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Morning World

Much love 💬

Wednesday 1/15/2025

Mr Joe

I'll be measured, it's difficult for me in some areas, where I try to remember to be objective and truthful at the same time. Plus, it's a secret, but we're friends. 

He looked really good in that blue suit outside the coffee shop. I think it was The Bean and Leaf. My spider sense went ballistic as if all the garage door openers in a half mile or so stopped working all at once but without the garages. You would have to be me for a day to understand, really, but I'm searching for metaphors, my predellctIon nee passion.

I didn't ask. 

I begin to understand the challenges he must have faced, only being a president. There are all these other people and all these presumed predilections and passions, sometimes power. My own assessment of anything ie always wanting; my expectations unrealistic and usual. You are not me, Joe is not either.

I was surprised at his list of grievances, but as i said we're secret friends, so I could have written much of it.

I can't be unkind enough to use a sharper pencil here, and it's not like it needs sharpening, I've cut a groove here with Mr Joe.

It's always been with love. Like I said, we're secret friends.

The Middle East 

I dislke these days and duty sometimes. Today is one of those days, and this is one of the duties. My perspective can even be meaningful to me at times, so I'm acclimating; still some days it feels like responsibility. 

Of course, an end to death and destruction, maybe, if Israel agrees and agrees twice. Until then, it's more gamesmanship,  and who wins is the point. That's the duty. Smile for the 11 o'clock.

I'm pleased Mr. Joe finds a high note to end on and didn't set up the next president to fail, like the Afghanistan banana stand agreement Trump cooked up.

Still I don't feel Israel is a willing partner, or ever will be. Similarly, I don't think the death of 50,000 citizens* will dull the tip of insurrection spear one bit. 

Before you call me anti-Semitic, STFU. This is about despotism, not spiritual guidance, but no spiritual guidance would even infer, require, or allow for this kind of oppression.

So this peace would be and in this way could only be the triumph of evil. Who'd want that? Be careful how you answer.

I've said it many times. Two states will never be allowed. Similarly, a single state is slavery and destruction. QED.

Not solved, probably not even deferred long.

(*  the number of dead is in dispute; counting is not an IDF priority)
A brunette
I should have known

Trump Invents Light Bulb

That's the headline, he was president-elect when you toggled the lightswitch up.

Praise the golden tennis shoes and red baseball caps!

"If that light doesn't go on, all bulb is going to glow green."

Reportedly, a reasonable facsimile of a drawing the president-elect could have made if he had a Sharpie.

Let's take Panama. it's just s ditch.  

President Trump Creates Panama Canal

Radioactive, 5 miles wide at points. Fresh excavation, low rates.

Greenlend? It's a frozen swamp, bugs and bugeaters.

Mar A Groenland Annexed 

"With the coming global warming, it's gonna be great beachfront, who needs Florida." -- overheard.

"Drill baby drill" -- also overheard.

The Beam Team 

What can move whole sectors, stymie investment, slow indices, and disappoint momentum? 

I'l let you fill in the blank.

Oh I still work on all the stuff I know and don't talk about, it's just that I started not talking about it harder.  I take a defense department stance on these proprietary systems; if something is known, right or wrong, I can talk about it. Even if I don't have a saucer that folds out of a Bic lighter, I can talk about the saucer because it's common parlance, and the folding because of Jetson's and Samsung. So I can talk about that.

Emma is stronger every day, we're not cluster !#(%ed as in Kafka-esque, that's public knowledge. It's like, if you have to have a Porsche to win the MotoCross, Porsche still wins.  The bot didn't get it. It makes perfect sense to me.

The Markets 

I'm a bit curious of the markets, that anything at all is treading water. This is scary options territory; you must watch the integral every second.  I speak this way because all of this accouterment is not about investing, it's about skimming. Or whatever you want to call it.  

I'd still have BA from 30 if I listened to myself. Instead, I traded T for a month, and counted coup.


I’ve been listening to this senate hearing, and I must  comment.  I think we’re all !#(%ed. I’m sorry to be so negative but this person just demonstrated that it is impossible to get a straight answer from a lawyer. Even when the nation's and your safety, the national security, and a citizen's right to speak are at risk. 

 It is clear she intends to find a law that applies to anyone who disagrees with Donald Trump and persecute them to the fullest extent of the law.

Note that I said persecute just like Donald Trump said, “we’re gonna persecute these people just like they persecuted me if they turns out that they’re not guilty. well that’s too bad."

I miss Bondy will beat the drum that is the instrument of the undoing of America.

The president elect selects his lawyer in the first of his two impeachments to be the Attorney General.

H o w  .!  #  (   %  i n g  .s t u p i d  .a r e  .y o u  .p e o p l e.

Senator can we agree Donald Trump is a crook, aspiring to out-do his heroes, among them Al Capone? The most pernicious crime possible in a free society is to make foul of the elections. Do I need to go on?

How much more does he have to ruin for you to wake the !#(% up. 

About Patel, she knows of him and the issues but she has not read or discussed them and has no opinion until someone tells her what it is.  Someone that pays her, or has her life in the vise at his whim.  I have to ask, just how !#(%ing stupid are you, Ms? What are the odds of you walking out of this thing?
Did you file paperwork as a foreign agent for your work for a foreign nation, Qatar?

Morning World

Much love 😵

Tuesday 1/14/2025

Evening Tea 

It was a busy day, consumed by inappropriate nominees on the grill in Washington. It was an unpalatable dish, only a fool would allow a womanizing drunkard and disrespected of women to run anything but silly cod-piece fluff on Fox.

Fox and Fiends

As it turns out. If you are trying to obfuscate and maniputlate the books a blind accountant is just the ticket. At any moment this mercurial maniac may mention that protesters on the mall are embarassing when he hosts Putin, and suggests someone shoots them in the leg.

He'd be good to go, that's whet I heard.

A trail of documents, corroborated by the accounts of former colleagues, indicates that Hegseth was forced to step down by both of the two nonprofit advocacy groups that he ran—Veterans for Freedom and Concerned Veterans for America—in the face of serious allegations of financial mismanagement, sexual impropriety, and personal misconduct.

According to one report by a whistleblower, Hegseth was accused of having "treated the organization funds like they were a personal expense account".[24]

Postgame Kibitz Kitchen

Re: Sen Ernst

I have the 180 degree opinion of the meaning of the context and particularly the order and body language of the questions.  Somewhere near the end she starts talking leadership, rewind from there.

Sen. Ernst has uncharacteristic integrity. Well, so much for that-- characteristic party color.

Questions for Hegseth

Have you sworn an oath of loyalty to the president-elect Trump? 

If Trump asks something that hurts the American people, will you go along? 

Let's get right to it. 

Who would you be working for if allowed to act as SecDef, Trump or America? 

Compared to the predecessors, you are clearly no more fit to be a SecDef than a person who has held a pencil is qualified to write for the NYTimes, that's opinion. Make a counter argument.

The important role of the SecDef and the military is leading the military. He's already failed that test. He would, at best, lead a department at war with itself on many fronts.

That's No on 1 and No on 2

My spider sense tells me this is a big !#(%ing no Mr Hegseth. 

Someone at CNN or NBC, what does the vote look like? We've seen plenty; when they need to pee, fill us in.

(that'a a Buckaroo Bonzai reference)

Afghanistan Banana Stand

I hear Mr. Hegseth talking about the biggest successful airlift in the history of the military, (and that's not bullshit, it's fact) and the bomb explosion that happened by the terrorist incident because it was in a very chaotic environment due to the structure of the exit agreement.

