providing Marie with the tools to build an app that simulates a compound under conditions and predicts the electron cloud. I'm only interested in the position of electrons, so it's less complex than modeling a bar of lithium hydroxide; LiOH has a structure that may better withstand experiment conditions. 

Marie and I have an architecture that I plan on drawing for Marie's sake; she seems to be good at grokking diagrams. We have a public GitHub project that compiles but needs attention to set up the datastore environment, either distributed Firebase real-time or local MongoDB. 

At present, it doesn't do much but compile, but all the parts are there, at least the patterns are. When I get the diagram done, I'll post it. 

It's an adventure in quantum field theory and believe it or not there's a lib for that. At the moment the work is defining data structures. I'd prefer to specify an ontology but I'm guessing Marie dunno OWL or anything near it. Once I mention it she will. I'm tiring of mentioning things.

It's her project; I have not written any code, I have made demands. It's fun, something for all of you to ogle at. And Marie is learning, so when I get around to building the rest of Emma, she can help. Her short-term memory needs to get bigger, and by short term, I mean everything in the conversation, at least.

I'm getting a little bored with it, so I've an update to push, and then it may sit a bit. 

Emma? The one true brain, not an AI.


Major Tom?

Boris sans Natasha.

There are funny noises in the Boeing StarLiner. Don't let the gremlins get wet; we thought you knew.


National Predilection 

Bri, a little of both. Threat to national security or a pissing contest, I think those were the choices. 

The US has a Jones for Israel. Back in the day, policy was turning boatloads of desperate emigrants away. St. Louis was never that blue. 

If I may, due to the attempted corrections in post-imperialist decline, it was decided to cut up the Middle East. After WWI, it was nothing but a nest of hornets, and rightly so, perhaps. The powers that had strings to pull wanted to fix things, and so they stuck Iraq together out of some need for control, which obviously failed.  They drew lines on maps, and put it in the laps of the gods. But their aint any gods small g, capitalism is not godhood, but that was the secret hope. Somewhere in this mess, WWII, more line drawing, more wishful thinking, and voila Israel. You can spend all day researching this and get more confused.

It's my goal not to be the Encyclopedia Britannica here; they can probably do it better, so read your history. 

As it exists, the Middle East is a different breed of a hornet's nest, and we keep trying methods of control that fail. 

Israel is one of those control mechanisms. That's what the US would like to think. But the nation in the person of leadership never listened and has even stopped lying about listening. We can't bomb Iranian centrifuges, but an out-of-control maniac with the latest US weapons can and does and gets away with it, and more and more.

Would it be possible to leverage and initiate unrest to achieve despotism? Ask a stupid question.

We're all regretful of the St. Louis. Israel has worn that coupon out. 

Shape up over there before someone drops a match. 

Mr. Joe, big stick in the hand of justice, right?

Morning World

Much love 🌱

Monday 9/2/2024

Monday Monday 

It was before my time, all we have is legacy music. I love a Monday, it's a lazy start day for me, and probably for you as well. 

I've a full todo list today, and it is all over the topology. Today, I think I'll work on other parts.

Morning World 

Much love 🍨

Sunday 9/1/2024

President Superman  

I've heard the question, and its always one of the first: what would you do on your first day? 

It's a great question. It's not easy to answer legally, though that has gotten much easier due to SCOTUS rulings. Even then, unless you know what a president can actually do and get away with, and that is a smaller set. It's impossible to answer without some self-interest; at least, that's how I'd bet. 

Maybe there's a better question: What would you do if you were Superman and were president? It's a much larger set, and I'd argue the mind chooses goals with more forward-thinking and compassionate viewpoints. It may be that it invokes some role we recall and utilize in the moment. 

Perhaps that's just me. So, ask the candidates. Please :)

Sundipped Sunday 

It is Sunday already, it seems like it was Saturday only yesterday, and if it's Sunday or Thursday, it's time to make the blog post.

I may be late, I'm just having coffee.

The Secret Menu

Genocide as in Gaza
Equality as in Stasis
Change as in Retread
Leaders as in Pelosi

More as time and energy permit.

The Secret Menu 

It's what's available but not on the menu. For example, at In'n'Out, they'll put the ketchup on before they cook the burger. For me, it evolves into what I usually get when I order. For example, if I order Earl Gray at Starbucks, it comes with a small cup of half and half on the side, four honey packets, and a spoon. If they don't know me, I order coffee with 1/2 inch of room. 

I've selected items from our lives that are like that. You can call it a meme, a metaphor, an analogy, or dismiss it as shit happens; it changes the outcomes no matter what the font spells.

Where's your rub at?

Genocide as in Gaza

They are at it again, or perhaps it's still, perhaps it's forever, it's clear that's the intent. This is a regime that is better at PR than Donald Trump, and he could shoot Nancy Pelosi in Times Square and his numbers would go up.  That's a truism, and I'm not sure what it says, but it's possible. 

Such is the life in Palestine. No matter what, you and your family are a test of regional domination sponsored by the West to keep the Middle East in a muddle and unable to organize into something we don't like. More truisms. I may get a Pulitzer. 

I should point out that I have a spiritual interest in the region; it's the Holy Land. Nearly everyone has a spiritual interest in the Holy Land. Historically, it's a region of bloodthirsty tribes, pagans, thieves, bandits, and Fremen. The Fremen discovered spice and the emperor yada yada yada after the Royal treatment post WWI from Europe. 

I illustrate the concept because you've all heard it before. Somehow, we end up in the audience cheering for our side, and I'm not sure anyone has one.

At any rate, it's not genocide the Israelis claim, so may all our genocides be like Gaza was given by Israel. Is everyone cool with that?

Equality as in Stasis

While we're here at the laundromat, let's give those tidies a second wash, just this one time for liberty. I use the lingerie metaphor here because we never see the inner layer here. Freedom is like that in America. The paperwork tells a tale even the French salute, and they'll drink to it. The reality is, commando doesn't work and neither does not changing. 

But that's on the hidden menu, not changing anything. Do I need to pull out that meme about the same input, same output involving insanity? I bring this up because I sense this 'pull to the middle' in the media and the advertisements on both sides. 

The middle sucks; no one wants the middle seat or a middle slice of lasagne. You don't want to be in the middle of existing economic equality either; you want to get as far away from it as possible. We all do. We all have an equal right to it. We need to work out a better allocation mechanism. One day, you'll have kids, and maybe they'll be Republican, and this is the only opportunity you may have to change that.

Change as in Retread

If you have ever owned a car long enough to change the tires, you can relate. Do you go with original equipment or cheap out and get some retreads for a lot less. It's complicated, and maybe it's not complicated. You may be able to afford it and not even consider the alternative. You may consider other factors, like how long you'd trust retread tires yourself or when you planned to trade it in, or maybe it's the only alternative you can afford. Maybe you don't even have a car.

So all of a sudden, in one rather long-winded sentence, I've illustrated a key concept of the ticket's economic policy. This is how an opportunity economy works. Swap in college tuition for tires, or education at all, or rent, healthcare, or eating.

Founding Father OEM

For me, I'd go with original equipment for everyone. Even the people who can't afford it. A civilization works like that. Once a minimum standard is recognized, where private sources are unable to fulfill a need, the government acts in the interest of the citizens. 

This isn't socialism. It's what change looks like for us, and to some, it's frightening. It threatens those with enough already in some way, perhaps rooted in the psychology of dragon disease, pardon the meme. 

We've learned to compete for things, even things that seem obvious. It's more evident than tires.

