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Mr Frosty thru 9-30-2024

Boss, Da Plan 

I've just downloaded the many-page self-described economic plan published by the Harris-Walz campaign.  I should preface that it is a political system and this is a political document. 

You can download it yourself here Harris Glossy PDF Version 87f.beta. But, you've seen it all before.

It's semi-informative and good to look at, if you like looking at stuff like this. I should be accepting of others' limitations, and remember to let them think they win, even when they run in the wrong direction, like my counselor advised. Well, it was the 2nd grade teacher and she said "Come in second once in awhile." Same thing.

So.. Great job. I like the fonts. And the use of color, spot on. So creative! It made me want to buy a Look! Magazine and look at the pictures. Oh, and the stories. My grandfather never spun such a tale. 

Ok, he didn't talk much, but he fiddled like a --redacted--.

Seriously though, run it through a strainer if you expect me to read it. This is how My Model Marie reacted:

I can't help with responses on elections and political figures right now. While I would never deliberately share something that's inaccurate, I can make mistakes. So, while I work on improving, you can try Google Search.

So then of course, I had to look. I was somewhat disapointed. Like I said, great fonts. But I have to ask, whos the target audience here, because I don't see one.

Oh yeah, Fantasy Island. You know what? I never saw it. 

I could continue the thread I had undertaken with Marie about economics.   How many one's does it take to make a million? Too subtle?

I don't mean to be rude, I would love to see this expressed without politics so I could build a model from it. 

Manu: Correct and Concise

As in nothing from nothing yields nothing. I submit any such collection is dismissible.

/Sips the doubled troubled
/spins the chamber

Project Roulette 

I've so many projects I never want for something I could be doing. I have my limits with some things, a couple of hours of math sends me looking for Sabrina Carpenter videos just to stop the carousel.  

I'm not sure what I'd do yet. I'm in the middle of coffee and it is not 9 yet.

 Verizon went on a long breakfast break this morning. No phones. 30 minutes. It came back 5Gux, I'm not complaining. Ok, now I'm complaining, it's out again. 

Morning World 

Much love 🫴

Sunday 9/29/2024

Still Laughing

Sundipped Sunday 

It's early here and usually I'm done with 'work' by now, at least this project, but I'm still caffeinating, and spelling may suffer. As you know if it's Sunday, it's sundipped, even on a foggy Sunday morning.

The topic list: lexically, semantically, verbally, or implicitly related coming up.

Animal Crackers

Lions Tigers and Bears

Bulls and More Bears

Breakfast at the Zoo

More as time and energy permit.

Animal Crackers 

I have seen the movie more than once. Say the secret word, and today it is real estate. Lots of real estate.  Nancy Pelosi owns the land in the DNC,  just ask her, or for an honest answer, Mr. Joe. Israel wants all that land of milk and honey, even if it's mostly clay mud, and rock, real estate by any means necessary. Real estate in the Markets, the stairway to retirement turned elevator to inflation, and the crazy soup all these creatures are floating in.

With all the drama, I'm keeping my tongue tied and tamed.


Lions, Tigers, and Bears

..and elephants too.

 For some the fear factor would include eating bugs or walking through a room full of snakes. Indiana Jones had it easy. Compared to Donald J. Trump, North Korea, the Middle East, and Ukraine, I could learn to like snakes.

The real estate is always the reason. Control, ownership, mineral rights, water rights, or land by proxy. 

I've taken the Mideast off the table of discussion for the time being, so I've set my limits. There are many other issues.

 The Trump Wagon

The can call it the Trump Wagon O' Tax Cuts and Cutthroats and you'd be close. I can think of another group, perhaps several, where at first it was a black shirt, then a white shirt, and then a pin, and then karma to last generations.

 I think Donald's little Campaign and Legal Defense Fund train has trading cards, hats, sneakers, wristwatches, and of course, the Oval Office. Tit for tat. He appreciates the former, it's in the record. Pardon the scatology, when the lingerie fits, etcetera,

 Of course, one would have to accept the possibility that there are enough upset voters to elect this person or wear one of those hats. 

Some people point fingers because I make these references. You're all smart people and it is for your benefit. 