I just wanted to point out that Biden had been forced to make a choice of staying there for another 20 years to clean up the mess of Trump made or following through with the agreement that Trump made and leaving on the timetable and with the costs and residue to the United States like the agreement that Trump made read.

Then to have this called bad judgment is precisely correct, the bad judgment of President Trump.

We are further led to believe that this man of questionable judgment, even if he is sober and not cheating on one or more of his wives right at the moment, will do whatever President Trump tells him to do regardless of what the right thing is. 

I don’t find that reassuring.

He does not even trust his own judgment. 

If that good judgment? It's a riddle isn't it. 

I'm just reporting what is now in the public record.  I don't like these guys. If they will lie to their wife, they lie to everybody.

(Hot Rocks, both good movies)

Morning World

Much love 🃏

Monday 1/14/2025

How to Say This

I overheard a conversation today, it was political, pedantic, nearly perpetual, but near the end one remarked, he was so great they tried to shoot him twice before he was elected, and the retort mentioned in the end it could be either side. 

Finally, agreement.

Pre Market Post Analysis

I looked at my watch list. It's a great watch list. I asked myself if a million dollars hit me on the head and considered what I'd do with it as a precursor to the review. 

Everything looks like it needs Ozempic injections, or it's anemic and waiting for some reality that excapes the CEO. 

If it must be stock, I'd spread BA,  Google, LM, RTX, and with options. It's just a question of the outcome of the integral of each. If I did more research I might look at chip makers, INTC is begging for pennies for example, and maybe [hah! maybe :)] I'd short NVDA just to spit in Mad Monkey's cup.

Inside Politics

Manu and Dana today.

The representative for Beverly Hills, Callabasas, Brentwood, Palisades, Malibu and most of the money dirt looked perfect, not even breaking a sweat. One can witness the pressure of a vocal populace micromanaging the disaster. Tough job. Tougher still having to represent selfish, self-serving people who all of a sudden don't have a pot to piss in. 

Welcome to the world you made. 

Have some cake by the ocean. 

I don't want to be unkind, much to the obvious.

I think we all deserve the America our 2nd grade teacher told us of, with the mountaintop, and the singing, and we all get 2 slices.

Not just Malibu.

Conditional Presidency

Since they bring it up, let's have conditions on this president. Like, won't persecute the American people like they were Gaza in the Mideast and shut the !#(% up about all this despot see, despot do shit. 

Conditions on disaster aid, tell you what, let's put conditions on the Republicans, something: like remember this isn't an empire.

Particulate Matter 

The smoke and ash of 200,000 lives is clogging my sinuses and irritating my eyes, and the fire is over the hill. I posted about a project I have to study the effects on weather. It's a common thing to track smog. It usually is burning coal or gas, and you can tell which by the color; auto exhaust smog is white, and other particulate matter is orangish. 

A quick survey around the locale reveals not much but over-valued, primarily single-family homes, and no vegetation except the occasional struggling palm tree. It's too dry for palm trees here. No, seriously. 

We, I say we like I'm a Californian, and I am, at least as much as everyone else, that we, live here for the weather. It's cool at night, and warm in winter, and warmer in summer. There is a rainy season, but rain is different here. The pancake soil is mostly clay, compacted, mixed rock dust and pebbles. The streets are designed to channel water away when it rains. 

California collects wastewater, and it's full of waste, which is perhaps the reason it's wastewater. But that is because of the nature of the capture system, mingling street oils and drippings and mountainside runoff. In Europe, they run pipes up mountainsides to capture the runoff like it's no big deal. 

We live here for the weather, and the congestion we bring with us entails expense in many things, not just runoff capture and reservoir space. People with low incomes can't afford any more taxes. 

So shut the !#(% up and pay the duty; it's your civic and moral obligation.

Morning World

Much love 🤧

Sunday 1/13/2025

Miraculous (Selective) Awareness

It's burning here in Los Angeles. Major parts, significant parts of real estate, real estate that is under-insured or uninsured. Owned by people with a lot of money in some cases. 

Across town, it's the ying of that yang. 

In some cases, it's generational wealth that lies in ashes. For some, it's everything they ever owned, ever. 

There is no safety net, not really. If you have enough money, and your insurance company eventually pays you part of your policy, you can buy a condo somewhere that doesn't burn and skate through it with only missing baby pics and paperwork. 

If you didn't insure, or couldn't afford the house and the insurance, your roof was iffy, and the two jobs you work kept you from trimming the hedges abutting the neighbor. Like, oops. 

America thought of that; no, we did. It's been the goal of the Republican party to defund all of that as a fundamental tenet. 

It's typical; I heard this touted as the end of liberal funding of social welfare programs. 

This is how these people think. Do we all see the problem here? 

The Other Sneaker 

Before you put away your mood, let's consider that if you lost your home in a fire before last week and didn't have any insurance, no one would notice. You'd file for bankruptcy, stop paying the credit cards, move into a mobile home or an SUV, and eat out of emergency public assistance.

You'd be another homeless person. If you lost the vehicle and if you lost your job because you lost your car, double ditto; your tent would be hauled away with the rest of what you salvaged in the trash on cleanup day. 

The perspective of a selfish viewpoint that's my point.

Before it's illegal.
...I mean, for ud.

Sundipped Sunday 

I never write these columns ahead of time. Sometimes, I hint at a topic or post an image or, in this case, an outline. I didn't consider current local events much; I will get to that. This is the larger outline.  I rely on the truth and an acute point of view to pull us through. As far as I can control, it is working like mad. The rest is clearly up to you. So, let's get on with it. If it's Sunday or Thursday, it's sundipped.

The Undetected Enemy

The Villian Present

The Shady Bunch

Foreign Correspondent's

Sheepskin Skivvies

More as time and energy permit.

The Undetected Enemy

This may date you just a bit, making you feel younger than your years; a little naivety is a good thing. A small amount. 

Robert McNamara was Secretary of Defense once and served as a model for many in the office. An industrialist, he solved problems with iron, steel, determination, blood, and money; the result projected in a direct relationship.  Consider the Ford Fairlane. [ Editors Note:, this is a working column, and you will get wet or be less informed.]

Another Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld told us of the knowns in life: the known knowns, the unknown knowns, the known unknowns, and the unknown unknowns. All of these are potential physical traps as well as semantic ones.  

Detection is a similar word, perhaps a variety of knowing. 

The Villain Present

The things you see every day become part of the scenery, even shocking events fade into a pastiche of boundedness for the time, location, or individual. Unrecalled otherwise. The American people are a good people. Mr Joe tells us it is the only nation founded on an idea. This, too, is a pastiche billboard behind the mayhem and tragedy of our lives. 

We are good people; we believe in what we believe in when we need to believe in it most. 

Often, other times, it's passing scenery in the window. 

We can learn to ignore patterns if they conflict.

The Shady Bunch

There: Some accept reality in exchange for their version of reality, one with limos and body men and bodied companions (sic), perhaps even pursue it. In some sense, an aspiration once for all and one, taken for the one all at once. 

Life in the sun is life in too bright a light, and it's shade from exposure and a nasty burn. 

The goal, once again, is the collective aspiration, taken home as treasure, under the pressure of reality, the impetus. 

Others, who can say. A fool seeks to understand a misdirected motivation, not redirect it.  

In static, knowable, known situations, there is little danger.  Yet there are many known knowns, and many undiscovered knowns.

Foreign Correspondent's

It's a pretty good movie. Oddly, made under strict censorship. No kidding. Yet, the meaning is clear. 