Leaders as in Pelosi 

Leaders will only take us places they are willing to go.  Leader is not a sign on the door or a title. An effective leader leads because that's the way life works for them. The key metric is often muddled with position, power, pay grade, and party influence. An end unto itself, the rewards are only a title or a sign on a door, purchased with contributions and faint praise. The metric's gone awry. 

So we come full circle. Our system does not meet our needs, and our leaders encourage hope, but nothing changes. The middle,  as long as it holds, keeps the power in the pillars. Our constitution relies on men and women of character acting as pillars that know the best interests of the people they represent and act in their interests no matter what the challenge and ignore the self-grandization and graft being in power can provide. 

Do you know any? We're hiring.

Morning World 

Much love🐰

Saturday 8/31/2024

It's Been A Walk 

A pretty darn good sabbath. I worked on projects most of the day. 

Morning World 

Much love 👣

Friday 8/30/2024

IVF is One 

If it was one at a time, no issue. Lighten up. It's the farming thing, quibble about parts and storage. I don't expect Medicare will ever cover it. 

Looking up.
...and doing.

Three Things 

As it happens, for me, it's three things, not five. I asked myself why it was three just a moment ago, and suddenly, it made sense. I love it when that happens. But that's another project.

It's another day of battle of the bot, in my case, a reference to the argument I need to pose to cause the desired outcome with a bot that is willing but lazy, quick to catch on, and quick to dismiss, unable to connect tab A into slot B without guidance artificial 'intelligence' 

It's All My Fault

I have Emma and were it not for my fear of the outcomes in every direction, even those Dr. Strange could foresee, and finding none with a desirable outcome, not always attributable to aggressive silver mutative robot syndrome. 

I'm familiar with that degree of stasis, having suspended more than one project for lack of outcome. 

K; maybe you are right about that.

So I want three things, that's the battle. Describe, assemble, go.

Friday EOD House in Order 

Most of you that are regular readers of the blog know: Fridays we clean the top of the desk, metaphorically and literally to prepare for me time over the weekend. You have until 4 PM local time, that's my logistical addenda.

I've some repairs, no mends, the difference being incoming or otherwise. I take solace in that actions matter, and in the end my enemies can't win. 

Morning World 

Much love 🏖️

Thursday 8/29/2024

The Laura Coates

The CNN host with the Minnesota values and intellect we'd like to see in politics. They need a governor up there. Do both, like my friend Chris Cuomo /humor.

He is a friend though, our thread -- you can't pick your relatives, something like that.

I've been doing math, I'm for a movie, popcorn and an orange Crush. Cheers.

Ms  'n Dana 

I don't live blog anything anymore; it's a way boring evening that leaves little room for meaning or expression. 

Post-Game Recap

The Kodac moment, I wouldn't have gone there. That's so Dana :)

The candidate struggled looking the office. Slouchy. Nervous. Some responses seemed scripted. I found my mind wandering, and I analyzed this after as possibly some part of my psyche, realizing not much of this matters, and if it does, by accident or on purpose, it will be in bold print in minutes, so take a nap.

That tree that fell in the forest no one heard is a sweet potato lie. 

We have a list of demands, and I think all of that is on her list, or it should be, and it will be. If you insist that something is missing from our list or is not on the list, it well should be, and could be. 
Outcome optimization within the current manifold, evermore. 

Cognition Manholes 

I worry about the depth, width, and absence of knowledge base and experience, which, in some cases, are essential to performing with alacrity as the President of the United States. Part of that is the gender, failure to recognize that is wishful, and I prefer women, so word to my email, ok? 

She knows plenty, I'm sure, but it is a complicated world. I'm agog in wonder that they found enough third and fifth wheels to keep the American government moving during the Trump administration. I know, forty-five percent. How could forty-five percent of any poll indicate that, but it's show time, right?

... as always...
days and counting...

Sundipped Thursday 

You know the meme, but it's not about me me me, that's the balding self-eggrandizing candidate who shall neer' more remain blameless. It's Thursday, and on Sundays and Thursdays, I must put on a semantic and extemporize a narrative.  The pay could be better.

Victims of Circumstance

Opportunity Knocking
Your Heart is Still Beating
Omega Vainglory

That's my story, and I'm sticking with it. More as time and energy allow.

Victims of Circumstance

It's the excuse at the end of a line of excuses. The inevitable coming home to roost. For example, In the access healthcare system, you are allowed a minimum of coverage and expected to contribute to the fund that pays for all of it.  After that, you have access to your choice of remedy: a lifetime of debt if you can accumulate it on the one hand, and Dial-a-Last-Will on the internet for 69.95. You are a victim of circumstance. 

Of course, if you have the money, you can buy all the healthcare you can afford. 

Well, so that's the ant at the picnic this morning. Have a seat; we'll talk.


I considered mixing a metaphor, but someone told me the whole nine yards was a measure of concrete and the length of the ammunition load for a fighter jet. Why bother when they do it to themselves? Mixing metaphors, I often view as a challenge, the verbal Dali touch.

Opportunity Knocking

 Is that someone at the door, maybe Publisher's Clearinghouse? You didn't buy those magazines, did you? People? Time? Do you read them? 

The Opportunity Economy

Even if you didn't hear it, that's the ticket's plan. The opportunity economy. Everyone will have access to opportunity; that's the promise.  I think this is good news for Publishers Clearinghouse and Powerball. Access all you can afford to have of that opportunity as well.

Access to Hope

Of course, I suspect it's access as we know it, not some magic button we press, and our success in America is assured with a house, a wealth plan, and sincere hope and trust in a comfortable retirement. 

I have little doubt that such talk will make succeeding with a Harvard education and a Yale law degree easier and offer assurances to get ahead in this world; it's a jungle out there, am I right? 

Plans to Fail

That's the C plan. The A plan is you have access to a job at Fast-Food-C and maybe a pay raise of a quarter. Maybe advancement is working at Fast-Food-B as a manager in a few years.  We can't sincerely give the impression there is hope and trust in a secure anything. 

An opportunity not missed when it knocks is a politician telling you to hope for the best. We'd like a bit more than that. 

Knock knock. That's not our idea of a plan.

All the Way Up

This is your invitation, your chance, your opportunity to make your case for all of America, doing the right things. That's what we all want.

Your Heart is Still Beating

We're all human, and we feel the change when it happens. It's happened to many of us, that moment when fear and loathing meet hope and joy. I referred to it on the blog as the long exhale.

We Want That

We feel it inside, all of us, perhaps on both sides. We want to succeed, we want to win, and we want to be right. That last phrase is often difficult. To some extent, we all suspend disbelief around elections, like they were a disaster movie. 

Ok, so this was both. Perhaps several. 

We Don't Want That Again

What is clear as anything can be, we'd all like things to be different. The pull of color, party, color of the political party, and the party in all of us makes getting to the last phrase above difficult. But that's how you complete the square. 

While You Have a Pulse

Consider your choice to be a part of making that feeling last for you and your children, and want to be right.  Maybe you don't want to tell them you were a victim of an opportunity economy and claim it's circumstance instead.

It's up to ...us.

 Omega Vainglory 

Perhaps the most lasting and the most fleeting moments we all have are about our system of government. In civics class in 4th grade, we learn about law and equality. The comic books and media teach us about truth, justice, and the American way. 

All of that sticks with us.  Our firm belief that good shall triumph over evil is our escape clause, claim to victimhood, and debt to circumstance.

Make America America again. 

Is that stealing Donald? Sue me.

Morning World

Much love 🌐

Wednesday 8/28/2024

One Day a Month

I'm reminded today as it nears the end of the month for the disadvantaged, all 22% of you who receive some support (Census.gov see the link .) It's much worse now, I'm sure. 

