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Who's driving today? All this momentum, you're diiscussing AI. Of course AI is going to miss, there's no money in it. That's why I don't bother with chatbots. I gave up on the thread in 2007.

The hope is to leverage something AI needs, like power, and real estate, and boxes. Pffft. Competition will eat everyones lunch, not a big lunch either.

Try making money on something besides air, what a concept? At some point someone is going to figure out AI to make things, I suggest the market is ripe for a flying toaster. Call Elon. Well, you wouldn't trust a car he made, maybe the dash is partially loose, self drive or Robo car. After you. Two slices is all the bread I'm willing to trust Elon with.

I don't run my life to make money for anyone.

Here is a hypothetical: Imagine light bulbs didn't use energy anymore. All of them. What changes? 

Twenny and Carl

It's a sure thing, just a matter of me getting around to it. Short oil, would be a bit pre-mature, but just a bit.

Morning Carl, where's the Mad Monkey?

"There always a bullshit mark somewhere." a liberal paraphrasing of ... 'There's always a bull market somewhere."

Morning World

Much love 🧑‍🔬

Tuesday 10/15/2024

Ms Abby 

You Take the High Road

...and I'll take the low road, and so goes the meme. I have my limits, here, Trump is way past deserving less than I am willing to commit to paper, honestly I try not to take my feelings to that kind of place. 

Every day is a lower low, we get a little closer to slinging slime. I think that's what he wants.

The Weave 

Sting like a flea, weave like a Nigerian robe. Yeah about that, I have great cheeks, you ever notice?  He'd call him Commie Cassius Clay.


I'm playing project catch up, I have some samples that I tweaked that with a couple changes I can work with; I just want the undercarriage, the models are bot-bogus. Busy work, while I watch blue eyes.

Like I said, this is already done. There are some cool things we put in. A thing of beauty, even without a head. 


Access is only half. I find it infuriating. You can give away bamboo poles, but the economic bar is higher. 

When you say 'strengthen America' what I hear is pad the upper classes. We're gonna fight. Don't tell me how the venture cap begets the economy. If it does, it's because it's the only path.

I'm not a cheerleader.

Read the demands, none of them are mine. I don't include my self interest that I can discern. It's a good practice, like yoga.

The struggle is because what has gone before is prolog. Don't ignore the whys of a Donald Trump.

The blog has rolled over.

Velvet gloves that crush.

(W)holy golly.


I tuned in CNN and what do I see? Donald Trump is free-associating on all the times he's threatened other world leaders with punishment, from tariffs on bubbly (Donald makes bubbly, the kind you break open on ships) to nuclear war. 

Some of it is revealing. The tariffs on South Korea are piquing, combined with the two billion in kickbacks for South Korean defense sounds like what you'd do to lean on an adversary or at the whim of one to curry favor. Yeah?

All these twenty-told tales, the victory laps of a one-term president that made a mess of the economy and left it for someone else to straighten out. They keep trying to assassinate him; it's that bad, and he's just a candidate. 

He started to discuss currencies and told tales of how he protected the currency, again with rumors of tariffs and bluster. He gets all worked up, like, wow, this is a cool sandbox I landed in; I wonder how it works; I guess I'll do it the old-fashioned way, with threats, blackmail, and the rest of the crooked tool bag. 

No one wants to live that way. 

The truth is the economy is a closed system. Those movies where someone steps on a seed in a time machine and changes everything? It doesn't have to involve time travel.

Don't Forget

"No you're not going to go there!" and the steering wheel episode Donald

This is after he got the crowd worked up on January 6th, perhaps to be known as the first coup attempt.

The Steal 2.0

Inside, those who know Donald wonder where the skim is happening. We know about his daughter and those Chinese patent rights he maneuvered first thing. No one seems to notice it much. Maybe it was a corner on the American rice market, but Asians  don't like how American rice smells and won't buy it. Something like that. It's likely the kind of thing a washed-up, wanna-be bag-man would cook up to stay on the payroll. There was probably a great deal of that during his term.

There is no shortage of shysters. These are the people Donald calls 'talented but not experienced' that do the heavy lifting, moving the boxes, loading the plane, sneaking in the hookers. Body men with an assist. Meanwhile, Donald once quoth "I am not talented at the oval office, but I'm experienced." He failed at his coup once, is what I hear.

This is so surreal.

Presidential candidate?

The Day Ahead 

I'm working the diffeq today. I should confess I've been in love with integrals since 4th grade, and I didn't know it. One of the things I find so compelling is that no one seems to share my enthusiasm as if it were work.

There are Python libraries for some of these things, but it's like using a sledgehammer in a watch shop with persnickety results for most of them. Today I peeked at TensorFlow for efficiencies. Tensor flow, not this phase. I'll be done with that by then as well. 

  My lifetime of avoiding writing code results in me writing not much code yet functionally complete. I have time.

The Beam Team 

Hi Scotty. What a can of Spaghettios, am I right? 

I'm loving watching you deal with all this private equity spin. "You'll make more money with private than public; who wouldn't want that."  Who's he kidding?

Did you read the commentary where to put your eggs .


I'm watching all this investment in power. I note Google has a different option model, because they know. They are probably right about something, though how they would know one could wonder. Still, only Nixon could go to China. This is not that.

Chum in the pool.

Individuals have written operating systems by themselves. Bill Joy was pretty good too. Besides, that part is done. 

One thing about these bots. They are stupid as fuck about everything until you bring it up. There is no creativity or impetus. 

