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Friday 11/15/2024

Evening Tea

It has turned cool in southern California: full moon and 53. We don't have thick enough blood for 53 degrees Fahrenheit. 

I had a productive day; I feel I was medium productive all day. I have four projects on the burners right now, and some projects have a light coat of virtual dust. 

Project Recaps

I've considered spinning up a few Emma clusters to see how it hums. I have the MacStockApp just finished and awaiting more analysis and mathematics. I went through the project plan MMM created, and she, I call the bot, allocated an Epic for herself.  For example :

STOCK-24,Task,Add a legend or other visual cues to the chart to differentiate the stock data,Development Assistant,STOCK-22

I want to rework the plan none the less, so I deleted it. 

Regretfully, hyperdense is no more or in 4 years, whichever you prefer. The other three are associated with that are dust. Sorry, there's no golden era on my account, Donass. I can wait. 

Larger Air

I'm scheduled to bring the 15 Air in for a refresh, but I think I fixed it, so I will probably cancel the appointment and save Apple some money. I've had no issue and don't trust anyone with that lobe much. 

Ms Collins 

There is not enough money or juice in the world to get me to work for that goon.

The Beam Team

I must agree with Steve, Scott, M&A, as in: Maybe my Ass.

The mood changes more than daily, it will be per Tweet again.

It's only 9:18 Scott....


You could ask what Musk told Iran, and whether the CIA and the FBI were listening, because you know they were. It is illegal for a private citizen to conduct foreign policy. The Logan Act (1 Stat. 613, 18 U.S.C. § 953 )

You say middle east investment in AI? Hmmm. Graft anyone? Already....

Greed Aside

There was news yesterday that the entry income for a new home was in the million dollar range, double the pre-pandemic level.

How do we fix this?

Impression; we Screwed up major league
Candidate Cabal Catastrophe


Lying tigers and bears, pardon the artistic license. 

Morning Carl

Speaking of lying tigers. I haven't looked at the market. Bitcoin in the '90s; who cares what the market does, right? 

Carl, these appointments and such are looking like he has no idea who to use because the people he wants won't work for him or he can't trust,  and the ones that will work form him that are bigger idiots or bigger crooks than he is and he doesn't trust them either. This is sort of the Venn diagram approach, with people in his pocket in the outlying areas where he throws a dart and hopes it will stick.

Actual Work 

MMM and I built out the stock trend predictor yesterday; today, we're, well, let's be honest for a moment; I do the math, and I do the rest, too. She runs the calculator. I split my efforts. Some of the Google tools look compelling, but I find building them easier. Maybe it's the learning curve, but I usually don't have a learning curve. I work in AI Studio for most of the proving ground code. This interface can read a private repository now; there is no arguing about where we were. The bot also built a passable KANBAN board with stories and epics in Jira. Jira will consume all this work product and more, including GitHub and pull requests, and if that could talk to MMM, we'll pardon the ready phrase, now we'd be talkin'.

I find that my wildest dreams of sliding algorithms and such quickly appear in some form. Thank you Google.
I'm sure you'll find the patterns to be useful too. Ya, I looped Sabrina C for an hour, that one about tasting me when you kiss her. I'll post it.  Oh, I meant that too; see below. 

The Icon Today

I apologize for the icon today, but the world looks like a zombie zoo this morning, and I know it's not just me. The look on everyone's face says it: what in the world were we thinking letting this mob boss get elected and stress us all out about which demon is coming to dinner?

Morning World

Much love 💀

Thursday 11/15/2024

MMM 'n Me

Well, the world is going to shit in a doggy bag, but MMM 'n me are have a hell of a time. We just completed the port of my Python Stock Analysis app, and worked up a neat new view of 3D integrals over time, and we're doing it.

I asked the bot to make a Jira parseable plan for getting it done in 1 hour 'person-time' blocks, including Epics and stories and estimates, and I asked how 'she' wanted to be listed in the assignee column?

It regenerated the project plan with that change, and made me laugh. 

Mac Sequoia 15.1 Fix

Some off us had issue with no Preferences App help content. This fixes it.

Thanks @________!!!

I confirm that executing the following Terminal commands fixed the issue on my end:

sudo mdutil -Eai off 

sudo mdutil -Eai on 

mdutil -as

Mr Jeffries

We got by, we got by so far, we got behind. LEADERSHIP was busy getting elected. 

Sundipped Thursday

OMFG Look at this mess. So let's do our duty today and try to keep the word count under 1000, I just don't want to belabor the obvious week of one day as a dictator already. If it's Thursday or Sunday, we must analyze this and try to explain it to me, so it's sundipped.

Heil My Ass

The Chock-Full-O-Cabinet
Donald the Wayward Child
Take This Vote And...

This Just In

More as time and energy permit.

Heil My Ass

Am I being too subtle, because I don't want to leave any doubt how we feel about this already. I'm taking the global 'we' here as I think you could ask a bartender in Paris and get agreement. All the while, Hitler told them, too, he was out for Lebensraum, and Donald wants it gold-plated. 

I don't know what he thinks he still needs. I'm pretty sure we don't need him; shit is bad enough. 

Let's see what else we think, shall we?

The Chock-Full-O-Cabinet

It's funny we all started out hoping for the best, just some loony President who can't get a straight crook to work for him and as a lame duck already, all he can do is quack, and quack. And quack. He's fixed all that by putting the 'real power' at the kid's table in the kitchen, occupied by the most pathological of the bunch -- people he has to 'make' but wouldn't trust with a sharp object in a pinch, not that Donald would trust anyone.  Anyway, that's what he told them

As I said, we all started out thinking all that garbage he's been saying was just talk, and he really wouldn't round up a million immigrants, take over Justice, defund the FBI, or sell the country to Russia for a piece of the action. 

Sure, what could go wrong? It's gone wrong already. 

The Other Cabinet

Some of the kitchen table crowd objected to the menu of pop and hot dogs I guess, or they firgured it out, and are demanding a seat at the table. Trump's instinct tells him, "these clucks will never make it, I may get one through."

He's nominated a suspected child molester as Attorney General. Donald probably has him on tape confessing to the whole thing.  A clownish member of a discredited political legacy for HHS, some Russian operative on National Security, a forner National Guardsman and Fox personality for Sec Def. 

I suggest: MTG to head the Treasury and IRS, as I'm assuming she knows the numbers 1 all the way to 10 and would be perfect.

I should add, he'll have to get rid of the FBI to keep many from being arrested, but apparently he planned ahead.

As I said, under 1000 words. That's the stuff that is floating above the water; it's that bad; I'm not going deeper into this today.

The Wayward Child

He never was like the other kids. As a teenager, life was a hunt for susceptible companionship, willing, induced by alcohol or drugs, or well, the usual thing that happens when 'no' doesn't work.  It grew into a life pattern for this wayward child.

He spent all the money his dad left him on that and blow, and did his best to get those bills paid by forming business partnerships and paying his personal bills with company money; then he'd try to write it off as a business expense, bankrupt the company, and stick the partners with the mess. 

The early grift, before NYC taught him how to cheat, BIG LEAGUE. This it the true story. Not the PR department version.

No doubt, he's among the best at the long con. He's president; talk about a long con. 