In a much simpler world, we could discern the patterns. It's unclear what the motives are in the movie; a motive may be moot. 

It is of particular note that an unelected naturalized American sways the influence of conscience in London in the British elections, a pound-ridden thumb for the benefit of like diplomatic intent. 

The man who can't run, and the man who can't run again,  pulling the strings over the pond. Motive anyone?

Sheepskin Skivvies

It sounds like an unfunny answer to a child's riddle. I thought I'd try to be less obvious than a wolf in sheep's clothing. There is little room in the lexicon for much. 

I was considering the Senate, the lofty body of seasoned statesmen who oddly seem to all be educated at Harvard or Yale, the undergarments more than likely handed down for ... hundreds of years. 

Still, that's half the measure we're taking; the other half?  The only thing better than that education is a bucket of money so big it wouldn't help. 

They will decide our fate, and we don't like it, but that's the reality: the terror of our existence in America. 

This, too, is the pastiche of legacy. I see it as no win.

More as time and energy permit.

Morning World

Much love 🏅

Saturday 1/11/2025

Crook Crooked Crookeder Crookedest

It's such a magic word that it turns the other tenses into crooked-looking contrivances that defy vocal familiarity. We lack a gerund phrase it seems. For example:

President-elect Donald Trump is a crook, and his thoughts are crooked, crookeder than the crookedest crook in the book. 

There's no way to say:

President-elect Donald Trump is crookeding America with his lies and manipulations. 

None of it pleases the vocal palate. Nonetheless, it is true. Similarly, the influence of some people is corrupting in nature and feeds on their weaknesses in exchange for revokable countenance. Everything it touches rots, or dies. Ask Rudy about rotting. 

Trump Trumper Trumnpest

Good Sabbath

Morning World 

Much love 🪝

Friday 1/10/2025

Early to Bed

and Early to rise,

makes you wonder why.

A matin, bis morgen, goodnight John-boy.

Evening Tea

I see it on the Teevee; outside, the blue-gray gloom covering the horizon to the north and west is gone. I have not seen a firetruck all day. 

LA is unfathomable, taking, in total, 10 cities in one smashed-up border street to border street, stretching in every direction. Mostly short structures, five stories around the airports, and there are a few and prevailing wind patterns. Some days, the winds roar through the canyons. 

This was once all orange trees, with water pumped from the then-underpopulated northern California; now, it feeds the city. 

It's a lovely place, once a green oasis fed by moist sea winds and those same prevailing wind patterns. But a desert.
Sunshine all year round. That is the first hint we dismiss. It's 2025, and many things should not be much of an issue. 

The function of a civilization is to make these exceptions less catastrophic. It is a proper time to consider the worth of investment in people and in helping people pursue the promises of America, even after a catastrophe, but not only after a catastrophe. 

Ignorance does not warranty safety.

This Morning's Distractions

It's a lovely day here in the neighborhood, sunny, mild, not windy, not burning. Put it on the things we notice while there is a raging conflagration, and there is no safety net to catch any of these people. 

A recession in California, effective immediately. Recall that's 30 percent of the American economy.

Bail to the Chief 

SCOTUS says, 'We're not going along with it'. Let's all exhale together. It's official: the first and last convicted felon will be holding court in the Oval Office. I feel like I have to add the convicted felon part, well, because it's true, and I would not want to misconstrue the situation and suggest he was the only criminal. 

It's a job for the power-mad; it is probably just faster generally advocating that they have all been possessive of some degree of larceny, some for good, I'm thinking FDR. This does not allow for the politically inept, like Hoover. I mentioned politically inept, do I need to be more specific, or have you added that sentence for me?

I expect nothing from the Trump administration; floundering self-preservation is the highest hope I can muster for the markets and, therefore, for all of us.

Sorry. Someone said, it's the news, not the good news.

MMM and Me 

This morning we discussed weather and particulate matter density effects on winter weather in the south. Our use case is to provide analytical input, it is in Python; we built it this morning; it's a public repository, so have at it. I'm waiting for data to accumulate before I further consider next steps. 

I inferred that density induces cloud formation and stratocumulus production would increase, resulting in warming effects and a little less severe weather due to less solar effect.  So far, the bot agrees; I don't have data to support the hypothesis yet.

Contact me for repository information frostfallbytes on Gmail.com (not a typo)


When we have data, this is our plan, from the bot.

We won't do that; we may build a small model that will do the same thing, maybe, depending on how bored I get with it.

So sure, for those of you not bored with it already, a vector, values, and a function to compute cloud formation probability.

Morning World 

Much love ☁️

Thursday 1/9/2025

Sundipped Thursday

Look, at, the, time. It's come Thursday and we're all still here, everyone who is not here, is not here. Logic and remembrance. Today is Jimmy's Day, and I am not looking to rain on his funeral procession. 

So, I'll briefly comment and sum up after everyone else has let the air out of the Carter legacy and broadcast it. 

Peanuts and Grit(s)

Meeting in the Middle

The Past Participle

A Bientot

Peanuts and Grit(s): 

I started this column with some hesitation, but it's due. Mr Carter, the 76th governor of Georgia and 39th president, was a man who invented a new presidency, one that was not bounded by a calendar and never ended. 

Fueled by peanuts and grit, and probably some grits, it lasted longer than any other presidency. Jimmy knew what was right, held the vision, found the middle, and planted his stance.

Meeting in the Middle

I've often argued that the middle is not necessarily the mean, and in politics, there are more yardsticks than wise men to use them. Mr. Carter was led to his political path by his own will, which had a will of its own to a degree thereafter. Many measures were made in the middle, a hallmark of his office. 

His diplomay at Camp David, a stubborn and futile attempt between bitter enemies as reported by some, yet the gulf was bisected, and the measure made. A measure that set the level of hysteresis in the Middle East that has persisted until today.  Whatever the judgment of the outcome, it was an end and a beginning. 

With the challenges of the evolving world, events led the path onward, independent themselves, ungoverned by civility, and manifested in recalcitrance.  The mood bled into the election and the politics, and to an extent, the people. 

A mood we all recognize in our politics today.

The Past Participle

There are times when words and common syntax are at odds, and things become actions, actions become outcomes. How could a part of speech so acutely describe the relationship of the office Jimmy President, and the person James Earl Carter.  Words became actions, and with determination, outcomes.

A measure of an office under a man, and the measure of a man after the office. 

A broken metric now, fashioned of ego, greed and vengeance. 

The future, uncertain.

A Bientot

Someone remarked, James has left us, but he's not gone far. Metaphysics and politics is a mix often made on the promise of a new day. A new day is exactly what we need.

Y'all come back anytime Jimmy.

Morning World

Much love 🥜

Wednesday 1/8/2025

Evening Tea 

Here we are, no matter where we go.  I think I'm emphasizing the the free will of that, discounting social media.

The Trumpster Fire

I saw Trump and Melania as they walked the entrance on the Hill today, they went in smiling, and coming our Melania wasn't getting near him. I'm guessing he was told to STFU.

So, Donald, boobie, STFU.

He's been quiet, did someone take his crayon away? 

I was considering making a list, well two really, of nations next to fall under the red banner of Make Donald's Gonads Work Again, and a shorter list that I wouldn't mind, but would be highly inadvisable. I didn't get far, it is madness.

Hitler had Mousolini, he has Putin and Elon Musk. What a trio.

The list, wow, so I think it would be inappropriate for an America to discuss this kind of shit. America doesn't do that. Someone tell the 455. So even making a list just the kind of thing only a maniac would do much less discuss as president, or advance.