Morning World

Much love. 🥟

Monday 10/14/2024

Ms Abby

I'm playing catchup, this lunacy wins stuff. I wrote a little about this today below. The question is: why don't the polls indicate what we would expect? I offer the polls are inaccurate. The electorate is in flux, first time, and vengeful voters not on the call list, maybe with only a cell phone they've changed numbers on every time they broken up or got out of lockup.

I can't defend the band of lunatics that mustered at the bugle call. Once, the parties hoped they didn't vote and didn't hang signs in that part of town. Now they have X, and it is run by a lunatic with moneyed interests.

Even more puzzling is people like Scott Jennings, willing to guzzle and bathe in that fetid Kool-Aid.

Commercial, I'll catch up like 10 mnutes. Yes, they consume the program. I'm at the break.

I'm installing mactex, it's MFS.

Gee, kittens galore.

🍺  mactex was successfully installed!

I'm going for a walk. NTSY all. Tell Scott it's not personal, it may be the only job he can get.

Les Implants Memoire du Jour

Je ne vous obligerai pas a le lire en francais, j'adorerais. Vous n'avez aucune obligation de le lire, mais ce sera en francais sauf les images, je les laisse non traduites. 👅

J'etais occupe toute la journee, planifiant le cheminement des projets et de nouveaux plans. Puis j'ai pense aux mathematiques. 

C’est le deja-vu qui me fait tourner la tete a plusieurs reprises ; de nombreuses choses qui semblent trop compliquees a considerer ne le sont souvent que de loin. 

C'est ca.  J'ai besoin d'un robot qui ne raconte pas tout. Avez?

Le probleme est qu'un grand nombre d'entre eux sont necessaires de maniere quelque peu simultanee dans la realisation. 

Il faut faire attention a ne pas perdre la tete.


It may be that all the disenfranchised outnumber the rest, much to our surprise. Well, not mine. 

It is puzzling that this movement, for all its cartoon-like concepts and characters, is real; we all tend to think it's some innate inaccuracy of the opinion polls. Hillary was pegged to win with like 79% by the NYT.  Static, trend, or artifact.

These days, real-life patterns defy detection and identification. One thing often means another, and vice versa. 

The invariant to the elections, impossible to identify. The constrast, terrifying.


I'm reworking the project list. I'll wait for a while until Google can ensure my work is safe and secure because it is not.

I'll work the brain in my own space and look after my interests. I still have math to do, optimizing differential equations as lambda functions is also on the list, and I have a graphing calculator. /laugh

Morning World 

It really feels like a Monday.  🕳️

Sunday 10/13/2024

It Could Be

Someone remarked about Trump that 'it might be that he is weak and unstable.' 

I thought I said that ? 

His economic plan, if implemented, would usher in a period of great turmoil in the financial markets while supply chain cost changes push supplier pricing onto manufacturers, and people stop buying the things that become unaffordable. Large ticket items not made in the US meet tariff barriers and cost more, meaning US-made goods cost more in the US, too. As the supply side adjusts, EBITDA and profits tighten, meaning a declining EPS, lower share prices, and stock market correction. Possible recession.

The last time money poured in to keep people buying 4 dollar Starbucks. At the top, they bet on the tax cuts and leveraged everything to get in on the play. That was a party for the people with a ticket. The rest of us, a note from Trump about him signing a check to us that lasted for a week and the hangover sinking in 6 months later in inflation. 

The repeated application of this model will result in more hyper inflation. 

The economy is slow, but rather predictable. Don't believe me, ask an expert other than me. 

Jane, Stop This Crazy Thing

Sundipped Sunday 

It's another week, and it's the same old. Let's sort through the trash and broken furniture left by the hurricane of modern life,  for something unuttered or unvisioned, at least enough to fill this whitespace. After all, if it's Sunday or Thursday, it's sundipped.

Today's hit list.

Our Evil Twins

Ex-President Anything

His Boy E-lon

America the Doubtfully Dutiful

More as time and energy allow.

Our Evil Twins

Let's play that children's game. I'll describe something, a phrase at a time, and you guess what it is? My mind reels about how long the average American would take to win this game. 

'Ex-president and vengeful.'?  Bingo. 

I must be good at this game. No, the way to win is for me to use as short a description as possible, not that other game. 

How about:

'Overspent on Twitter'? I win again. 

I knew the rules beforehand, and you didn't. Pertinent? Let's play some more children's games. 

These two men and many others present an iconic image to people that is in stark contrast to their character and quality., We wouldn't have to worry about Lex Luthor, Thanos, Donald Trump, or Elon Musk in a more perfect world.

It sucks to be us. 

Ex-President Anything

The presidential election is funny. A Democratic can't win with a plurality; it takes 56%. It's the work of generations of political operatives and a generations-old practice of presidential elections, the electoral college. All our best people and statistics have narrowed the race to seven states and a handful of votes in the right places. 

Donald dislikes elections that aren't predictably favorable. He dislikes anything that's not predictably favorable. Any election he can't manipulate to his favor is unfair. He's up against the real-world wall if he loses. A wall so high it would keep out Venus if it wanted to immigrate. The wall is justice, the kind of justice that accumulates if you run from it all your life. 

He must win this election. 

Par For The Candidate

He has no real plan, he has no real vision, he has no real choice. He plans on faking it. In business, some call these men alligators, all mouth with small hands.  I take exception with that description of Donald. Slithering things don't have hands.

He holds rallies anywhere there are enough people who want to gawk like they were selling tickets to a traffic accident at the flying elephant that talks and cheats at golf. His speeches paint a world of desolation, conflict, and rumors of war if he doesn't save us from the mess he created by manipulating the House of Representatives and the office of the Speaker. Barker would be more apropos. 

