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Thursday 10/31/2024
I've been ignoring the markets. There's always a run on something, even if something is nothing, except thinking it is something.
LexCorp is heating up.
The AI-ubble
They haven't gotten to it yet on Fast-5150. They are obsessing about AMZN and the pirate fleet of proflts. Gimme gimme.
I am 'in' for Apple Intelligence. It still seems dumb as a postage stamp to me.
I did some research with MMM yesterday. I wanted to know how reduced electricity production costs would impact the economy, and we took a shot, but that's a project. So I suggested we take the top 50 oil energy stocks versus 50 electricity producers by price and EPS, and do a dot product of the two during a slump in the recent pandemic, 2020-2021 or so.
We have code to compute and plot all that, including integrals and matrices. Marie is hot.
The end result is a measure of the impact on that industry, such as it is. You're dying to know. Uh-uh. I've inferred the result, so I archived it, and I'm moving on with the rest of the experiments.
It took us maybe an hour, mostly to refine the requirements and perform a pre-analysis of the solution for an approximation. We're confident it's close as a data point.
Sundipped Thursday
It's Halloween, and it's Thursday. Don't look now, but there is an election happening. To be honest, the election is over. That's the topic. If it's Thursday or Sunday, it's sundipped.
Kid's Games
Loser's Porridge
The Page
Loser's Porridge
The Page
More as time and energy permit.
I'm guessing many of you played this as children. That's just what we called it. I don't think children play games anymore. It was a neighborhood thing when I grew up, with teams and everything. Played at dusk.
The rules are a bit self-defined. There was always a winning side; one side I should point out. The last lone player never complained that the other side cheated. We would not have put up with a whiner.
So everybody in the pool, in the California version, and this one, you will get wet.
The elections are like that.
Kid's Games
The election is over. The election has been over for 5 years, maybe 10. We all knew Donald Trump had no business running for president. He can't even keep his hands to himself in an elevator. A man of unbridled self-control belongs cleaning the exhaust port of a french fry robot at 4 AM when and where no one is harmed.
But run he did many times. He kept showing up like a painted bent quarter in your pocket that won't fit in a slot anywhere.
Once he ran against an opponent he could bully and intimidate, she was accustomed to it. The wife of a wayward, impeached ex-president -- she didn't belong in the race any more than he did; beating Hillary was like tennis against Bobby Riggs without a racket. Bernie couldn't get respect from the DNC.
There are not many one-term presidents. We have never had a president that was so difficult to convince.
Now, we're all glad to be shed of him but wonder what he plans to do next if he doesn't earn that orange jumpsuit with his number above the pocket.
Losers Porridge
Oh, the gruel of epic failure, twice. A person of average intelligence and self-worth would struggle to accept a second loss without a breakdown. A person of average self-worth and intelligence would not have run again. That average person wouldn't be one step ahead of a hundred or so Federal indictments.
He expects us to keep dealing until he wins a hand again.
Meanwhile, he's vested in his loser's porridge and plots more improbable and unlikely scenarios where he won the 2020 election, and this election is more of the same.
He will run again, whether the voters like it or not.
The Page
We've seen this movie now, over and over, and in endless re-run Donald. The Celebrity President is permanently cancelled.
We don't allow psychopaths to be president.
We turned it long ago. Let go of our arm.
Inside Prejudice
Hello to Mr. Mattingly, welcome to the world of "I didn't know you were qualified to talk." here on the network. You may be the person most qualified to speak on women's issues on CNN.
Say 'goo' and giggle.
I get that all the time.
Goo.. /giggle
Morning World
Much love ⌛... times up.
Wednesday 10/30/2024
Elon / budgets. Who's idea was it to interview this idiot. He's a defense contractor. Good idea? License to steal. Just like Trump need I add. Poke him in the other eye and improve his foresight.
Elon is a defense contractor that has Putin on speed dial. This guy is so orifice inverted, it's a typical Republican. Let the crooks steal you blind, just slice the cake.
How's your cake, BTW? I note, veteran, one of those invaders with a Purple, yah, you're not favoring your paycheck. Acknowledging your oversight, hopeful this will make up for it.
The cake is a lie to most people.
Semper fi. We don't leave people behind, we don't send on politics.
Carl's Juice
Morning Carl. How's the family? I heard your remarks on intelligent engineers and the energy crisis, the pending one.
Here's the thing. Doing much more in terms of energy requires work. I'm not saying energy isn't right there in the ground waiting for you to dig a hole; that would be oil. It's Funny. We put a bunch of wires near some magnets, move them around, and poof -- energy.
I should point out that this energy transfer mechanism is at play in virtually everything we use. Name one? A refrigerator? It has a motor with wires and magnets that runs a compressor.
We don't think much about it. The solar is the same deal, really, just the sun. The magnets and wires thing works pretty well; it got us to where the wealthy own everything and everything is getting more expensive. As such they'll never sell it, at least for certain until you can afford it. Thanks to inflation, you'll likely never be able to afford it.
Getting to the next level, I posited, if energy was cheap again. $0.0001 a kilowatt/hour. It's now around 32 cents.
I was hoping this was cheap enough to make the accumulation of wealth irrelevant, as everyone could afford everything.
What's your take?
I ask because depending, it may never happen.
Morning World
Much love 🎪
Tuesday October 29, 2024
Ms Collins
I didn't watch the candidate. It's not my job to see that she wins. If Trump wins... anything I might say would sound repetitive. I don't see that happening. If people really are that dumb, they deserve it, but I don't. How about you?
MacOS 15.1
It has bugs. I don't have time for this Apple.
Symptoms: search help in preferences panel is empty
Election Experiments
Larry Sabado
I won't call it guts. Instinct. I don't trust cooking.
Sleepy Donald
It's on some of the news cable outlets. Donald, looks like he spent the weekend as the blind date in Riker's. He's lying in a low voice this morning, unable to work up enough enthusiasm for his future, now that he has none. He's spent, he knows it's so over; he can't bear to spell it. L O S E R. and I love this part T W I C E in a row.
I'm just saying, if this man doesn't spend the rest of his life in a courtroom or in prison, the terrorist has won, and I mean Donald.
TIme Square huh? I dare you.