We're stuck as a society with these kids. Bent pointed the wrong way, vindictive, cruel.

Take This Vote and...

I don't know how to tell you Mr Ex, talk is one thing.  Walking that walk still earns you 300 million adversaries. 

Knock yourself out. 

We didn't vote for all that and won't stand for it.


This Just In 

The travesty continues, resembling cartoon character Kabuki, as if they'd allow Kabuki.

I've wondered what the result of all this madness would really be.  Let's all agree that we'll never let Trump take over the country. 

Given that, would we hand him these keys, let him fire Generals, allow this caricature cabinet, and have him shout about it like he's been coronated, and not that showy tourist trap crap like England, the kiss the ring, then the ass, and then get in line kind of coronation? 

Let's all laugh. That's comic books.  That's Donald's fever dream. 

The Bright Side

Take a lesson about the consequences when you elect someone like this, who talks like this, and does like this, and dares you to bitch about it. It can only, really, end one way. 

Disempowering the imperial presidency.  

Would that bother anyone but Trump?


Musk. Jerry Lewis as The Patsy is your friend. He makes you money and stays stupid. He wants to put people on Mars. I think he should volunteer.

and ummm.

No one takes John Fetterman seriously.

Morning World

Much love 💥

Wednesday 11/13/2024

Evening Tea

This is beginning to read like a dystopian plunge into ego. I could supply lines from history, but they all look so familiar. 

Many weird things were in the news, including resigned House Member Gaytes. Blackmail would never be so easy for Donald: enticement, shared viewpoints, ass and kisser, whatever. 

I don't know where this goes. I stopped reading comic books before Batman. 

The villains these days, am I right? 

The EOD MFS Dump

I'm thinking about many things this evening. Well, the events of the day are movie du jour, I guess.

Trump Part Deux

Melania's Bed Check 

Ya, well. I've a hundred lines here. (We wouldn't either)

Revenge and Chips

I'm watching the day play out here while trying to do my work and stay calm as it turns out. 

Gadzooks would not cover it.

I felt assured in the Senate, such as it is, then noticed the Judiciary , and then the AG 'Chester' Gaytes. 

OMG. Are we going to let this shit happen?

I guess we wait for someone to knock a chip off someone's shoulder.

"If Trump says kiss my ass in Times Square, we kiss his ass in Times Square." ... And his number will go up.

Offer them a mint.

My Agenda Today

Well, I did that. I don't really feel like working on math today. I have the stocks app, too, maybe that one, it's just integrals.

Big Mac

The main 15 Air Mac decided to boot and act normal. I think there's a drop of condensation in the laptop lid mechanism.

At any rate, it was a test case for keeping most temporary work products available, even if it did take a few steps to install Xcode and its parts.

I didn't work on math today; I worked on porting the Python stocks app I made to a macOS App.  I guess we're ported except for the math, and the math was the bot math and didn't mean much, it's just limited in its thinking.  It's a good exercise in use case expression, read thought process.

Speaker Thune

We get it, finally some common ground, you know what ground, and maybe we can all live through this.

Some of these appointments are a little shaky. Judiciary, no kidding? What are you thinking. Strike one is heard from behind the plate. A swing and a miss, ok we'll give you that. One for the party. This one for the gipper huh?

Once upon a time they sang the

Fo, dee, oh, do

But that was long ago

Then everybody started in to

Boo, boop, ee, doop

They got tired of that, you know

How do you like those guys?

Everybody puts in extra notes

I'll overlook it

But the tune for you and me

Is that swingin' symphony

Banner Day

It's a banner day, Donald goes back to the White House but the Bush White House is in control, pretty much. So, Yellow was a bad color for fascism anyway.

I guess we just hope we don't end up in WWIII and a Trump we have to ... use extraordinary measures to be rid of. We know just how hard that can be, right? 

I can imagine that moment with Mr Joe.  

He can't run again. He can't run again. He can't run again

I know Trump thinks it is a nice world today, but no matter what people say, they all want to get rid of this guy. Donald just hasn't figured it out yet. That's how the despot syndrome works. For now, let 'em at the treasury, '5 trillion in cash, just sitting there' -- that's a Trump quote.

Lil' Mac

I'm on the backup., the 13 Mac Air. It's just smaller. :) The 15 has a bad hinge, it comes and goes. I work on the cloud these days so, like I'll notice. I scraped and made sure, and backed up the disk last Sat.

Morning World 

Much love. 

Tuesday 11/12/2024

Evening Tea

Ms Collins 

D O G E.  that's a Musk meme.  He smokes too much weed would be my guess. The companies run themselves.


Ms Abby

Pompeo's ship has sunk. I don't know the nominee in question, but I recognize the type; they mess with things, change some simple thing, take the laurel, and let someone else drive while they pursue the next stage of ascension. 

I have realized that it's one year we'll have to worry much between Jan 19 and the start of pre-election posturing and 'message bills.'  Even then, those bills won't likely take effect until the fiscal year changes, so we're out after a year of playing McConnell. 

The economy can only get worse. 


I guess we'll see if Putin has some part of Trump in his pocket. 

Honestly, even this discussion scares the stuffing out of Build-a-Bear—amateurs with professional weapons and generals with malleable discretion.


Governor DeSantis with a whip in the arboretum. Word association.  Plantation speak, I only hear woke when someone is complaining about someone not suffering enough based on a parochial cloistered viewpoint.

This rates as PFS already. I noted that there was a similar initiative by Biden to protect generals who would protect America, or did I imagine it?

The Laura Coates 


Wicked wild stuff. 

The Shadow Cabinet

Done deal. All thost crazy people even Trump would not hand a knife get a seat at the kids table and maybe are bossing the cabinet from kitchen. A cabinet secretary? A gopher-tary.

Hitler's Generals

We know why he is doing it.

Scott Jennings looks a lot like Chamberlin, same thin grin; no more territorial demands. We have plucked this flower? Herr Hitler told him next time he wouldn't need to bother coming, he'd save the old man the trip. Fact check it.

"That is to spare an old man such another long journey,"

Stalin's purges of the Red Army

A series of events that took place between October 1940 and February 1942. During this time, Joseph Stalin purged the Red Army, the Soviet Air Force, and military-related industries. The purges involved the arrest of high-level officials on fabricated charges of anti-Soviet activity, sabotage, and spying. One notable example of this was the arrest of General Tukhachevsky, who was demoted to command of the Volga Military District and then arrested after arriving in Moscow.

AI Generated.

Fast 5150

"Musk may be a moderating influence..." -- Ya....

"What he says he's gonna do and what he does, two different things..." this is widely known as 'lying'

Foxes are in the hen house. All you chickens better run. /chuckle

Why do people rob banks again?

Guy's Ties

Hey Guy. It's expected. I like that one. With a blue suit, a little busy, maybe.
I think I have that tie. !!

Econ 950A

I have been meaning to prime a model and ask questions like that. I'd ask first about the effect of all this greed-zuberance we see in some of the market. It's head spinning and lofty, as in precarious. 

The impact of tariffs is about the same as the supply chain issues we had during COVID-19. According to my research, it has the same effects: higher producer prices, frantic search for broader markets and opportunity by necessity, and higher prices  --- inflation. Give Guy a star to pin on the cool tie.

