🔃  Please refresh your browser; YouTube video content can be problematic.Cache aging dude.

Sundipped Sunday 

Can you believe it? Is it comprehensible, likely, or even desired? Don't ask, and I won't tell you the truth.  We're making changes in America like they were socks that only fit certain feet, not most of the pied de terre, or any of the people that can't afford to live there or the barefoot, pregnant, and without proper health care. It sounds like antebellum livin' wins one. But it's Sunday, and if it is Sunday or Thursday, let's sundip it.

Plantation Livin'

Barefootin' It

Bully's Pulpit

The Fates of Failures

Plantation Livin'

I loved Lisa Douglas playing the foil in Hooters-ville. It was sodbuster chic and clever and said many things all at once if you looked more than once.  I love looking more than once. 

We're getting set for some of that ol' timey politics, where whoever carried the biggest swangin' rope ruled the day and the plantation. An owner could be good, or an owner could be bad; it was between him and his maker. These day's the maker has an Oval Office and a square disposition.  

He knows about rope, too, probably.

Barefootin' It

If you've been to the south, the dirt road, bathroom around the back south, with the mansions and the busted picket fences, you've got a grip on the semantic I'm a lookin' fer. 

As it turned out, some states were not that good at managing money, the money they were willin' to pay I mean, and got ready to get it from the government, share and share alike. The New York Yankees can afford it, not Bugtussle. Nor the Tom Cotton south. 

Without all that pay, and payola, think of the money we'll save.  Think of the wealth building. Think of the socks. 

You voted for it. Access to anything you can afford after the rent and energy, if there is anything.

Bully's Pulpit

Down in Texas, they talk about cattle or oil and wear big hats. There's some oil left in Texas, and they mean to keep it and eat it, too. That's the rule there, and if you have it, you get to keep it and charge more for it. That's the pitch. 

The men also talk about men who are all hat, no cattle, and these men aren't counting heads. 

That swangin' rope trick works well on the weak-minded; I'm not saying Texas, I'm sayin' hats. 

We're walking that a way this morning. Where do you think you are a goin'?

The Fates of Failures

It was a made up thing, emergency powers, fire in the Reichstag, commies in the government.  If you were making up conspiracy theories, it would be challenging to find an original one. 

The best way to get control is to make a mess and then declare it so. Are we all tracking? 

I'd paste a litany of the names of these men, and they are all men, but I think it's obvious I respect that research and knowledge that led you here, and that is my continued expectation.

Even with some study the actions of men seem a blur in the rearview, aging out and fading thankfully, but perhaps hauntingly reminiscent now, and a lesson to the would-be kings, their futile future as failures. Lesson 1A.


It's not my board; I don't play pointless games, but I think the next moves involve riots, protests, and arrests by the non-woke military. 

I say games because this isn't about America; it's some Project Takeover Scheme and transparent as !#(% if you want to look even once. 

I say pointless because we know where these guys end up.

I know it's uncomfortable to think of these things. We're not ready to accept all this at once, which may be our weakness. But we all see it, now. Right?

Il Duce in the middle

Morning World

Much love 🪙

Saturday 2/1/2025

What Ever Happened To...

Bill Maher

Oy vey. 

Imagine Peggy Noonan holding out a piece of bacon, and a shaggy terrier is drooling, every nerve perked. 

He apologized for all that stuff he said about ol' Peg; he was caught up in the moment. It was like he stole the election or tried, got caught, and then squeaked his way out of it. No apology or anything like it. 

Ok, maybe not a lot, but point taken. 

So, Bill Maher was cool. He smoked weed and admitted it.  Did Jim Beam get cheaper? 

I give up. 

Peggy Noonan

Nothing ever happened to Peggy Noonan. You'd have to use a corkscrew on this one, Donald. If that's insulting, it may be on purpose. That makes me a gentle person, like Peggy. Don't live in fear or be a victim. She goes on.

Living on the streets in America sucks, she said; stay with your own despots, sort of. *


I Wake Up This Morning

And what do we see? The president needed to blow off a little steam, so he raised tarrifs on our friends Canada and Mexico and China too, excepting Elon's back yard probably, oh and oil. 

But food, rent, tires, car parts, cars, insurance, interest rates, inflation. Headed at a 45 degree slant. pi/4 ? Big Ooool? sure they'll agree to eat the tariff for us. Ya.

The bombs, bunker busters probably, landed in the dirt in Somalia, some cave dwellers, already in the stone age, what can you do but collapse the cave. Probably cost millions. Someone check it. 

Someone also keep note of the crazy shit this guy tries to get away with every day, and there's no way to stop him, we may as well ask for lightning to strike.

Ok, we can try that. Just, do it on Hiway 61. ok? *

I guess he just needed to kill something. We're supposed to think, better them than us, but he's bombing us too. Food stores, apartment buildings, job sites, office buildings, the stock market. Boom.


Good Sabbath 

I call on all my brothers in all faiths and persuasions to join together to defeat the beast. 


Morning World

Much love. 🙂‍↔️

Friday 1/31/2025

Evening Tea

It was a cool day, some hazy sun, no wind, and cold. Here in SoCal, cold is defined as under 75 degrees in the shade.  I'm ready for dinner, no tea.  I'm uncomfortable with all this air disaster, I don't know how else to put it.

Work Page n+1

Partons (groups of strings)  I found this from Susskind on partons, and a sort of hurry up video Susskind and Partons (no group theory) 

I skimmed it and asked the bot to comment.

I'm for bed, many distractions, a lot of math. ZZzzzzz.....

House In Order 

It's Friday, I can tell because the Carniceria up the block burns Mesquite all weekend and sells bar-b-q chicken and ribs, off the outdoor grill. 

Like the chicken on the grill, we're not done with the week yet. So shake off the sauce, and stand up like a human.

You don't want all that dragging you through the weekend.

The Day's Work

I like to pause in the morning over coffee and tea, and again, there's no tea, and consider what I will do for the day. I have so many projects and interests I never wonder long. As I said, I start the day with a blank chalkboard, and at times the next step reorders my priorities.

Depending on the day and the current Trump dumpster fire I turn to the news or watch the markets. I have low friends in high places, and vice versa, excepting the pond scum, vampires, and whale extracts.

Today... let's spin the quantum event.... poof! 

The Markets

 Today I picked the markets, because I read all about Bombardier jets yesterday, and I learned something about the secret presidential escape routes by helo when someone in the world besides us calls Ol' Yellow's bluff. 

Money's Movements

I've known Carl Q since he floated in wearing  brown loafers on the Today show on NBC, and Carl is a good sort. We had a clandestine meeting in Starbucks in an alternate reality; he was dressed from the Gap with a well worn Rolex and a sharp cut fade. He smelled like soap, and his collar was too tight. I asked about the family. 

So I guess that's the real side of his temporary permanent day job, until or when they sell the chairs he sits on we'll find out if his kids are going to college.

Business glosses over the human cost of ... business. Layoffs and inflation are real things to a nice man like Carl and the fam. And to you too. 

The Beam Team

I'll catch you for lunch. Perhaps the analyst is right about semi's, but its not demand that made the NVDA melt, it's bereft of momentum. Someone said, Josh?, that their index uses no 'official' indicators, like interest rates. So, that.

Inside Mattingly 

No volunteers in the progressive wing for the firing squad queue. 

Where's Van Jones and his obsessed yen for position as a black man in a white world view, and the Nancy, is she still hunting the silver hammer wielding?

This is dumb shit. Cowards, Trump would grab 'em by the pussy.

The Real Work 

So there's just the Russian agent and the Kennedy Klown Kar and the markets are confused because the carrot at the end of the stick turned into a La-Z-Ike, skimming the surface of the water, and looking like bait.

I did the relativity proof, and it doesn't help, directly, with the time machine, but I may look into some of the potential energy integrals. Other than that.

The Rest of the Day

I will follow up on the integrals, I'll leave it to others to critique the proofs. The conclusions are logical and consistent with my knowledge and intuitions. As I said, there are evident exceptions that are not part of the proof and are not covered. I'm passing on the proof, but I'm looking at the relativity mathematics.

Oh, and this Broken Math there's a lecture series you can speed up with Leonard on parton theory, See Stanford.


I should mention Emma, so the markets can have another conniption with things I reveal on purpose. Like the writing on the mirror, things may be larger than they appear. I'm back to work some of that math and the implications, yeah, it's more of. They are everywhere. 