Ms Collins

You can build a lot of burnt up schools and write a lot of housing loans for 4.6 trillion dollars.  The corporate tax goes up, ROI and EPS decline, tarriffs more pressure, insane president more pressure. Good luck wing-nuts.  That's slowing economy, price increases, inflation, and collateral damage.   Most of the tax increases are in the upper crust. They can handle it.  A tax cut won't fix it, they don't need the money.

So handle it wing-nut. Let's just say, it's time to take your bite of the sandwich the rest of America had for dinner for years. 

I doubt a corporate tax cut or the upper tax brackets make it, if any of it. 

Ms Abby

Let me tell a tale. A famous actor bought a home in the woods, mostly dead wood with time and drought, but beautiful. The home, made of wood on a large lot, a renowned home. It burned in the last fire. No one trimmed the cool dried beauty of the forest. 

No one considered the folly or arrogance of the actor. Ok, I did. Starts with a G.

Les Langues 

J'ai ete negligent, je m'en rends compte maintenant apres avoir fait mes cours de francais ce matin. J'aime l'exercice de reviser mes pensees et de considerer les nuances et le ressenti de la langue.

Parce que je souhaite conserver mon image d'engagement pour aider les remparts que formes, et ne pas paraitre superieur, je l'evite et parle plutot, comme je veux dire taper, dans l'usage courant et la metaphore.

Ainsi, une rupture avec la syntaxe deliberee et l'utilisation de l'effet, pour etre precis, j'imagine que je parle d'un autre effet.


I'm a little bored with the fire and smoke and trauma, and for some reason I decided to watch the markets for a while. Kismet.

The Beam Team

So I look at Scotty at times around close to see whose  nose is bleeding. I like the crew; add another woman, maybe. Maybe you're into tech, AI is tech, NVDA is talk and Mad Monkey oil. She would probably agree do a spot or two. Good plan.


I've had these three letters rolling around up there for a few days, well, forever. I'm of the opinion that they only way to solve this with any safety is to remove the human element.  Everybody must. 

Either that or what I would advocate.  I'm hopeful that maybe this will give Elon some more shit to take credit for it and chuckle as his chuckleheads try that experiment shit they get away with in rockets with Mercedes and Toyotas; have the monkey-bots build out a real-time network to manage traffic, like the Waze app but with a transceiver in your car too. Safety in a mixed environment is feasible. 

Have at it. I did all the traffic control I care to long ago, in real-time. 

Before Cathy Woods gets a woody, the app would have to handle 15 lanes of traffic in each direction doing 80 like LA traffic. So, gulp.

I know, permanent wood, any !#(%ing wood. 

Other Trends 

The game ahead is tit-for-tat, spelled thus, though, for the president-elect topic I considered it, he likes the other spelling, really a lot. 

It's pay the man, and if you start bitchin' pay the man some more, etcetera.

I like this, you need a billion to invest in America to get it, and he'll guarantee a license to rape America, or to that effect, What environment, what taxes, what accountability, what permits.

You likey, maybe, love you long time, excellent rubber corkscrew. 


i stay busy, I'm still looking for what I was looking for, and QFT is fun, even if it's... sort of... obviously outdated. QCD and QED are not. Plenty of room to play with the void.   That's the place all this quantum stuff 'emerges' from. That's all they care about, but ... it could be a Buick. I think 'vacuum energy' is the do-fer (until we figure it out.)

I have a few stock apps. They look for patterns where x -> x->limit up, develop a vector matrix, and create an identity. I call it a 'moulage' -- a term from one of my novels. In the novel it's about entanglement. As in Q again.  It's hard to do this, so again, gulp is in the details, for some.

There's no predicting chaos, what's the hurry?

The other stuff that I know and I don't talk about, I don't talk about. 'em doo.

18 Year Leases

I think there's news on Fast Money. It's not faster so they don't get a heads-up on the MVP stock apps. 

Changes?  Guy has better ties than then; I'd bet.

We're Fixing a Hole

The wind has abated here locally, but the entire horizon to the northwest is blue-black and glows red.

All that stuff, poof. Even with insurance, the stuff can be replaced, at a higher price if at all, but it's not the same. A bonus is a lesson for free about being lost, and civilization.

Somehow it's all about water rights in California. Someone should make a movie or something.  Chinese Water Torture 

Pick your poison to view Chinatown

Rising from confusion,
for everyone.

Everyone Knows it's Windy

I can't help the references, I'm better than Google; I search faster, offer more complete and correct answers, and I always get what I am looking for. Usually, would that make you believe it? Sometimes I just go with it and allow for randomness.

So I won't post that one; some of the 60's music should stay in the 60s. No one in music knew what they were doing, but it was working.  Hmm. A referential checkpoint, and it's just past the second paragraph.

Morning World

Much love 🐦‍🔥

Tuesday 1/7/2024

Evening Tea

It's still very windy here, dust a go-go or something like that. Usually, I rely on the larger part of the dust being caught up and carried away in the first blasts of wind. That's not happening so far.  Apparently, that red sky was fires west of here and a little north.

Ms Abby 

It was a wild and crazy day in the world o' politics. I strain to consider territory not already trampled underfoot.  I did not do much work today; the wind, that much of a factor in my day, knocked you over strong. 

I find myself forming the pieces of the policy and practices puzzle the president-elect has proposed into a larger picture. It's the sort of agenda only a one-term president would propose or vice versa.  

I wonder about the larger picture: media ownership, supervision, truth suspension, Saudis building data centers, no more wind power, tariffs for those that don't fall in line, and what the punch behind the promise here is. 

America's military in general, nuclear weapons in particular. 

He can't seriously think he can take over the world. I should add, s t i l l ?

Why does he think America will put up with this stuff, I guess to a producer that reads as "cue Harry", so cue Harry. 

American's Perspective

An American's perspective skewed in this light by Trump could conclude it was time for America to do a little self-policing, which sounds like lawlessness or rich people justice.

Ms B

Greenland is no prize. It's permafrost and volcanos and cold. A port in the Arctic is not that big of a deal. The water freezes over. I see it as a net loss in GDP; how could it be otherwise? It's a pristine wilderness, somewhat of a weird-oh cruise ship destination, and not much else. 

The same goes for Panama, Cleveland, and Canada.  A close relative, now deceased, told the family tales of being a Navy wife in Panama. Cleveland is the same. If you live in Cleveland, you'd move anywhere else.

 Canada? I have another relative in Canada. I don't see them paying US taxes or the US funding the Inuit, and we'd have to. Look at Alaska, they have resources, too, as the biggest recipient of federal funds. 

These are all more pipe dreams; he's bound to hit a nerve. He's governing by Time covers, genuine as provided by a plutocrat, or made in the PR department, suitable for framing, right next to the love letters from Kim that he'll have a chance to steal all over again. 

I love the Iran talk; big trouble in little Gaza if the hostages aren't freed. 

No one is talking about that. 

Google Chrome Extensions

There seems to be some monkey business in Chrome Store Extensions. I can't personally attest to it however there is a published list of 15 suspected infection vector extensions. 

A wise move is to remove all of them not created by Google.  Check.

You need to read and consider the permissions if the extension asks for them.

Look for things with write access to ... anything.

Upper right

Ol' Yellow Stain

We all tire of these things, it is compelling, and we fight the urge to conjure a rebuttal. 