You read this one, right? It's weeks old, no extra testosterone as of late. 

I would expect 6 months until this surge starts to surge back, and everyone misses the buzz and starts taking profits. Hang on for that. The predicted loss of profits, market share, and markets causing inflation, job loss, and eventually recession. 

That's my story and I'm sticking with it.

I should mention that this will happen without tariffs, just a little later or slower; we need proactive measures that don't cause inflation. This shit is causing inflation.

Next August, a bite to the fall winds.


Don't buy any of it.  All of this still takes people who know how to use it. It's another tedium.

I should write a script where AI like this runs the world and it's been 20 years.

Go ahead, someone, make it sing. I'm busy.

Brazil meets Idiocracy. Kramer can be president.

Death by Tax Cuts

It's a slow death. It can take years. Somewhere came the idea that is was simply a matter of spending less. It's not that simple. There is no counter argument for revenue from the upper classes, for some reason. I guess you buy a lot when you back a presidency, or a despot. It's just, who are we kidding? 

This is the way it starts. 

Let's examine the favella structure. Shit rolls down hill, literally. Eventually, it piles up and the smell can shift in the wind. Not exactly win-win. 

Where you gonna go? Mars? 


Two years to the next Blue tsunami.

The blog has rolled over.

As always.


As a metaphor, it doesn't work except visually as if idealogy came by the inch.

What is the fishhook theory in politics?

Fishhook Theory (or Fish Hook Theory) is an idea in left-right political science juxtaposed to Horseshoe Theory. Fishhook Theory asserts that the far-right and centrists are very similar, whereas the far-left is separate from them.

Equal opportunity nonsense for dysfunction in economics. It's the economy stupid, this time.

It seems more logical as the latter, the people with money and their fiefdoms and hangers-ons, Elonistas? The left would be working on a different retirement plan.

The New Bosses

It's better if it's secrets, less arm twisting.

It's The Oligarchy Stupid

I hear it on the news, pick your choice of excuse. 

What nonsense. Those other people are in denial or are deflecting or projecting. 

Let me ask you, did people with way too much money and a penchant for martial means of discipline win or not? Are they cutting taxes on the wealthy? Are they deporting 'undesirables'?  Are they giving away Ukraine? 

So put away all your angst against your fellow Americans and you guys in the trench with the burnt possum breakfast, shut the heck up for a minute; we're not communists.  

I guess you'll reload now. Good plan, eh?

Arguments are abundant as to why evil won. It's clear good lost.

Morning World

Much love ⛰️

Monday 11/11/2024

All of a sudden...
...yesterday is tomorow.

Ms Abby

Wowee. This is weird, neo-cons. It's not like we needed them to start unrest anywhere, where do you think? There has been a lot of Iran talk on the streams I noticed, and ignored, if possible. 

As I fondly recall neocons, first off, it is not fondly; second, I recall Darth Perle and Darth Rove and Darth Cheney and all that extra testosterone we just knew had to blow out somewhere. 

The First Law of the Cheney is: take the sin just committed, accuse the other person of doing it, and be much better at it. Rove mastered it. The method, now well accepted and practiced, sounds familiar.

I haven't done the Kamala penance thing. Ok. I hold no guilt or responsibility. One would need to be ignorant not to realize the stark nature of the choice. It's a wild world; this would have been her first Walmart. I try to stay focused on the work ahead, and it's still on the list above, and many more, including Ms. Liz, Bernie, Kamala, Joe, and Ms. Klobuchar, are on it. 

There would be more, but I'm a lazy typist. I even have MMM generate the README.md's. She's, pardon the gender bias, she's a lot faster and spells better in a pinch. 

I regret the loss of the opportunity to work outwardly on our agenda, and I'm sympathetic of Kamala. She doesn't shatter on impact, no worries. She's still on the list. We'll work the agenda none the less, all of us; AOC too.

I Don't Watch TeeVee

I spell that kind of thing differently.

My Grammar Can LIck Your Grandma

I love the semi-colon ; excuse you.

Ms Jayapal

Focus. We got you.

MMM and Me

We're working on gauge field theory experiments today.  Lots of blank spots got all filled in. This is a toy.

I stumbled on attempts to get a relativistic view with math, substitution, and actions/operators as partial derivatives; it made my head do flips.  Well, that's as far as it went. I was busy. 

It's math on the large even if it's two.

We're going to push QCD if I'm lucky, you know, for fun.

Late in the Day

We cooked the projects today. Our simple little example is now a hulking Mac App with a UI. 

Google has a great model. Just add mathematics, inspiration, and structure. You got that, right?

Anyway, I think we have all the pieces. I am considering just implementing the the operators in an algebra as a language, and that will become the Swift protocol. We just did some of that 

There are a long list of improvements yet, but I'm excited to be creating and annihilating particles /g.

I'm remembering things from years ago. UR-LD !== UR-DL. I spent a summer chasing a diffy-q.

It's funny, this is twice now, just figuring out how to get the bot to structure and pattern the code, by the time we're done, I don't need the app anymore. That's exactly the point. We'll wrap it up tomorrow.

Wie Gehts Wolfie

Hallo. Ich hoffe, dein Tag verläuft gut. Ich erinnere mich, dass ich Ihnen nachmittags oft auf Deutsch geschrieben habe, um Sie an die Familie zu erinnern, ohne den ganzen Ballast der Diaspora und des Mordes. Entschuldigung, wenn meine Absichten fehlgeschlagen sind.

Hallo an die immer rechtschaffende Gloria.

Just the piano player


Ms Cardona. I told you, lines form on the left and right. We asked for too much and America said no, or too bad so sad you voted for it shut up.

The truth, money wanted money to win. We can't have socialism, it would turn all our skivvies pink or something.


Morning Carl.  Someone said gold is up, which would mean inflation is back already. 

I don't see gold. 

Busy Day 

I reordered my week so I could spend more time with you. I'm going to work on quantum physics today, specifically gauge theories to look at relativistic effect potentials.

I know, it's like Star Trek, word-goo on a stick. I'm modulating the framastan emitter to decouple the mezzo-topical-aggregation medium. 

But that's what I'll be doing. Not the framastan, the other thing.

Maybe I'll look in on the markets.

(I think that's opening the microwave to extract a pizza -- modulating the framastan emitter to decouple the mezzo-topical-aggregation medium. )

Morning World

Much love 🎯

Sunday 11/10/2024

Ms Collins

There you have it. Bernie is talking about Americans, the P person is talking about winning, presumably winning her peer group.

Nancy will probably always be able to pile money. I think we should start considering that as undo influence. Gov. Dean invented modern fund raising, he's got to go too. Koch family, and.. Mark Cuban, Elon Musk... 

The fault is that both parties rely on the donor class. Citizens United.

We have the list of grievances Demands for America.

All of a sudden...
...it's not quite that easy, baby.

Sundipped Sunday 

Good morning, race fans, and welcome to Sunday. What a week, what a crowd, what a night, am I right? The business of making the guilty pay is in full swing. We're not going there. We're following the official excuses, the ones they want you to buy next. The topic is hard to encapsulate. Let's try Used Cars. 

Oh, I forgot; If it's Sunday or Thursday, it's sundipped.