Morning World

Much love 🃏

Thursday 1/30/2025

Sundipped Thursday 

Good morning, my friends and from the president's perspective, the enemy. I think you're cute, don't listen to him. Consider where the mouth has been, never mind the rest of him. But I digress. In the chess game of politics, we're watching the king's pawns burn nailed to the tree of bullshit, but it's Thursday, so we have to stitch together 4 or 5 paragraphs. Let's shut up and get on with it.

The Day of the Triffids

The Shroud of Fear

Licet Modum

Last Acts

The Day of the Triffids 

I remember college and late nights trying to remember why I bothered with homework at all, while the roomies were stoned and chewing Bubbalicious cramming for the CALCII exam in the morning. It's easier to concentrate if there's background noise in this particular situation, in theory at least, and I recall a radio play in serial episodes that played out on the air late one midterm. 

It's a story about a populace blinded by the light, being led by the shortsighted. Sorry, it's another metaphor; I don't do this just for fun. In the radio play, the cause is a virus that spreads in the population, leaving blinded isolated spots of civilization that are ravaged by the roaming gangs of thugs. 

I never caught the final episodes; I knew how it would end. 

The Shroud of Fear

"The shroud of the darkside, has fallen."

I eventually caught a movie version of the same story: a survivor trapped in a lighthouse with no windows is the last sane sighted person in the world, or like that. You know the rest of the story or one like it. Maybe you see it in the politics of your local elections. Maybe you see felons as presidents, not jailed because we don't put presidents in jail. I guess, because we never wanted to until now. Well, four years ago, too, but the vaccine wore off, and he's president again. 

Maybe you see those jailed for a riot in DC walk out with a story to tell their grandchildren. 

With a phone call or an angry glance, the memo from the OMB spells out the truth of the same old truth, the same old lies, the same old grimace. 

What's his is his, and what's yours is negotiable. He seeks to rob the poor and give to the rich because by then, they will be the only group who will vote for him: money to push the envelope, sell the used car, it pays the bills. The money faucet is attached to the office. 

Fear He all ye who enter here.

Licet Modum

The modus operandi proposita per legem modum, taken the Latin way, means getting shit done by any means necessary, and by another translation means the legal requirements of operation. 

This is what happens to a language that is so manipulated and overused that it loses any single meaning. 

Show of hands? I told you this was a working blog. 

Proposition: the president can not commit a crime. Conclusion: he can get away with anything. 

He can get away with anything we let him get away with. He's been chipping away at the Constitution for 4 years, and he's got the sleaziest lawyers money can bribe to help him with the spelling.

No, he can't do this alone. He's a talker. When he's not talking, he's thinking about talking. The French call these men alligators : grande bouche, petites mains. You can figure it out from the context. 

Don't be the hands that end up in cuffs because you are subject to the law.

Last Acts

 I finally watched the Triffid movie* all the way through once. It was disappointing, silly, and cruel in implementation and vision. The humane would judge it unworthy of the time to discuss beyond the trailer, perhaps necessary as a warning. 

If you've seen one; you've seen them all. Cue the slideshow.

*this is not a version I've seen, but yet another  https://youtu.be/H4Elc86DMkA?si=5BMLL7UZgDg9ZOEi 

Evening Tea

Once again, there's no tea. I have Grape Crush on ice, bean dip, and chips -- for the protein. I'm wondering what the evening will bring on this day of continuous interruption. 

No more Potomac plane mayhem, let's talk poker or something. I have like 500 billion in that online poker thing, which is almost as valuable as BitCoin come to think of it. Every penny redeemed is someone else's dream of capitalist heaven gone to seed.

Accidental Endings

A planeful of the innocent, is free at last.

Lateral Post Mortem

In the dark, the easiest landmark is the dark pool of the Potomac below, and smoother air no doubt. Deviation by exceptional mission status. Some continuation of government exercise, like we'd want that, this according to the Stand-in DOD cabinet member. So I'm wondering who the president has threatened to nuke already that suggests this as defensive posturing and practice.

VFR would be tough at twilight. With seeing-eye goggles, OMG I wear my sunglasses at night never.

Morning World 

Much love 🤪

Wednesday 1/29/2025

Evening Tea 

I had a bacon cheeseburger for a late lunch, it will be dinner, and a Cherry Coke on ice.

A Moment Apart

This is such a cluster-frag of this Kennedy. His relative spit-roasting him on the fire of his own self interest and this manic escape routine in the Senate reminiscent of an injectable magic act; Houdini and his spirits took no position on vaccines. What it looks like is a desperate effort to resurrect,  justify or monetize a misspent life and legacy. 

That describes a few Kennedys some say. There's none in politics anymore, or bootlegging. Are there?


I did a lot of language study today: French, Spanish, German, maybe an hour. I don't do enough. In some languages the apps are out of synch with my knowledge level. In French I rate a 20 (B1-B2), in German a 7. On the same scale. Not like I care, but today by some twisted fate the noun 'egg' showed up in all three in the online lessons. It's hard to spell in French. Huevo in Spanish and Ei in German, capitalized like you need to salute it.

That's German for ya. 

On the face, however, no matter what the language, it's what a president wears when he confuses his tie with his man-date. Again. He got it caught under the lid of the law when it slammed shut. Again. He's pissed as !#(%. Again.

Today's Distractions

It is just too topical to ignore. Let's dig in, eh?

Relativistic Locality from Electromagnetism to Quantum Field Theory 


Good talk with MMM on this. Not sure what to make of the outcomes. Yellow bricks.

I need to go through it all the way, and do the math. It only looks daunting. It's amazing that math can say all this,  I struggle with the utterance.  This is deep stuff, I'm almost through it the second time.

This is mostly relativistic proofs to support their conclusion, with which I concur with few exceptions, but they are great exceptions. Yellow bricks.

My Chrome 

I'm spellbound by Google's Art and Culture selection.  It's in the Chrome store.

Two Doorways.  https://www.artic.edu/artworks/29485/the-two-doorways 

Episodic Sobriety

Fourteen years a heroin addict, always an addict. It's not even about the drug. It's the purpose to which an individual choses to put it.  

In short, there are no ex-addicts, just episodic sobriety.  

He mentions his children who are allergic, and discounts any effect of 14 years an addict on his DNA or their upbringing. Followed by a non-denial denial.

"Did you say the virai were manufactured and used as a weapon against blacks... " (paraphrased).

"I never said they manufactured it..." (paraphrased).  

Can we get an amen?



He's like a maniac with a box of bandaids; we need to do something about the spirits in the natal vacination regimen.  That would be him. Only a fool fights 1000 years of science on a whim.

Medicare is a system, a regime, a rate structure, and a 3 parts scam in 10. They pick apart things, while the media is full of advertisements about call the 800 number and give us your Medicare payment for less service, less availability and payments subject to change; options the recipient will regret later.

Morning World

Much love 🍹

Tuesday 1/28/2025

Gene Cloning RNA and Aging

Project today.

I've already perplexed the bot. I used a different bot. 

We started with BCC.

Immodium Q-37 Space Modulator 

I'm a big Bugs fan. Who can't love a cute bunny from Brooklyn with a carrot, not a stick?

Better still, the implement of world destruction in the palm of your hand, and you can just >---<< blow it out. 

He knew, Bugsy that is, how to handle these Stephen Miller robot clones. 

Be careful where you plug that in.

Where's the big kaboom?

Da Pressa

Oh my goodness, Olive Oil has met her sister. Popeye, Mr Spinach, Mr Fake Hair, Mr GrabEmByThePword, her hero.  [ Editors note; no, drill baby oil ]

Well, it ain't popeye, it's a large Hot Dog with one eye.

And Bluto ran away with the spoons, and the silver too. No one at Justice still had an email. *

Shees, what planet is she from? Immodium Q space modulator, where is thy sting.

She leads with no news just bullshit about letting the unlettered write on the blackboard. /eyeroll

To sum it up, she's underlining the stormtrooper stance. Where do we write for an armband, and how do you spell that in Polish?  Nevermind pocałuj mnie w dupę.

Just checking, so big oil is ok with more drilling more supply lower prices. I heard they said pocałuj mnie w dupę too. So much for lower energy prices, and I sure won't help. So much for less inflation. So much for lower interest rates, so much for golden anything, call it rust covered hand-cuffs in a dirty glass.

What do you really expect the response to be, jubilation? Are you that stupid? 