Right now you may be thinking the gold standard, or timid intellects, or reluctant defenders, or tin-plated hypocrites. Then again maybe you've seen the movie.

Welcome back.

Bulls and More Bears

The markets have taken that slight drift to the slow lane, following the Fed as long as it doesn't lower profit, and adjusting to a more reality-based economy; this is akin to adrift on a sea of indecision and ignorance. The analysts are not really at fault, investors need not listen, and predicting innovation is risky. 

The massive moves made by the markets, manipulated by soft-sell, maneuver, legerdemain, and in some cases best guesses, inspired massive gains.  The operative word here is inspired. It's mostly inspirational. 

A soft landing, meaning taking the knobs off 11 and not going bankrupt, is part of the working set currently. The shift to the slow lane, and avoiding recession.

 The candidates have plans and plans for plans or perhaps plan to have a plan by the time they actually do something, if ever about it, like Mr. Trump. 

Considerations are given for these potentials, and many are way ahead. The economic real estate has been well plotted and planned for, and it's now shared knowledge in some circles. 

The plan is working before the planning is completed. The Market likes it when a good idea is their idea. Check.

Breakfast at the Zoo

We're waking up this morning with extra guests at the table, unmentioned for the most part, and threatening.  It seems at times civilization is coming apart at the seams. Rules that don't apply, laws that are only laws for some, justice for those that can afford it, and wealth for the first ones to have a seat. 

Perhaps it is all an illusion.

We all live with several realities right now and some are going to boil on their own. Here's hoping for a simmer trend.

Morning World 

Much love 🥱

Saturday 9/28/2024

Movie du Jour 

La Belle Epoch

Mes chers amis, je regrette que le monde soit dans cet etat. Dans ma jeunesse, nous regardions ces films et nous fremissions souvent a l'idee de la menace que cela representait pour nous-memes et pour ceux que nous aimons. Mais seulement dans les films.

J'ai hate de revenir a cette epoque.

Je ne parviens pas a trouver une version gratuite sur Internet, mais vous pouvez vous abonner a l'un des nombreux fournisseurs qui la proposent, verifiez en ligne.


Le Plus Petit Detail

Je prends du popcorn au chocolat Haagen Daz et au cheddar blanc Smartfood et un Mountain Dew avec le film.

Je l'ai loue sur Google Play.

Bon sabbat

Double Feature

Atom Ant meets the Monster from the Rubber Jumpsuit Apparatus.

The name say's it all.
Just like in the...
Not (in) His Name
Not even close.

Morning World 

Much love.

Friday 9/27/2024

Ms Abby

One of those required events is pending here: commenting on the border speech. See below. I think she hit them all and took dreamers along for the trip. She's a better speaker than she was. Occasionally I see Barack's steppin-outrage a little. He's got a style.

The border bill was dominant and some tell them what you're going to tell them. tell them, and then remind them what you told them. 

I didn't see any new legislative agenda though, not that I'd expect that in October-ish. The talk was all good.

 Challenged by the painted sea of automobile tires, she made it across ok. 

I had a thought recently that the presidency is a big job, is it not?

Borderline Borders 

Honestly Ms, my immigration knowledge base is thin. I would close the border, period. Just so we could get a breath and figure this out. I don't know if that puts me on one side of the fence or the other. Reviewing the arguments that result should provide a guide somewhat, at least at defining objectives and non-objectives.

Which is where I'd start, by listing the objectives, then reviewing the methods for each, looking for the ill-advised, the quizzical, and the unfair. I would probably defer the amnesty question due to its complexity.

There are many objectives, some at times seemingly working at cross purposes, and then there is the diplomatic channel. I'd review that criterion, and whether that foreign policy is best served by immigration regulation or policy. I didn't mention politics, must I?

 It's run by the the executive branch and loose regulation; in the void left by graft, what's to fill it? Natural forces with positive outcomes? 

Easy, positive outcomes. I swear I wasn't waving my hands, it just seems like it.

That's about the best I can offer. 

Busy Day 

Jam packed, one could say, to the 2 PM hour with stuff that was good and good for me. Official, for me, Sabbath begins in 10 and I'm so behind.