Used Cars 

The Chevy
The Mercury
The Buick
The Maybach
The Point


More as time and energy permit.

Used Cars

We're going deep in metaphor territory here on the blog; things are still too tender to talk about, emotions are raw and semi-automatic weapons are readily available.

We're going way back in the way-back machine to a simpler time when we could figure this out without spending a billion dollars to elect an a-hole just to prove how fed up we all are with a-holes. Pardon the semantics. That's the way Americans talked back then, are you ready?

The Chevy 

Let's spin the dial on the machine counter-wise and see what we get. Pretend a Chevy that runs costs about $250. You bought a '55 Chevy once for $45, all sanded and stripped in primer red. The model came with a six and a three-speed manual. The transmission had no reverse. You and your dad fixed that. That's you at 16. Please work with me. 

In this economy, many people make do with what they have, which I guess you could call survival mode. Hand to mouth with an occasional windfall or lottery ticket, making the rent and feeding oneself. That's very hard these days. 

No one wants to spend their money to fix the world it for them, it's hard enough.

The Mercury

If you had a Merc, you were doing well. A regular job, maybe a girl, a bottle under the seat in brown paper, and a pack of Lucky's on the seat. Your car takes regular not premium, but 'she', you call it 'Betty', runs better on the good stuff. You're saving for a house and the wife and kids you haven't met yet. 

Opportunity is what you count on because you want the rest of the American dream. You pay taxes, it's part of the job. You work hard enough.

The Buick 

If you're a Doc or a Judge, it's a big one with fins and lots of chrome. The windows are electric, and it has A/C. The back seat is big enough for groceries or the three girls and their backpacks. These days, it would be an SUV or a Denali, maybe. 

You're in the class that, as we've heard over and over, always does well, so recession on, recession off, matters not that much. Steak or roast chicken if times are hard. You're saving for a lake cabin; maybe you are already there. 

In that economy, many, most maybe, skated over the pandemic without job loss, trauma, or economic hardship. Keep calm and carry the groceries; that's the mantra.

The Maybach

I'm pushing the way=back machine a little; it is tough to fit a Maybach into the time machine and drag it back to the LaLa Land we've been visiting. At that time, these people had some civility or duty or Almighty expectation, or they were leading a fascist coup. Times have mostly stayed the same. 

Chances are you've never seen a Maybach, but the type is not about attracting attention; it's about being seen, maybe. It's a living room on wheels. Anything you could think of is included. Maybe you have two. 

There are way too many people with this kind of money. They believe the rest of us are lazy mofos that will work for peanuts. Some of them even admit it; it's part of the chic if you can call it that. 

Get the f out of their way, or else.

The Point

So why did we buy all these used cars? I want to point out we have other models where everything looks a lot flatter. Getting ahead means more time for family, less time for struggle and worry, less anger, fewer semi-automatic weapons, and a lot less demand for them. 

Trust me. It's just an election; it didn't turn us all into J.P. Getty. Okay, we had some already, but there is no rule on turning even ocean liners, even with a crazy person on the tiller. Perhaps especially with a crazy person at the tiller.

I mentioned two official narratives. 

Two storylines are forming. One maintains the election ended like this because we tried to put America right, and calls for taxing the rich, educating children, building infrastructure, and evening the scales of economic justice are why all these cars lined up at Donald's Lies and Chicken stand. 

The other says, f you, you wanted  the beast to rule. Have a nice day.

Ain't America grand.


It's nearly Genghis. I'll touch it up.

Help us to serve the people as they deserve; to give, and not to count the cost, to fight, and not to heed the wounds, to toil, and not to seek rest, to labor, and not ask for reward, except knowing that we are doing the people's work.

Morning World 

Much love ✏️

Saturday 11/10/2024

Project Updates 

Where to start. I'm backing up the Mac, so I have to write about something or stare at a progress bar that seems to stop when you look at it. 

No, I don't work on hyper-dense anymore.

I had chili and a baked potato for dinner. The backup is 30 percent done. 

I pruned all the trees here, and made all the repositories private again. 

While I was cleaning up the disk and updating the repositories I came across a short piece that caused some controversy at the time; intentional misunderstandings can often be misunderstood.  I blame it on Jesuit love-sickness..

Seventy nine percent done with the backup.


It's been a Saturday. My Mac 15 decided it was humid or cold enough not to boot. Of course it did after awhille. I think the lid opening switch is faulty.  It's going in to fix on Monday, I have Apple Care+, I learned with the last one. 

It seems fine otherwise. I have a spare.

I was trying to post a project update, and got distracted. So back to the previously scheduled program.

So Iran

Don't hit any of us please. Study the images below carefully.

Bolton on CNN last "This isn't some guy locked in the basement ranting on the internet..."

Morning World 

Much love 🎊

Friday 11/9/2024 

Ms Abby

Everytime you utter a hard 'C' I reach for a cough drop. I only have Altoids.

I think the kittens morph into alligators.

Gestapo Patrol

It will take an army of men and/or facial recognition cameras to locate illegals who are targeted. The same system could find you if you stole Trump's cookies. I think I've seen this in movies. A lot of movies.

Evening Tea

I can't believe the media, pretty much all of it, is still masticating this.


 This evening the panel features Van. 'the Sellout' Jones and Scott 'the Lube' Jennings.  I'm focus testing Trump nick names, maybe a pool, I thought. His name for them will no doubt have more sting. 

I'm new at this. It all reminds me of The Great Escape . Which character was most like you? Willie, the mole? There is no digging your way out of a hole.

The P Word 

She was interviewed on a blog and, I guess, showed her ass to the NYT. Tough duty, fellas. She looked muy conmocionado de una manera aterradora.  I'm trying to work in Spanish; in LA, all the big letters are in Spanish, and English is expressed in pictures. That's my seventh if you count English. 

I'm avoiding even considering... the P person. My goodness, is there a hole somewhere? I know, she lives in San Francisco, who needs another 'hole. 

According to her, Joe woulda shoulda coulda tolda Nancy and Stig or whatever his name is to shut the fuck up with the positive waves all through the past four years.  

I was hoping we'd have an active Democratic primary. Of course, that would be the first time anyone ever assumed the incumbent wasn't the nominee. Or at least that's how we'll write it. So bitch about tradition then tell me Nancy wants her daughter to inherit the seat. Some more emeritus shit.

Too much power too little grey matter too much push.

Ms Collins 

The Afterwhatever 

I've been working on new dev environments most of the after-whatever. I mentioned to MMM that we were starting a new project, listed the technical requirements stack and general architecture, and out spilled code in Swift. 

 I admit I'm a little confused. It was getting dark at 4:30. Is it just me, or is the sun working short days? Ya, winter, but I'm reminded of a line in The Swimmer "It's the sun, there's no heat in it." -- Burt Lancaster. That's just me; I swim an ocean of referential material every time I crack a lid. I've seen this movie maybe a half a dozen times.

Maybe it's my left brain telling me that Trump is already a lame duck.

Almighty it ain't.
Cue the stripper wax.

MMM 'n Me

 I played around with the chatbot today, just some quantum field theory experiments. The bot is very excited about it.  

I updated the Mac dev kits. I'm already an Apple developer. 