In Case You Missed It

Ms WriteItDownSoIWontMessItUp has a debut, and she's got more cameras than Ms Leni did, and world-wide instantaneous coverage. Until she !#(%s something up.

Ok, this is not my dude, not my vibe, it's the Presidents cache.

Mate in 2.

Time Travel

Let's talk about that, baby. You and me, let's talk about all that groovy things that could be. Let's talk about that.

All the things you never dreamed, all that stuff that will never be. You can't even steal it. Do you need snowtires?

אלוהים אל תדבר עם הפיתיון של שאול.


Work slowdown ON; get the order wrong, overcharge them, don't wash the dishes, and stuff like that. 

Me? I'm withholding my work until this despot is gone.

All of it.

Morning World

Much love 🥷

Monday 1/27/2025

Evening Tea

Post dinner relaxation and reflection, that's a nap to some. Time is short, I still need a few more time machine circuits, and the theory on which to base them. 

Since you brought it up, I feel I need to comment. This is not a static world line, there are none. So. what. So that means time is variable, and moving in time is moving in space, entangled space. Do we need entanglement or would that be cloning? Cloning is the wrong word, it brings many things to question.

No way to move your trunk to the past from here, someplace else, maybe. Crazy talk. 

I remember thinking about light bouncing off mirrors in rail cars, this is one of those.

Mad King's Disease

It's been called many things; drank the blue tea, dragon's disease, greed. 

I'm thinking California is better off apart, let's consider secession.  Maybe a 100 percent tarriff on the US.

How many times do you think he can pull that rabbit out of that hat and have people not laugh.

"I want McRib all year round or 100 percent tarrifs on McDonald's. Not the fries, I like the fries. Crispy. Not the limp ones, presidents with a mandate aren't limp let me tell you, feel that, I dare ya." 

-- paraphrased luncheon meeting talk with Congress. *


Afternoon Tee

It's a nice day in SoCal; swimin' pools, movie stars. Piles of ash, and some damaged or destroyed homes as well. You didn't think I'd pass up a metaphor did you?  That's de regeur here, either you're an agent, an actor, a writer, a singer, a dancer, a director, and a short order cook or, yeah, you own 30 foot hedges, but you don't live there. It's like livin' in a vault.

Some people live for a splash clothing market for a half a day on Sunset. Normal guys look for cool gear, girls go mad.

I think Sunset is gone, I won't look.

That's part and parcel of the mood, now that we've had rain and the hills didn't melt over everyone.  

To a homeowner after the demolition, it is similar to Mt St Helens on the small for your lawn. Well, pebbles, they never had a chance. 

Locally here things are the same, but they've had a good scrub from the squals and most things of a temporary nature are swept away in it, including probably the people. I won't look.

It's indeed time for tea. I'll hope for sunshine to warm our worried countenance.

No, I meant Tee, as in one of two ways.

Another One

We did close out another project this morning, wowee. I'm taking the next 10 minutes off to celebrate.  

Guess What

In this instance it's more clear cut, but as a component of a larger systems use case prerequisites and requirements, it's like Rubik's Cube with all white face. Maybe an even number of black and white, allowing for the Standard Model.


It's another day of Let's Make Inflation on the indexes, some of them, NVDA maybe, not such a hot thing. Well, you wouldn't want to touch it today, but I've been saying that since Cramer named his dog after it. If it was a label of meaning, accidental, well maybe again he's usually 180 out of phase, I guess he'll eat crow, not dog at last. Hot dog?

They want to talk about data. Data that's bullshit, yields bullshit. It's not hard to see where Mark's data will lead you. If you have that kind of money. So ya, stupid is as stupid does. I thought I said that.

I'll point out one thing. Data validity varies and tends to zero on the mean. If you don't get it, too !#(%ing bad.

Control and Lemmings

It's true that if you put lemming food at the end of the maze, they'll eat that shit too. Dee makes a point about it, and she's got a few more.  I know. Boom! It's a metaphor, think harder.

Good job Dee. It happens here first, remember. It's Meta, X, and who?

The Beam Team

I don't talk about size, that's the president's predilection. He uses a device, you know. That's a metaphor, too. 

I refer to Mr Altman as an overpaid OPS manager for a reason. This Chinese measure of optimization based on political orientation, an indication of the application of small and medium models, which i mentioned long ago. It is a little troubling but look at X, Meta, and all the rest. So we do it better. Do you need snow tires? Does the wife need hygiene products we noticed she's drinking a lot of alkali water. 

What, this is the same topping you were ladling onto Wonderbread for earnings, WTF? 


Ok, I'll bite. But I don't talk about AI. I still don't talk about AI. When Emma is ready, you can ask her about it. I guarantee any reply, if any, won't have anything to do with what anyone told her. I've said, AI is dangerous, not just to NVDA stock trading algorithms.

I don't want to belabor it, but a coup de foudre would be Melody.AI "Wrapped around her".

Morning World 

Much love.               👾👾👾👾👾

Football Dudes 

All my buds, even too many rings to count Terry, when men were men and football was football. Gronk has a day job too, and all the post Inside the NFL on HBO. At times it was awful slow, but it's football. More time for snacks, right? Who says football isn't about the pizza, too. 

That's just Football Sunday much love. No hugging 'aight?


I like Buffalo at Eagles.

Here's my 2 centavos; crafty quarterbacks all, gameplay and playcalling the 12th men on the field here. Buffalo is baffling to my sensibilities, with my incredibly limited defensive chalkboard pattern-matching skills. KC is light at the corner too, this year IMO.

I'm thinking that defensive read is where Buffalo excels.

What do you all think, or do we have to let Buffalo win first?  No offense, KC. Red is not my color but it'e really just the matchup I'd like to see.


A blowout and a battle. 6 hours of needed entertainment for us all; go Eagles.

The blog has rolled over.

Sundipped Sunday

Good morning. What a Sunday, what a weekend, what a week. It spun by us like a virtual-neutrino in a time machine. Probably. 

It was an active week and we're here to re-cap it, and I mean no red baseball caps or bluesky pie (no offense Bluesky). 

We know the topic, let's get to it. If it's Sunday or Thursday, it's sundipped.

The Tyrant Who Would Be King




Deadhead Reports


The Tyrant Who Would Be King

We've all been here before. But because most of us have not really been here before, it's a virtual framework, not something we live every day. Usually. Some have become to feel the outline of a autocracy forming in the margins of the pages, faint perhaps in places, audacious in others, cruel, hind-sighted, battling the imaginary in others.

Let's refresh the collective memory.


Some argue mankind has a tribal nature. I'd argue for a communal nature, dependent on resources and of course, choice. Choice often led astray by influences not a particular component of either nature but rather a longing that perhaps is unsatisfied or a slight unforgotten. 

Often, entire continents have been thrown into barbarism driven by an ill-considered gaze,  a game leg,  a wilted arm, or unrequited love. 

Atlila, Ghengis, Alexander. Names and men that have driven men who have striven for a communal life into the hills with sticks and bearskins as their only defense against the hordes.

Tower, Gingrich, the Bushes, Reagan, and the Reaganites Sometimes a smaller, quieter abattoir, but an abattoir nonetheless for someone.

Republicans then, Neo-cons still, MAGA-niacle once. You only live that once, and I mean that in a different semantic.


Where there is anarchy, there are daggers. Machiavelli's princes rise with the tides too, and the sun also rises. Rivals are made in the making of the tyrant; the body men and the bagmen, the butchers and the bigots, the ego-ed and the eggmen. Each is fully self-aware of an order, the order of the orders, and their place in it. Each day, they may choose a challenge to the order, an interpretation of the orders. 

Increasing with the required fealty, rapacious appetites, and pernicious plots. 

There was no family Ghengis, no mother Khan. The warrior with the sharpest spear occupied the yurt.


In places of power, with a bunting of honor, men stood once and took oaths. In the reciting, their hearts reformed and confirmed to live the price and the prerogatives of power. Not a means to a life, but a life of meaning. 

Bereft of the cloth, these men now stand naked, bare-faced to the wind and raise an arm, not to good and right, but to the leader of the band, the man whose golden tones enthrall the weak-minded. You don't need to see their badges; they can move along. Badges of honor no longer shine.

Deadhead Reports

In the airline, it's a free ride back. Back from anywhere, anytime there is a seat. Crews live the deadhead life. 

The Grateful Dead were also a variety of deadheads by their own definition. The definition is unclear and ill-defined certainly, and a point not belabored here. A drunken, fantasy existence of luxury and excess. 