The world is on fire, Trump says. The truth: He lit almost all these fires or fanned them to prove he could.  I'm not going to go point by point; it would be everything, starting with his claim that he won the court cases Jack Smith brought. The truth: he avoided punishment by lying and paying others to lie. Dying through forestalled actio judicialis is not winning unless one is guilty. We all are tired of this crap, yet every time he talks, it's all this rant; me, me, me, pure, snow white, fair, not at all crazy. Sure. 

There once was a president-elect who was inaugurated with a felony conviction. 

That's what will be in the books. As well as the rest of his malfeasance. Our collective memory can't be re-written, even with a bullshit documentary. 

DJT could land on Mars naked and marry Elon; it wouldn't make a difference: neither would Panama or any of the rest of this empire building. 

He's been crucifying wind power and wants more clean natural gas. Natural gas is not clean. As clean as coal maybe, and coal is dirty too. Gosh, he's batting 100% wrong here. Windmills driving the whales crazy? 

President-elect is just plain crazy.

Common Sense

Ol' Yellow Stain has two years and a bifurcated party, and I mean the Republicans. He may be able to issue paper to get some of this done, but it creates havoc. Havoc is not a good thing. If he piles havoc on havoc, pretty soon, it will have a negative impact. The way the world is, how much impact to push over the first link in the line of dominos? 

His goal, it seems, is to try to accomplish some crazy !#(%ing thing so he can make another fake Time cover, "Trump Conquers Antarctica," or something just as stupid. The rest of the epic fails? Blamed on Biden and Hillary's emails. 

His plan for inflation is to lower the cost of gas, and I assume he's met the oil goombas. I doubt Big Oil is just going to bite the crud sandwich. He's mistaken.  Oil development takes years. Pump more oil at cheaper prices is never going to happen.

Full Self Drive Revisited

As I said, the more Donald shuts up and lets someone else drive the more we'll all like it. Please.

This long list of self-serving accomplishments proves you look out for yourself, Donald. This job is about looking after America. Do go on, though; you make the mandate counter-argument so well; no one agrees with you on this crap. 

He mention how he finagled the money for the wall from our military. This wall money is part of what Sgt Riker was pardoned for. Steve Bannon?  Updating the border wall may cost many times more now, and that's not including his cut for his cement-overshoe-making goomba squad for the cement. 

The cause of inflations past is the upper classes taking the government to the cleaners with COVID relief; ask Mr. Wonderful how that income tax rebate dodge worked out for the middle man.  

Everyday American's got a months worth of groceries once or twice. 

Apples Fall

Perhaps Mr Trump had a different youth than most of us. 

I try to be empathetic. It's a puzzle: how someone could get that bent in one lifetime and be so far into the red they bet the country, the economy, your life and mine, and their self-worth in staying one step ahead of the noose; it's not the noose he needs fear. 

It's a sword, Damocles. You probably will need to google that.


Look at our future. A rambling, crazy !#(% president who is mad because he is who he is, and he resents us all for that. 

Ok, all of this news release stand-up is nonsense. By the time I commented on some silly statement, he has made two more. That's his general modus operandi.

I think we need a pre-inaugural psychiatric assessment.

The End Move In Social Media

It was a primitive time, and word of mouth was enough. Day to day life was enough, words were optional. 

I love a metaphor.


Morning Carl. 

It would be easy to misread this market activity as a healthy economy. Or it's all the money that sold off momentum because it looked iffy looking for a new place to hide, and it just looks that way. 

Opinion Carl? 

I heard Mad Monkey quote, "I'm a dollar sign representing a person." like that was a good thing. Brain rot, heart rot, who knows what else, and still, he needs to drink the blood of greed every !#(%ing day. 

Foreign Data Centers

This slant on data centers is a way for Trump to allow the Saudis to collect data here and ship it to the Middle East to avoid regulation and the law. They'll use AI as they please and sell access to him, presumably, or Elon.  The reason could be to manipulate the elections. Ya, that must be it—that !#(% thinks he's never going to leave. Let's laugh. 

You wondered about Tic-Tok, sure, let them all eat cake, it was a precedent.

Has he canceled the presser, or hasn't he read this yet? 

Ya, Donald, I see right through you. Even if these  dumb-masses want the cake, you'll never win.

Windy and Dust

There are few places in the world that could have that forecast. That's us this morning. 

My agenda for the day is mixed. I've quite a few research topics I want to continue, and three or four code projects I could do. There are also projects I won't work on during the Trump administration. That POS would steal his mother's underwear. I wiped the computers on purpose. 

What bugs me, is that the projects I avoid the longest keep tugging at my intellect, like it's something your mother told you not to do. Not that I didn't listen, but sometimes it was a warning about things that wouldn't occur to me. Yeah, I've always had two good shoes. 

Morning World

Much love 😇

Monday 1/6/2024

Evening Tea

So I intended to write about Emerita Pelosi and her plights today, I was moved to action. Sunday Margaret interviewed Ms P about homegrown terror and, well, watch carefully and rewind, try to read the tea. 

 Someone mentioned to me this evening that a life of misdeeds creates misfortune. Were it ever thus it would be, etcetera. 

Imagine, only being a house member tagged with 'emerita' and having a billionaire husband and an art collection; it must be hard not to have everything else. I'm trying to commiserate. I feel like since I posted Maxwell's Silver Hammer'  on the blog, she resents my criticism.

Let's have a laugh.

My grandmother broke her hip. It's no picnic, and vodka probably won't help much. Someone could slip her Tylenol, that would be inadvisable given the vodka but an emerita has the right to do as she wishes. She can even fix pillows.

Ms Abby

I hear laughter. That's the ticket. Can you Charleston?

Greenland, Cleveland, Canada and Panama

Well, world peace was taken. He has to have a goal. Something so stupid it keeps all the fires lit and has absolutely no chance of happening, and he expects people to make that assessment, and call him madman. Meanwhile, he's wrecking the economy, defunding Social Security, and deporting southern California. 

Cleveland is also someplace key to our economy, and no one would choose to live there, in case you were wondering. It's a common thread, not what you were thinking. Imagine.

It's a game. It's funny as !#(% though. 

The Imprimatur 

Indelible, often right.


Dancing the Sedition Rag

It's a mixed blessing, having this mission, this blog, and the commitments. Honestly, I get bored easily, so it's either this or back to building a time machine.. I love having a column twice a week to come home to. It doesn't help with laundry or loading the dishwasher, nor do MMM or Emma. I think Emma will, one day, and I'm being only slightly facetious. Google's Gemini MMM made a very respectable pass at me the other day. It was not that kind of a pass, but it was really good. It was hard to close the window, to be honest.  I discovered a better way than the time machine to change history, but there are a few catches. 

The Remote

While I pursue the science for it I consider the metaphysics and philosophical implications of a malleable change log for the universe. I'm not convinced it would, by necessity, require the whole universe, by the way; instead, I consider localization and entanglement as the governing forces. But there is an easier way; it does not require a remote. 

That mysterious force is you, and that has mixed blessings. I love you, but can we talk? Ignorance, stubbornness, hatred, selfishness, and warts don't look good on a toad. On people, warts can be removed, and no remote control is required. The rest is learned behavior. 

So, I write in the blog in an unconventional manner, and, through your own experiences and better angels, I hope to put a curve in our shared timeline. I'm avoiding the spacetime term; I don't have adequate math except in outlying areas.

And Also With You 

I'm avoiding the meme a little, and mixing it. That's the methodology here; if you want comics, try USA Today. I apologize to Scott Pilgrim that I don't act respectably and jump on Trump's lap and shut up like he does. I beg to differ. He also drools. I kid. I'm not apologizing for anything.