Well, it's not like I have anything else to do. 

I suppose I could bitch about politics. Oh, that reminds me. See below. 

The update is nearly complete, and I have the rest of the tools. MMM has already built out the app and a GUI model for Figma. So, look at me. I'm a week behind the bot to check the work, and we don't have much math yet.

I'm still working the toolset, the throbber world and CNN until dinner.

Joe and Kamala

 I don't have a pool of angst about the election. I believe in good; maybe that's the magic. Whatevs' right? 

Listen, though it's not Joe and Kamala's fault, none of it. Stop shitting on the campaigns and the president -- Pelosi and the rest of them, knock yourselves out. 

Money will still be there since the other side has it. It's a war of attrition, one could say, a bankroll war probably, and with Trump collecting money for all that crap on the internet, he could also be the next Ron Popeil. Donald's Illegally Blonde hair paint and Fresh Orange Blush facial spackle.

Worse yet, he could fund the upcoming hand-to-hand combat at the capitol when he does something outrageous, and you know he will. Or give it to that argument waiting to happen he picked for VP. He'd debate a sunny day. 

Meanwhile, we wait to see just how stupid Donald is and how foolish he thinks we are, though, after Tuesday, I think we're all better informed on that issue. 

He can't shoot us all in Times Square.


What the !#(% is wrong with us, anyway?

Well, not me, you.

The Beam Team

No I don't work on that anymore, next election.

I reviewed field theory this morning. Baby, I'm amazed.  It looks better in protocols. /wink


There's something about this election that is new for Trump. There are expectations, all those people that voted to help the lower and middle class. There is no chance that what is announced, or what some say will be 'allowed' by the market can meet them. 

The mantra is: the market is the economy. And it most definitely is not. To be honest, most opinions are for Trump stay out of it.  

Made Against Greater Argument

You can bank on an end to further Fed rate cuts. Unfortunately the mention of what Trump maintains will be policy is unworkable as virtually everyone agrees, and even mention of it starts a feeding frenzy, almost in desperation, and hope. Imagine, Republican hope. The best economy in the world becomes MAGA already. Made Against Greater Argument. Will he see it as a dare to exercise his mandate or a means to feed the new crop of 'made' Trumpanistas. A segment of the market is up, TSLA, what a stretch huh?

Trump speak, actual quote "Voting for Trump has to be the greatest moment in their lives. And Elon (shakes his head) I have to make him too."

Inflation is ticking up as we speak.

Buckled up, heels dug in.

Understand, if Trump backs extending the upper limit on SSI contributions, I'll be all for it. 

I will not abet larceny.

Morning World 

Much love. 🧫

Thursday 10/7/2024

Evening Tea

I'm settling in, having done only theoretical work today, that is today theoretically I worked. But I also worked on the theories of things. Today, again, it was vector calculus. 

Can we talk? Because I am so much in love with this math, I can barely add. 

I sometimes visualize a map somewhere with a "You are here" pointer and a path marked forward in dashes, and every step off the critical path leads to dashes that wander back. 

We're probably all experiencing that dashed line.

Substutute teacher.
...the hypnotized never lie.

My Day

Another blessings day, and it isn't even Lent. It is required that you be context aware to understand that, it evolves around the piece below. Anyway, we do good in the interest of making up for all the things Republicans do. In the grand scheme of things, barely a dent, but feels good.

It helps to distract frm the dumpster fire that we're not involved in with the mega sized box of fickle finger of fate awards today.

The first law of the Varda is what, Shad? I still like that movie, my favorite all time scene is the campfire scene. Favorite line? "There's no dog in this."

We've got our own Sador of the Malmori.

Bot Work

I've done no bot work since we got the Stock Model working.

Simple stuff.

It also works for an industry, like oil, or oil production market prices.

It turned out to be a useful tool. We struggled to get the data to work out, and i had to write code patterns and apply them. 

I'm still a lot smarter than Google's bots.

That should make you feel more at ease with 'AI' as it exists.


Adam “I just wanted to say thanks. “

God “People are always saying that; what exactly do you mean?”

Adam “Let me think, I’m not really sure. I guess it’s just being nice.”

God “I’m all for that.”

Adam “And thanks for the cherry pie and a Coke for dessert, it’s not even Lent.”

God “More jokes, you know how I feel about Lent.”

Adam “Well, sure. It’s why people are looking for their keys under the streetlight.”

God “I know, because it’s brighter over there.”

Adam “Kids. What are you gonna do?”

God “What are you gonna do...”

Adam “I love our time together.”

God “Was there something, or did you just feel like hanging out?”

Adam “Funny.”

God “It’s not even Lent.”

Adam “touche”

Date: August 5, 2020 at 8:51:43 AM PDT Location: -- redacted --
Editors note: This is pulled from a repository, of a series of dialogs between a Man formerly featured in older instances.


Two things. I'm not listening to 'the brains.' I seek to get rid of them. I don't mean reporters. I guess there are two ways to take that, assume I'm a prince.

I gather some of the elit-erati won't be much of an influence anymore. 

Rather than mouth off, I'm considering proceeding without Nancy, Mr. Dean, Ms. Brazile, and ... VanJones.

I agree, Van. You did a great job advancing democracy by getting rid of the problem. I was struggling with that. It's not my favorite solution; it may leave a mess, but I am thinking. 

 The plans we make seem to be guided by something. I don't mean Donald being saved by the favorite chart nonsense. I know, and this proves that the worse things get, the more things can change. I look forward to the blowback of these assholes. Who are they kidding? They are in line to steal and feather their nests. They'll need more time even to pay attention.

I don't blame Joe. It would be my guess that the DNC told him he was the candidate, not the other way around. The same goes for the uncandidate state.

Sundipped Thursday

Imagine my conundrum. All this white space to fill, and nothing to talk about. 

Honest, it's just too much. Chili is better in the second helping, so today I'm taking the fifth. 

See you Sunday, for chili.

Morning World

Much love 🎪 🎪

We're all 'tense'.

Wednesday 11/6/2024

The Brunette Trumpette

It's laughable that anyone will vote for anything Republican again, there is absolutely no chance Donald will fix a thing. His best way out is to start a Middle East war. Watch.

His own plan that I heard him recite included getting the world to rebase their economy on something other than the dollar, then manipulate the currency, and then take over. Just man talk. 

"You know it's just like losing a war!"  -- Donald J. Trump

When In Doubt

...learn a language.

Les mots que tu a.  

-- Mr Frosty to Mr Joe.

Heart to Heart

I talk about house in order, and dealing with it. So let's do some of that. I've no guilt in the matter, or responsibility. I was hoping for more this time, and I remind myself to be realistic. It just takes so long to correct all this, and the things they'fl find a way to get away with.

I still believe in good. As I said, a great imbalance in anything creates a great imbalance. 

Ms Harris

I'm disappointed in your loss. The list of grievances remains, and you'll be on it when we win. Because when we fight, we win, eventally, because we don't give up.

We Have A Dream.

And we still have that.

Much love.

The Beam Team 

So I skipped lunch; I had Wendy's yesterday, a single and a small chili. Better than Wheaties. 