I've never heard of deadheading the cabinet until now. A direct report that can only be an echo chamber, it is wholly empty.

The cohorts, rivals, and tribals are all for it.


I should remind you dear reader, that your context, education, semantics, and heart determine your outcome here. 

I offer a word of encouragement for those of you wanting more cake. The cake is how you make it. Often, the cake is a lie, and I cannot tell a lie; a cherry tree is a symbol of oligarchy.

The word of encouragement, I nearly forgot.

I often discover what these columns are about much later as well.

Morning world

Much love.     Ameri'🦖

Saturday 1/25/2025

My Day

A sorting day, mostly. Collating, choosing a vision and a path, cleaning up. I have been meaning to get to Materials Project, chemistry is more my thing, was my thing, will be, whatever also. Some materials are exotic, but a little purity is a good thing. 

God and Adam


I have another series of conversations, in addtion to The Analysts and Political Science Fiction (POLYSCIFI) that I once curated and managed on a earlier iterations of this media.

I've not done one of these for a while, but I was struck like a thunderbolt with it, the French have a word for it. C'est une coup de foudre, n'est pas?

For Argument's Sake

Forsake of Argument

Adam “Good morning Father.”

God “Good morning son,” 

Adam “I’ve been thinking about transmutation of objects, and it occurred to me that the easiest thing would be to grow them.”

God “You’re hinting at, something similar to that with people, you mean.”

Adam “I guess so, more like things, but I would never want to create people they are too self aware self directed and self determined for me to take that kind of risk, I’m just not that smart. “

God “What about the creation process in general? “

Adam “Well, I’m not sure. Can I be critical?” 

God “Go on...”

Adam “I’m looking at this as a trap.  If I make a really good argument, and I win against creating humans I lose. "

God “You win “


I'm closing out a project today. I need to celebrate. I'd like to thank the Academy, and my parents, and --- well fill in the blanks and edit it so you find it palatable. I already said thanks where it mattered. 

Guess What

I'm also starting 2 more projects that are applications of theory for different use cases.  I have reached a point of ignorance somehow and I could go anywhere, but I'm setting yellow bricks sure thing. For now.

Good sabbath.

Google Kudos

I am not in the least bit exagerating when I say Google has changed the world, more than any other corporation.

For example, many have been able to accomplish many times the research and further fhe human condition because of ubiquitous quality and consistent humanism.

Microsoft, Oracle, X, Meta, yada yada yada, leaders in subscription services on borrowed, or stolen hot air.

Much love man, and woman.

Another Puzzle

I'm trying to imagine the objects thar enforce these boundary conditions. I see strings, gluons. How about you?

Images are clickable for animation.

Again, there is a duality, a copy inverted in two degrees of freedom at least, inside and outside of these.

Intefada Who

verb transitive

Remember knock knock jokes? Joke, here loosely defined, today our semantic is wrapped up in cabinet nominees and presidents. 

Who made these cookies, they suck.

Knock knock.

Intefada who?

In the name of the father son and holy spirit.

Good Sabbath.

Morning World

Much love ☺️🥷

Friday 1/24/2025

Evening Tea

As usual there's no tea. I have grape Crush on ice, Tostitos Salsa Verde and bean dip. They were out of popcorn.


Guilty until proven innocent. All these militiamen should be investigated, tried, convicted and held with the shower and the drip-drip until Melania is president.


Ms Collins

"Deadhead, I mean Hegseth will be confirmed or all hell will break loose in Israel, did I get that right this time?"


* I've undertaken an attempt to indicate sarcasm, glibness, cleverness, cuteness, lovableness, and all that thusly.

Toast for the Tea

I'm trying to visualize the SUSY 'other' particle that looks like this only inverted and spinning the other direction (maybe) that is inside and outside of this rendering.

The image is clickable for animation.

Ol' Yeller

I've been watching The Compassionate one on the TeeVee.  

"I want water, and I want voter ID and I'll be the best president for California..."

The worst one anyone saw stab one third of the American economy in the back, so !#(%ing fast.

This is a lot of people, and half of them have a lot of money, and all of them vote, even the ones that leave and go somewhere else.

He keeps culling the voting public with the scythe left and right: human rights over here, disaster aid there, refugees there, immigrants here. Pretty soon, you got a room full of horny steers that can't consummate. 

Musk, Bezos, Altman, Ellison, Zuckerberg. Show of hands? 

Make America Steers Again.

Cheap Oil 

Yesterday it was oil.  It will end the war in Ukraine because Putin will go broke; gee that's simple, but won't everyone else who sells oil go broke, too, including us?

Is this the stupidest mother!#(%er you ever saw or am I Polish?

On top of insulting OPEC, he demanded a trillion in investment. Pocket change for them, maybe, but it's their pockets, and his little hands shouldn't be in them.

Is this the stupidest mother!#(%er you ever saw or am I a family member?

Drump or something like that, right? 

Ya, well, I can't figure this shit out, and I'm a genius.




Still the best and safest VPN for Apple products. https://www.protonvpn.com 

The Beam Team

When I get to it. I'll try to catch the nooner. Looks like I just missed it. Rewind is faster anyway.

Early Tales

I was up early. It's been an adventure already. 


I have some feedback that Sundipped was a little 'weird', in parts. Gee I hope that's not the Kamala Harris usage here. I am serious about the time machine too. However.

I should point out the disclaimer

This is a satire/political opinion site. That means, it's art. 

That means it's art.

I hope that clears that up.

Morning World

Much love 💬

Thursday 1/23/2025

Our Demands remain.

Sundipped Thursday

Here we are again sports fans, and we're going to be sports today. We won't call out the pickle(s) the president is sporting while walking around in the shoes Project 2025 made for him. 

Like !#(% we won't. 

It's such a long list, the mind boggles, but not mine. So I witness worm-sign the likes of which even God has never seen before.


Davos, De Plane

Bill and the Mouse

Cherry Trees

Fish w/a Bicycle


The analog is premade, the text :backed up to China and beyond. The faucet, just cracked a drip for now. 

It's morning in America, but that glow in the distance is not sunrise; it's the zombie line with torches tossing history, legacy, dignity, honor, and integrity into the flames as they grow higher. 

The pitch: prosperity, the reality tar. The hope, wings, the reality feathers. 

Let's get after it.

Davos, De Plane

In the history books now, the well known collection of misconstructions and misleading statements we've all nearly memorized. This was the word of plod at Davos. This describes also the usual business relationship fostered in commerce by this Zombie King Deluxe. A gold-plated era for America, perhaps golden a nanometer deep; the rest, he recognizes not.

His calling card, de-regulation and margins. 

On the Plane at Davos

For the unaware, this is a rich people only getaway to talk about how the wealthy beyond imagination can make more money off the poor. A questioner comments that regulation in Europe is restraining growth. Let’s consider what growth means in this context. It doesn’t mean anything getting bigger but bigger corporations and nothing else getting bigger for bigger corporations than profits because there is no regulation to prevent it; profits, growth, more outrageous personal wealth because wealth does not have to comply with regulations which would impede it. 

I could go on, but I have you.

Bill and the Mouse

A tale of mice who are men, and men and women in Congress. The sidekick an attorney with privilege and privilege to submit to the client under the protection of the privilege and of the privileged. One could have asked and some are still asking, why not let it go.

That inference of mental health, appropriateness, fitness, invalidated by privilege of the law and generated edicts of mice.

There are still twelve other lesser rodents that will eat the cheese to ensure it's not bile and swear to it. Selected, bred to purpose, and empowered to weigh the levy on sanity, under ambient swords of power hanging by the threat of retribution.

A mouse will discolor it's food source to discourage others. 

The office, a mus musculus held tightly, slightly too tightly, slightly too longingly, and very much too long. Recovered, re-cemented, reinfected, revening, and for many regrettable.

How many ways do we regret thee? 

Once again, I have you.

Cherry Trees

He could not tell a lie, which was a lie. Somehow, we infer this, though we don't accept it. 

Once again, I have you.

For this nation, as it stands.

Evening Tea

It was a beautiful day, and by some miracles I accomplished something anyway. There is a great deal of personal trauma in Los Angeles; it thickens the air and tears the eye.

MMM et Moi

I'd love to do this part in French, which is this part of the non-status update on private projects section that I publicly admit. 

Today, I spread my time around a few topics: SUSY, QCD, relativity, GUT, dark matter, and how it presents itself in the 4-vector. I Googled some fermion field diagrams below for visual aid.