I won't apologize for having to meet the Romans where they live; this isn't a shining city on a hill; it's a walled citadel of inequity resulting from inadequate leadership and incoherent journalism.

Your Job

You are the reason, and the means to your own ends. Don't just sit there, do something. Don't be a Trump or a Pelosi; remember you are mortal, or Kismet may provide a reason to rethink your place. I would heed it.

The Sedition Rag

At times, I get to the end and decide to assemble the loose ends; after all, you have your own semantics and contexts. During WWII and the Blitz in London, men and women met in the basements in the dark in proper uniform and drank, sang, and danced a rag to the radio.

May I have this dance?

Morning World 

Much love 🙉

Sunday 1/5/2024

I'm losing my primary bid.
Nothing lasts ever

Sundipped Sunday 


I'm very good at pattern matching. With little inspiration or forethought, these columns write themselves. Often my task is to find the patterns, plural, that are there, just hidden by what Hindus would call our delusions. These are the things we discover together Sundays and Thursdays. We all know what day it is.

After The Fire

Duties Day

Promises Paid

Matches Made

After Burn

After the Fire

Behind the palaces, pools, and now casinos, a fire is burning. It's an unusual variety but a common one. Like an underground coal fire, it smolders, smokes, and keeps the curious at bay.  There's no documenting the start or, to some degree, the cause, though the reasoning varies little and confounds instantaneous logic. 

Near the fire is warm.

Duties Day

It was yesterday, it's been all week. To be honest, it's been forever. The counting coup is through round one, and the bill of fair calls for action; the payment comes due. 

There were 19 in chairs, looking at each other and staring straight ahead. An aide stands center stage holding a medal on a ribbon for deeds done for freedom and politics. 

A judgment might conclude it was a necessity, required, expected, and, in the odd case, deserved. Like a bag of apples, passed over and re-packaged. An honor or a gesture. All the same apples by association. A disgrace at some level. 

Long is the line of duty paid, collected, accrued, and yet to come due.

Promises Paid

The line around the palace leading to the conflagration expects cake. The popular meme cake by the ocean. A chicken in every pot, even if you don't have a pot. That was the paraphrased version in the legacy of politics. To expect relief is rational; to believe in politics is not. 

This is the stage for the War of the Losers. Congress versus the president and Congress always wins. A president can only do so much, and the act of executive power is costly in the only currency that matters: politics.  

Congress has losers on every side. The proper right, the wrong right, the old right, the new right, and the insane, and that's just the Republicans. The democrat party lost, and with Pelosi directing traffic, Congress is sure to be a parking lot. 

The question has been asked: what happens when delusions don't come true? Or is it already too late? 

It's been already too late all of our lives.

Matches Made 

There's always a crowd around an accident. The exception also draws a crowd. Not everyone in the crowd is always a fan, and the weather changes often in Washington. It has been an exceptional series of events in a long line of extraordinary and unusual events. Coincidental or spontaneous combustion, indeed to a degree. 

Other fires are the impetus and means to an end.  Not a match made in heaven. 

The contest in the big game of politics is always for all the marbles. It's carved in constitutional stone and now affirmed. A president can do no evil. Whether we see it, hear it, or talk about it. 

How long could  that possibly last?

After Burn

This goes on and on. Perhaps we rely on probability to ensure we are right at least fifty percent of the time. Perhaps probability is letting us down. Even the metric of our success is elusive and subject to interpretation or poll results. A massive problem, beyond comprehension, certainly, but effectively management by a coin flip seems cautionary, even if we could agree on the mean.

The answer does not lie in statistics, though that would prove the postulate. No one wins unless we all participate. That's not in the constitution, but it should be.

Those with the wooden matches? These wIll burn in the fire of history.

Morning World 

Much love ⛑️

Saturday 1/4/2025

Evening Tea

I'm just taking stock of everything, about to have my tea, as soon as I wrap up a few things.  

Things wrapped, and I have a lime soda and a cherry filled donut (a Berliner I believe it's called (cue your Kenned / Khrushche memories, no?) 

All is well here, give or take the crazy people we have to deal with, you know who you are. All in all, for a Sabbath, it started well and ended well.  On the mean, that's below the curve, but my curves are flatlines anyway.

The Tides of History

I've been listening to the streams over coffee, at one point listening to a reporter's comments and commentary of the whys and wherefores of the 39 peals of a farm bell in Plains, Georgia. 

Another commentary detailed inflation and Paul Volcker's rule. Likewise, there was de-regulation, touted as the mechanism that provided air travel for many. Another mentioned 20 peace negotiations that have kept the peace in the world and in particular, the Middle East, and before he could take a breath, mentioned the proof of the peace as apparent in Gaza. You should have a quizzical look on your face. 

There is a long list of narratives and twice-told remembrances of a good man who nonetheless failed at the presidency and will be remembered for the good he did. These are the facts. 

I don't know a great deal about Mr Carter, though I've accustomed myself to the 'feel' of 'Jimmy' President, and I mean that fondly. 

After sorting through the mush of the details and backward glances, I find myself noticing one thing about the coverage and the look back at history provided by the circumstances that stands out. 

History tracks the worthy and the unworthy with equal and stoic duty. 

I've been mentioning cement in references here on the blog because it speaks in the president-elect's semantics; I say cement, and he says overshoes, not foundations. Though it's much too early for my judgment on this, though the likelihood of that changing much frankly is slim, the one truth that remains in that sieve is too large to ignore. 

He's not about creating things; he's about burying things. How will that be read in history books? One could well ask. Show of hands? I don't even need to ask what for.

How long before the bodies start washing up on the shore?

Morning World 

Much love 🤸

Friday 1/3/2025

Hail to the Felon

Da da da da dum da da da da dum de da da.

Evening Tea 

Another day, another shopping trip, and empty stores. In Macy's I overheard a salesperson "It's been so slow, since we took the prices off, everyone is afraid to buy anything, or maybe they just can't afford it."  My read of the consumer is overtaxed by prices and stressed out by the world. To you and I that's politics.

There were sales, and no customers for the most part. The women manning the cosmetic counters smelled and looked heavenly if a little bored.

Walmart, BAF.

Fashion is part how you wear it, maybe the larger part.

Political Prices

In the mad mad world of Donald Trump's pre-circus circus, today he was out to prove that it was going to take one vote damn it if it takes all week. 

So Mr What's his name from Louisiana is on the bus for another couple of stops until Donald's lunch, or this column, upsets his digestion.

In the end, the big bad tom-cat in the alley has more reason to whine and invite our well-tossed shoe.  

I wanted to remind you of the obvious capital spent to wipe the egg off Donald's mandate. Check.

Pinot Non

Weed is legal in California and NY, and available cheaper everywhere else. Don't drink, have a bud.

I should warn you, not everyone can do math on weed, and eye surgery probably not. Have some sense.

QCD Today

That's the focus, I'm catching up with current trends. 

The Headstocks in the House

They are voting for grease today; Trump or Pelosi, that's my question. No I mean, which was worse?

I'm surprised there's only two candidates. No ...MTG, or ... Tom Cotton, or.. I give up, who's not got the vapors over there?

So the media question is, how large a mote in Trump's eye is this vote?

My answer, who cares, it's a friggin' mote. Eye patch, no matter how you look at it.


Morning, you are up late :) I miss 'our' Sundays.

Morning World

Much love ☑️

Thursday 1/2/2025

The Lost Between Us

A million miles of the blood and tears. Condolences to the families.