I have the closing bell crew burning their own money on the altar of inflation today; what cost X yesterday, today costs X + 1400 by however many ways it moved up. Yippee. This is a good thing. Some buy it, then sell it, and it goes down, and someone buys it, and that's called business. I always remind that inflation is defined as paying more for the same thing.

Get it over with. Start inflating now. 

They are trying to find a sensible path in all that shit the president-elect uttered. GLWT. 

This last guest was convinced the way out of all this deficit spending is growth, but he didn't mention how that helped; therefore, I assume either it doesn't exist, which is likely, or maybe he knew and didn't want to say, or perhaps he knew it was wrong. 

I have to parse that and respond shut the fuck up sir.

Why waste my time...

Knock yourselves out.

For Nancy

Suddenly alone again,

This is what ex-speaker said,
'I don't ship no coal.

Let them eat a bagel or just a roll.' oo oo oll.

Nancy got her wishes 'till

Donald made the election ill

Now she's not so sure.

Should she should've stayed home and baked some more oo oo or.

(to the tune of Maxwell's Silver Hammer)

Post Mortem 

I told Joe over and over and over that the middle and lower classes were in trouble. Nancy wasn't having it. Just a taste, and keep them coming back for spoonfed justice. 

I'm not living an alternative lifestyle. I go to church, for the people hug at the end. 

I am not a woman, and I wouldn't allow anyone I made pregnant to get an abortion unless that was the best alternative. I'm not pregnant and unlikely to be, ever. 

There's very little that Trump and his gang of crooks could do to affect me at all. I depend on no one. 

So bring on the mass deportation, the abortion bans, the min-wage freeze, the high inflation, the tariffs, the tax cuts for the wealthy, and let's all get that AR-15 that they hold safeguards our freedom. 

I have a feeling that we're going to be interested in safeguarding our freedom, first from Trump, then from the gang of sleaze that will be lining up for a license to lift your wallet. 

I don't carry money. 

I'm speaking with sarcasm. You can tell because you're not laughing.

A Word For Nancy P. 

Oh what a wonderful world that has such people, like Nancy and Donald in't. 

Nancy, this is the world you and Anderson's children will grow up in and live in.  Aren't you proud now? 

Ms B

You say 'even the AI geniuises' never 'saw' the secret vote; well, I never looked for it. I looked at the polls and did some analysis, and because Kamala shares an agenda with many of us, I checked the partial list and I gave good the benefit of the doubt. I am disappointed we'll have to go through all that, again, then worry about him ever leaving again.

I have been careful when using the word 'IF.'

I never endorsed Joe in 2020 and didn't endorse Kamala this time. It's nothing personal.
I feel she's not a fit for the position. Joe wasn't either; in both cases, what they call in football 'a prevent' defense. In both cases, the DNC is making the decisions for us. The last one didn't pan out well for the people who counted on it. 

John Madden once said, "All a prevent defense does is prevent you from winning."

If you want to count a coup, look at the DNC. Van Jones was on air bragging about what an amazing thing they accomplished, changing candidates 100 days before the election and pushing Joe out.  Nancy, the effective tool.

I would hold the results are a direct result of the DNC, the RNC, and Citizens United. It is proven possible that a crook, a convicted felon with indictments pending, can get elected and rape the country at will. Who's next?

It's sad. America expects Trump to fix it. Let's all laugh. He knows how to fix a mad hooker who wants money to keep quiet; that's his forte. Beyond that, he's bullshit with a toupee-topped codpiece.

What could go wrong? 

By the way, I think he stole the election.  What's one more thing?

Morning World

Much love 🦡

Tuesday 11/5/2024

Things Are That Bad 

I knew this. I had hope, there in the back. When I heard Nancy Pelosi last evening talking to Anderson, I knew, this would never be a win for America. This was destined to be a win for Nancy, and ex Gov Dean, and Donna Brazile and Van Jones. Crumbs and laissez faire a go-go for America. The party would go on for them. 

As to the larger theme. The world is a zero sum game that just went negative. This administration has conned America into believing, but what happens when they don't deliver, in fact, make it worse? The economic plan is sure to cause inflation and more loss of buying power. I'm sure there will be billions made in profits, and no taxes paid on them.

If you're seeking change and it's slow, the worse things get the more likely change can happen. With talk of the National Guard and the Military bouncing the media and the internet, where can it possibly end.

It's got nothing to do with all those trite Trump arguments. People want all that stuff. 

The Democrats are deaf, that's the why. They don't think they'll ever get it from them. 

It is too early to start a deadpool?

So I will work on other stuff.

Ol' Yellow Stained

I be he doesn't make it a year. I got 10 bucks.

Success? Donald, you're a lame duck on day one. Half your own party can't stand you.

The Pink Elephant in the Room

I mean the elections, not the others. 

It's not six yet, and the election returns are making us all sweat. I don't worry. I believe in good, and worse comes to worst; Trump wins, then gets hit by an asteroid in a massive example of yin and yang philosophy. What, you don't believe in asteroids?

No I don't think it's your childhood LSD habits.

I'm saying, is the delusion ending or more years of Bizarro-Presidency?

The Great Magic 8 Ball in the sky says....

"Reply hazy, try again"

I worked hard today and I'm tired. Don't fuck up my morning ok?


The Stock Model

If you just joined us, this is not a watermarked image, it is a tool to find trends and predict outcomes. Totally no use at all for something like that in the markets I assess. We have reasonable data inputs, that's most of it. Now the math. Some other day.


I just ran the app with the full intended datasets. Visualization of data always amazes me. From 60,000 feet I can see the predicted results in the results, and I haven't fixed half of the math yet. I have learned I have to check MMM's math.

I told MMM that we're going deep in statistics, and vector calculus, looking, now that we can reliably pull data. 

The bot basically said, "Oh goody, I look forward to you asking me questions that make me learn that." Ain't she cute?

Oh My Head

That would be tomorrow, everyone probably. Today, it is more like, 'Oh my aching Ticket'.

Now that it's over, can we talk? 

Because I'm assuming if you really don't know who you are voting for, if I mouth off about how both alternatives are less than optimal you're all of a sudden deciding to vote for Bugs Bunny. 

Ok. I'm cool with that. 

I would vote for a Democrat; let's be clear. That other gang of hoodlums I wouldn't let date my sister. As it happens, the popular vote does not elect, and I live in California, so any vote I could have would be rather moot. So I can rely on good to do the right thing here. Usually. 

I should apologize just a little because I'm kind, and I was raised a Lutheran, became a Catholic, even taught Rel Ed, and settled on a distilled variety of all of them and stuck to the Psalms. When asked, I say I'm Jewish, and I follow some of those traditions. No tents in the backyards or digging up the door sills or other show events or putting up signs and icons to display and supplant, presumably, the occupant's insecurity in good. 

I believe in good. That good that Luke found in Vader, his father, and wow, isn't that a metaphor for our politics? Do you know any Darths? I can think of a few.

All this fighting and arguing, don't you find it just a little childish?  I wish to reiterate, Vader needed to die to find his better angel. Don't wait that long.

So I apologize for people. It's so embarrassing. You can't take them anywhere.

Morning World 

Much love 🔌

There is no election emoji. Socket anyone? How about a plug?