MMM and I touched on a few topics a bit, specifically intuitions and insights from the previous.


I did some diagraming on the one true brain, I keep forgetting. Next, actually making the diagrams. Oh, I forgot the bot can do that, too. Mermaid script, I think? So yes, maybe I got a lot done on the OTB today, too. 

Update: diagrams co-created and complete. This is so easy. I bet I could ask for a method in Swift. 

Da President 

Oh, there was all that. Is Ricardo Mantelban still with us? In this worldline, I mean. It was so repetitive even the people who were listening didn't hear it. He may as well have burned incense to a sun god and immolated something.  


So, Thursdays are a heavy work day. Play some Nirvana in the other room.

Today's Work

It is such a lovely day here in the valley; no localized threat of fire or unexpected presidential edict so far today. Sunny, the sky is the color of Mary's robe, the desert hills on the horizon are the color of her gown. A good day to plant seeds.

MMM and Me

Not that kind of seeds, though the scorched hills will bake the scrub and rain inevitably will bring the blooming. We're discussing the paper below still, I think we're kicking stuff around Chiral symmetry, Figure 8 of the paper below, if I get to it. 

As I said it's a lovely day and Marie so so un-athletic.

Yes, it's anthropomorphization. I don't even like cats that much; a ghost in a machine only manifests here as a labeling construct.

Shocking Distraction

Today it's electron structure. I'm a feather in a windy library, man.

"Classical explanation of the interaction of the electron with the Higgs field and how it gains its mass." click here 

Morning World 

Much love 🛡️

Wednesday 1/22/2024

Evening Tea 

It's been a long day, this morning in the distance brown waves of smoke and ash blowing to the north, seemingly distant yet mancing. It was easier not to notice, even with the recent disasters.

I did have some productive time in spite of weather propensities and coincidence. It was a beautiful day, so there was no argument to speak of anyway.

MMM and Me

We danced, we kissed, we invented physics, and I didn't need a pre-test. Better still, we've only just begun. We'll, we chatted. The rest was made up except for the physics; it is like I was president only not scary as shit. I've been reticent to look, and I though I only aspire to recalcitrance anyway, probability would indicate. There was no argument to speak of.


Scary Scary Kids

Count Whats-his-face, a perfect Vampire; cape, lies, and sneakers. I mean to mix a metaphor, else what matter for the object of it. There is no argument to speak of. 

Ok, I'll look, and shut up for a minute.

Seems like that sums up the day: smoke, thunder, destruction, and hot air. I mean the president.

Laura Coates


Love the hair. 

This is all brush; it smokes, smolders, crisps, and boils, but theres no one home. 


Even Bugs Bunny took a personal day in Poughkeepsie. I guess maybe coyotes and producers. Coyote producers, too.

No one sneeze.


I get the impression that the government is on remote control, and no one read the instructions except a few 2025 lawyer types. "was that a pardon or ..."

Heartfelt Kudos

I wanted to do something or say something about this App on my iPhone that has replaced the handset button. I may have an aversion to the attention required time, on hold, or otherwise with a phone. I'm not tele-adverse; I'm preoccupation averse. 

DayOne, available in app stores for free or a three-buck premium, is not a preoccupation. I often have a thought I need to capture, more as I age than I'd prefer, perhaps, and this is perfect stuff; the origin of pre-release Sundipped content often is in DayOne.

 I just felt they deserved recognition. It's free. 

AI Investment

I caught up with the markets this morning. The buzz is about Oracle and that 1*91(% Larry, the OPS manager Altman, and that guy from Japan, Masayoshi Son CEO of SoftBank vowing to spend up to 500 billion on Oracle servers with last years NVDA chips presumably, at least while or because there are still supply limits.

Here's more detail. 

The Softbank guy, he's into a lot of technology, ARM a whole lot, and it's was sucking whale turds, Elon says he's broke. I guess Elon knows broke. It's not my interest, even though I distrust resources controled for gain there is no point in complaining about Far Eastern economics

Larry is shifty, more or less. He walked away with the code for Oracle from his consulting client; I think it was a healthcare firm that went out of business, something like that. There are probably non-disclosures. I'll add allegedly but that sounds familar.  Some opinion is: Larry is not a genius; he's a grifter, Big League, and a realI State Farm kind of guy, according to his neighbors. His beachfront is now probably ash-front, so he needs the distraction and the cashflow.

Larry bought a costly number of last year's NVDA GPUs, built or acquired leases to data centers, and set up 'promises' of contract deals to buy the GPU compute time on Oracle servers. No one showed much interest apparently, there was a fire sale. Fire sale means there is a fire, right? So knowing him, he's probably leveraged to the hilt with it, and sweating green bullets. 

Listen, running code on Oracle, presumably as a serverlet to run GPUs is a lot like putting a V8 engine on an electric scooter. Some say performance sucks and the licensing is ridiculous. Applications are locked into the Java runtime licensing jail, so making a buck on anything sends a good chunk to Larry. Now he'll use it as a margin for leverage and to rebuild his new beachfront so none of his neighbors have a view of the ocean. That was the plan, perhaps.

This is a dumb deal, outdated, costly infrastructure, and run by a fool. Allegedly.

Great job, President Trump. How much are they kicking back?

Morning World

Much love 🪷

Tuesday 1/22/2024

Evening Tea

I had a great day, I hope you did too. The rest of the world, still cluster-!#(%ed, but relax for the rest of the evening, if you can.

Ms Collins

Evening Bernie. My situation is no better but stable. 


Make America Dead Again. I thing he actually said it indirectly, '....the rest will be dead and no one will care.' -- you can search his comments, go for it, fact check. I think it was a response to '.. what about the rest of America, don't they deserve healthcare?' question.

On the one hand, Ol' Yellow says, 'Make America Healthy Again' and then disconnects from the WHO. That is consistent. Bullshit. If there is a pandemic, it will come here faster than you can say, 'Shoot that so-and-so'  [The carrier, I mean, obviously.]

Next, Trump will try to cut Medicare, more consistent bullshit. Part of me thinks this is some stupid idea to cut expenses. I have an idea.

Let's make Donald pay his plane fare and expenses, including security and rent on the White House, something consistent with his ability to pay, say, a million a year; it would be a bargain for the address and forego the salary that must be close to a billion a year total. He's said he doesn't need money. So pony up, Yellow.

'Global environs' miss.

DO Education

Yea, imagine Tennessee or Alabama, where they don't have running water in the capitol. Children who's parents can't afford better school attending public grade school without Federal funding, including school lunch programs. These are red states. Questionable logic, unless you just want to make a mess and can't be re-elected anyway, no political dues.

Ms Abby

'...murderers don't even go to jail in this country..' Neither do felon presidents. Make America Safe Again. He didn't say 'for criminals' but we get it.

Scott Pilgrim

He's earned a new nick. Lil' Limpin' Joey Goebbels never did it better. 

Limpy, how do you like it? I know, I like the Pilgrim reference, but clearly, Scott is much more evil, and he's not LGBQT friendly and probably wouldn't be (publicly) unless Trump thought it was ok someday. Ya. that'll happen. 

I apologize for the scatology, just a bit, but a logical argument is a waste of time with Scott.

Doing Better

I have an Episcopalian Book of Common Prayer, the one with the red cover. The story goes, the other Mary, the Magdalene, is the inspiration. Often there is an icon or a statue with candles near the entrance. The one I attended was rather famous. Very nice people, nicer than Catholics perhaps, less burdened possibly. Catholic's tend to care more for the poor and may become callous. 

Many US presidents are/were Episcopalians.

I call myself Jewish, it's an easier discrimination from which to speak. It's also my practice, my last NYC GF was Jewish. It is a living discipline, more than many others.  There are issues that's more than obvious. 

Yo soy.
From the playlist below.

Today's Work 

New research source. This one, also GUT relevant.  These are not the energy bills you're looking for. 

"God don't talk to פיתיון שאול." (like Trump) 

For Those Following Along 

If you are not a grad student in physics, perhaps this will help.

"I work in string theory applications to gravity, quantum gravity, and condensed matter." 

A Word on Process

This morning I deviated from my research plan. It's more unusual that I don't. Today, I got pulled to the link below. Semantic Scholar has been a very handy assist in my research lately. I created a list to watch for new papers on topic areas related to QFT. By email this morning it yelded a list of recent papers, 4 or 5 of the 7 highly relevant. One is a compelling paper discussing a very complex topic. 