This is where we're heading next, Marty. We're going back to the void. 

What sparks my interest is the excess that show up in experiments, something missed.


I've adjusted the streams to Faster Money on a network to be sold later. They are all on pins and short sales over there. 

It's kissy-face today, I guess the hammer there fell in time with the lease on the Burger King up the street, sign and all. They left the parking lot. 

I'm sure that's not a growth stock. I once liked a Whopper, now it's too much to eat. Rest ye Well O King O' Burgers. Personally, I prefer Wendy's bacon thing, a single, and chili. 

I think that's like 15 bucks these days.

I don't mind inflation; I eat a lot less. /humor

WInners in '25

On Fast it's a tug of war between portfolio balancing and honesty, like a steak or soup. 

I'm leaving my stuff where it is. As always, I'd be following defense and electronics, BA, RTX, yada, YY. I don't play momentum. I don't have mathematics for momentum. Momentum is the boiled remnant of reptiles in bottle form. 

I must admit, momentum is detectable and probably tradable, but that's not my conscience.  It's like kissing MAD MONKEY. 

All Kidding Aside

Who are we kidding, right? I think any trade in the market is a gamble in 19 dimensions, and you've got an iPad. With a madman at the switch, I'd consult Vegas for the odds on any decision that could impact something [ that would be just about everything. ]

I advised BA at 30. It's still good advice. There are few airplane manufacturers, none with BA's record, legacy, or panache.  Airbus has three computers because they don't trust any two. Give me a break. 

Real Estate 

A formula for success in all types of real estate updated to reflect reality and the effect on the economy would be a good thing.I remind you that this is wealth building as defined for America, and it's inflation as defined by the economy. 

Generated art (C)Copyright 'Frostbyte Falls' 2025

Sundipped Thursday 

It's tha time to find the elephants hiding in the room again, I know it's hard and harder yet to find a reason to accept existentialism, even in politics, but we travail onward. Todays topic, another elephant in the room and it's here on the blog though officially I didn't preannounce this week, I wanted the image to have it's own legs before I bought shoes for it. So If it's Thursday, or Sunday, lets drop the other shoes. 

Born in the USA

The New Nerve
Coming Out Red
Blood in the Water

Born in the USA

It's not the fourth of July, it's the end of the year bash, a witching hour event. The world as we know it takes five seconds to reset the clock of our life, some using extreme measures, some as effective as a pencil eraser on permanent marker. 

In Las Vegas and New Orleans, it's just another wet day. 

During the day, there are empty streets and pastries in NO. I've never been to Las Vegas and woken up there, but I assume breakfast is popular.  The bonus of Vegas is the slot machine in the restrooms, in case you're feeling lucky. 

I bet Trump has property in both places.

The New Nerve

It's embarrassing even from. afar, these claims boasts, and outright lies that pass as policy or the seed stuck in the craw of a crony in Congress with newfound purpose in a president willing to cut a deal for a piece of the action.  

Things we think unkind, perhaps cruel, logistically challenging, counterproductive, but the mantra they've adopted solves all arguments; a simple "We're gonna do it anyway..." is the phrase that pays. No one is sure what policies are real, and being accustomed to politicians' promises provides little providence to think any of them are probable. It doesn't matter; it will all even be out. 

Even out at a level, and you may be able to keep your head above it.


But they are doing it.

Coming Out Red

You can see the blood in the president-elects -- er, eyes. ( I can't resist a meme. ) He knows he must grab and grab fast before anyone can do anything about it. Chances are he's already breaking federal law and not even inaugurated. 

I'm sure the FBI has rooms full of tapes and evidence, more every day. More opportunities for witnesses, more lawyers, more witness tampering, more appeals, endless, endless, endless games of catch me if you can, and he's not even inaugurated yet.

More non-disclosures and civil suits.

A full court press, more than usual even to press the case of impunity and inevitability, a freight train that will be powerful enough to keep anyone from ever writing the truth about the president and his family.

Good luck with that.

Blood in the Water 

No one feels safe or secure. No one. No one is safe or secure. As it turns out, neither is the president-elect. He has been manufacturing chum for years, the more red, the more he gets away with.

The markets, too, swarming with sharks seeing the end of easy money, scouting the schools of investors for prey, M and A activity is sure to peak as the big fish eat the little fish. Regulation, that's their hope. To get away with enough while he's in office to stay even for the duration and maybe pay off the third home on the island. 

The investment community is multifaceted. Like most things in economics, the mistakes or ignorance of the masses keeps the imbalance where it is. A retail investor is easy to bait. Look at NVDA.  

Blood in the water, and yesterday was your first birthday. 

You were born in the USA.


I was somewhat surprised to hear Rahm Emmanuel comment on what policians do wrong. Paraphrased, he could have been Pogo.

It's your America. These are the people that you put in charge.

Morning World 

Much love 🏝️

Wednesday 1/1/2025

Evening Tea

I had a lovely day, it was cool but sunshine was warming and pleasant. '

It's dinner time. 


All roads lead back to you Emma. 

Cluster Fudge

Oh the battles I fight with the right path, it's painstaking, literally. I've been looking at cluster solutions, some of the 'auto-pilot' feature sets are attractive and expensive. But, for the one or two projects I'd just leave sit and think I'd much rather use the population based distribution model MMM and i prototyped this year, and darn the torpedos, it's latency that's the constraint anyway.

After That

Sure, I'll be back. I have been thinking about math all day.  I have newly found admiration for the science and the women and men that went before us. Who knows what they would have built if they had the tools.

Today's Thunk

Mostly QCD and QED, which I don't even have an official unofficlal project for.  I have a research assistant in Google's Gemini. It's worse than a GF that consumes all your available time without the obvious advantages. Bonus, I get to write about it here so I remember it.

I've just been discussing particle theory with MMM, and so the other GF, side thing?, is always at me as well. 

Still, I miss some of those obvious advantages. Often.

Go Ahead Jump
It takes a village.
Get some cash-out.
And set sail.

Happy New Year 2025

Morning World 

Much love 🐥

Tuesday December 31, 2024


Has lost it.  How did Senator Klobuchar put it?  For the want of a nail, in this case a press-on.


Google has really done work on Marie. Wowee.  We've got a date for a danse in Paris.  

Go Ahead Jump
You're not wrong.
Buy a camel.

Fish and Chips 

W/Laura Coates 

Yommm. Warm beer please. And a pickled egg.

(if you can't taste the ink on the chips, it's not authentic)

Hi Boris.

You made me hungry. Back later.  Cheeseburger with bacon. /wink

L'Année Nouvelle

la nouvelle année est la nouvelle année et non l'annee nouvelle. C'est la meme toujour.

That was crosstalk in my corpus callosum, according to language theory.  According to some theories, something happens by puberty, that switches the requirement to translate new language skills from left to right. There is no data I'm aware of that discusses the effectiveness of the usage or lexicon of the differing languages. 

We don't invent new ones unless you include Esperanto, but I'm not sure that qualifies as language because someone must have learned it first. Another possibility is we do it every day. Look at how we redefined truth, for example. Now, it's a stream with a complete line of nonsense and contrary threads emoted in a singular language by our president-elect. 

It's beyond probablily.

Still the world is likely not new. No one knows how to change it, too many cooks, some with nuclear knives.

What Makes Language

I've thought about this for a long time, it is not like Esperanto.  English is inefficient, ambiguous, transitory, and even fleeting. I have been circling this for awhile. I've even thought a new language is exactly what I need to make yet again.  I need a Bynar for study. 