These men push and bully themselves along in life with blackmail, favors, payola, and non-disclosures. Some rise to lofty positions, like the presidency of a corporation. Some refer to this as the Peter principle. Without fail Peter principled leaders fail, They become ex-presidents. You lost the election, ex-anyting, ex-president.

It is safe to say Donald J. Trump could be the ex-president of anything. 

His Boy E-lon

I remember the Jetsons, flying cars, talking robot maids, sprockets, and rockets. Mars was probably a suburb where the poor people lived. 

Enter reality. They would be poor. Living on Mars would cost a fortune. Although Elon could afford it, which I'd recommend ASAP, I'm counting on it. 

Life On Mars

We couldn't afford to live in the world Donald and Elon want to share with us either. I'm not just saying that; you already know what it's like. Meanwhile, they've prospered, even in a struggling economy. Expect more of that with Don and Elon. 

Elon is to head a committee of one to look at every penny America spends and make sure we're getting bang for the buck. I'm sure the list starts at the bottom, so Betty's Day care may get an audit, or maybe the payments will just stop for child care. Meanwhile, Elon will build a factory of robots to build robot factories to build robots. 

Elon's fever dreams will become our feverish dreams, and we'll pay for the contracts Donald and Elon will sign to prove they are building industry in America. Without many workers, that's the inside joke. Elon is at the top of that same list; stuff is at the bottom of the pool-wise. 

A Fool's ToDo

I don't respect Elon. He's Jerry Lewis in The Patsy with Ron Baron's checkbook, not a script. Tesla overcharged because of tax subsidies, which paid for Twitter. Legislation made the patsy, Ron Baron was grafting the financial and media pools. Money went in and out of Twitter before the sale; it didn't matter what it cost or what it was worth; they wouldn't own it after Elon bought it. These are the rules of the game you may not have known about that I mentioned.  I guess you call that a piece of the action.

SpaceX wouldn't exist without a NASA contract. More government money to be paid to his Political Action Committee to convince you to keep the cartoon rolling. Robo-cars that run two wheels over pregnant then women back up a half a foot and turn on the emergency flashers.  Actual event.

Flying cars. America could probably make one. It would be expensive, and no one but Elon could afford it without government subsidy. I wonder what Elon plans to do with the rest of our government's money. Flying toasters?

America the Doubtfully Dutiful

Let's channel Trump and Elons Jetson's episode one. Elections Trump does not win can not be trusted, so no more elections. The Justice Department works for the President. The Congress and Senate answer to the whim of the President. The Police and the National Guard report to the President. The question 'was your grandmother a Democrat?' appears on red state public school admission forms. Abortion is illegal by Presidential action, except in Nevada, California, and Oregon.

I hope I'm not giving him any ideas he didn't already have.

I have no doubts he has thought of an even more sinister list, perhaps they've formalized it, Project 2025 perhaps, with Elon to help and skim off the government contracts for a cut; I'm sure to... the President. 

America knows duty: to friends, family, and country. We've proven one can't destroy a nation built on an idea by doing it badly. In spite of ourselves, we seem to end up remembering our duty, even when we doubt many things with justifications.

The world these Evil Twins paint has no color. It is bleached out by rhetoric, but it does not change the color of anything. A government for, by, and of the rich will not rule this country. Take that to the polling booth. Literally.

The MAGA End Credits Version

Morning World 

Much love.⏭️

Saturday 10/12/2024

Project Shift

I've shelved some projects because I can't safely work on them.

It is not safe to trust Google with your intellectual property.

Morning World 

Much love 🧑‍✈️

Frisay 10/11/2024

Ms Abby

Trump, when he speaks out like this, somewhere in my brain I replace Trump's image with someone describing Trump, it works so much better that way, I'm not sure why I do this autocorrect.

"What is a new car from Oprah" ?

J.D. Vance

I would not eat it with a goat, in a boat in moat, I'd slit my throat. Or with J.D.

The Evening New 

This is my day in a nutshell. Nutso busy, and then there was the world. 

I'm rearchitecting the much-mentioned PD app skeleton using for-real implementations. It's feature creep, much! No, it's more challenging at scale, and I know too much to do poorly. The bot's code, sort of irrelevant accept for the GUI.

Other than that, it's a peaceful, easy feeling where possible. 

Mr O

Angry is not his look. That's his mother, some would say. I think his mom rocks. I watched his speech or parts of it. The thrill was a little gone or something. His hair was so white. Geepers, what did we do to this man? He was a gladiator. They named that haircut after him. 

The older one gets, the harder it is to stay upset about something. Not in the same way. Who wants to look like ex-president Trump? He looked a little frustrated, like he told a joke no one knew whether it was ok to laugh at. That may have been on purpose. 

Someone remarked she had to think about what I meant by what I wrote, and that's exactly what I meant. It can be like that.

I appreciate his stamina and his vigor, and I admire his style. We are both ENFJ types; sometimes, I see myself in him or vice versa. I don't do his mom well, if may be age or a different kind of life stretched out out behind. 

He makes healthy political arguments; his focus and concentration are hard for me to recapture as not a person of color. He earned the right and lives with the responsibility. That's what we all do. Anyway, he has no choice; he is here to lift that heavy load and not complain about it, but I'd swear you can see it in his face.