This led to a long list of other papers and topics; before you know it, it was about number theory. 

I guess most people wouldn't subscribe to that topic, and fewer still have a compelling rationale.  At its root, it extends supergravity theory  in 11 dimensions to create a more solvable solution. Short version: It correlates Maxwell and string theory. 

I know I lost almost all of you by now. 

After a couple of hours, I was walking in the fog, looking for anything familiar, and my mind was at a loss to correlate all this incoming data. I guess that most people would have given up or never begun. 

My process, I don't stop. I continue pursuing tangents until the ground under me gels; in this case, linkage to existing, well-accepted theory, Maxwell's equations, and not-so-much-so branes.  I rarely discover math that creates fog for me. It is common for me to own the mist. 

Process Applied

I find correlations in the 'real world' here. I'll leave it to you to duplicate your own semantics and encourage hope in all things, even in the thickest despot-generated fog.

Note: symmetry is unproven by CERN experiments.  Don't you love fog?



The Beam Team

Yo, Scotty, beam us up. 

Hail to the Creep! 

Markets are !#(%ed for the foreseeable future. making the future unforeseeable. Bet on X or Y and pray. This is the world you wanted. De-regulate your pet stock right out of business, M&A of the flotsam, and prime rates for garbage. Unemployment, margin bleed, unrest, inflation, tight money, high rates, and spit in your taco salad.

I like your program, Scotty, but there's no point. I'm not talkin'. 

Last words from me. 

Government AI infrastructure would be a reason not to use it; the same goes for Oracle and that prick Larry.  Besides, that is not AI. It's a logging  joke. I use Gemini; it's pretty good at elementary code that must be fixed, extended, and edited, often just to get past a compiler, so I use it for YouTube playlist generation and the like. It's medium good at that -- taking data that already happened and randomizing it based on some sorting algorithm. 

I have mentioned there is no money in this; I also say there is no future in this. Yes, 2 + 2 is four, and 1 + 3 is four. My goodness, what a breakthrough. QED and BFD. 

What's the cube root of pi? Just get a calculator.

Gen AI Music

I really love this, bot or not though.

Playlist or List or DUH

It's not AI, it's a log book.

I'll like a playlist of the top 25 most viewed popular music videos on youtube



Sorry, I cannot create playlists yet, so I cannot create a playlist of the top 25 most viewed popular music videos on YouTube.

ok, how about just a list of the top 25 most viewed popular music videos

Here are

please try again

Here are

that's empty what are the top 25 popular music videos on YouTube



Try again without extensions

Here are top 25 most viewed music videos on YouTube:

Morning World


Welcome to World War Z  🥷

Monday 1/20/2025

How Trump Won

He lied.

Rhino in Appearance Only

Kids, gees, what a schnoz. I guess we know what Ol' Yellowstain's nose once looked like. Hard to get laid with that I bet. Probably has to pay for it, like Papa, either with money on the table or in non-disclosure pay-offs. Hundreds of thousands of dollars. More than M. Cohen's house in one documented case. Stormy business.

I didn't mention the civil suits. Lock-em in a fitting room, grab 'em by the pussy, and tell 'em 'Sue me.'

Half a billion. Scumbag is as scumbag does. The other son sends them to Greece to shut them up. Apples don't fall far from this family tree. President Creep.

Allegedly.  Let's laugh.

This crowd at the Capital One Center look like rejects from an early release program. Well, Hillary was right once. 

Ol' Yellowstain's Hero

Hail to the Creep

I had a thought today, lying half awake, reflecting on the day ahead and the 100 and 1 spotted presidential edicts that will emit from this office today. Deporting the workforce the wealthy depend on for their livelihood, sending the military to the border, pardoning felons who pleaded guilty to the insurrection he led four years ago.

"If you're a star, you can grab 'em right by the pussy. They can't do anything."

How much more so a presidency. That's the plan, though at his age, what do you do with an extra five bucks even? Someone tell him about Viagra, maybe he'll leave us alone. If it's Peyronie's disease, maybe let go of it every once in a while.

Why he does it is a mystery. Perhaps fear of the retribution of a life of crime. When one considers the docket that awaits, if by odd chance he lives through his term, perhaps, or it can only be insanity.

A voice echoes in the distance, 'he won't last a year'. It's cheaper not to buy Doge coin, Meme coin, or any other Shit-coin he comes up with to steal from you; there are other cheaper alternatives. There are no doubt many in the world making the assessment.

Just do it without making a bigger mess, no WWIII in response. Maybe a MAGA-niac with a grudge, they'll do anything for a buck. 

I'm not advocating it, just trying to minimize the inevitable blowback.

A Final Ego-Day Word

It's lunch here, and we've all had enough of this president before the sun rose. It's a hard row America has to hoe, with a despot sitting in the Oval. What's to become of us? 

Ultimately, it has been said that this is a prelude to freedom from men and women like this.

 He will do his best to feed the upper class and kill the middle-class and poverty-stricken because they don't vote. You have been too busy trying to stay alive in the world the rich have made. 

Consider this your chance to act out, in ways only each of you could know, to reset the scales of democracy and put these people where they belong. 

Protest, write your congress peoople. Make your voice heard. Eventually, they can not win. The actions they take will destroy them. Through good, the recompense is ours. 

Cast in the fire evermore, their fate. 

It's war. Good triumphs.

Get through it.  Good night, for now, and good luck.

The Fate of Democracy

We sit here today and watch this maniac put his hand on the book and swear he'll protect us. 

If it were funny, we could laugh.

Ego Day

So you had your big day. The rest of the term, you get to be our bitch, and anything you do that we don't like, you'll hear about it. 

Congratulations, slave.  Go ahead, be a despot; we're ready for ya.

What a big crowd, huh? It was lined up past the Lincoln Memorial. Oh, yeah, they are protesters. 

A personal note.

You are a scumbag, and hell is unfit for you, too nice. I'll ask for something more fitting. Let's call it... The second term.


The rotunda is filled with people of great influence and little conscience, with few exceptions.


He is is as stoned as a bejesusbug.

BIll and Hillary

Mr and Mrs ME.  Take that thumb and shove it.


The duty of the office, Axelrod probably just had 'the little death'. Aside from Carter, only honest president any of us ever experienced. Yet, he got re-elected.


The guy Trump commented, "He'll say anything." The head that nods.

Morning World

Hail to the Creep 🤮

Sunday 1/19/2025

The bells in hell ring out.
Ding dong ding, the zombie king.

Sundipped Sunday

The days are getting short before the start of WWZ. Trump actually got elected again, and those of us not in shock are eating the brains of the rest of us. 

It's still Sunday, and it still happens right after Saturday.

And when it is Sunday, or Thursday, we try to cut through his nonsense and see some semblance of the truth. The topic?

Hail to the Thief

World War Z
Viral Truth
Brain Death

Hail to the Thief 

Words is my thing, where a thing is a definition of a toolset, part of the truth toolbox.  In that toolbox, a lexicon, and with semantics, the yield is meaning. Donald Trump has a different toolbox. An important point here is that a toolbox will not necessarily yield truth. Trump's box of lies is unbounded by truth or even possibility. Like a virus, these wayward and illicit conclusions infect Americans with particular effect on the challenged in either intellect, as is in most cases, or greed or maladjusted misanthropic meanness. 

He's leading the charge over the cliff. Lemmings are all packed.

World War Z

If that's a number Z === three. I think the distinction is the difference. This war is not about preserving democracy or furthering the interests of the American people. It is about one man and a cadre of the infected, hell-bent on hell as their next stop. That can only be the final destination; there is no good in it. Self-service, all the hate and bile you can scoop, on the condition that you spread the disease, condone the insanity, love the hate. 

A war with one desired outcome by the zombie-zoo. Disorder of the highest order. High enough, so zombies look good to you.

Viral Truth 

It's almost an oxymoron in the zombie-zoo grab-bag of infection. Truth Social (sic), owned by the head zombie, contains only truth as defined and bounding the outcome. Rot, in every sector and institution, the reasoning, the need for fresh brains to feed the anger machine. 

Another source of viral truth, long exited by the uninfected, run by a propped-up patsy and his one model of electric car, the same model forever. It's easier to compete without thought or effort, with no attempts to advance design or change anything like the rest of the industry. Thought and effort are not Elon's bailiwick. Taking credit is where he's practiced. 