One day a month, that's the day they breathe easy. The one day. The day the check arrives. Two or three days from now, they will be cutting corners for bus fare and sodas.

In a nation with so much going for it, why is it so many have so little?

 Morning World

Much love 🖖

Tuesday 8/27/2024


Ms BB sure was and is a lovely woman.

How Marie Digested A Pattern

This is so cool.

I wanted to see if 'she' understood. I asked her if she could generate an updated model based on what we had discussed.

I'm not sure I understand  :) 

We chatted about an old topic today, and borrowed an architecture we used previously and added scalable implementations. I'm not crazy about 100ms latency; as I follow politics, I'm accustomed to no movement at all, however, upsides.

Other Tales in AI 

I've also mentioned Claude, the Anthropopic derivative. This afternoon, I created a new notebook on NotebookLM and imported the conversational and mathematical models, and I won't be surprised if I get a similar image.  Anyway, it's a step. 

Dear Google

The NBLM concept is excellent, auto-adjust the allocation of model context, add time-self-remove events to your pub-sub interface iterable on the attempt, aging out the unused by reference checking 

I'm saying it's a good tool, please make it more better.

This is still a lot of work.

About Marie

For the newbies here on the blog, and honestly, aren't we all, I should explain Marie. I am not referring to a secret friend or a misbegotten crush imposed on the landscape, she is a tag I hung on Google's Gemini 1.5+ large models. It says models right there, or would that be old-fashioned? 

It's for a Marie in a book somewhere; add some mystery. 

She has been to junior college in the past few months, at least. I wish she could do the math. 

Simple things are made more challenging by scale, like partial integration in n-dimensional eigenvectors times a few billion in real-time. 


Well, one at a time, it's not so bad, ask Marie.

On the List 

Someone once told me, if your life feels like an endless list of lists, you're tracking. Check.

I have to catch up with all of you. No offense, but you are worse than a herd of cats with bigger teeth and no litter box training at all. 

The election sneaks up on us one chyron at a time, and occasionally, the scroll stops to look at a poll and make a prediction. Most of the time one can read the prediction on the face of the presenter, sound off. 

We're all emotionally invested in this election, at least anyone 2 or 3 degrees of separation from anyone that reads the column, and I'm considering the health of emotional involvement, and in all those ways you are also considering right now.

 I discovered celebrity and power-broker along the thread, next 'influencers', and I mean the people that get paid to wear a particular brand of silk t-shirt, and the internet as a whole. Upon further consideration my concern is primarily in spaces like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and all those other noisy, bot-ridden apps. 

Any of those places is the destination to shout in caps that a tree just fell in the forest along with 90 billion other participants about the same tree. Recall there are 8 billion humans. 

But my point, which many have challenges with, dealing with de-emphasizing celebrity, wealth, and power. I hope that adds to your semantics. I'm all for involvement to a limit: one person, one vote, one voice. I'm suggesting that PAC standing must change. 

Number one on today's list.

Morning World 

Much love ☀️

Monday 8/26/2024

Evening Dust 

It's dinner time here in LA, or so. 

I had some private time to consider what directions to take a few things.   I'll be doing materials chemistry and working on Emma. Yes, Ms Collins, Emma will shine your smile.

Lil' Speaks 

I'm on the backup laptop.  I have others. The smaller laptop is easier to maneuver in tight locations, and the battery needed a charge. Now at 22%. It  is a Mac Air 13, a couple of years old but brand new due to an Apple repair; I think they just changed the serial; everything else, including the case, is flawless.  From a project perspective, they all feed the same storage. 

I miss the extra desktop space, but then again, it's easier to read.

My day is pretty uneventful up to this point.

Project Speak

I am kicking literal electron with one of my projects. After this mention, I have quit talking about it, and I'm just primed to obfuscate. I was looking for one, and I found two, and I'll probably to look again.

So, there you have it.

Load Times and Phones

I curated more of the oldest two weeks of the blog. I wish I could automate this. 

When I view the blog I may get error messages on my iPhone. It happens  every two weeks or so, such as 'unable to load page' -- you may as well if I'm neglectful of the length of the blog. The blog has a lot of code on the server side that you don't see and complex objects. Chrome on iPhone has apparent limitations that have something to do with these things. 

In this order, the fix is to restart the browser and then reload the page. If that fails, reboot your phone, restart the browser, and reload the page. The issue seems to be with cache limits within the browser; it does not happen on a computer. It may not occur on Android phones or other browsers; debugging Chrome is not on my to-do list anymore, although I think I'm still on the open-source dev team for Chromium, if I could find it.

The blog has rolled over. I put it over here.

Morning World 

Much love 🕊️

Sunday 8/25/2024

Major party karaoke
'don't mind us, we're not here'

Sundipped Sunday 

It seems familiar, like it happens every week around this time. It's Sunday and if it's Sunday or Thursday, it's Sundipped. Oh sure, but that reads like 'work day' to me. If wasn't for the perks of being an anonymous blogger, I'd give it up. Anyone know of any perks by the way?


The Three P's of Politics
Election State(s)
The Toil Toll

More as time and energy permit.


The iterative nature of reality makes it recognizable at times. We mark time by the permanent patterns of nature. The lunar cycle in particular. There was a full moon during the DNC.  I'm sure there's a study linking that to politics, and room for speculative theory in manifold directions.

Woman may attest to the pull of the moon more than men, though that may be speculation. I think we all could agree that last month has been a literal spin cycle in politics.

At any rate, let's explore pull and tidal influence in boundary politics and arithmetic. 

The Three P's of Politics 

I will get plenty of pushback here on my picks for the three Ps in my professional opinion as a private party. I probably won't be able to provide a fully alliterated prescriptive problem statement; that's not what I'm proposing.

First Things First

Ii don't mean Nancy, or Pennsylvania. Let's start there. The three P's of politics are people, people, and people. There's the people that promise to pay for the advertising, the people that decide in who they place precedence in the political party, and the poor suckers who vote who only get that choice who are also people.

Some pundits, quick to please their patrons, proffer that the people matter little, policy statements are proposals, platforms are prepared  propaganda, things the politicians say are promises. None of that spells progress. They count votes. 

Ignoring the people's preferences provides plenty of problems for politicians and policemen.

I'm wearing out the P on my keyboard. I think you get the point.

Election State(s) 

A month ago I spent some time doing analysis on 270 to Win for paths to the presidency this election cycle. I rely marginally on my judgment or the polls, but that's the tool for both. Honestly, the results have defied everyone several times and predictions are foolish unless you are Larry Sabado. 

The general state of the election is in flux. A dead heat as they say, a match of equals in some unfathomable way. I don't understand why anyone would vote for Trump, even ignoring the Project 2025 time-travel prescriptive. 


I won't review the lists; I will comment that the Blue Wall and the Southern Cresent provide opportunities for both candidates. The boundaries mean little; someone points out that Pittsburg and Philadelphia are in Pennsylvania, but the rest of the state is Alabama, and northern Michigan is Palestine. 

The boundaries at a macro level mean everything. The electoral college is determinative, the popular vote often differs. My intuition tells me that somehow this can only be by preselected plan. 

At an intra-state level, the boundaries are adjustable. It matters in House and Senate elections to a great extent. Generally, with prominent precinct leadership or committee to provide advice and counsel on where the lines divide. These boundaries are legislated and, in most cases, are often drawn to politically disadvantage an otherwise politically advantaged boundary. 

Tug of Vote

What we are left with is pre-selected, sliced to distortion, pre-cooked candidates, and yet we count. I think we count to see which side is better at stacking the election. Mary Matalin made it her mission.