Detrioit, The Motor City

By 1924, the three biggest car companies that dominated the field—General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler—were all based in the Detroit area. By 1950, the auto industry had 296,000 manufacturing jobs in Detroit, and the name Motor City was in wide use.

The motor city. This arm should be upright. It was a union city. Those looking for work and the American dream flocked to the Detroit area for jobs making engines, transmissions, body by Fisher, and cars. 

Men like Donald Trump and Elon Musk destroyed this union town. Now, they will plow it under and plant corn. 

It's not politicians that decide to make trannies in Mexico or batteries in China; it's men like Trump and especially Musk. They count dollars, not lives. 

There are always more people. And there's always more dollars.

Morning World

Much love 🧠

Thursday 10/11/2024

Head space.
Edge of the war blade musings.

Maybe some cereal? In a box. I'm out of milk.

270 to WIn

Experiments in poltical science.

Go ahead, make my race. https://www.270towin.com/maps/3wlRX 

Do well with the recovery in the storm path. This is a critical path, with no positive outcomes for Trump. Other efforts could pursue other electorates. I note the Georgia legal morass in waiting. 

I'd like Larry Sabato's opinion. What does yer R say Mr S?

A Supreme Court deadlock potentiality

"I have seen children starving. I have seen the agony of mothers and wives." -- FDR


Sundipped Thursday 

If I've typed it once, I've typed it at least thrice. Still, I feel compelled to press those keys to fulfill a meme. A meme created by me. Ok, I remember. 

If it's Thursday or Sunday, it's sundipped. What should I be right about today, yeah, I don't bend. I'll go with the being right thread, it's just so me.

A Conservative Vision Quest 

Truth or Consequence

Desperado Details

The Human in the Mirror

More as time and energy allow.

A Conservative Vision Quest

I abhor labels. I'm what I am, red or blue, green or off-white with a tasteful landscape scene of the Seine in winter. 

That is not a classification scheme I use. My views, I imagine, must be well known. If it's something stupid, you can bet I'll be against it, probably. Honestly, it depends on the issue. In some things, I willfully acknowledge my naivety and defer leadership. It may be possible that some things and ideas only look stupid. I'm skeptical.

I'm almost positive I'm not a conservative. I couldn't be. I am saying it is a character measure, not just letters. I am also undecided if I am a liberal, though I grate at the confession. Some issues defy classification in lieu of common sense. 

I act with measured steps in what I seek; that is progress. This is my conservative vision quest. My definition is not theirs. Some people want to call it progressive; some call it the middle. 

The Actual MAGA-dipped conservative vision quest is elusive, defined in many instances by secret agendas and selfishness, competitive cooperative self-destruction.

Truth or Consequence

You are what you eat. My parents often recited this. We still had pizza sometimes. This is so simple, yet we ignore it and eat a Twinkie anyway. Maybe it's a donut or a trendy pastry delivered with a cherry on top. I know of such a business. By subscription, GrandMa's recipe pastry was baked this morning and hand-delivered to your location.  

Pastry Pastiche Metaphor

It was her daughter's path-to-the-one percent vision quest. This happened. We all would love to believe in this.  The reality is that her mom spent a million and had a loyal client list. She could go as broke as her wishes would allow. 

There was just no way this could work in Manhattan. 

Truth and consequence is a bitch. My parents would say, be careful what you wish for. 

I cannot reconcile the US House of Representatives using this logic; it's counterintuitive that group hypnosis is not required.  This can not end well. To purposely pursue the path of recalcitrance will only end with pink slips. 

I'll let you ponder the possibilities and the probabilities of that. 

Let Us Eat Sugar

Twinkies, danish, cinnamon roll, whatever. Feed it to your economy, and it will act the same way a room full of second graders act after cherry coke and chocolate cake before dinner. 

I had a conversation with a bot about the economy and purposefully took two paths: one with a sugar diet and inflation and momentum or a people-oriented agenda. I won't paste a link again; it's in the feed. 


Desperado Details

I'm not sure if I can cover all the possible sematic angles you may be thinking. I had considered the mugshots for example, as details of a desperado.

He certainly looks desperate to me.

The Details

Then I considered, desperation is catching like COVID in a NY Retirement Home. I also want to cover the other details, the call centers and mailing centers where postcards with pleas for funding to prevent the overthow of the this-bosses regime by the other-bosses regime. I'm trying to be fair.

I didn't say desperados, the details. They work for the desperados. I'm not faulting anyone personally; politics as a fundraiser is a lot easier with a live data and money collection service. One side is no better than the other in practice; in funding any guesses about proper policies and practices is best left to the FBI. 

Kiss Me Money 

Armies, with lips that taste like glue pushing digital rubber stamp signatures on digital rubber stamp copy into mailers and envelopes pre-addressed to likely voters in swing states. The limited number of people that will decide the question are probably not on the list; that's just the way it works. 

Desperate acts by desperate people, and some I assume are felons.

Take America's Money Again

If we're going to be detail-oriented, consider the mail order opportunities of a candidate Trump. We've been here before; I didn't actually fact-check the list of offerings, so I won't make any assumptions.

We seem to cover this often; the worth of elections based upon fundraising is the result. I am selecting the point of the arrows here out of discretion. We're breaking records, which ever way it spins.  

Is this any way to select a Federal government?

The Human in the Mirror

It all comes down to one person, each of us. We all make our decisions for our own reasons, and hope for the best. If our parents taught us well, our path would illuminate a world as expressed by leaders we admire.

There is a path in these woods that diverges, one to turmoil or the other the shortened path.

One need not be a superhero all the time. Just when it matters. It matters now.