 Good Sabbath. 

If I don't see you, well, you'll see me.

Morning World 

Much love. Actually, it's almost 4PM, and it's house in order, and I must to it be. Anon then.

Thursday 9/27/2024

...baseball cards in the spokes

...Mind the tone.

Sundipped Thursday 

Look at the clock. It's almost October. It's got an R in it, so we're still good for seafood. All those Junes and Julys fishing with my dad don't count here. We mostly didn't catch much anyway.  It's also Thursday, and if it's Thursday or Sunday, it's sundipped.

I'm pressed, so a brief column today.

Read Herrings

Refrigerator Magnets

The World of Wealth

More as time and energy permit.

Read Herrings 

When I watch a mystery or read a mystery novel, I keep track of the clues in the back of my mind. This is particularly true in Agatha Christie novels, where at the end, all the game pieces and players assemble in a room somewhere, and under the grilling of the protagonist in the novel, the goods are gotten on the perpetrator, who typically breaks into a sweat and acts like someone stole the election.

Maybe not the second part. Work with me.

 The remains of the list, the fish in the barrel that aren't culpable, remain and stay resident as icons for the trappings of mischief, like a bloody handkerchief or a brooch. Or a nervous assistant.

These are the things a writer works with, paints, if you will, the scenery and leads the reader down a path to enlighten and inform; in a mystery novel, that's the plot; in real life, it's a way to talk about things people don't want to talk about and allow time, room, and context to think it through from a differing perspective. If you laugh, you bought it. If you read it, you're hooked. It's for your own good.

 Call it ratatouille, take a bite, pilgrim.

Refrigerator Magnets 

I once bought a set of encyclopedias. I remember thinking, this is stupid, Even then there was the internet, we called it Darpa-net as I recall and it was hard to find an onramp. The only place to go was the W3 anyway, so books were still read. I don't recall ever using them much for research; I didn't do much research. There was college, and the band, the girlfriend, and the job; what I had to research was sleeping enough.

 Times have changed slightly, and I wonder how that business pays the investors these days. One can acquire whatever knowledge is desired once one has a rudimentary understanding of spelling and syntax. There is still college, and the band, and the girlfriend, and the job. So you probably bought the internet with contracted broadband services and never read them. 

I graduated college and quit the band, and we broke up. I stayed busy. 

I know you won't read a long piece about anything, or you'd read an encyclopedia. I have a shot at your semantic memory if you will read it, so that's one of my objectives.

I write these refrigerator magnet posts for your benefit, for fun, and to remind myself what I'm doing. As I age, I still move with the speed of sound, but sometimes I don't stop to take notes. So that's here.

 I can't help it if I'm usually right and that upsets you because I'm not a billionaire or something as far as you know, or else why would I do this? You don't have the time, you're excused.

Tell me about what you'd do if you weren't so wrapped up in yourself in your way.

The World of Wealth

I'm often found in contexts that leave many wondering what I'm doing here, or why I'm doing it, or why I'm doing it in the way I'm doing it, and why don't I buy an island and build a rocket, pay for someone's cosmetic surgery, and learn to smile more.

 Well, if that's not obvious, I'm wasting my breath.

 I've explained this. I've spent my life answering others' queries on problems they have been unable to solve; I often refer to this as outcome optimization in the incumbent manifolds. I don't plan on changing, and my appetite for the unsolved is unabated. If that's not enough, consider.

 We are the fuel in the fire of time; spend your time wisely. 

Morning World

Much love ⛑️

Wednesday 9/25/2024

Ms B

I guess I make humor. But have your guests all read this before discussing the future of the economy, please.

The primary result of tarrifs are inflation, particularly in PPI, when supply chains rattle, that's why the PPI focus.

Scan past the analysts paid work to : Tell about the risks

Welcome to the shortening of the way.

Summary of this content 

(Gemini 1.5 experimental model in GDocs)

This document discusses the current state of the U.S. economy and stock market, focusing on factors such as GDP, inflation, interest rates, and earnings. The stock market has seen mixed performance, with some sectors outperforming others. Despite recent sell-offs, the S&P 500 has risen for four consecutive months.