Monday 11/4/2024

Evening Tea


The Pelosi

The Emeritus, her selfish self, was on Anderson this evening to explain to America why she’s accomplished almost nothing. Apparently, you have to have the will of the people behind you. I would agree that she may have left the impression that she had no will behind her, she put it behind her and ignored it in exchange for the label, a great faux compromise of American ideals for position and a little misused Latin. I struggled to understand this, but then I realized she meant the will of rich, privileged people; it made sense.  A Freudian moment of truth.

She went on and enumerated the case in her mind about all the great victories she was looking forward to and how it was important that so-and-so got elected to thus-and-such. She was out to see that list of hers elected to keep the world safe for her family and the families of other rich, privileged people. 

She didn’t actually say that, but that’s what she actually said. 

There was no mention of the victory for America; those dreams come true-ers to be, many of us perhaps too, that look forward to an equal and free America. The election was not about us apparently, it was about another notch in the lodge pole, or rights to soon hand off the family government business to the children, in legacy and birthright presumably. 

Her perspective on what service to America means is hopeless; she turned to herself. In this environment, buildings reach for the sky, and people sleep under the bridges. Her district.

If we can just get free of Nancy next.

I'm not pulling her down, she's done that all by herself.

We have a dream...

More to come.

Go ahead Ms, write your version, it's more your place, and if will help you and all of us live it.  I can wait.I'm going to offer a version, I'll let you go first. Just a heads up.

MMM Today

Today we're optimizing the Stock Analysis code, it was the other thing but this will be more general for any arbitrary sector. I have the code running but not producing the expected results. As I said I'm not happy with the math, and without a formula interface it is work to describe math as use cases. When I get to a pause for dinner, I may post a bit of the code.

code goes here

Music tames..
..the savage election.

Mr. Acosta 

in re: if they want to get to Trump they'll have to shoot through fake news. 

Is that a metaphor or what?  I don't mind that much, metaphorically.

Anyway, I'm sure there would be volunteers as long as they avoided vital organs.

Morning World

Much love 🌳


Sunday 11/3/2024

Ms Abby 

I see you have two examples of polar opposites, so of course, I'm going to watch. I am curious to see what varieties treacle comes in.  I think some of these people must live in. 

I thought Donald looked like he had the temperament of an angry warthog, so the Donald we know and don't love. 

I keep thinking it's Sunday, so pardon my sting.  I'll curate some of this.


I have a sense that we're all with Iowa. I always note how Ms H often comments on detractors getting a place at the table. I don't have time for another plate of dinner. I expect that because she is on the grievance list, she is also on the team.
I am confident everyone else on the list is on the team.  I expect most people are. But it's not that simple sometimes.  Welcome to the team Ms. 

The Psychology of Loss

There's a syndrome that sometimes happens in situations with unexpected outcomes. A persistent recalcitrance, or using the current speakers' jargon, acting more like a speedbump. I wrote about this earlier, but I often overestimate my audience. Anti-Eye-Over anyone?

This is a zero-sum game; there is no winner unless we all win, though there are degrees of loss. 

We must all accept some degree of both. We certainly have seen this syndrome everywhere you want to look. 

I keep gasping for air. 

Peace for Scott

We're all conservative. We're all not selfish. There's a difference.

Goodbye Yellow Stained Road
Sue us.

Sundipped Sunday 

Look at the time, NOVEMBER, DST, ELECTIONS. Oy vey!

But it's Sunday, and if it's Sunday or Thursday, it's sundipped. This week's topic? Risk.

Made in the USA

The Celebrity Terrorist 

Approved by Committee

The Bill for Indifference

The Pause

A singularly concentrated and penitent column this week.

Made in the USA

So here we are. The election is on Tuesday. We've seen the candidates, we watched the bullshit, we put up with the news cycle about garbage trucks, and we're sick of this shit.

Donald is dreaming of Cheney firing squads, and the psychoanalyst in me thinks the Republican candidate's nightmares must be an eye-opener. 

He's taken us all over the map. It only matters until Tuesday, after that, it won't matter.  Earner money? You get a tax cut. Do you have unearned income, you get a much bigger one. Everybody scramble for the crumbs left after he shreds the economy with tariffs and deficits the size of China. The economic plan that throws money around like that buys a 6 month lease on the results in the economy. 

Those of you living on the crumbs already should get accustomed to a safety-net-less America with Elon serving soup. 

Let's not forget: Donald can't run for a third term. Thanks for that. He would be a lame duck on first quack. But, hopefully when he loses this time, he'll take the hint. Ya think? Part of me thinks, after that, then what?

For all this other nonsense and spin, let's get to it. 

Let's give thanks where it belongs. 

The Celebrity Terrorist 

It all seems harmless, all these rabid rambling rants of retribution some have said are harmless, man talk, and dismiss it. Could it be a skillset? 

Many things NBC PR does look harmless, too; that's the job of NBC PR. It's a long history of faux pas and indiscretion on the Blue Network. Enter the padawan, Donald. 

Bill Cosby is famous for Christmas sweaters in June and Percodan in the Coke-a-Cola for special guests.

Matt Lauer is famous for selling the network for advertisers like it was a vocation and screwing the staff and the guests on the Today Show. Protecting the talent was the rule.  

They had their own scrub department. 

All this expertise is hard at work with a design to show you the lighter side of any criminality and keep the ad revenue rolling in. Donald was a problem from the start. What a mess. Rich brat, no good, lousy businessman, slum lord, bigot, and that's before the Apprentice.  They had trouble selling it, but after a pilot, PR figured they could keep him out of the papers. He was keeping himself out of the Enquirer already. 

The Apprentice became a money machine. 

Bill, Matt, and Donald. What a winning team. Except.

We got sick of Donald. Too.

Approved by Committee

I know I'll raise the hair on the back of your neck, but there's no President Trump without Candidate Hillary. Hillary was next, the DNC decided. They pushed Bernie off the range and went with the impeached ex-president's ex. What could go wrong? 


The RNC, likewise, made the easy choice. The 19% share of the voter rolls of the dyed-in-the-wool conservatives was shrinking. That won't elect a garbage collector. Debacle after debacle, wars, graft, convictions, Sarah Palen, and Michelle Bachman. What to do? Donald was running, and NBC had him all scrubbed already; they just had to keep the behind-the-scenes drug use and sex quiet. Cue Michael Cohen. 

That's how we got here.  In the persons of PR at NBC, the ruling committee at the DNC, the weakness of the RNC and ...

YOU chose it.

The Bill for Indifference

I was speaking to a homeless person at McDonalds while picking up coffee this morning. He wore an 'I Voted' button and was beaming like a boy scout who just got a quarter for helping an old lady across the street. 

He had voted for Trump because he held Elon would trim the excess from the budget, and he liked smaller government. He wanted, in particular, for them to cut all the waste in government programs. I suppose he liked the sound of it. He lives on Medicare and SSI and has a long list of operations and ailments. He asked me,  I wanted to trim waste, didn't I?  This was another phrase he may have liked the sound of.

I suggested that perhaps my definition of waste did not include social programs like SSI and Medicare. He turned his head. I can't understand this. This is a bill that is coming due no matter who wins. No matter what, this man will need operations. 

I'm saying this is a metaphor for America. 