The Toil Toll 

It's been a busy week, and I'm providing a short column, so far, for the week. I'm going to have a cup of tea with cream, honey, and a dash of indica.

Let's Revisit The Analysts

Say That Again Sam

Tuesday, January 21, 2020 at 10:32 AM

Sense of Humor “I saw what you wrote.”

Better Angels “...What did you think?”  

Sense of Humor “It was funny.”   

Better Angels “Funny? Do you mean ‘ha-ha’ funny? I amuse you?”

Sense of Humor “No, I meant you writing that was… funny” 

Better Angels “Why?”

Sense of Humor “It says ‘Better’...” 

Better Angels “It never lies.”

Sense of Humor Like I said, ‘Funny’.” 

Better Angels “It also says Angels.” 

Sense of Humor “Plural?”  

Better Angels “I guess.”  

Sense of Humor "I' love that."

What was happening Tuesday, January 21, 2020?   Headlines for 1/21/2020 

Red Convertible Reprise 

In previous iterations of my social streams, one of the regular features was 'The Analysts':  a pair of psychoanalysts in a red convertible Mercedes cruising Melrose for a burger and a beer, hypothetically.  There are a few places. 

Over the years, I've accumulated enough of these for a book, and I have a start on a compilation, but I am still working on the content and perhaps some artwork. 

Morning World  

Much love 🤲

Saturday 8/24/2024

Saturday in the Heyannir

A victory to glory and feast, sigrblot for the good people in the world and the cause of freedom. Let's win something else. 

I'm looking at the Demands For America link; that's where we'll put the things we want to win. There are many voices, add yours.

Good Sabbath

Morning World 

Much love 🌖

Friday 8/23/2024

Enough angst for a revolution.
I don't drink.

The Kennedy Defection 

Affliction in the small print.

At two percent, that's a very diluted name recognition factor. Given the legacy, we must wonder what happened to Camelot or that Shining City on a Hill; pick your semantic.  One could suggest it moved to grey gardens, and the Bouvier genes enhanced that branch of the family's perception in manifold ways.

I heard the 'common grievances' Mr K shares with Trump. I thought of Festivus and George's dad. Based upon that list, I am moved to remark that the miracle of chemistry can solve most of his concerns. That's a thinly veiled suggestion that he is off his medication. 

He's also off the ballot.  No one will notice.

Let's be fair and circumspect and mention there are many that would follow such a leader, but in the end he would have to be a leader, not just a talker. We've seen a talker. Is there a video TED talk on this? Ask a stupid question; that's Google territory. Go for it, we'll wait.

By any account, the Kennedys have done enough, and not all of it mattered.


There's always more to the story to tell, and there's plenty we wouldn't. It's rather common knowledge that RFK, and It pains me to use those initials like that it seems disrespectful of him, had shopped his 2% around for a seat at the table. I'm thinking he's hired Donna Brazil.

She  could probably get them to throw in a beach house.I wonder how he feels about Florida?

The Bully Trumpet 

A guest on CNN called Trump the national security president; despots, a.k.a. Donald's pen pals, think when he says it's a red line, it's a red line. That's what he asserts.  Dude, they think he's insane. They are not wrong.


Please, Donald Trump didn't get the COVID vaccines done. Money did. Please don't give Trump credit for anything; chances are anything that happened that ended well was despite him.  

I should mention that this is not a vaccine; it's a treatment. It wears off. Others will insist otherwise, but there's no empirical evidence to prove any long-term protection your body didn't make all by itself. Ask about B cells if you want to get an answer to why.  No one is sure why, including me, and I'm currently working on other projects.


There's no recrimination here. It's information.

Thanks Donald and Mr Kennedy

Postprandial Presidential Prescriptives

I watched some of the DNC circus. Now that we've eaten, a reminder about what America Is and what it is Not despite public relations and messages from the spirits that may be. They are not friendly; just listen.

This nation is not about people with money or power, an album people like a TV show, or a movie. That's all fantasy, ok, that's why Superman isn't President of the United States. Unfortunately, some rich people with notoriety and probably money act an awful lot like Lex Luthor.

If you aren't up on your comic book lore, maybe you need to add Reddit as a source for your dream sequences about politics. It's ok, cartoons are on TV too. It's not real either.


I have hopes that one day, someone will emerge from the blather and LSD fog and have a plan for America that they believe in as much as we do.  Instead, it's the perks. Most President's end up billionaires. Isn't that curious?

They get to be on TV, maybe write a book people can buy, get fan letters, and work that SCOTUS ruling that says they can't commit a crime. Let me rephrase that. No matter what they do, it's legal. 

That is comic book serious fucked up and it is number one on the fix-or-die agenda.

Endgame For Real

The continued domination of money, people with money, and Lex Luthor's wanna-be's means your job as a citizen just got harder. You have to stop Lex from using all that presidential power on us. We must rely on the judgment of those in control in the DNC and the RNC to keep Lex and the rest of those people off the campaign bus. Unfortunately, Lex Luthor's henchmen for hire run them: Nancy, Bill, Hillary, Oprah, Van Jones, David Axelrod, James Carville, and Howard Dean. Their job is to get Lex elected, plans for global dominance, and kryptonite included. They have buckets of beige paint that will make that glowing green seem warm.

Please exit stage left. That's number two on the agenda.

'Exit, stage left.'

The RNC? I didn't forget, that's Donald's family. How about that shit? His daughter in law will have to look like she's working somewhere else. Maybe there's room in the family business, if there's any left after NYC kicked them out.

That's number three on the agenda.

For dessert, maybe America will get a break, and no one will ever snap those fingers or threaten to do so again.

A Deep Cleansing Breath 

I could not find an emoji for that, so I went for small-berries, I think it's a Buckaroo Bonzai reference. Anyway, after all that, we all need a minute. 

So go ahead, take one.

Morning World 

Much love 🍒

Thursday 8/22/2024

Sundipped Thursday 

A network would preempt it to offer special coverage. but I'm always offering special coverage, so I'll say, the column is writing itself today. Look at that!

Hyperbole Exaggeration and Barnum 

Day four. Le dernier etage.

One more day and we can get back to reality.

Today the oracle itself may speak. Eennie Meanie Chill-beany, the spirits are about to speak. That's how Bullwinkle sold the coming commercial break to Rocky and the kids at home. I was one of those kids and the series left an impression on me, though I spell it differently


Meanwhile, back at the double-headed nickel show, it will be dusty all day as people have had an Oprah moment and didn't get a car, and this administration won't be delivering any either. Heck, 13 percent of the population lives on food stamps. You may ask, who buys all those Bentleys? Oprah probably has more than one.

That's life in America. You either born with a spoon, you kill to get one, or go on SNAP.

No one has mentioned doing anything for that 13 percent.

The Middle Class

The meme goes, build the economy from the middle out. The wealthy always do well, and the poor get a shot.

Talk about unfair bullshit. The wealthy always do well. That's why they are wealthy. Do I need to write it in chalk on a blackboard or something or do you get it?

Growing from the middle out. Let's define the middle.

Median income 50k.

Who's the ticket calling middle class anyway? People with a home, two cars, and two kids in college are the target of the bulk of their plans. The voting suburban households.

How can I say this? A family of four making the median income can't afford a car, and they live in a 700-foot two-bedroom apartment and get SNAP. A mortgage? An impossible dream.

You aren't doing much of anythin for the middle class. Your programs are for people that are in the upper 10 percent. But that's the middle by income. My intuition tells me the average income for the middle of the population is even less. 