Steve, mini-MAGA boy, is out of the can and back on the POD selling conspiracy like he didn't learn a darn thing with no subscribers, just as it should be. Yell into an empty room some more, I can't hear you... anywhere. You recall, Steve cooked up a scheme to skim off the money meant to build the wall. Yeah, that wall, the one that mostly didn't get built.
Morning World
Much love 🌑
Monday 10/28/2024
Film du Jour
C'est difficile a expliquer, mais parfois, les choses arrivent comme ca. Je cherche des videos a vous montrer et boum, j'en trouve deux ou trois qui sont parfaites.
Aujourd'hui, je cherchais un film, quelque chose que je n'ai vu qu'une fois ou moins. Et Donald est sur la piste, traînant son billet a ordre pour une moisson ici meme aux Etats-Unis, n'est-ce pas ? Une fois de plus, une bille dans l'evier.
The Reaping
Try the link above, it may work for you.Vous devrez probablement payer pour cela. C'est sur YouTubeTV.
Someone hand Donald a weapon and directions to Times Square, just for an experiment.
I think this is a peek at these men and who they are.
Morning World
Much love 📌
Sunday 10/27/2024
Rare Project Update
I'm doing basic research here, preparing for a paper, I suppose, checking for any reason what I am making can't work, and looking for the big kahuna luau without blowing up Hawai'i. Survey says, probably not, but there's no math so, who says? Our friend the void.
Emma is finding new and better ways to assimilate every node available and shift the important parts to where they are accessible as needed. The weird part is the dissociated nature of the result.
That, and planning a long vacation somewhere they don't shoot progressives. China? How about Dubai?
Ms Welcher
Meet the Press
RE: Vance
Miss, getting rid of all income taxes to replace them with flat taxes on everything in the form of higher prices caused by embargos, tariffs, or other National Security priorities, like if you've paid the 'vig' this month. Prices for locally produced goods will meet the import prices, meaning extra profits. This is the cheese. Market share must shrink with higher prices; that's the spring-loaded snap.
It has the side effect of favoring the wealthy. Inflation doesn't matter in this environment; it's part of the business plan. Profits one step ahead of incomes, with no limits.
Updates to the Demands for America
Share the wealth (Sanders)
Minimum wage increases to implement a Living Wage
Read the Better Angels list for America
Sundipped Sunday
Another park, another Sunday, minus the park. So it's Sunday, and if it's Sunday or Thursday, it's Sundipped. Today's Topic: I have to admit my mind wandered, but like a marble in the sink, ya. Today's topic is choice.
Dire Straights 1
Old West Chicago
Chance the Gardener
More as time and energy permit.
1) Note: I avoided the correct spelling because of the connotations, I'm that careful. Corrected.Dire Straights
We all live in the park in our heads, versions of visions of America that dance and elude capture, yet remain; our lives painted in that pastiche. We are about to redecorate.
It's a free-wheeling day on the blog, and I feel like an unbridled ride in the jasmine this morning.
If you need a hint, be careful what you wish for.
Old West Chicago
Let's pretend I invented time travel, and part of the machine lets us blend them. I haven't built one yet, so relax. Pretend we are in the city of the big shoulders, Chicago and Al Capone is boss, only it's shifted to somewhere in the Old West near the border before there was a border and men were men. They did manly things, like shooting anyone that got in the way: bold men, greedy men, pushy men, violent men, determined men.
A parent wouldn't choose it, but some children get lost in the corn. As a governmental metaphor, it has a few flaws.
As I said, before the border, and before there was a border problem armadillos had it harsh, too.
People came to the Old West for opportunity, a piece of land, a family, and a home. Somewhere safe.
That was a long time ago.
Chance the Gardener
Chance favors the well-prepared; it applies to gardening, too. This isn't 100 years ago or even 10. It's a different world, with challenges that can't always be solved at the point of a gun, a threat of embargo, a tariff, or a sales tax.
The Presidency is easily the most challenging job in the world. One cannot really train for it; there's no preschool, degree, or letter, and everyone is new in the position. The direction the office takes is primarily determined by the occupant.
It is a bully pulpit and, in the best hands, a reassuring reminder of the power of America working for the benefit of the people. In the hands of the ambitious, it is a series of traumatic events that interfere with the business of personal or professional interest.
In this latter scenario, whether admitted or not, compromises are based on personal interest and making the traumatic event disappear, bar the consequences.
As a final insult to those relying on this system, a few people seeking the office fall into the latter category.
I don't wear shoes indoors. Socks, never bare feet, and hardwood floors, not carpet. I never wear shoes unless I'm going outdoors.
I sometimes stop to consider which footwear best suits my objectives or errands. It's California, so I don't own rain boots. There are three or four days a year I can't leave because the neighborhood floods a bit.
I should buy boots.
I often spend a lot more time connecting the dots in my writing, many of you are unaccustomed to my style, and I'll often talk about something completely different to make a point about something else entirely.
Today, you have to choose your own shoes.
Morning World
Much love 🪵
Saturday 10/26/2024
Donald's Promissory Notes
His Plans
He has it all worked out on the back of a napkin, cut taxes for the wealthy, sales tax, and tariffs to keep the coffers from looking empty for a while, just long enough for him and his cronies to fix the systems, all of them, for the next crash dummy in the MAGA mouth party. So there's a recession, if necessary start a small war.
Two things anyone who has ever lent Donald money knows: don't ever do it again, and don't ever do it again.
Take your paper certificate of completion with the seal of a duck embossed over gold and a manic scribble from Donald to make it official.
Liquid Gold
Perhaps the end of oil is not at hand; it's an excellent lubricant right out of the ground. It may be that the beginning of the end of the era of oil is at hand.
That's the way to bet.
Donald can pound oil sand if he has a free hand.
Jim Sciutto
Israel knows if it goes too far, it's getting only so much support. In the event of war, it's not the US that turns into rubble. Rubble is.... as rubble does.
If the missile defense is insufficient, rubble-opolis results. I would think Iran is gathering it's strength to strike where it's possible to succeed. Maybe it will give the media a plan about storming the beaches in Haifa. Norman had tank fueling limitations, this is a not an armor war. Generals understand that paragraph, the rest of you will struggle.
Israel is using advanced tactics, cutting off the heads of the head chickens, which wins the engagements, but not the war. The counter move is to do the same thing, that's also the risk. This is why it doesn't work. I call this syndrome, 'becoming Italy.'