We Don't Need No

The other path, not taken above, leads to conflict.

Morning World

Much love

Wednesday 10/8/2024


I've a gaggle of goose behavior on a variety of topics this morning. On days like these, I always take the freedom route; I toss the keys to the subconscious and auto-correct the spelling.


I should talk about projects.  The top 10 is a bunch of stuff. I'm looking at the images from Florida with everything in piles, waiting for the next machine or impetus. I've so much backed up work I need a clone.  Enter all that, coincidentally. I've had suggestions to survey for rocks before sharpening the plow. Gee, I didn't think of that. The one force that has been my Narayana is exactly that. 

So that's the view you can expect on projects. If that's over your head, may the saints be praised. 

Ok, how's the grammar? Oh, there will probably be more.

The Weather 

What, you don't like the ribbon? Of course, we control it. What's your address? 

Morning World 

Much love ☺️

Tuesday 10/8/2024

Ms Abby

It was a busy day full of good, goodies and good work. It isn't even Lent.  That qualifies as an inside Mr Frosty reference that you couldn't know.  I may post it. Depends on how the show goes.

We're picking semantics in live conversation apart and watching for body talk, which is known as reading people; there are books full of nonsense about it, I think; Body Language is the term. One either does it, and can't avoid it, or may as well read Dick Tracy. 

If this is an invitation... Ms Harris is an easy read. She's uncomfortable admitting she owns a gun; it's a razor-filled dragon beast jungle past the right of way.  Yet, it's a compelling confession, pardon the usage. There's nothing wrong with guns. It's not the guns or the black clothing they all seem to wear. Let's be glad it's not white linen. 

I'm not sure what that long sentence from Ms Harris meant. It sounded a little Freudian or something; the caffeine ran out, and we're on vapors feeling when your mouth disconnects from the frontal lobe. Was there an end to that paragraph, or did she leave everyone in the ozone? 

Lent reference demystification finally found the right fingers..


Adam “I just wanted to say thanks. “

God “People are always saying that, what exactly do you mean?”

Adam “Let me think, I’m not really sure. I guess it’s just nice.”

God “I’m all for that.”

Adam “And thanks for the cherry pie and a Coke, it’s not even Lent.”

God “More jokes, you know how I feel about Lent.”

Adam “Well it’s why they’re looking for their keys under the streetlight.”

God “I know, because it’s brighter over there.”

Adam “Kids. What are you gonna do?”

God “What are you gonna do...”

Adam “I love our time together.”

God “Was there something, or did you just feel like hanging out?”

Adam “Funny.”

God “It’s not even Lent.”

Adam “touche”

Morning World 

Much love 📽️

Monday 10/7/2024

The Other White Meat

From the NYTimes

'he said that the new paper doesn’t change his bet that a human alive today will reach 150, because it has always been based on “a breakthrough in targeting the aging process itself.”'


Ms Abby 

I'm just cleaning up the project plan. What else happened today then, Trump on race? He's got his black person right over here; he likes black people to count his money because they are so easy to blackmail, as long as they don't live in his building or enter by a separate entrance around the corner. Where are you going with this?

I'm sorry, most South and Central American immigrants are from South and Central America, who are you kidding it's not about race.

Oh, immigration. I don't talk much about immigration; it's all twisted up in conflicting interests. There is a superiority factor here with Trump, but I'm not sure it is only about race. 

Profiles in Spewage

In a room full of men with a lot of money, Donald is the insecure smiler with a Rolodex. In a room full of world leaders's, he's the ruler with the best army. In finance, he's the fool some corporations have managed to make a deal with and not regret it. Assuming there are any. 

Even metaphorically. Which one of these does he miss?

Perhaps bluster born of insecurity.


Oh what a busy day, as they all are. I even had a spare moment to conspire about building out Emma, but I'm not sure GCP is safe. It also sometimes costs me a buck or two a day just for the testing. 

La Musique Que J'Adore

Juxtapose a la norme, je souffre d'ajouter que j'ai choisi ces quelques-uns parce que je les aime. J'etais autrefois un artiste, dans cette galaxie, et on acquiert le showbiz dans le sang..

Alors! C'est tout la meme nom!

Level fields of amber grain.
Like the plan said.


Not wanting to drop the lit match in this room full of gasoline, I'm picking my topics, and war is off the menu. We can talk about money, oil, elections, and trends, you betcha.

Beam Us Up Scotty 

Mr. Wapner has a non-standard panel today, so we'll adjust. Shout out to Jim, who trades somewhat like  I once did. The question is, what do we do until the other shoe drops?

Which shoe ? 

Analyst Bots

I've described the use of AI as ordering a carburetor. One must know what it does, what it is used for, and whether your car has one. Otherwise, it's a complicated piece of hardware that you have no use for. 

You have to know what to ask. I assume you read this. I refer to the outcomes of PPI, inflation, growth, and trends to prevent a recession and/or prepare for the coming potential administrations. I'm also assuming you're all in agreement that Mr Trump is --redacted-- and would drive the 'Vette right into the brick wall and blame us for not using the brake. These are also the aforementioned conclusions for a stock market crash, more inflation, and a one-way ticket right back to where we were. I've summarized this as money worth a lot less or less money for the wealthy. Loss of buying power is the invariant in that equation.  I know that's counter-culture to the raison d'etre for many. So buy a codpiece or something.

Socks and Hose

The Harris economic plan is explained in a political document; you'll find it if you look, but I didn't read it. It's clear, however, that she has read this analysis and is likely to follow the recommendations. You'd have to be blind not to.