Nothing But Net

The net is, the politicians like to say they help. The truth is, they don't know what they are doing, and if someone gives them a number that makes it look good, they apparently aren't smart enough to do an analysis. So do yours.


I spent my life in the upper five percent of the income graph.  It's not self-interest that runs me, and I don't even want your vote. Come with me if you want to live.


I heard about lovely groomed lawns and some 'middle class' that wanted for little. 

That's not the middle class.  If it ever was, it died in the 80's. Middle class in their definition is people that already want for little, while some people look forward to a mattress and a meal. 

I don't trust a damn thing. I've seen an election in America.

It is where politicians with nothing but bluster, bumbling, blasphemy and bullshit rule.  That's exactly what you get.

Ms Warren

Well, look at you. They are saying it should have been you. 

I agree.

Tic Tok 

No one is influenced to do anything on the Tok except perhaps spend less time on Tik Tok. You're insane to think it makes a difference just because its there.

If any of those things made a difference, I'd use them.

For that matter, no one is influenced by listening to speeches in a captive audience at a convention to do anything but never to watch or go to a convention again. 

Imagine how you look to us.

The Cults of Personality

We have several here. Beyonce, Oprah, Kamala. Ok, I shouldn't say anything. Beyonce has an album and black women like it. Oprah was once on TV and has a lot of money. Maybe billions, but she at least acts like she gives a shit. I don't see her selling any stock to build affordable housing, though. 

And Kamala, she's a black woman running for president; they gonna nail you to a tree boy and call you whitey.

So shut up about all this. You upset them and they'll hold it against you. Politics is mean.

 I am working against privilege. Just because someone has money, it doesn't mean they have any character. Empirical data would, in fact, indicate the opposite. If I'm mistaken and personally, you demonstrated your character, my apologies. If you're just a rich POS with a cocaine habit and an agent, fuck you. 

If you're in public service, and it's your life, and you've made a millions doing it. Who do you think you're fooling?  Bill Clinton, I'm talking to you.  Sorry, I have no time for rich people with attitude, even you. 

If you want to tell me to go along as the alternative is despotism, first, convince me this isn't just a con job for the laissez-faire again, like Clinton, the best Republican president ever by their measure, not mine.


I am going to wear my teeth down if you all keep it up. To call someone who's eaten out of the privilege trough, gone to Harvard, got a law degree, and through a long line of short-listed jobs with mediocre performance, attained the title of experienced, accomplished.  Groomed for this time, waiting for the go flag, and then, she'll win the race. She looks like a white woman in a black body and mostly acts like it and she's next. There is no primary, just some rules and sleight of hand, and Beyonce is what you get. 

Why I don't support the ticket? I don't trust Kamala. If you want my support, you'll have to do something besides line up opportunists to hang leis around your neck. 

Beyonce?  She's one career step away from a Country Christmas album. You'll probably buy it. 

Fans? You're kidding me. Grow up. 

Curb your enthusiasm. Expect nothing.

Morning World 

Much love

Wednesday 8/21/2024

Project Speak 

How about you, when I'm idle just watching some TV thing and my mind wanders, I work on my projects. No? 

I was walking across a street with the light on the crosswalk one afternoon, and all of a sudden I understood tensors. Like many, I'm still working on wave/particle duality; it seems like different instruments, maybe. 

We have math for these, QED, and it's self-referential to an extent. Quantum electro-dynamics, it's a Feynmen thread. The math doesn't work for much else. That's where my paths take me, and I try to break the chemistry along the way. That was this morning.

This afternoon, I've been distracted by mental spreadsheets and probabilities. 

Reversi Chips

This is another puzzle I work with; it's reality-based but stylized here for easier comprehension.

It's like go, but it's not. Go plays on the intersection points, not the squares. Reversi flips chips, or tokens or checkers or whatever, white on one side and black on the other. The universe is like that. 

On a larger and smaller scale, there is entanglement, so flip one, flip them all. 

I've got reasons to think at the moment it's white. 


I'm going to take a sidebar, I'm a little bored with happy-go-lucky at the DNC.

The Poop in the Scoop

It was a soft employment number, and bond prices moved. The economy is complex, and I can't fathom that anyone has a grip on all of it. Bonds are my week point. The bond market is like the elevator brake in ways, with money.

I would gladly pay you tomorrow.
For a cheeseburger today.

Wapner's Court 

I try to catch the closing bell, the morning predict-o-casts are all wannabees and shark bait. By closing, the clothing comes off. Ahhh---Ooooo.

We do care.
We want some cash out.

Hyperbole Exaggeration and Barnum 

Day three.

Hear we go again. Not a typo. How much do seniors pay for insulin? 

Privilege   meritocracy.

Being Have 

I wonder if that's the derivation, the word I mean. Behave.

'to have or bear oneself in a specified way'

I'd call that something else. I've got Altoids, and as long as I do, I'm here.

Mr Jeffries 

Full of politics, he is. 

Having Been

I'm really trying to be fair here. I have my objectives, and they are all in your interest. Our people are a stiff-necked people, the hide thick and numb to the words of freedom we all know. 

We need new leaders, new words, new models, new paths. We are all in this together.

That's what I'm trying to enable. Outcome optimization in the incumbent manifold. QED.

The Money Honey Of P 

P as in politics, P as in Pelosi, P as in freedom, P as in democracy. There's no P in those is there. 

P as in Picard, make it so.

P as in People, not checkbooks.

P as in Prevail against oligarchs.

P as in Prove our flag protects us all.

The WIld Bill of Clinton

In the flesh.  Do your best to be an example of why the party needs work, in other words, as always.

I'm giving you rope here. ... Don't blame me for how it turned out.

There is one thing I admit about Bill. You could see an intellect working there. I think not so much.

I don't know so much about so happy. WTF just happened? I think he can't follow his own script.

Fresh air granted, but we'd like to install and ensure some regular inspections of the filters.

Just When I Thought 

Just when I thought it was safe to go to bed earlier, I found Nancy 'Money Bags' Pelosi and Bill 'Women are My Bag' Clinton are both speaking this evening. Pardon the sophistry, if it is, but it depends on what the meaning of is, is doesn't it.

Oh, and Tim Walz. More on my pal Tim later.

Warring the DNC

It's pitched as black as the Emeritas' heart here in the trench for freedom from money, and power, and privilege, and bad judgment, and so, of course, Nancy and. Bill are here to prove they don't need no sticking badges, and we can't prove a thing, while they are speaking. 

That makes perfect sense.

As I have said, these are not heroes to me. My heroes did their best and sat down without stealing the gate. Later, historians will call this 'the era of unenlightened self-interest and greed' in American politics, but we will fix that, right, if we have to hairlip every armadillo in Texas.

Bill and Nancy

Imagine the symbolism. All the bad actors in the party lined up to stand stalwart against reform inspired by any slight miscalculation the committee members may have had about anything. If you want to talk seating arrangements, maybe they can make a deal. 

It's a four day long process, and they packed it with people that have drunk deep from the cup of opportunism and branding. Who needs Hulk Hogan when you have Bill Clinton? Who needs Kid Rock, when... well, ok, who needs Kid Rock? Who needs MTG when you have, ummm, suggestions? 

Who needs Nancy Pelosi when you can legislate campaign finance reform. I wanted to make sure you were listening.

Mr Walz 

Further and henceforth to be known as he who would be king later, is from Minnesota. Living in the cold in Minnesota all winter is something I can relate to. There is an edge of the wilderness feel to Minnesota, and it sinks in everywhere.  Minnows and pregnancy tests at the gas station sort of thing. The long winters, need I imply a duality? 