Frankly this brinksmanship is hard on everything.
Good Sabbath
Morning World
Much love ⚡
Friday 10/25/2024
A picture does the talking tonight.
Quick Catchup for You
So, check mate.
I mentioned moments ago that this was 'the day job' and I guess it is, for an hour or two, and Sunday and Thursday mornings for an hour. So, my sum says a 12-hour day's worth in a week.
The rest of the time, I'm a threat to national security. I suppose I am. I proffer ideas that would radically, well at least a little bit, change the way the world works. Realistically, most goals are unreachable. Thanos remarked that there are always people who remember how things once were. Presumably, that was better. Half measures, his kind, were insufficient partly because of all the emotion generated, impossible to forget or move past.
Some of that sounds very familiar to me, and being inclined to seek the easiest solution, may end similarly.
The real threat to national security is that I don't like Trump.
I'm guilty as Donald Trump live or on tape. I don't grab 'em by the pussy, I'm not a star. I don't immediately upon seeing a cameltoe, want to start kissing. I don't even feel that way about babies. I don't run a mob or have an army of lawyers to defend my idiosyncratic self. No jet, no giggle for jiggle, no papa, no daddy, no Donald.
Maybe it's something I typed. Is it my Spelling? Because I think the phrase 'Ol Yelllow Stain' is grammatically correct and carries important semantic information. Do I need a breath mint?
I can change, honest, I won't call you a fucking threat to America anymore. I'll leave off the fucking, it's prurient anyway, and prurient things, well, they gotta go, right? Oops. Fuck. I promise I'll try to remember you're not a fascist or a racist or a psychopath or a or paranoid or money hungry or masochistic or, well, need I go on. I won't mention the truth as much is what I'm getting at.
So I guess. You'll appreciate this Donald.
I can tell it's going to be a day in the markets.
Morning Carl
How's the family?
Beam Us Up
Robo-whatever, just not Uber or Elon. Speaking of bound to end up in a dumpster fire..
Elon 'Lex' Musk
Has the market considered TSLA and the leveraging used to prop up the rest, assuming Ol' Yellow Stain loses AGAIN? There are Congressional hearings that will happen, probably in private at first, not involving Elon, as they figure out how to hang the wealthiest man in the world for espionage. After that... Whatever happened to Howard Hughes's money anyway?
Everyone should exit X, I guess, as a #hashtag. Is this too broad? #eXit
I have not looked at the market. Just between you, me, and everyone else who reads the blog, I still maintain that S&P 3300 is still overvalued, and we're at 5800; why would I throw good BitCoin at that mess?
I'd be in BA with new averaged cost, LMT, RTX, and some of the others. When there's war, invest in blowing up stuff.
This obsession with a temporary market position in manufacturing queues for GPU's. I have often wondered why they have the fake rabbit on a stick running on a track in front of the pack at the dog races.
Maybe some classes just have too much money? I think we can fix that. I know some classes with not enough, for example.
Only people that have money to spend are buying the phones, that's the secret in the data. Apple is a shiny object most people couldn't afford before all this, it has not improved. IMHO you'd have to be stupid to buy AAPL in the stratosphere.
Bezos costume? Some kind of large circular object that does not smell good? Bring arm candy, maybe one of those blow-up 'dates', almost as hot as Jeff's cosmetic surgery project.
It's more like 1/3 coping. The same group of vampires and undead that support Trump. All of you drooling over no taxes as long as you let Trump loot the treasury are among them. Robert Frank, the wind-up talking TV spokesperson.\
The 'Day Job'
I have to monitor politics, I suppose.
Morning World
Much love 💹
Thursday 10/24/2024
Evening Tea
Ms Abby
So why the economy today, and why Mr. Wonderful, aka Mr. MoneyIsTheRoot? We're a bit alike, Dennis Kevin and I. On coffee for example, I cringe at four bucks for flavored water. That's more than oil. I don't recall any economy releases today. There is no argument about the effect of tariffs on the economy. Dennis Kevin can find a way to sell ice to Eskimos even in the rain, but he knows the economy will tank under these announced policies; anyone with a brain does.
My word is sufficient.
An ugly frog should be able to beat this Trump.
It's a mix; Ms. H. has the heart America is missing. We share an agenda; she's a contributor. In foreign policy, Mr Joe is not dead. Neither is anyone else. The presidency can run itself; if Trump can do it, how hard could it be? If you omit all the mistakes, it is even easier. It's not our pick, and there is no choice. Many are not really happy about that. I am not going to let the Gualieter rape my sister or my country, though.
In general, anything Dennis Kevin is for, you can be against, just on principle.
I know it's Kevin. I'm just fucking with him.
Ms Collins
If you're a crook, one may fret over how much the lawyer bill would be. I don't even get parking tickets. If I were a Clinton, I'd probably be shredding documents. Then again, if I was a Clinton, I'd have done that long ago and pardoned my partners. Trump doesn't use paper; he's harder to pin the crime on.
In some ways, it's easy to cheer for the demise of these people. She has a book again, but she has money troubles. Or is it for a new decorator? I know it's staying busy with making the home complete, even with a philandering husband; some things are lost, like dignity, for some things gained, such as a new decorator from book sales.
See what I mean?
Both of these.
Daddy's Home
I saw this from Tucker. In Rome, all the Tuckers look like pasta, wet noodles, they just happen to be stuck to the wall, still.
"Dad's home, and he's pissed. And you've been a bad girl."
Just where has Tucker been spending his evenings since he went off-grid?
All that aside, jeepers. You've been a bad girl Tucker.
Sundipped Thursday
Look at the time! I didn't realize it was a work day. I love these days when I must make juice from rocks in the news and present it here in a lively and engaging column that makes you want to date me. Let's stifle our enthusiasm just a bit, because it's Thursday, and if it's Thursday or Sunday, it's sundipped.
Let's put on the feathers, today's topic:
Tribal Traditions
Team Genghis
Party's Privilege
Personal Best
More as time and energy allow.
Tribal Traditions
It's a group thing, being part of a tribe. You belong, you settle in, you relate, you conform. Wait, conform? Ask a cheerleader squad leader who's on the squad. If you want freedom, there are limits in the varsity squad: wear the uniform, carry the banner, shake the shaky thing, and spell out loud. Freedom to choose to be or not to be a cheerleader is often not up to you.