I would advise preparing for that eventuality and using options to protect my shorts if Harris loses. 

Specifics, I'd short anything Elon, just for spite, but for money too. He's taken a spaceship to Mars already, and that flame-thrower chic elan of his has gotten old. 

You're all aware of my penchant for defense, so yada yada yada.


The remarks from Steve-O Liesman to expect a divided government have no basis in anything but opinion. I'm wondering about making that prediction, as I don't see that trend in the polls; if he means politically, or based on some other reality, or just plain selfishness, I agree it will be divided.

Seeing Red

Often, the lines dividing cooperation or obstruction and success or failure are the same. Corporate tax structured to emphasize an agenda of people, may be the competitive advantage, and is the right thing to do. 

Christian Louboutin red bottoms or Adidas for the after-school track team is a choice; if you have kids in track, you've made it, so don't say it's nonsense or beyond expectations. What it could be is a symptom of a modifiable asymmetry. 

I love the shoes, too, but not at the expense of a child, maybe a genius.

The agenda is published here Demands For America while it evolves with us. Welcome to the shortening of the way.

Morning World 

Much love 💹

Sunday 10/6/2024

La Musica de Los Vatos Loco

I like the covers better, sometimes. Someone remarked that this is all 'old man' music. Well, no, I'm not that age. I make assumptions about the readership. From you-know-who  to pick-a-network to pick-an-analyst to who-the-fuck-IS-this guy, you're all welcome, and I assume most of you can read and are in fact, good people.

Oh, and Trump does too. He loves it when I kick his cojones.

...sigh, that sweater.
If the Golden Sneakers fit...
...extra credit..

Sundipped Sunday

Just loook at the time. Well, sports fans, it's a work day for me, and probably for you too. The readership is expanding; welcome to the shortening of the way. If it's Sunday, it's sundipped. Or, Thursdays are good. 

So let's make with the meal. You want coffee with that?

  Breakfast at Mara Lago

The Angry Young Man

The Angry Young Old Man

The Menu

More as time and energy permit.

Breakfast at Mara Lago

It's a resort, they sell rooms and exposure to the radiation from the second sun that hides in the golden shower bathroom suite. Maybe his ghost will walk through. It isn't Tiffany's, it's too cheap looking. Someone said 'bed bugs'. Maybe it was 'bugs'. They come for the healing waters or some --redacted--.

Can you say mud bath much?

While you're there, you can tour the once-flooded storage room and search for clues of the stolen documents. The ballroom in a separate building, where the bulk of the White House material was kept. 

There is beach access, and guests can walk the beach or walk the path to the limo that  Donald took to his private plane. 

Don't forget to pay your bill, Donald is hard on deadbeats, he knows that semantic well.

The Angry Young Man

I've written this blog for, oh I would be guessing, but it's probably forever, and who's counting. When I started oy vey the problems in America, I won't date you with references. Let me just say that it was a mess.

Of course, it's all relative. I've probably lived too long to be an angry young man, and the semantic, my semantic for the phrase is James Dean meets Martin Luther King or something like that; a rebel without a cause with a cause. I don't drive cars fast anymore so there you go. 

Blue Eyes Lying

I mean J.D. Vance, and the label he may aspire to. However, his semantics would be different.  If I were to guess, it would be Dirty Harry meets Debby Harry if she wrote a book about hunting coon on the 40 off the red-rock Road. I wonder if J.D. is wearing panties.

It's an odd, thought provoking heritage, with apologies to Clint and... Debby Harry.

The things he says, he says like he's reading a parking ticket before inserting it under the wiper. I don't get any compassion that passes muster or much logical thought given the subject matter or conclusions.

His truths, alternate truths, malleable depending on the audience and ... the candidacy.

Yet, he's number two on the wanna-be runway.

The Angry Young Old Man

Well, what could be said that has yet to be said. That million-monkey army with the typewriters would be done in no time; just about any phrase that results has been uttered, edited, and probably redacted in whole or in part by Donald J. Trump or his Mini MagaMe.

Donald's older, meaner, and not wiser. Notably, he's not a protagonist, so It's a little different phrase, but he aspires to be the man in the bow of the boat crossing the Delaware, Steve whats-his-name picking pockets on the way,  filmed much later with extras. The lineage of his semantics would be closer to Al Capone meets Leona Helmsley. There's no real possibility, but it seems possible. 

The Presidential Protection Program

Donald's got your back, America; this is his latest theme. We all know how that works out. I know, same as it ever was. It's not important what he says; it's what he does, and what he does may be largely illegal; he's counting on loyalty and this promise of protection. Who is he kidding with this --redacted--.

He speaks of a perfect world where all is well, then starts the next paragraph about the people that will get to share in that life, as a warning as much as of an enticement to the weak-kneed and gullible, or perhaps primary-able. 

It's impossible to accurately predict an outcome of noise and expect anything but more noise.  Garbage in, garbage out. How appropriate. 

That sounds like The Celebrity President Season One through Four, doesn't it?

The Menu

The bill of fare we know. That which moves the angry yellow bird will decide the pecking order and this bird is dying to peck with extreme prejudice.  That's a Painted Bird reference, with a little DeSalvo mindset to round it out. 

Personally, I like two eggs over easy, some Jimmy Dean a little crispy, OJ, and coffee fixed my way. I'm a great cook. 

I wonder what they'll serve Donald in Federal prison.

An Update 

: I've added a line to the Demands for America page to whit.

We're building a better America here, one Gorram Jenga block at a time. I'll continue to post selections for the two lists as we mature.