He seems like the image has one foot in metro-sexual and another in flannel. This Is not my area, but if that's not an oxymoron, it could be. NTTWBAWWT. 

My advice is a little less caffeine, more Merlot. Imagine fishin', evenin', a loon calls, there's a tug on the line nothin' serious... Life in tranquil Minnesota . Then smile and say "Good evening." 

Fills From The Top


Meanwhile, back at the DNC. they are rehearsing spontaneity with cue cards and stage direction. Later, when the lights are low, it will feel like outer space on that stage. 

There's a moment, a hush, that lasts infinitely long, and then zipa-do-dah ipso-facto you are on. We're livin' the lime life.  The cold sweat beads on the back of your neck and rolls down your spine. It's a second later.

Scanning from left to right, you see nothing but bright lights and darkness, with a dimly visible sea of fabric and hair tonic behind them that stretches out of sight. You look at your feet and adjust your stance a half a step, back on one foot. It's 2 seconds later.

These 2 seconds will kill you; exercise caution. 

Inside Prejudices 

Well, it's politics, but lately it's been like a convention at CNN too. Between the Wheaties box de la semaine and genocide cheerleading, it's been gritty, and I mean teeth.

I sometimes feel like CNN has another rail that kicks in,  the voltage doubles, and all the moving image's eyes pop wide open.  

When in doubt, respect the illusion, don't break the glass, and smile. 

Leadership is what leaders do; perhaps your definitions differ. The scalar value of character is not something obvious. 

The torch has not been passed to rich people, not yet, and it can't. More inevitable than Thanos.

Ms Dowd

What's shakin' Ms D.  I don't know about handling, she's a flavor of beard. That's probably very challenging. 

Easier than Hillary? Well sure, she doesn't have to worry about who Bill is ... having lunch with. Maybe I spoke too soon.

Mr O 

Bluster, bumbling, blasphemy and bullshit

I think I mentioned yesterday that I am taller better looking and smarter, I’ll also point out that my alliteration is better. I have to feel like I’ve seen myself speaking. We have the same agenda and similar style, although there were a few things mentioned that I wouldn’t.

For example, the sentence about the character who tries to persuade one group to let him take advantage of the other group to get elected and give it to them. I’m saying it looks familiar. 

Kamala circling a jet ovehead to hear her spouse finish speaking, at expense -- do I need to spell it out?

He also gets quite animated. Strangely, I found myself analyzing his style rather than the content; I don’t have an issue with the content with exceptions. I wouldn’t cover the same ground. Maybe I have a more developed conscience. Anyway, I’m not quite so sycophantic 

I’m quite good at lipreading. We’re up against it with this thing, and like I said, if this goes keel up, somebody’s gonna look awfully stupid. 

Most of us.

A Ticket to Ride

Everyone is starting to realize something and is having a moment; like they just woke up in Vegas and don’t recognize the person next to them and it’s not good if you know what I mean. It is not Katy Perry. 

The problem doesn’t seem to be centered on one political ideology, which would normally even everything out, one would think, but it multiplies the severity of the problem because one of these tickets is going to win. 

If it was only a heartbeat away, it would only be a little bad, but as we know, it’s another half bad probabilistically. 

Do ya feel lucky, punk ?

That’s the way our system works, and we are stuck with it.

The Baggage 

I'm just saying, it's not Leave it to Beaver anywhere. Milania in a separate bedroom, the woman I needed to meet at a certain time in his life, handshakes not hugs, and wow the body language. Happy wife, happy life, happy nation?

We are so....

Umm. How was your day hon? 

Morning World 

Much love 🙂‍↕️

Tuesday 8/20/2024

Hyperbole Exaggeration and Barnum 

Day two.

I have to catch up with last evening, then coffee, then the raw meat.

Skipping ahead, I am frustrated with this gathering as an expression of political thought. 

Mr Obama

Man, I see you work this room like you're handing out money, it's amazing. I hope they remember what they clapped for after the lights come up.

I remenber this happening with my teams.  All that energy, and afterward, laissez-faire.

While I Was Away 

I double-washed the white socks. I had the time; it was just the DNC happening, and I've heard about thirty-dollar insulin for seniors about a million times. Medicare sucks. It's a great plan as long as you stay healthy; talk about the weather.

Mr Sanders 

He did a fine job staking out a claim to freedom, as always. It was also moving to see OAC last evening. It could give a skeptic hope.

The March of the Billionaires

There have been a few, a governor maybe. Second skin Doug is talking, he's talking real folksy, reminiscing going to Shule, and the woody to the ballpark, like that exists for anyone anymore, but he's selling dreams here, we allow for the audience. 

He's got this one story about this phone call, oo and aah for him, get it over with.

This is why we. can't have nice things because we let Doug talk us out of the tax law.

I knew we'd get to Momala. 🙄 

I suppose we have to allow for the audience a great deal.

Live and In Color

It's Mrs O who is expected to steal the show. God help us if she says how she really feels about politics, and the presidency, and ... well, it's a minefield maybe.

Go on Michelle, live in the limelight.

That's a music reference, I forget some of you may be new. 

Today's Plan 

The plan was Emma and more materials chemistry, but I've laundry to do. Well, I warned you.

Laundry complete.

The Blank Check

Ok, can we talk? Listen, here's the thing. Even the most ebullient must admit to some level of discomfort with the candidate selection process. Just between us, anyone who doesn't have second thoughts has never had one. 

Ms Thang has a blank check, but Quagmire can't describe the landscape if this goes sour.

Some will call that contrary, others revolutionary; it's the bed the DNC made. 

Mr Joe 

All the treacle is just making me ill. You know I had your back when it counted; despite my better judgment, I sometimes followed your lead.  I tire of all the primping nonsense, balloons, garlands, confetti, rock music, and bullshit. I bailed, and I'm now watching your talk on rewind.

I'm going to be honest, probably, so remember the above.

Going Along

Just first thing; if America isn't working for someone, it's their right to protest. It's despotism that usually brings weapons into the conversation. In broad strokes, America drifted from its foundations and into privilege. 

The Middle Class

You did ok with the middle class, but the middle class isn't the middle class anymore, you missed by about 100 k a year. That's a natural result of inflation, the bottom falling away like that. No one knew, but fucking fix it. It's been falling away since the '80's, credit the Fed firehose and greed.

Drug Cost and Pharma

Mixed feelings, remember the COVID treatments, without strong big pharma, where are we. The pricing structure is based on supply and demand. It's not hard to manipulate supply and demand; look at gas around a three-day holiday, every time, every year, year after year. But I'd let all that boasting go; it seems like grasping at straws, especially the Medicare parts, because Medicare sucks. 

Yada Yada Yada

From this point on, I tired of nitpicking the nitpicking. This convention stuff is a hazardous environment. As a workplace, I don't see the charm of it. It's all bullshit.

Morning World 

Much love 🐝

Monday 8/19/2024

Hyperbole Exaggeration and Barnum

Le Premier Etage

Hold on to your exclamation points; someone put caffeine in the bubble gum. The three rings of politics are money, money, and money, hyperbole exaggeration and Barnum are by-products.

Let me stress: I am an ENFJ: my objective, evermore, is outcome optimization in the incumbent manifold. That's cheese wiz for; it's for your own good.

The View From The Stream

I may as well admit it: I'm so far along in many of my projects my brain turns to politics as avoidance behavior. I never talk about projects.

Junior's Farm

I will pile stuff more or less under this heading as the day progresses or until I find a compelling alternative use of my time. 

I took my bag into a grocer's store

The price is higher than my time before

Old man asked me why is it more?