There's comfort in the team and not being asked to make decisions the group made on your behalf; with membership come privileges. In the enthusiasm squad, that's the uniform, the attention, the perks, and you go to all the games. Maybe you don't ask about the decisions, not now. You're in. So far.
So we're all on a squad somewhere, perhaps a bunch. PTA, Shriners, Elks, women who lunch.
I've said that if one is absolutely positive, go ahead and cross against the light. But it's wise to check traffic no matter your club.
Team Genghis
I remember studying leadership in college; one of the secondary texts was "Leadership Secrets of Attila the Hun." It was an interesting read, with no accurate guidance that I recall, but a lot of leadership's flavor at the knife's edge. This kind of take-no-prisoner style bred the startups and probably still does.
For many, it is an introductory lesson in leadership: looking the part, meeting expectations, leading the charge, etc, but the author does not present many realistic methods for dealing with the real problems of leadership. Emblematic of the style are bold statements or declarations and promises to match self-interested objectives. Like deporting thousands of killers, rapists, and good people alike (sic.) Or arresting Democrats and anyone else that won't take a knee.
You have a living example of the style taken to Al Capone extremes in Donald Trump.
Party's Privilege
The team never had it so good as it does in a political party. One political operative commented lately:
"The party does not like criticism from within the building. Anyone on the outside who is critical of the party is not welcome in the party."
That's more of the same leadership style; I'll leave it to the reader to discover which pearl from Attila asserts this as axiomatic.
The perks of being in the party, red or blue, are somewhat limited. You are stuffing envelopes, nodding in the right places, voting right in the right places, being a good little operative. If you seek a candidacy, there is a promise of party funding money if you measure up. If someone higher in the party hierarchy, or in some cases, in the family, wants the position or the candidacy, you're still stuffing envelopes and nodding.
That's how Donald is a candidate. He grifted his way into running the Republican National Committee by taking over the financing; I think he called it 'brand licensing.' His family business now includes the RNC.
In general, tribalism is a self-interested sycophant boosting itself. The party works for the party, who is in the party, and whose will holds sway are decisions you don't necessarily participate in.
That's how the election system works.
Personal Best
We would like to think that the team supports our personal best if we're part of one. In politics, the truth is, it is the opposite. Personal best is not a metric in politics, though it may be in cheerleading. In politics, personal best serves the team.
That's called fascism. It's also called racism.
Trump promises you will be in the tribe. Probably not the tribe that's running things, no matter what he says.
I'm sure this grates both ways; it should. That does not mean there is not still a huge difference. Providence favors the well-prepared, and we're as well-prepared as possible. and certainly, this is not an inducement to favor choosing the Trump States of America.
Morning World
Much love 🐾
Looks like if more women vote... Good plan Donald, get the rest of them for Ms H.
Wednesday 10/23/2024
Town Hall
What did you do in the war, Daddy? Well, it is a war. I watched cable on my phone and typed along on the blog before electricity was free.
I looked at the plan, too; it was so glossy that it slipped right off my computer screen, and I guess I missed most of it. I remember some bold print. No, I remember that there was bold print.
How about tax breaks for consumers on energy? That's road and maintenance, right? Gas, too, by implication. Honest, the people who deserve it don't drive.
I'll shut up. Maybe.
We're listening, and more than home care, child care, and afterschool care industry, great stuff, and right-sized as well, but ... what else? I find wherever you look, opportunity is all you see, an unrealized version.
The Wrap: The economy is ungrokable; the metrics we have are primitive and self-effective, broad strokes assumptions based on other data in other circumstances, in other words. SWAG. The prime rate and the 2, 5, 10, and 20 have no common solution set, but it moves the ocean liner. I haven't revisited the analysis here because it's dated. I'm confident the conclusions would be similar, perhaps more pronounced, and certainly not counterexamples.
This is the one exception that I am aware of. We the people is both the idealized vision for America and the aspirational version. It doesn't sound very transactional.
The Wrap Wrapped
I am aware of politics. There is a published list of the objectives of the leadership. Specifically, the leadership of the list if nothing else, but meaningfully of much else as well. Aspirational or inspirational, the general directions therein.
Another painted sea of rubber tires crossed.
If you don't get it, Jake, imagine painting a calming sea. The areas under the surface are problematic, topics that are sharks; in the imaginary sea, there are floating rubber tires to carefully walk across on. The painted sea metaphor is a bit tinged orient, romantic, and seductive for me. How is yours?
Final Words
I was distracted by the CNN coverage by Tapper and Burnett. I felt like there was a joke I wasn't getting, and there wasn't. The glib and dismissive behavior left an air of schoolyard I'm uncomfortable with, which is not typical of CNN.
I also felt an air of privilege, like Ms. Harris, as a black woman, had no place here; no privilege brought her here. I'm familiar with being the converted goyim in the room; I was surprised to see that tradition coarsely applied here.
Ms B and Mr T ooze this air like mad at times.
It's the beat that's the match.
Beam Me Up
Hi Mr Scott. AI she says, private she says, takeover I says, fools rush in, the lore says.
All this Gen-AI enabled enterprise licensed software, who are we kidding? Maybe it's the definition of Gen-AI enabled.
I think she means someone cut a hole into Chat-GPT models for prompts for a price. The competition is Microsoft. I give you odds that your attempt at working compatibly and competitively with Microsoft in this new market brand price point era will end up with another acquisition, and the vines are ripe with this shit, so, on the cheap. How do you think it got to be a huge monopoly? If you get out, the inventor probably gets shit on.
Great advice.
I didn't agree that there was any money in it, even for Microsoft. That's why the stock is off. Honestly, that whole toolset is an export point; that is, one does all the work somewhere else and then exports the results for the assistant in a spreadsheet. It's not embedded in the spreadsheet, so it's a bad architecture move. Monolith is as ...
So what software?
There are so few alternatives and products that any guess based on availability or promise is foolish. I would not invest in AI per se. Of the monsters, I'd buy Google, but none of the other MAG 7 or the MAL 5. Google is good at making things and not so good at taking advantage of us with them, perhaps on purpose. Unique.