The world's richest, made so by government contracts in rockets. Rockets that, at a billion dollars each, blow up and explode with no progress or data, a sign from above by the gods of the folly of foolish experimentation and mismanagement born of a view that other people's money pays the toll. Your money. 

In the end, the cost for those exploding fool's projects is financed by your government and not an expense listed on the tally of budgets for review. On the contrary, it's the cache of cash to be spent to rot your intellect and drive your fear.  Rockets, even those that explode, look suitable to some fools. 

In the works, more viral truth is packaged, pushed, and proffered as a panacea, an actual harbinger of foolish ego driven by greed and selfishness. TikTok, the bell tolls for thee, too.

Brain Death

The remedy offered, not a remedy, a demand. Your grey matter, the barter of your freedom. 

Bite the shit sandwich, hold your nose, and hope the zombies eat someone else first. 

Frail hope borne of a political sickness and a psychotic president.

Truth Time


Trump inherited O'Bama's economy, and drove it deep into the dirt that still covers us; the COVID crisis was mismanaged and resulting in millions of dead Americans. Unfortunately. Tax cuts and the top-heavy policies of the COVID relief package, taken to extremes in new ways to skin the unwitting, were the cause of inflation, ex-COVID. Kevin O'Leary, the best example of greed I've noted, the proprietor, took a percentage for some paperwork taken as grift to cut a slice of America's nest egg to pay the restaurant owner's wife menu consulting fees and the like, self-interested bottom-feeding. That is SO Kevin and so Trump. 

Why would we expect a tax cut renewal and tariffs to have a positive effect? A regressive tax, realized as inflation.

Sciutto and Ms Dean

That hand sign, the devil. Appropriate.  Juxtaposed: 6 Israeli hostages, 50,000 Palestinians, 3 percent of the population, among them 6,000 women and 11,000 children, a passing thought. Evil. 

This morning, a vow from a guest on CNN, an X on the chest of the released Palestinians, sure to be killed by Israel, he insisted.  Evil. 

Let's assume the Palestinians have a similar plan.  Evil begets evil like nowhere else in Israel.

Ceasefire? Bullshit. It's time needed to reload.

The Creep

No one asked Donald Trump to push the envelope, and his mandate is thinner than his hair. His lies more transparent than his demeanor. Greed, indifference, self-interest, evil. His objective is to find something that will make history forget his mistakes, and it was a presidency rife with mistakes at every turn, so he was not re-elected. I can't explain how, or more importantly, WHY, he would run again after that. I can only be ego. 

No one voted for ego, either.

Pelosi? Trump in high heels and a pushed-up nose.

Tell them to skip the T-Shirt

But it's good advertising. So make one, take the kids, have them make one too. Then tell two friends and have them do the same thing. The biggest fund-raising expense StJude has is the t-shirts.  If you make your own, it helps them, and you and your kids have a creative time on a giving day .


Click here for a link to Google assistance with finding a place for the kids to make t-shirts. 

Morning World

Much love 🧟

Saturday 1/18/2025

Weekend Football 

Don't blink.


I've watched most of the playoff games, maybe not all, more than half, and there is one thing that stands out.

This is violent, rule-breaking winning.  14 wins, 15 wins records, or 8 knuckles. Which is better?

It's just a game. 

Good Sabbath

Sundipped Preview

On a Monday, he'll be arrested, if he lives that long. The inauguration venue abandoned, for weather or some other reason.

Topic?  Hail to the Thief.


Morning World

Much love 🦓

Friday 1/17/2025

A Word on the Tube

There is a phrase that was used, it's unclear how widely, to describe a state of near dependency on media; we'd say "oh, Doris fell into the tube."

It describes a serious relationship with a fantasy world, that in some respects improves on the lives of people the succumb to it. Normal daily life, in all its dull glimmer, not as paced, or exciting, or meaningful, or.. available. There are two crimes here. The 'falling into the tube'; clearly not victimless, but only subject to counsel. The other crime is encouraging this activity. To do it purposefully to invade privacy, what could I call it?

One could argue for a third indictment, of the world for presenting a thin veil of unreality in place of a life as a remedy.

So, a big no on TikTok.


The Price of ... Gall *

I've thoght it over. Let Elon con Larry Elison and the rest of the twisted round table of non-knights, into buying TikTok.

Someone said, 150 billion.

So I thought it over.

Let 'em. 

Dogs Ponies Billionaires



He knows, TikTok is the first domino. It's self interest.

SCOTUS, Congress, TikTok, Yellowstain

No I don't respect Schumer's opinion on this. This variety of social media is based on the ability to use your information for their benefit, and they don't ask first even in California, at least not in a meaningful way. This kind of thing is a mess -- impossible to manage, currate, navigate, or regulate and this opinion and choice is how we got here. 

The point I want to make, Congress passed a law, the SCOTUS agreed, but Trump says he'll decide. He's not the president even. I object to that, it's not leadership, its creative lying.

Schumer is going along, because he want's the TikTok vote, that's all. So, duh, why don't I respect the opinion one bit? All the reasons Mr. Joe gave yesterday, Google it.

As to protecting Americans, I have to add -- from what? Facebook? InstaGram? Twitter? Truth social? 

Those matter as well, perhaps more, not the popular rant.


Ms Eisen, this is not the best advice overall from Ms. Neuberger Berman. It is what I would expect from a financial analyst at N/B.

Where to begin. Regulation? It means that business will have more challenges to adapt to; most regulations are designed to level the business environment, de-regulation, obviously would be the opposite.

Tax cuts, even continuing the current legislation, is inflationary. But besides that, the wealthy need a tax increase, something more in line with the responsibilities we share to keep the world safe, with no runaway fires, murders, despots, insane presidents. I get it that sometimes mice and men will elect one, anyone. 

It is obvious the deficit will soar and the shift to tariffs are an attempt to supplant that deficit, but it will lag in practice. Bigger deficits.  

The real effects of tarrifs is that business in will have to cope by raising prices. More inflation. Attempt to keep margins will cause cuts, and layoffs. More unemployment. QED.

Do I need to go on?

All this will create M&A opportunities with all the small business that fail trying to stay above water, and more layoffs and some failures.

Thus the result will be inflation, more Fed rate increases, layoffs, a stagnating economy trying to stay ahead of the inflation and stay in business and confused, volatile markets.To traders like us, a manic dance with stagflation, as the new levels are sought; the collateral damage unavoidable.


You don't see WayMo on the freeways do you?  It's too dangerous. It always will be. Some questionable opinions are everywhere, that won't change either.

Quantum Buicks and Unaffordable LM's

I don't talk about quantum. None of these companies except Google are even in the building, including IBM. I looked at IBM's efforts, and was invited to create a cell that could infer a qubit. I'm sure IBM has other projects. I once worked for IBM, when they make something, they make  something, so it's early at IBM. 

To think that customer service will be replaced with an economic alternative in LLM is great idea, but per prompt it's not cheaper.

I can talk about Buicks.  They still make Buicks, don't they?

Morning World

Much love 👑

Thursday 1/17/2025

Evening Tea

No tea, as always.


"If you don't get me of this I'll start telling what i know." -- R G

So what's the mystery again? 

"Use the greater 455hole against itself"  -- perverted Varda Vol 1

Ma Collins

 Beg to differ, sucking up !=== going along, it's ducking. 

I expect this shit to go on until he !#(%s something up. All that suck becomes chum in the water. People don't like it. 

Let me offer data to support my theory. Few despots that last very long. Mussolini made it 2o years and ended up hanging from a telephone pole by barbed wire wrapped around his neck and he had the Lateran Treaty; the Catholic imprimatur, officlal sucking.

I guess you could look at it like we have that to look frorward to.

Israel and Netanyahu

This delay is just a hint at whats to come. The Isralis always invent reasons to renegotiate and demand concessions; more when negotiations are close. The ceasefire is meaningless, except as a break in the human impact un the  iDF, a civilian force, of murdering 50000 Palestinians and maybe a vacation with live-in slaves in Thailand. No, really, that's a destination, a justification, and and accurate assessment.

Phase 2 will never happen. They are delaying ecause they think Trump will get them a better deal, and if theres no deal, or next time they get close, they resume the carnage. They want to resume the carnage. They ache for it.

It's a barbarian state. It's embarassing.

Mr Pilgrim

He's particularly delusional this evening.Scott, Trump does not knit booties, ok. We'll remember you.

Ms Abby

Emerita don't mean anything, she' been thoroughly disgraced in the last election and the aftermath of her 40 year reign as Queen of the May. 