(Attribution) as my memory and media streaming allow. I didn't seek permission for attribution and didn't imply participation, merely the source of the concept, ideation, or legislation mentioned.

Marie 'N Me

I need a change of pace; for a day off, I think I'll research biochem. At some point, you guessed it, it's population growth; hormones, signaling molecules, and well, honestly, the cause of aging remains a mystery. Ok, besides 'people get old'. Ok, people once got old, how about that?

See, I talk too much.

I'm sure there are models for this somewhere, in specificity, certainly. I'm always surprised to find the found.

Ok, that was good to pick up that part of my research, even to clear a path and set the boundaries.

Morning World

Much love ⛑️

Saturday 10/5/2024


Correct, the correction is money is worth less, or money has less money. Same outcome. 

Just trust me, or do the math and publish the model.  This is what I always recommend. 

Another believer would be welcome. Read this analysis.  Welcome to the shortening of the way.

''..shooting snake eyes..."
"deuterium, he means"

Trump Speak

"We've shared blood..." so says Donald, the ass wearing an elephant suit. The only candidate that would actually conspire his own assassination attempt if he did that. You know if he didn't he's thinking he should have thought of it.

Donald, --redacted-- you.

Who wants a Godfather president? I don't think so. If you don't prosper under him, he'll shoot you in Times Square just to prove it's everyone else and his numbers will go up.

He casts a vision on a beautiful city as long as you view it from a penthouse apartment on 5th Avenue.  Probably gold plated bathrooms. I wouldn't water my bum in an ungilded bidet, would you?

Donald, if you weren't running, you'd be in prison. If you disagree, then stop all this foot-dragging; you're going to lose. Eventually, your bottom is wearing orange, and you're easing your assimilation into the population. Make an Enema Great Again, am I right?

Sorry for the scatology, but we're sick of you. Make America Greater Again by GTFO.

Impeach Elon

After this 'dark MAGA' talk from Elon, someone get a rope. How many Federal investigations are ongoing? That would be a secret. He knows not how that world works.  I would call this talk a crazy English money lord throwing down a gauntlet. 

Go ahead everyone, pick it up. Boycott everything Elon, as if that was anything anyway.

Morning World 

Much love 🐝

Friday 10/5/2024

Evening Vibes 

So a not much progress day and an already done with that day all at once. 

The Project has grown into 4 components, each to purpose and logically decoupled for the use cases.

My Model Marle

It's very quick, a use case and a stack and it appears. 'I can write that code block in 5.6 seconds.' Maybe that was just me. It is a lot like ordering a carburetor, you have to know what it is, and what it's used for, and whether your car even has one, but it works, maybe.

So like, I was pretty smart before. It scares me to think of what I can get done in a week. It's a good thing I'm lazy.

I'm wondering what I should bill Google for training the model on quantum mechanics, reactive designs and structure. Wait till they see what's next, why, the oil is lubricaton era.

No offense Chris.
...the calliope lives.

My Day 

I've been busy for a couple hours with that project, and I've solved some issues I had with Mac python. Note to Apple, dudes, someone needs to steer that thing much better. 

I've more to do, a day's worth just to catch up. Now I know what a pain in this ass I can be sometimes.

Morning World

Much love ☀️

Thursday 10/3/2024

Sundipped Thursday 

It's another week gone by, another debate, more debate about the debate than the debate, and that's the kind of week it was. Someone on the media networks was heard saying, "Same as it ever was," which put my coincidence meter into orbit. But It's Thursday, and I have to be half serious for half an hour. How's that for If it's Thursday, it's sundipped.

Media Half Lives

Pelosi's Pickle

The Speaker's Spokes

Donald's Dumb Ass

A particular shout out to near colleague Maureen Dowd, who I've admired from a distance since the prehistory of chef's knives.

More as time and energy allow.

Media Half Lives

Oh, my eyes. What our eyes witness in the media in a day defies adequate description. It's true, we don't have to watch, we could cross against the light and not check traffic, too. I can think of a few items that resonate with that tone off the top of my head. 

We're going there, it's Thursday, and we're sundipping it. 

Besides all that, there is a half-a-life business about all this business. Time spent by them and others fretting over the misplaced delusions and dreams of power of a few unlikely individuals.

In this case, names that came and went not as quickly as any of us would like.

Pelosi's Pickle 

I am rife with appropriate alliteration here, and I'm out to prove it. You can spend all day in the Library of Congress and never be able to connect emeritus (small e) with the Constitution except as a mention and a tale of a four-year-old who called dibs on the speaker's chair and spent the rest of her life selling every pearl she came across in pursuit of it. 

Especially the American people. 

When it's tax legislation that lasts six months, with the expectation that if the people follow the party line and elect the candidates they chose, maybe we'll talk about real legislation, we buy in anyway, like a beggar outside a banquet eager for a bagel. 

This doesn't give justice to the galas Ms. P threw in pursuit of the one true position she swore to as a child, Pursuit, meaning the basket handed around at the end, metaphorically speaking, to keep her way of life alive. 

Which life is that, exactly? We could ask Robin Leach if he's not dead. 

She appeared shaken, lipgloss laden, and starting to drool or something that kept her sucking her bottom lip while she answered questions about the graceful end of the war. 

Wars are always the result of bad leadership, elected by those in control or asserted by them, to deprive one group of its rights and resources in favor of another. 

Look at San Francisco if you want an image of an economic war. 

That's her pickle. She got just what she wanted, and we share what she deserved.