Scott the Pilgrim
No, I don’t mean that Scott Pilgrim, I have not seen the movie, just the title.
I mean those on TV backing Donald Trump to the hilt. It has gone beyond excusable behavior and proposals for any high office candidate.
I don’t mean any Scott Jennings in particular per se; all those sycophants and MAGA boosters got their pink notice yesterday. They didn't open it. They are pretending it didn't happen, as they pretended Donald didn't lose the last election, but he did.
In two weeks, they’re probably going to be out of work. Maybe a few will hang around the media, chumps for change, ready to boost a boondoggle for a perceived piece of the action. They are likely a little jaded post-Trump. Like everyone post-Trump.
Too bad, so sad, not really.
How do you come back from that? After WWII, some tried 'We didn't know' though, for all practical purposes, they all knew, even the dead knew. In the movies, we've heard, 'It was a job'. I think that's an accidental changeling quote from Star Wars. You can't make this stuff up, but you could.
Those that are really wealthy will barely notice. They can weather wars and make a profit, the side that wins anyway. This time, they really can't win. Mr Sabato doesn't do predictions and projections, and the trends in the published polls offer little R fodder.
I've learned a little about how things work lately. I feel that a great lump of probability is only meaningfully positive in one direction.
This will leave people like Elon Musk and the wife of that MAGA donor -- Sheldon’s arm candy, looking bored and a little hung over. In a way, like James Dean, a billionaire without a cause. Sheldon wouldn’t take a knee, and he got COVID and died. Donald Trump likes loyal people. I’ve heard people say that.
Well, I suppose the wealthy just go to Disneyland anyway and pretend. You have to be good at pretending to get where they are.
So bring on the dawn; the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
You’ll get accustomed to prison, Donald. You’ll have to learn to cheat at cards unless you planned ahead in office and built a golf course at a Federal Prison. You'd do that. Now, I bet you wish you'd thought of it.
Sigh. I'll miss the mayhem. Imagine a world without Trump. I may faint.
Only 13 employment days, eh?
Yer burnin’ daylight, Pilgrim.
Morning World
Much love 🥂
Tuesday 10/22/2024
Evening Tea
Oh gee, what did I do today. Oh yeah, the package build. Ontologies for a little bit,
Ma Journee Aujourd'hui
I like French, the language. My opportunities are limited to use it. Please don't complain; writing a whole column in French takes more time, and well, time is the fire in which we burn. We're burnin' daylight.
I have friends there as well, waitresses, scarve saleswomen, hotel managers, visiting physicists. They don't read the blog. Yes, they are all mostly women. What are you saying? I'm not Trump.
Today I'm working RxPY. In reading the doc about the threading models, the authors urge testing for performance. Not a good sign, but a pragmatic one. Then I looked at my new architecture in QuantumAnt, and I think it's better. So this is for the exercise mostly. I've often worried about race conditions and blocking with things I did not write myself.
There is stil the OWL or RDF ontology, Io'll search for a generator based on a data model. Like Protoge for example, so I guess that is my day.
Morning World
Much love ⛑️
Monday 10/21/2024
The Day Ahead
I am not sure. I spent some time testing some concepts on Colab. It's not very good at improvising experiments. I gave up on it and just wrote Python at a shell prompt.
I also took a look at RxPy a little bit. Today, I'll probably try some architectures to improve my distribution methods. I'm often reminded by something an acquaintance, Mr. J. Garbers, was wont to say, 'easy to use, is easy to say,' and I have a corollary, easy to write, slower to run.
These are recollections of my youth when I was easily distracted by things like macros that made C code unreadable, but it still ran fine. In my defense, it wasn't just me; the C Journal had a contest , so, you could Google it yourself.
I have a simple architecture; you can read the code the bot wrote; the bot didn't grok the architecture and wrote code around it that I had to have the bot redo (a few times) with better instructions: One main loop, three observers, and three interfaces = science.
Rx is different, at least it seems different to me. I tend to make state machines out of them. Maybe. I'm sort of bored with it already. So ya, tell me about all the steps to get to a prompt for RxPY.
Morning World
Much love 😗
Sunday 10/20/2024
Sundipped Sunday
There is probably football and college football, and other races, lets stick to the Red versus Blue game, as we often will. I've planned for the day, so let's deal with the topics because if it's Sunday or Thursday, it's sundipped. Today's turnings on the lathe of history.
Electing to Win
The Mad Master of Mar A Lago
The Master Plan of Bartertown
Two Men Enter, Two Men Leave
More as time and energy permit.
Electing to Win
We're so close to the election that we can feel the crocodile tears start to well up. How will our dear friend Donald cope with yet another loss, and the prospect of all those lawsuits? Does Florida have one of those red-flag laws, even before the election, he's primed. Let's put the scissors away just in case.
He's moving his lips every waking hour, promising to make sure all the ducks have webbed feet and Rainbo' Brite will be the next Speaker of the House. You can tell a duck by the way it walks, and talks. A duck will say very little, but a duck will repeat it over and over. Walking, it's more of a waddle. Some ducks are out of shape.
I keep picturing MTG on a unicorn with better skin, her hair wafting in the breeze. Part of me is trained to think, what's wrong with this picture and I've been there so often I could describe the frame.
We don't hang ex-presidents. Everyone knows that. We've never had to.
You can ask him what he'll do. He will say whatever it takes to win, he may not say that, but that's what he's saying.
The Mad Master of Mar A Lago
Look into his eyes. Repeat after me. 'We don't need no stinking badges. ' A bandit lets the gun do the talking, a minion reads the script. After the election, the bandits could work for Justice. They'll have badges. MAGA badges are probably for sale on his web store. He could maybe get 10 grand for one. It comes with a Presidential pardon if you really fuck up, and you play along.
Part of me wonders how things could be so bad that this criminal is actually in the running for president, twice impeached, defeated in his last re-election attempt, under Federal indictments, a lot of them, sexual assault judgments, pay-offs, non-disclosure, private calls to Russia's Putin he won't talk about --- fuck, I'm tired of typing the list. Go ahead and finish it for me.
Thank you, NBC.