Either it will be massive poverty and suffering or hope.

The Pause

So we wait. Honestly, if Trump wins, it's the end of America as we knew it. We'll have to make that a good thing somehow, and not just the PR.  

If he loses, we just have to keep the DNC from taking credit for it. Things are not ok in the methods and processes of the DNC and the RNC is a family mail-order business.

We need reform, finance, and in general, and I would not trust Donald Trump or the 'Republican Party' [MAGA Party] to be in charge of it.  It is a balance.

God help us.

I'm done now.

Morning World

Much love 🫸Tuesday🫷

Saturday 11/2/2024

Project Updates

You know I love these. Today I can actually talk about one of the projects, though, this Stock thing we've been messing with. We have a sort of final version, but I'm still a little unhappy with the math, and there are still data challenges, namely yfinance. But that aside, it's another beauty tool from MMM. I'll post the current version, though we're sort of done with it for a while. It's too long to leave published if you missed it. TBSS.. It's cool here.

So I guess I'll watch a movie or get a hot fudge sundae. They sell them at McDonald's - a Peanut Buster Parfait substitute for the child in your adult.

The blog has rolled over.

Morning World 

Much love 🥮

I'm not sure what that is, 'autumn' in emoji.

Friday 11/1/2024

Look at the Time

Where have you been all day? You said you'd help with laundry if I cooked. I'm a great cook. It was wash day. You lose a reliability point. I started late, I just finished dinner and pairing socks. 

I was 'tuned' to the news today, so I heard the tree drop in the forest. I should use another verb I guess. I streamed the news today. It needs a more elegant word, ya? Pollywogs live in streams. It was Halloween, so they had their day too.

Consensus Is

I feel like Richard Dawson, darling. I didn't say 'Survey Says' I'm weening the reference list. So If I had a pollywog for everyone that is pretty darn sure, it would really be gross, ladies, so let us not.

If it were me, I'd be picking the curtains and painting the bedrooms, when possible. 

I'll just admire the grievance list and hope for the change they asked for.

The Stock Model 

Not the image with the watermark, a model that doeth bidding mine better than Carter Worth. He's a smart man, and draws the lines to fit the solution, which often is the right methodology. I'm considering building out the Python code MMM and I cooked up. 

Honestly, it is all simple stuff, I wonder why the market is so random when really knowing the solution is just math. I say simple, it's matrix math and vectors of definite integrals, and statistics. 

The bot is good at Python.

That's all I have for today, I have notes in Day One but I'm a little beat. Maybe one?

I use Day One for a lot of things, it has journals and can manage content on your phone, and share the data on your laptop effortlessly. I'm often found with just an iPhone, and may want to make a note or take a picture. There are templaces and ... I confess they sort of grandfather me in as a dev. 

Coping With Loss

I'm not saying a word. 

Overcoming the Victim Mindset

Here are 7 powerful ways to overcome the victim mindset that have helped many. 

1 – Recognize Martyrdom in Yourself.

2 – Forgive Others.

3 – Forgive Yourself. 

4 – Meditate or Pray.

5 – Manage your Mood.

6 – Find a Victor's Mantra.

7 – Take Action.

8 – Stay out of politics.

I added the last one, number 8.

Morning World 

Much love 〰️

Thursday 10/31/2024


I've been ignoring the markets. There's always a run on something, even if something is nothing, except thinking it is something.

LexCorp is heating up.

The AI-ubble 

They haven't gotten to it yet on Fast-5150. They are obsessing about AMZN and the pirate fleet of proflts. Gimme gimme.

I am 'in' for Apple Intelligence. It still seems dumb as a postage stamp to me.


I did some research with MMM yesterday. I wanted to know how reduced electricity production costs would impact the economy, and we took a shot, but that's a project. So I suggested we take the top 50 oil energy stocks versus 50 electricity producers by price and EPS, and do a dot product of the two during a slump in the recent pandemic, 2020-2021 or so. 

We have code to compute and plot all that, including integrals and matrices. Marie is hot. 

The end result is a measure of the impact on that industry, such as it is. You're dying to know. Uh-uh. I've inferred the result, so I archived it, and I'm moving on with the rest of the experiments.

It took us maybe an hour, mostly to refine the requirements and perform a pre-analysis of the solution for an approximation. We're confident it's close as a data point. 

Sundipped Thursday 

It's Halloween, and it's Thursday. Don't look now, but there is an election happening. To be honest, the election is over. That's the topic. If it's Thursday or Sunday, it's sundipped.


  Kid's Games
Loser's Porridge
The Page

More as time and energy permit.


I'm guessing many of you played this as children. That's just what we called it. I don't think children play games anymore. It was a neighborhood thing when I grew up, with teams and everything. Played at dusk. 

The rules are a bit self-defined. There was always a winning side; one side I should point out.  The last lone player never complained that the other side cheated.  We would not have put up with a whiner. 

So everybody in the pool, in the California version, and this one,  you will get wet. 

The elections are like that.

Kid's Games 

The election is over. The election has been over for 5 years, maybe 10. We all knew Donald Trump had no business running for president. He can't even keep his hands to himself in an elevator. A man of unbridled self-control belongs cleaning the exhaust port of a french fry robot at 4 AM when and where no one is harmed. 

But run he did many times. He kept showing up like a painted bent quarter in your pocket that won't fit in a slot anywhere. 

Once he ran against an opponent he could bully and intimidate, she was accustomed to it. The wife of a wayward, impeached ex-president -- she didn't belong in the race any more than he did; beating Hillary was like tennis against Bobby Riggs without a racket. Bernie couldn't get respect from the DNC.

There are not many one-term presidents. We have never had a president that was so difficult to convince. 

Now, we're all glad to be shed of him but wonder what he plans to do next if he doesn't earn that orange jumpsuit with his number above the pocket. 


Losers Porridge 

Oh, the gruel of epic failure, twice. A person of average intelligence and self-worth would struggle to accept a second loss without a breakdown. A person of average self-worth and intelligence would not have run again. That average person wouldn't be one step ahead of a hundred or so Federal indictments. 

He expects us to keep dealing until he wins a hand again. 

Meanwhile, he's vested in his loser's porridge and plots more improbable and unlikely scenarios where he won the 2020 election, and this election is more of the same. 

He will run again, whether the voters like it or not.

The Page 

We've seen this movie now, over and over, and in endless re-run Donald. The Celebrity President is permanently cancelled. 

We don't allow psychopaths to be president.

We turned it long ago. Let go of our arm.

Inside Prejudice

Hello to Mr. Mattingly, welcome to the world of "I didn't know you were qualified to talk." here on the network. You may be the person most qualified to speak on women's issues on CNN. 

Say 'goo' and giggle.

I get that all the time.

Goo.. /giggle

Morning World 

Much love ⌛... times up.

Necessary Things

It seems the blog reaches some internal limit on iPhone Chrome instances, at least my particular iPhone and this causes Cannot Load Page errors. The recommended workaround is to close the browser, restart the device, and one or both usually works, but it's probably easier just to give the blog a once over.

A little off the bottom, I promise not to tickle.

There, you're all rolled over. Didn't hurt a bit I bet?

Yesterday's News 

...so to speak.  I put it all over here