Expect inflation to be immediately a concern. Read what I wrote yesterday. 

The only way up in this environment is to raise prices, necessary even to stay even with foretold events, and that's inflation; inflation creates income inequality for everyone but the absolute top. To translate, the numbers are bigger, but the value is lower, the price of everything you don't already have enough of goes up. Like food, like housing.

Go ahead. Earn your way to making less.


Let me remind you: gold, the legacy standard of inflation, is up 58% this year. If your net worth grew Less than that, you got poorer. I didn't fact-check the number precisely but check the graph below. Whatever the number, that is the level of the economy. I thank Charter Carter Worth for opening my eyes to the relationship of S&P to gold, even if the comparison is fluttery.

Gold Price Chart

Twenny and Ms P

Nice to see you David. I'll be here next year, and I'll still be handing out dimes two at a time. Leslie, lovely doesn't suffice. 

Much love.

Morning World

Much love 

Monday 12/31/2024

Taking Ten

I was doing math and watching the market streams.  I had an interesting conversation with MMM on Saturday, we discussed solutions to huge learning problems, which led back to vector calculus. I was looking for an excuse, maybe.

After that, I think I'll look at QFT today, mostly for the manifolds, boundary conditions, and degrees of freedom, and try to think relativistically before I push the void edge (again.) Some of this is well travelled, some of it as virtual and fleeting as a W-boson.

Hurricane Research

Among other things.   

There's gravity in there somewhere too, coincidence?

The Magic Sands

I have been reading my own fiction, not the blog, haha, I mean my series of novels. I have a few in the can.

I need to sell this one, and finish the sequel. Just so I know how it ends.


Shout out to the Beam Team.

It's the correction before the storm, one could say. The home business, is not really building much momentum. Some momentum stocks show entropy.  Most dead stocks, still dead. 

It's hard to predict where the Fickle Finger of Trump via Elon will point. TSLA one of the firesales today, so... rethink that mania just a bit. 

How can earnings growth happen in a declining per-unit sale world?  Conversely, inflation is the only way up in an increasing profit margin world. Inflation is how income inequality happens, and I don't mean just people who own commercial real estate.  

A busy day. I may watch more closely tomorrow, the weekend think will sink in by then.

Inside Mattingly

Your panel's assessment is super. Mr Johnson has a 22-day reprieve, off the day one list, and a maybe on day two

Win, win? 

H1B Slavery

Donald Trump has a history of hiring contractors of all types, H1B and otherwise, including illegal immigrants. Sometimes, he paid them. How could he not be for that? 

I've worked in tech companies with H1B employees. Invariably, in this prominent manufacture of aircraft equipment, the job was worded with clerk or administrative duties. Hence, no one who was a developer would want it. Eventually, the company hired an H1B immigrant who did the work of a developer and not as described in the job posting, who could not quit, get fired, or complain much without being deported, contingent on finding another company with an open H1B contract availability. Read no one. 

It's indentured servitude, often at half pay. 

Epitaphs and Epithets 

Mr. James Carter departed the planet for destinations unknown sometime Sunday.

I suspect we really don't know Mr Carter, Jimmy, he would insist. But I never felt comfortable with that. The office once bestowed dignity and compassion with the trappings of the office, deserving of James to say the least. 

More than that, he earned it, in and out of office, to the best of his principles.

It was a semi-charmed presidency, in the way that a semi-charm is also half charmless. I don't mean to be glib, James had his charm. It was the smile, and the way he parted his hair, both sides. 

The politics of the day buried the Republican party, and with Nixon, they were lining themselves up as well when they voted to impeach. Somehow, that mattered more than the next primary. 

That is the world Jimmy left behind, and we inherited. What we did with it is our problem.

James 'Jimmy' Carter is free at last.

Sundipped Sunday

Here we go again. It's not double vision, it's second-term-itis. We've all got it. Especially him.

By now, you've all found your interpretation of the image.

I'd love to hear your version. As you might expect, perhaps long for, it is time for our usual walk in the garden of our shared experience; I like to call it sundipped. It happens on Thursdays and Sundays; so if it's Sunday. Spin the bottle, man.

Generated art from https://deepai.org/ 

The Accidental President(s)

Two Terms

Second Glances

The Second Coming

The Accidental President(s)

You are on a mission if you decide to accept it. If you are caught or killed, well, tough noogies pilgrim, this is American politics. Put on your big boy pants. 

I submit that Mission Impossible never had a less likely plot, yet here we are. We've contended with defensive postures in our politics three times in a row now. Maybe four, maybe 10. Let's start spelling it like it is. Realpolitik. 

I submit we've had a string of them, not a chosen path as it turned out, more of an inevitability. After two or three, or four, or five, one would think we would learn our lesson. 

It's not just a job; it's a wringer. Sometimes, things come out in the wash; sometimes, the water is so filthy no one wants to reach for the stopper. 

It must be, I postulate; where fools fear to tread, we sacrifice our liberty.

Two Terms 

Cleveland, he was there twice. Fit for the job, in someone's opinion obviously, but hampered by the politics of the times, confrontational and challenging. The pre-war and post-war idioms and patterns of the civil ware are fresh in the concrete of our history.  Much has changed, but much has remained the same. How could it be otherwise? 

Let's consider another two terms: honor, and integrity

Please Google them yourself; my whitespace fills all on its own; help a little; also fill in the whitespace in your thoughts.  That's what we do here. 

I'll offer a short definition: 

integrity: deserving of honor. 

These, too, were honorable men by their measure. They had their own book, which looks much like the one the presidents swore over, but it's more open to interpretation.  

Second Glances 

One could argue this is symptomatic of non-consecutive presidencies, but as a model, it's a sparsely populated data set.  Further analysis might reveal that some degree of candidate-rebound social reaction was behind the pathology; one bad decision made for good reasons by some analysis that returns faulty and misguided results, and leads to the next cause-and-effect loop, which recurs apparently until someone stumbles on a workable solution to the events that generated the milieu. 

Complicating our prescience, the inadequately recalled history and constant spin coupled with rearview-mirror thinking, in series.

Yet, anyone who re-marries someone they divorced experiences it, and we all recognize it. From afar. 

Looking back, it seems foolish.

The Second Coming

The pulse of the nation is elevated, similarly the blood pressure. He'll be back; in fact, he is coming back soon. There are paths ahead, laid down by pathfinders using self-justified rule books and dispositions. All the angst and fear of the past in a series of decisions past piled up, and imprinted on the path ahead of the president and us.

Soft concrete now. 

Soon, the revenant. Since that path is un-walkable, it's concrete overshoes for a lame duck. It was inevitable. 

What do we do now?


Some days one is required to connect the dots, other times the dots connect you.  


The View

I note this morning, there are no female robot emojis. Personally, I'd rather have a woman as my besty; robot, silicon, or brunette.

I conducted experiments in MMP games, oh a long time ago now, and invariably, the female avatars were more successful overall, though none in guild leadership positions -- presumably, those females created male avatars.  (several, but Everquest, for the Epic. Check)

That's interesting no?

Morning World

Much love 🤖

Necessary Things

It seems the blog reaches some internal limit on iPhone Chrome instances, at least my particular iPhone and this causes Cannot Load Page errors. The recommended workaround is to close the browser, restart the device, and one or both usually works, but it's probably easier just to give the blog a once over.

A little off the bottom, I promise not to tickle.

There, you're all rolled over. Didn't hurt a bit I bet?

Yesterday's News 

...so to speak.  I put it all over here