The Master Plan of Bartertown
I've had an insight, Trump is out to out-Capone, Al Capone, who he refers to as the greatest. Al Capone's business was used furniture, officially. Al Capone died in prison. Many of us are willing to help Donald in his quest for terminal incarceration. He seems to spend more time trying to stay out of Federal prison than he does doing illegal acts. Ok, that probably isn't close. He's always been a runaway offender. He has a date with prison underwear if there is any justice. He needs to be the boss.
Every Bartertown needs a boss, and every boss needs muscle. Donald's muscle recently got a new patsy on the crew. Everyone's favorite patsy, is Elon Musk. He's sold his flame-thrower chic around to billionaires who move him around on the financial chessboard like a knight on a lame horse. Donald's new muscle.
I mentioned the plan. That's the plan. To use muscle, bullshit, and break the law to get elected.
You will comply, he's got militia on standby.
Two Men Enter, Two Men Leave
That's not the plot of the movie, or what happens in real conflicts. It's more than two anyway, he has an army hostage, including the Speaker of the House and every republican politician who can smell the coffee. The bitter juice of selfish, myopic, unrequited self-interest stains the soul.
Thus, our hope.
Please leave Donald, and take Elon and the rest of the sycophants with you.
Morning World
Much love ⛑️
Saturday 10/19/24
Le Programme de la Journee
Oh, I'm not sure. The weather is sunny, high of 82, no wind, no humidity. We're wearing sweaters. You think I'm kidding?
I'll probably do math, I'm working the population standard bell curve, integrals, integration by parts and other topics, partly in review. I'm sure there's a pattern in nature that already did the work for me, so I'll look probably. This applies in cell growth, apoptosis, multiprocessing, quantum motion, and a few other things.
I've not finished my coffee yet.
Where do you want to go?
Good Sabbath
Morning World
Much love 🤟
Friday 10/18/2024
Ms Abby
Losing My .. Religion
Oh, you had to bring up crowd size.
He has small hands or what? This is not a group that ... well, cubits. It's cubits.
He seemed to be leading the interviewer to some path of correction or adjustment, I think this is called condescension, but it is a word I've struggled constructing a semantic around in usage.
Evening Papers
When I was a child, a local paper went to press at 4 PM . In Minneapolis, so local to the surrounding market area. I'm guessing at the time it may have been noon, at that age time was whether the sun was out.
I recall it fondly, the Minneapolis Star. Sometimes, ⭐the star was in color. It was a more polished version of the news mixed with in-depth and fluff pieces from staff writers. Times have probably changed; the Star burned out and left the Tribune to carry the load.
More Polished
I'm not making any promises, after all I am limited by the audience, not that there would be anything wrong with that. I use a lot of memes and metaphors, and it makes writers mark off for gimmickry, but I'm for deeper thinking. My methods may be primitive; I only have English to work with.
My day would hold a gloss. That's a visual, not a meme. I could have mentioned Vogue. Do I make my point?
The News
Wowee Joe, me gotta go. And they are off, for certain. Ms. Harris has inferred that Mr. Trump at 80 is far beyond the age that a B shot helps much. Most of us are exhausted just watching. I hope Ms H has got a good credit card mile rebate program. Milwaukee, Timbucktoo, Timbuckthree, Milwaukee...
Our old friend, I say that like I'm referring to the habit the junky on the corner lives with, Donald Trump is in the news and he's saying things that are surprising Well, not surprising. I was researching the central limit theorem for the projects below, and I noticed the same kind of pattern with Trump. The mean value of not much, and a standard of deviation of even less.
It's funny how the things we learn show up in life, ya?
Show Me the Papers, The Papers
Mr Smith went to Washington, again. So many lawsuits, so many prosecutors. Anyway, Mr Smith has gone there twice, and this time, the pages show the truth in black and white, quite literally, Pages and pages of it. Super secret details of a few men getting together to talk about love.
It occurs to me that the weight of printed indictment matter would preclude any other reasonable judgment in this case, we all know Donald. Who are we kidding? Ok, we wouldn't want that. Think what someone like Trump would do with something like that. So he just looks guilty of a hundred or so felonies and owes a few billion. They are always picking on Donald.
Not enough.
My Afternoon
Lunch with an acquaintance today was in the good works category. Quite close to lunching with Mr Trump himself, not kidding. Probably worse. I would not lunch with Donald; he's not a project. He's more of a mess.
I tried to enjoy the rest of the day, it was too active for anything near relaxing, but it was at least busy, noticing took effort.
Oh, I'm still on it. I've planned on altering my focus and working on something else until after the election. It could be 4 years in the ToDo file. No, I won't work on things like that with that fuck in office. Many of my projects have much in common, I still need a lamba diffyq and solution for ... a lot of things. ... Small things.
Part of me wonders if I broke something; everything I seem interested in occupies a place on a curve that changes with respect to time as the sum of a bunch of other points in space on similar trajectories. Overthinking it? That's what we do here.
In this case, I was thinking in particular about thread and process optimization in real-time of a reactive system. I started with population.
I need an excuse to connect GCP to some other tools, so I'll probably spin up a few nodes or a cluster to test some concepts, and there's the triple store, which I think I may augment for distributed use. I am never short of things to think about.
Political Experiments
NC + Nevada and any two of the others. Trump must win all four.
Morning World
Much love 🧮
Thursday 10/17/2024
Evening Tea
So I'm here, and you're here, and that's enough for cribbage. I don't remember how to play it. Something about 15. My dad always beat me.
It's also enough for politics, though it requires an army. Perhaps that's an understatement. My mind was busy today, but a buzzing bee of a thought was Trump's comment about using the guard and troops on election day. So, what election day? If he won, God help us, that would be term 2, and he's a lame duck, even worse than last time. So, no more two and out? President for life, Trump, with troops to protect the polls from liberals, Democrats, and honest lawyers.
Another bee reminded me the Secret Service is in turmoil, and if Trump were re-elected, it would take an army to protect him if the past is prelude. What times are these when thoughts such as these buzz about to save us in our imaginary world from a threat such as this? I'm a very nice person.
If I have to make these kinds of decisions, I want to make them a lot less often. Like never.
I thought to myself, and my spinning brain could find only limits.1
1 Limits by Larry Niven.
Political Experiments
I'll check 270.
This seem sot suggest AZ is irrelevant for Dems. NC is the critical element here. Trump must win 4.