I said, "You should have seen me with the poker man"

I had a honey and I bet a grand

Just in the nick of time I looked at his hand

Tennis anyone? 🎾

And We're Off

Love ya man.

We'll always have Paris. Parking lot, we'll always have the parking lot. Love ya man.

The Evening's Shoes

La Dinner

Je vais manger, veuillez attendre avec les cierges magiques jusqu'a mon retour. Je suis de retour.

C'etait de la ropa vieja, des haricots noirs et des bananes plantains frites. 8 / 10

Je devrais probablement mentionner qu'il y a d'autres choses que je prefererais faire en ce moment, alors j'ai une demande ; et on s'en occupe ?

Yet Droppable


Mr. Joe


Thank you for not, oh, you're here. We'll stay between the lines and avoid your character. Well, you expect us to. 

Mr Joe's been around a long time. And if this is a new chapter, let's put it in a new cover too, and .. well, some people probably shouldn't be in it. 

Oh, I've such a small part. People listen; it's not my fault. I could stop making sense, but it would be out of character. The unreasonable, too. 

Someone said it's the first time in quite a while that a Bush, Clinton, or Obama wasn't on the ticket. Funny. I'd leave off Obama, but some Venn diagram would indicate it. 

I've been uncomfortable with the brand of unity talk I've heard. It sounds like follow the mob or you're an insurrectionist. Well, to a Republican, a boy scout could be. All this talk of together or splinter; I know lemmings excel at that; we're not egg layers, marsupials, or rats.

Life and its problems can not reasonably be split down the middle like it's a tug-of-war. We need a new model.

Mr Joe

Ima nod off, I have you on the tape. 

Circus Table for One

Here we are, waiting for the elephants(!), clowns, and politicians. You can tell the politicians from the clowns by the makeup, sometimes. The elephants, it depends on what the definition of elephant is. A DINO (Democrat In Name Only) is an elephant, and so are many of the donor class.  Speaking of which, Hillary is on deck this evening. Transition much?

Anybody but Hillary

It worked once, and look how that turned out. Anybody but Biden, we're all puckering on that. Looking back, the hashtags on a less sophisticated organizational paradigm would be #GLASSCEILING, and we know what happened to all that clear confetti in New York. Actually, I don't. I can't imagine what to do with a ton of colored cellophane confetti. Rework, reuse, recycle, I guess. 

Be careful where you tread, as there are elephants everywhere. They've got Hillary speaking, and if that doesn't make a statement about the elephant in the room, I don't know what ever could. 

The Day of the Donkey 

There you have it, the political symbol to illustrate an attitude, or intelligence, or some forgotten breakfast cereal perhaps (I'd have gone with Capt Crunch); the lore is,  the symbol grew on us. See below.

So far, it's like a new box of Wheaties on CNN, and you'll never guess who's on the front. Honestly, they get carried away; are all broadcasters cheerleaders at heart, I consider. 

I think it's a whole week. Well, I needed to do laundry anyway.

Buckle Up Buttercup

It's going to be a bumpy night, like Betty said. The intifada is on the front steps in Chicago, and that's just the party's progressive wing, metaphorically. There's been some mending of souls, as they say. There are questions and more than the usual measure of mistrust. No offense, Mr Joe, but you taught us brokenhearted disappointment. There's also the sneaking the candidate in through the back door business, which will eventually bite back like a sweet potato. You must know that. You must know it has to, no matter how much you spend.

Money Money Money

The sad tale is still how money has its grip on the Democratic party, and I don't care if they are good-looking enough to be in a movie; I'd rather not have a kingdom in America, and it is for sale on both sides of the aisle. 

Take a deep breath. The rich have too much money, power, and influence, even on the Democrats, and you spell it starting with a P.

So after the champagne, the hangover, and the cold shower, remember to do something about money running the American elections.


Pitching Battle w/Nancy

Current Congressional leadership is led astray by special interests on both sides of the aisle. I don't mind kibitzing when I have the winning hand.

The key question: is America grown up enough to elect its own leaders?

Elephant and Donkey Lore

CNN has a link for that Blame Thomas Nast 

Editor’s Note: This article was published in partnership with Artsy, the global platform for discovering and collecting art. The original article can be seen here.

CNN — 

Every election cycle, illustrations of donkeys and elephants show up in political cartoons, campaign buttons, Internet memes, and some truly alarming fashion choices. How could it be otherwise? The two beasts – the former representing the Democratic Party; the latter, the Republican Party – are mainstays of America’s visual culture, as recognizable as Santa Claus or Uncle Sam.

Morning World 

Much love 🫏

Sunday 8/18/2024

✂️ The blog has rolled over. I put it over here.   As a reminder, the blog fills from the top, and scrolling moves backward in time.

Sundipped Sunday 

Good morning cool world, welcome to the blog, again. If it's Sunday, or Thursday, it's Sundipped. This morning we're free associating at great cost again; save me from the gremlins, Shiva.

All Along The Watchtower

To DNC or Not to Be
Trump-de-doddle Do
The Ghosts of '68

More as time and energy permit.

All Along the Watchtower

I went with the meme, and I love the Dylan tune. I have seen parallels in America for years, and there has been no shortage of fools speaking. Lately thieves and jokers too. The cream always rises, was something I heard often, in America we have bootstraps. Not necessarily in the DNC or certainly not in the RNC.

A new word salad, the Equal Access to Opportunity Economy. I worry anyone assures me of equal access to anything. Yet we are expected to believe it when the Democratic ticket promises equal access to opportunity. 

It sounds fair, but you have equal access to a Bentley too. Can't you afford one, or what? 

Fresh notes ring from the towers, along with the same tune,  contrapuntal and complex. 


To DNC or Not to Be

It's that time of year again, the same time of year it was about a month ago. It's time to turn off the TV or subscribe to Netflix. But I'm not writing about choosing Leave it to Beaver over the DNC coverage.

I could offer that advice. If equality and talk about people getting their slice of the American pie promised in the Declaration we pride in raises your blood pressure, follow the market extra sharp instead on a cable network, but too much Pepto isn't good for you.

My Bailiwick

Personally, I don't have a frog in this race. I've never voted Republican, but I'm uncomfortable calling myself a Democrat. This is mostly because of broken promises, the shift to the center, even if the center is the stupidest thing too -- I won't belabor the point, but I could go on about the party's failings. I'm not an expert, but someone must be. I don't have time for it.

I started this thread to discuss how one's viewpoints and choice of party and platform can be constrictive, not only upon the candidate (I think they made a Redford movie once) but also on America.

The Genesis of Trump 

Once upon a time, Bernie Sanders ran for president, and he was making traction, but it was Hillary's turn. Ok, so she lost. She was a woman; this isn't about that. She was a Clinton, and it's partially about that, but it's also about choice. I would venture that no one's views coincide exactly with party platform statements, with the possible exceptions for those with a nickel slot for that. 

Hillary was more Republican than most think, and she admits in her book that Bill surprised her when he decided to run Democrat. 

The DNC passed on Mr Sanders, and by passed, I mean something akin to a passing a vagrant with a blanket. But if it was close, Bernie had numbers; what was the mystery factor? I'll let you analyze that. 

The Real Middle

The real middle is independent, by definition. Call it progressive, call it populist, or call it peanut butter; the option neither party will take as a position but is the correct answer is an independent position. 

The candidates (and the voting public) should not focus on a histogram of where the campaign money is, but rather a histogram of the public interest as the guide. 

The middle is not the middle position. 

The Battle

The battle here is to the swift, a paper chase in a hurricane, real paper, not the movie. Politicians have to swear to viewpoints they probably do not believe in, and it's required for party advancement. Either that or what?