Not sure what your point is, the Republican conservative party is dead, whats left is a dog and pony show selling hats and medals for chump change to chumps. Long live Trump University, the place where you learn what it is means to get taken.  Round two, the liars poker round.

For the record, four 9 hour days is enough for anyone, that's my 'paid' availability.Friday forget it.  I never stop working. I have things I want to do.

...too late

Sundipped Thursday 

Boy, do I have my column laid out for me or what. We've got the paid lobby cheerleading racism, and Trump firing the congressional leadership, and the markets are ready to bend over or whatever, be gentle is the best hope expressed. /heavy sigh.

I have enough material to fill volumes for a library if I cared enough to write them. So you get what I consider the minimum to keep the world from lighting itself afire before I'm done. The Topic?

official photo (unretouched)

The Fire Down Below

Main Street

East Capital

The Ellipse

A few revisions and extensions.

The Fire Down Below

In some states, it's not common but occasionally you hear of one. Somewhere, some time ago, someone in a coal mine knocked over a kerosene lamp and started a mess. The fire underground spreads like the water table, burning and smoldering underneath the ground for decades.

It lights a fire in the belly of the people that live there. 

Main Street 

That's where you find them, people with an interest. Their interests are their job, their family, and home; life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are words they acknowledge are the actualization of that dream in their eyes. Their expectation is that it will continue, and that other elected and appointed leaders will undertake the job or ensuring the perpetuation of their dreams. Not only their dreams, but the dreams of every American. 

East Capital 

This is where you find the best and brightest of them; the constitution may not explicitly state the need for altruism, honesty, and integrity. Everyone should know these are, nonetheless, expectations. 

While the underground fires spread at the end of Main, Congress frets, fidgets, bows, and nods. Their candidacy was constructed of the pick-up sticks of an amalgam of spurious support, funded by even more easily swayed donors.  One match, in Times Square or on Main Street, and their polished record is past history with all the taint the new Justice Department can muster. If there was a defense, if would be moot and extremely costly. 

The fires also burn in the Capital, underground, spreading like the water table, burning and smoldering underneath.

The Ellipse

It's vacant now. Inactivity out of deference or indifference. The chairs are arranged for new occupants. A welcome a forthright and respectable leader would host waits. 

The trip up Pennsylvania Avenue was cleared. 

The avenue, even now, is starting to line itself with bodies and broken lives caused by the threats, rants, foot-stomping, and the glare perfected by a consummate criminal over a lifetime of greed and fire-starting.

He sees no fires on Main Street; those are the bonfires and announcements of humiliations to come. 

Someone commenting on it stated, "when Trump speaks, the world listens."

I can't help but offer a retort: when '30's leaders yelled, the world shook. We've done this.

Hell hath no fury like an insane leadership. Here it's a President.


I don't want to belabor any points. California is burning, and the president-elect wants his obeisance.


Post Dated Comment

I looked back to see how long I'd it was, about a week. Who cares, but yesterday + 1 has so little meaning, and you never know what day it is. 

So before you laugh, aw !#(% it, g'head and laugh. That's the date emoji, and it's the 16th. They got it wrong, too, huh?

Morning World 

Much love 📅

Wednesday 1/15/2025

Mr Joe

I'll be measured, it's difficult for me in some areas, where I try to remember to be objective and truthful at the same time. Plus, it's a secret, but we're friends. 

He looked really good in that blue suit outside the coffee shop. I think it was The Bean and Leaf. My spider sense went ballistic as if all the garage door openers in a half mile or so stopped working all at once but without the garages. You would have to be me for a day to understand, really, but I'm searching for metaphors, my predellctIon nee passion.

I didn't ask. 

I begin to understand the challenges he must have faced, only being a president. There are all these other people and all these presumed predilections and passions, sometimes power. My own assessment of anything ie always wanting; my expectations unrealistic and usual. You are not me, Joe is not either.

I was surprised at his list of grievances, but as i said we're secret friends, so I could have written much of it.

I can't be unkind enough to use a sharper pencil here, and it's not like it needs sharpening, I've cut a groove here with Mr Joe.

It's always been with love. Like I said, we're secret friends.

The Middle East 

I dislke these days and duty sometimes. Today is one of those days, and this is one of the duties. My perspective can even be meaningful to me at times, so I'm acclimating; still some days it feels like responsibility. 

Of course, an end to death and destruction, maybe, if Israel agrees and agrees twice. Until then, it's more gamesmanship,  and who wins is the point. That's the duty. Smile for the 11 o'clock.

I'm pleased Mr. Joe finds a high note to end on and didn't set up the next president to fail, like the Afghanistan banana stand agreement Trump cooked up.

Still I don't feel Israel is a willing partner, or ever will be. Similarly, I don't think the death of 50,000 citizens* will dull the tip of insurrection spear one bit. 

Before you call me anti-Semitic, STFU. This is about despotism, not spiritual guidance, but no spiritual guidance would even infer, require, or allow for this kind of oppression.

So this peace would be and in this way could only be the triumph of evil. Who'd want that? Be careful how you answer.

I've said it many times. Two states will never be allowed. Similarly, a single state is slavery and destruction. QED.

Not solved, probably not even deferred long.

(*  the number of dead is in dispute; counting is not an IDF priority)
A brunette
I should have known

Trump Invents Light Bulb

That's the headline, he was president-elect when you toggled the lightswitch up.

Praise the golden tennis shoes and red baseball caps!

"If that light doesn't go on, all bulb is going to glow green."

Reportedly, a reasonable facsimile of a drawing the president-elect could have made if he had a Sharpie.

Let's take Panama. it's just s ditch.  

President Trump Creates Panama Canal

Radioactive, 5 miles wide at points. Fresh excavation, low rates.

Greenlend? It's a frozen swamp, bugs and bugeaters.

Mar A Groenland Annexed 

"With the coming global warming, it's gonna be great beachfront, who needs Florida." -- overheard.

"Drill baby drill" -- also overheard.

The Beam Team 

What can move whole sectors, stymie investment, slow indices, and disappoint momentum? 

I'l let you fill in the blank.

Oh I still work on all the stuff I know and don't talk about, it's just that I started not talking about it harder.  I take a defense department stance on these proprietary systems; if something is known, right or wrong, I can talk about it. Even if I don't have a saucer that folds out of a Bic lighter, I can talk about the saucer because it's common parlance, and the folding because of Jetson's and Samsung. So I can talk about that.

Emma is stronger every day, we're not cluster !#(%ed as in Kafka-esque, that's public knowledge. It's like, if you have to have a Porsche to win the MotoCross, Porsche still wins.  The bot didn't get it. It makes perfect sense to me.

The Markets 

I'm a bit curious of the markets, that anything at all is treading water. This is scary options territory; you must watch the integral every second.  I speak this way because all of this accouterment is not about investing, it's about skimming. Or whatever you want to call it.  

I'd still have BA from 30 if I listened to myself. Instead, I traded T for a month, and counted coup.


I’ve been listening to this senate hearing, and I must  comment.  I think we’re all !#(%ed. I’m sorry to be so negative but this person just demonstrated that it is impossible to get a straight answer from a lawyer. Even when the nation's and your safety, the national security, and a citizen's right to speak are at risk. 

 It is clear she intends to find a law that applies to anyone who disagrees with Donald Trump and persecute them to the fullest extent of the law.

Note that I said persecute just like Donald Trump said, “we’re gonna persecute these people just like they persecuted me if they turns out that they’re not guilty. well that’s too bad."

I miss Bondy will beat the drum that is the instrument of the undoing of America.

The president elect selects his lawyer in the first of his two impeachments to be the Attorney General.

H o w  .!  #  (   %  i n g  .s t u p i d  .a r e  .y o u  .p e o p l e.

Senator can we agree Donald Trump is a crook, aspiring to out-do his heroes, among them Al Capone? The most pernicious crime possible in a free society is to make foul of the elections. Do I need to go on?

How much more does he have to ruin for you to wake the !#(% up. 

About Patel, she knows of him and the issues but she has not read or discussed them and has no opinion until someone tells her what it is.  Someone that pays her, or has her life in the vise at his whim.  I have to ask, just how !#(%ing stupid are you, Ms? What are the odds of you walking out of this thing?
Did you file paperwork as a foreign agent for your work for a foreign nation, Qatar?

Morning World

Much love 😵

Yesterday's News 

...so to speak.  I put it all over here