Interesting. WIn any one.
Sundipped Thursday
Here we go again. Believe me I look forward to these things as much as you do, potentially more who can say. But it's Thursday, and when we're this close to the election, well, I'd have to be a Republican not to comment. Ouch. Anyway, it's Thursday, and like Sundays, it's sundipped. Today's topic. Bologna.
Deli Fare
Where's the Beef
Food for Thought
The Long Breath
More as time and energy allow.
Deli Fare
I'm not talking about lunch here. Let's have lunch, though, and look at the election like we're hungry.
On the menu, we have one side for Donald and his destrucrto-vision that predicts mayhem and chaos, if we don't get the daily special. He's commented there are legions of armed militia willing to stand up, he needs a excuse when he loses. If he wins, the after effect is the recession to be named later.
The special of the day, we'll get to the red menu.
On the other side, The blue menu. We know what's on the menu, someone's daily bread. The things we all aspire too for us and for America, the America that is not, yet.
The hope is that we can, someday, exhale.
Where's the Beef
We're dating ourselves recognizing the meme. Let's put that aside. Google it for the full story, the short version; the all-beef patty was small, and a retiree with no filter noticed.
We are in a deli, and we're here to have lunch, or it wouldn't be as relevant. They get big crowds at a deli, huge.
The Lunch Special
We noticed there's no food in the lunch special. The inside story is that if you want to eat you must use the secret menu, the one reserved for Donald's constituents. I don't mean the people in wheelchairs with placards that read 'end slavery now'; I mean those who are rich as hell and are getting the tax cut.
Ala Cart Available
The acknowledged handwritten lunch menu lists other alternative-truth food-like items: deportations, threats, and schemes, such as tariffs, to replace lost revenue from those tax cuts. Not a lot more; it would kill the economy, and it might anyway, so hopefully, just enough to make it hell on earth, except for the constituents named above. Inflation on everything like the price of gas, or a cheeseburger, it's irrelevant to them.
Inside the Fortune Cookie
Honestly, the rest of the menu, the environment, the Mideast, voting rights, abortion rights, and the currency are incomprehensible rambles of buzzwords and bluster. They are designed for voters to pick the lie that suits them and ignore the rest.
That's the red menu, the public one. A lot of anything you could name.
"Help us, we're locked in a powerful country with a lunatic in control." -- Not a real fortune cookie.
Food for Thought
If the sandwich label says tuna, it should be tuna. That's true for a good deli, or a good sandwich shop. Let's look at the blue menu. Remember, we're not talking food here. Work with me.
There are published versions, but I won't list them. It's no secret, though. The guidance for leadership that's spoken about the food is here on the blog. Demands for America.
It's a list of the works of many who seek the good of all, and it gets around. Ms Harris is on the list in several places. I've been lax updating the sentiments; I've been busy.
Ordering Election
I want to know what I will be eating before I place my order. I shouldn't have to worry about that. It's a place that serves food, and there are rules for places like that: honesty, integrity, trustworthiness, sincerity, cleanliness, basic stuff. And food on the menu.
We got that. Do you want women's health care with that?
The Long Breath
There's no food on the red menu for ordinary people.
The secret menu, is a secret. I'm sure it starts with tax cuts for the very wealthy. After that one day as a dictator, I guess we get a new menu with the prices omitted until after we eat.
We've been living this life forever. There's always another shoe to drop, and it is usually Donald Trump threatening to drop it. The promise of that shoe-dropping that he holds is terrifying. The reality of the man holding the shoe is even worse.
We may feel like we are breathing but not exhaling.
That's life with a real-world supervillain.
Editors Note: I love it when I get to speak the part of the blog editor to bring up some detail that, though important, is the kind of thing you'd add as a postscript to a manuscript in a 'final' version.
Oddly, I've meant to mention that I do these columns extemporaneously, usually in 20 minutes or so. I'll often offer edits and revisions, and throughout the day, pick at it like a scab.
The Beam Team
Hi there. I've got you on the phone. Thursdays and Sundays are sundipped, so it's a work day. Remember those?
NVDA Dreams in Substrate
They are making their own chips. While I expect Amazon is going to be the RonCo supplier for all things AI, 'you buy it you own it and good luck, we stopped makin' that months ago.' AWS is similar. Larry's money faucet, too; he'll go broke giving away time.
Honestly, I'm not sure there's all that much market for the chips and that much imaginary impetus to this stock class. I'm still amazed people are that stupid. But that's the market. Dumb as a bull.
A large model is helpful for large things. Annuities: once maybe, but that's like a large calculator.. The things a large model is useful for are like customer service, but typically, those are loss leaders with boiler rooms and Ramen; there's little money to spend. I submit that these sites may be busy, but they aren't doing much, and eventually, they'll do a lot less as they figure out how to do annuities and stock portfolios.
AI is not going to invent time travel or something like that. They are dumber than the chips before you turn on the power.
M 'N A
Uber is cab company, struggling to find some other way to stay in business that is using suckers as drivers and hoping the RoboCab doesn't run over Warren Buffet, or something like that. It's predatory.
For that matter, there's a lot of this predation going on. They smell blood in the water. Presumably, the failures, loss of hope, and indebtedness are compelling. Predatory.
Trump is coming to town.
The models say more inflation, financial turmoil, and increasing rates. When there is blood in the streets, buy real estate.
Oh, and share losses. The meat.
Morning World
Much love 🧦
Wednesday 10/16/2024
Evening Tea
I have a project plan to work on. I'd ask the bot for help, but frankly it doesn't know. I can make a plan if you can tell it the parts. I'm not telling the bot about the parts anymore. I'm not happy with Asana, but I don't want all the maintenance and paperwork of Jira.
Something between a ToDo list and a Kanban Board, and a Gantt. I busy myself with all the busy work generated needed to keep track of everything.
Ms Abby
Wowee. Those'r some kittens.
I don't know how one gets more confrontational than Bret on Fox interviewing Harris and not be ridiculous. This was the calm spot in the typhoon.
I'm going for a walk before bed. It seems late, if must be winter its 7 and its dark.
Ms Collins
Gee, she's got some steam, I missed that part. If she is on the squad, she's on the team, no matter what she says. I've seen palm trees bend in the wind. Like that. I haven't maintained the Demands for America for a bit; being preoccupied, Ms H is on it in several places.