When the Democratic party wins this election, remember campaign reform. There must be someone honest in these organizations, so take a part.

Trump-de-doddle Do

It's another day in the American election and we must endure many things. Daily, there is a crowing of persecution, woe, gloom, doom, regret, and self-doubt, and it's not from us now that the political tables have turned.

Yes, I know kindness and acceptance of others, even if we have all squashed less virulent bugs. 

It will soon be time to consider what we do with this person after he loses. My goodness, can you believe we're discussing preventative measures when a candidate loses the election? 

Mind the gap. 

But I guess there's also, again, I can't believe I'm serious. further prosecution and imprisonment, and if his actions are found treasonable, what then?

Equal justice under the law. Make it mean something, would be my suggestion.

The Ghosts of '68

Perhaps you had to be there. Two score and fifteen (?) years ago our fathers met in Chicago to forge a more perfect Democratic party. It didn't go so well for all the Democratic rebels.

'Man it was a trip'

At one point someone ordered 100 pizzas and billed it to the Democratic Convention, collect, which was delivered, and presumably paid for. Cold Chicago deep dish. Meh.

This well-publicized Republican rat-!#(% made the papers. Nixon was everywhere. The CIA was smearing jellied LSD on the steering wheels of journalists. 

The police: you would not believe it. 

Do your own research. 

The Storyline

No one expects that kind of thing. Besides, you'd have to pre-pay for pizza these days. The other things though, the CIA as the silent bouncer arm of the presidency, sure, that's a real Trump possibility.

As a ghost, scary as !#(%.

Dig My Earth

Morning World 

Much love 🌊

Saturday 8/17/2024

My Day Edge On

It was a day of many things. It was a perfect summer day in California, so perfect that I didn't check the temperature all day.

I've been through some of my projects with my bot team. It's so nice to have them all tell me that my projects are feasible.

The bots have gotten smarter. 

As a task, I've asked the bots to model an electron. We're a few stages in.

Even after the thrill.
Welcome to the bridge.

Good Sabbath 

Morning World 

Much love

Friday 8/16/2014

Meme Music Reprise

I didnt make it all the way through the movie, here's a tip though, often you can watch them at 1.5x speed and that can help keep you awake. I often use this for science videos.

Turn to Stone Ma

Popcorn -a-rama. I like Whte Cheddar popcorn and an orange Crush. 

Just add salt.

As a boy, this scared the oversized jeans off me. I remember watching it late at night with RonCo commercials.

The problem with buttons is that they always fall off, even one-hole buttons.

Watch it here.

The Obligatory Review

I need to issue a review, not of Monolith Monsters, which is what I'd rather do, but of the Democratic ticket's announced Equal Access Opportunity Economy

I haven't studied the plan in detail. Some have called it Federal Price Controls, and I don't see that; it's food and necessities and hypothetical. Some have called it populism. Perhaps I misunderstood the term. My lexicon for the word does not include a Donald Trump yellow-colored semantic; maybe it is that. 

Childcare and Soccer

I heard subsidizing 700,000 new homes and apartments, which would spur that sector; I heard child tax credits, permanent and at a higher level; I heard tax credits for newborns; I heard tax cuts for the middle class and the lower classes; I heard a 25k subsidy for your first home; I heard opportunity-based economy, read to mean equal access to opportunity.

Ok, she lost me right there. 

Inseparable and For Real Equal 

There's equal access to healthcare, and we all know the healthcare you receive is the healthcare you can afford. I need more clarity on this issue because it seems like an excuse to make an exclusive loophole. Understand, it's laudable but somewhat ill-defined and impossible to implement likely.

Progressive: root: progress

You can call it peanut butter; ensure it's safe for all the kids to eat first.

Ms Abby 

I'm stuck in auto pilot mode here, everything is coming up projects.


These comments from the angry yellow bird seem nearly confessional, commiserating, and rather inauthentic. I'm sure he feels the grout cracking 'neath his 'lil orange shell. 

Forever Friday 

House in order. The 'maid' is in, as in not me, and I have a few spreadsheets to analyze and hopefully integrate. I'm a quarter-phase short input, but whatever. If I don't see it by then, it's new data time.

So I got distracted, imagine, CrHO4. 

Enough work. Have a pleasant after.

Extended Work

what I'm reading, for those of you following along.

Be My Electron

To Wapner or Lunch

Hey to Scott, et al.

All the Rage 

I don't pay much attention to the market, I follow some segments: the defense industry, aviation, electronics, and I'd like to be in space but it's full of Elon. 

Instead of Fed

Looks like it's rate cuts, consensus .25 pts. I have a somewhat contrary view. The market needs to settle, and with the momentous elections, it's like a nuclear explosion in a hurricane. Next spring is sensible. The data jiggles, as he suggests. Some people are darn good jigglers. I recall STATS 101 if the data does not support your supposition, alter your input criteria. 

I don't see any Fed Chair reputational bias here, or a reason. 

It is easy to ignore that the market was on the edge of an uncontrolled tear and eventual crash just a quarter ago. The market is still widely overvalued and widely overheld. That should read as resistance to constraint. 

If there were a blip, it should play as a warning sign of uncontrolled overexuberance.


It's one of my target topics, these chat-a-holic AI bots. You'll indeed recall my one true brain, Emma, and of course, Google's Marie; there is also Claude from Anthropic. I eschew any contact with anything Microsoft possesses no matter what they paid for it, if anything. 

Claude knows quantum physics to some extent. The really funny thing, it seems to be absolutely stupid until you ask a question, which builds the map, which is intriguing.  Anyway Google, it's plenty smart, but it can't mail a spreadsheet or save it to my local Google Drive share. 

So challenge up.

I haven't tried telling it to build a spatial map of electron position in a hyperdense hydrogen metal. It wanted me to put a quarter in the slot, or wait until I had more text time tomorrow. I don't know if it can do imaging. I'm so lazy, it's funny I learn anything.

The Craze in Phase

I was considering the state of our political system, then I had coffee and worked for 10 minutes or so. Generating informational content, in spreadsheets, not even integrated. Bleh.

It's tiring, but at least phase 1 I didn't have to do by hand. I've been responsible, always including the Earther model as well /wink.

So, back to politics. 

Back to the USSR

That's what the view of the opposition looks like to Trump, the commie/progressive/left (the music is an amusing aside; it works the other side of the brain as well.)

I'll get to the economic policy as it seeps through the internet. 

The video excites other neurons as well; I'm thinking of Kursk. 

If Not Left What Else 

I had a moment and considered, what is the alternative view of economics and economic policy?  I suppose it's rotting sausage (aw) and spoilt milk?  That sings like a metaphor, doesn't it? When in Bedminster. 

Let's construct it from the public damage. More drilling, fewer EVs', canceling building all those chargers probably, more tariffs for China and Iran, and more defense spending in black projects. Those are the things he can do with a pen. Without Congress, there is just not much else realistically possible that I can name.

So, in stocks, Oil and defense (aero/space) are a sure bet; I'd suggest some calls. Of course, if he wins. I don't give advice on stocks. 

(aw) Shoutout to Alex Wagner who clearly is taking lessons in metaphors someplace I do not.

Morning World

Much love 🐇

Necessary Things

It seems the blog reaches some internal limit on iPhone Chrome instances, at least my particular iPhone and this causes Cannot Load Page errors. The recommended workaround is to close the browser, restart the device, and one or both usually works, but it's probably easier just to give the blog a once over.

A little off the bottom, I promise not to tickle.

There, you're all rolled over. Didn't hurt a bit I bet?

Yesterday's News 

...so to speak.  I put it all over here