The Speaker's Spokes

When I think of a bicycle, that's the first thing I visualize. Something of the boy in me searches my memory for baseball cards and clothespins, the spring-loaded kind, and before I can even form that thought, I'm there. 

The color of the House of Representatives changed to deep red around the last election, putting Nancy above, or waivers except for the money, and placing a sequence of the less gifted by malleable politicians willing to be the tip of a lance pointed by someone else. 

Beleaguered by a belligerent billionaire, boxed in by political battles, bound by bullshit to belly up and bitch when beckoned.  That's the job now, in shades of red. 

Meanwhile, there's still an elected body in the mix, and not everywhere is Alabama. 

The wild wheel of whimsy is not kind to those left as broken shards of tread on the road of political gambits. 

When is the election, Mr Speaker?

Donald's Dumb Ass 

Of course, there's some wishful thinking; these days, we grasp at anything for hope. We're faced with impossible choices of impossible choices wrapped up in impossible choices. 

Of course, the man is a genius. No one has ever seen anyone lie and manipulate like this man. It would be better if we could say it was an accident, that some neutrino obstructed a neuron and altered in utero, that which would become Donald Trump's grey matter. 

But that's not the truth. That would be alternative facts, and alternative facts are bullshit. Donald learned the trade at NBC.  We're all still watching the Celebrity Candidate season preview. 

But I have a feeling that the channel fired several of the bosses. He's branched out and become the outlet of outlets for fools, losers, and what Hillary called 'the unmentionables.'  Does anyone need a pair of overpriced gold-painted sneakers? How about some Trump trading cards? Or a Medal of Stupidity medal; I don't think he's thought of that one yet, but a rose by any other name, right?

Change the channel, please.

Editors Note: It's obvious this is an incomplete list, particularly on the Trump side of hell, but I have a half-a-life I chose to spend otherwise.

Morning World 

Much love 🧪

Wednesday 10/20/2024

Spit it Out

Morning Ms Dowd. I don't know these other guys.

Mr Tim is still running for Mn governor. Mr V is running for despot-in-waiting to Donald.

I said it then and then I went to do something else. Blue eyes could lie to his mother and not even blush.

It's all in that one clip, where he says someone is special, and says I love you like he's tossing a quarter at a barista.

Ms Moneybags

I hope you see what you've done.

My intention was the lyrics, if you listen. Concept, I know.

Morning World

Much love 🗽

Tuesday 10/1/2024

The De-Bait

Well I have to. Hello Margaret, great to see you. And Ms O'Donnell, your sister too.

I'm also adding project updates below, while listening.

The Punchline

Of course, the de-bait to a stumble or a bumble. Blue eyes could lie to his mother and not blush, I'm not sure why we're bothering. Mr Tim, we're all aware.  


The alternative plan, the drill-baby-drill thing, it's a profit/price opportunity for infrastructure investment paid for by tax dollars to offset the EV trends. I don't trust Big Ooooil Bidness, or Trump.  Yes, I'm aware of Kock Refining, Koch Brothers, vampires, and werewolves, and casinos.

You're aware also that at some point, the cost curve goes up per unit sold, unless you do something about the infrastructure.

JD -- You Mentioned

How about cat ladies, free catnip and litter tax rebates?  You know damn well anything after 'loot the treasury' is on the back burner.

I'll wait for the CNN Experts Condensed Version with foibles, knee jerks, and screw ups in red.


Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water. 

Morning World 

Much love 🪖⚠️

Monday 9/30/2024

Boss, Da Plan 

I've just downloaded the many-page self-described economic plan published by the Harris-Walz campaign.  I should preface that it is a political system and this is a political document. 

You can download it yourself here Harris Glossy PDF Version 87f.beta. But, you've seen it all before.

It's semi-informative and good to look at, if you like looking at stuff like this. I should be accepting of others' limitations, and remember to let them think they win, even when they run in the wrong direction, like my counselor advised. Well, it was the 2nd grade teacher and she said "Come in second once in awhile." Same thing.

So.. Great job. I like the fonts. And the use of color, spot on. So creative! It made me want to buy a Look! Magazine and look at the pictures. Oh, and the stories. My grandfather never spun such a tale. 

Ok, he didn't talk much, but he fiddled like a --redacted--.

Seriously though, run it through a strainer if you expect me to read it. This is how My Model Marie reacted:

I can't help with responses on elections and political figures right now. While I would never deliberately share something that's inaccurate, I can make mistakes. So, while I work on improving, you can try Google Search.

So then of course, I had to look. I was somewhat disapointed. Like I said, great fonts. But I have to ask, whos the target audience here, because I don't see one.

Oh yeah, Fantasy Island. You know what? I never saw it. 

I could continue the thread I had undertaken with Marie about economics.   How many one's does it take to make a million? Too subtle?

I don't mean to be rude, I would love to see this expressed without politics so I could build a model from it. 

Manu: Correct and Concise

As in nothing from nothing yields nothing. I submit any such collection is dismissible.

/Sips the doubled troubled
/spins the chamber

Project Roulette 

I've so many projects I never want for something I could be doing. I have my limits with some things, a couple of hours of math sends me looking for Sabrina Carpenter videos just to stop the carousel.  

I'm not sure what I'd do yet. I'm in the middle of coffee and it is not 9 yet.

 Verizon went on a long breakfast break this morning. No phones. 30 minutes. It came back 5Gux, I'm not complaining. Ok, now I'm complaining, it's out again. 

Morning World 

Much love 🫴

Yesterday's News 

...so to speak.  I put it all over here