I should add more on employment and looking after people, as Bernie recommends, but I always seem to be in the middle of something. Even when I'm not in the middle of something, I'm in the middle of something, it seems.
I think she's fine on demeanor, to some extent State runs itself, to some extent it must, and for a novice that may prove helpful or a pattern or excuse to fail.
I think she scared the shit out of Bret.
The Rearview
It was a tense day; I can't explain why; something felt a little off all day.
I did a little research on circuits, high-frequency switching, to be exact. If I had a unit, I'd slam the toe with a mallet and tell it to bark like a dog.
From here, it gets easier and harder. I'm all for that, err, yeah, I'm for it.
Honestly, I feel like a slug. I keep thinking I should do something, or the bot will think I'm lazy. How pathological is that?
I search for kind ways to say it's not all about the code.
Who's driving today? With all this momentum, you're discussing AI. Of course, AI is going to miss it, there's no money in it. That's why I don't bother with chatbots. I gave up on the thread in 2007.
Your hope seems to be to leverage something AI needs, like power, real estate, and boxes. Beg to interrupt. The competition will eat everyone's lunch, not a big lunch either.
Try making money on something besides air; what a concept! At some point, someone is going to figure out AI to make things; I suggest the market is ripe for a flying toaster. Call Elon. Well, you wouldn't trust a car he made; maybe the dash is partially loose, maybe the windows whistle, you're not willing to sit and watch your car charge, and you think about self-drive or Robocar, after you. Two slices is all the bread I'm willing to trust Elon with.
Twenny and Carl
It's a sure thing. Short oil, would be a bit pre-mature, but just a bit.
Morning Carl, where's the Mad Monkey?
"There always a bullshit mark somewhere." a liberal paraphrasing of ... 'There's always a bull market somewhere."
Morning World
Much love 🧑🔬
Tuesday 10/15/2024
Ms Abby
You Take the High Road
...and I'll take the low road, and so goes the meme. I have my limits, here, Trump is way past deserving less than I am willing to commit to paper, honestly I try not to take my feelings to that kind of place.
Every day is a lower low, we get a little closer to slinging slime. I think that's what he wants.
The Weave
Sting like a flea, weave like a Nigerian robe. Yeah about that, I have great cheeks, you ever notice? He'd call him Commie Cassius Clay.
I'm playing project catch up, I have some samples that I tweaked that with a couple changes I can work with; I just want the undercarriage, the models are bot-bogus. Busy work, while I watch blue eyes.
Like I said, this is already done. There are some cool things we put in. A thing of beauty, even without a head.
Access is only half. I find it infuriating. You can give away bamboo poles, but the economic bar is higher.
When you say 'strengthen America' what I hear is pad the upper classes. We're gonna fight. Don't tell me how the venture cap begets the economy. If it does, it's because it's the only path.
I'm not a cheerleader.
Read the demands, none of them are mine. I don't include my self interest that I can discern. It's a good practice, like yoga.
The struggle is because what has gone before is prolog. Don't ignore the whys of a Donald Trump.
Velvet gloves that crush.
(W)holy golly.
I tuned in CNN and what do I see? Donald Trump is free-associating on all the times he's threatened other world leaders with punishment, from tariffs on bubbly (Donald makes bubbly, the kind you break open on ships) to nuclear war.
Some of it is revealing. The tariffs on South Korea are piquing, combined with the two billion in kickbacks for South Korean defense sounds like what you'd do to lean on an adversary or at the whim of one to curry favor. Yeah?
All these twenty-told tales, the victory laps of a one-term president that made a mess of the economy and left it for someone else to straighten out. They keep trying to assassinate him; it's that bad, and he's just a candidate.
He started to discuss currencies and told tales of how he protected the currency, again with rumors of tariffs and bluster. He gets all worked up, like, wow, this is a cool sandbox I landed in; I wonder how it works; I guess I'll do it the old-fashioned way, with threats, blackmail, and the rest of the crooked tool bag.
No one wants to live that way.
The truth is the economy is a closed system. Those movies where someone steps on a seed in a time machine and changes everything? It doesn't have to involve time travel.
Don't Forget
"No you're not going to go there!" and the steering wheel episode Donald
This is after he got the crowd worked up on January 6th, perhaps to be known as the first coup attempt.
The Steal 2.0
Inside, those who know Donald wonder where the skim is happening. We know about his daughter and those Chinese patent rights he maneuvered first thing. No one seems to notice it much. Maybe it was a corner on the American rice market, but Asians don't like how American rice smells and won't buy it. Something like that. It's likely the kind of thing a washed-up, wanna-be bag-man would cook up to stay on the payroll. There was probably a great deal of that during his term.
There is no shortage of shysters. These are the people Donald calls 'talented but not experienced' that do the heavy lifting, moving the boxes, loading the plane, sneaking in the hookers. Body men with an assist. Meanwhile, Donald once quoth "I am not talented at the oval office, but I'm experienced." He failed at his coup once, is what I hear.
This is so surreal.
Presidential candidate?
The Day Ahead
I'm working the diffeq today. I should confess I've been in love with integrals since 4th grade, and I didn't know it. One of the things I find so compelling is that no one seems to share my enthusiasm as if it were work.
There are Python libraries for some of these things, but it's like using a sledgehammer in a watch shop with persnickety results for most of them. Today I peeked at TensorFlow for efficiencies. Tensor flow, not this phase. I'll be done with that by then as well.
My lifetime of avoiding writing code results in me writing not much code yet functionally complete. I have time.
The Beam Team
Hi Scotty. What a can of Spaghettios, am I right?
I'm loving watching you deal with all this private equity spin. "You'll make more money with private than public; who wouldn't want that." Who's he kidding?
Did you read the commentary where to put your eggs .
I'm watching all this investment in power. I note Google has a different option model, because they know. They are probably right about something, though how they would know one could wonder. Still, only Nixon could go to China. This is not that.
Chum in the pool.
Individuals have written operating systems by themselves. Bill Joy was pretty good too. Besides, that part is done.
One thing about these bots. They are stupid as fuck about everything until you bring it up. There is no creativity or impetus.
Morning World
Much love. 🥟
Yesterday's News
...so to speak. I put it all over here.