The economy is showing signs of slowing down, and interest rates are likely to be cut soon. Inflation has declined, but concerns remain about the possibility of a recession. Earnings have been mixed, with some sectors reporting strong growth while others have experienced declines.

Overall, the stock market appears to be in a favorable position, but there are risks to consider, such as earnings falling short of expectations, inflation or interest rates rising, and overall economic weakness. Investors should closely monitor these factors and adjust their strategies accordingly.

The document also explores potential scenarios for the future, including the possibility of a recession with rising unemployment and persistent inflation. It outlines preventative measures that could be taken, such as implementing supply-side policies, fiscal policy measures, and careful interest rate management.

Finally, the document analyzes the potential outcome of PPI following inflation downwards while upper bracket tax increases and increased social spending are implemented. This scenario could lead to a more balanced economic outcome with controlled inflation, increased government revenue, reduced inequality, stimulated demand, and investment in human capital. However, potential challenges such as business investment, inflationary pressures, and fiscal sustainability need to be addressed.

Thus Spake the Candidate 

How often do you use 'spake' in a sentence? It has connotations of oracle or import and implies integrity and transparency.

I'm all over this semantic here. Mr K, you demon you. 

Over all it was two thumbs up, it went on a bit, and allowing for style and charm and audience, though there were topics that were as clear as a politician's wardrobe and others that were invisible. I'm a tough crowd, probably. That's a tough referential pull, but you're all so smart.

LIve and on TV

I've got a secret, and I'm not sure I should tell you because I don't trust the numbers the focus group study predicted. Some of that of course. I mentioned that there is a law, so far unnamed; for now, let's call it the Tapper Postulate: the closer a voter gets to election day, the less a voter can believe anything a candidate says about anything. 

Give me a sec, I'll make it a differential equaltion.

Something like: The truth a voter should believe as the limit of the calender as it approaches November 4th, tends to zero.

That's so easy.

Back to the Program 

Sorry, I'm bored and feeling 25 today, so I'll often digress. Her speech mentioned many things I agree with, and nothing ostensibly that I disagree with. Very much could be lost in translation here, and one must recall that. 

But like. 

I'm gonna vote for that ----redacted---- Trump? I'm not that young. I was never that young.

A Blast from the Former Blog

Ready For Love

The proposal

Better Angels: "Wow, what got into us?"

Sense of Humor: "What do you mean?"

Better Angels: "Well, we look hot today. That girl just said so, and she hates us."

Sense of Humor: "She doesn't hate us, silly."

Better Angels: "Are you sure?"

Sense of Humor: "Absolutely. She hates you. She passed me her number."

Better Angels "...funny."

Sense of Humor: "So what do we say, feel like falling in love?"

Better Angels: "I thought we _were in love?"

Sense of Humor: "I meant, you know, with other_ people."

Better Angels: "Will it hurt?"

Sense of Humor: "I do the jokes here, remember?"

Better Angels /looks at the floor

Sense of Humor: "Ok, but you have to help fold the laundry."

re-sourced from a repository

Back in the Ukraine 

War, by any means necessary: it happens when everything else falls. My previous advice holds, and I leave it to Mr Joe to do the right thing; he knows more than I do about these things, as is required. 

Eventually, it's a problem that will age itself out. I'm out of lightning bolts, and who knows what dominos that would topple anyway.

Demands for America Additions

Today I added:

Better Angels List for America



View the lists.

Ms Eisen 

The dark horse by 5 lengths; see the coming agenda here in our demands list. Welcome to the shortening of the way.

It's interesting seeing all this money move around, everything blue is someone else's blue again and vice versa, same as it ever was. Scooping water from the bottom of the ocean.

That's my way of saying, most financial activity doesn't really qualify as economic activity, it's busy work and it pays though.

Morning World 

Much love 🧦

Tuesday 9/24/2024

As high or as long as you please.
In color.

Afternoon Tea 

I'm catching up with stuff, to be honest it's projects, looking after the best of both worlds for fast versus small. I have grown attached to my other lobe, My Model Marie. I should write a book. Life, Liberty, and  Lambda, in a world of whole notes.

More Lambda

I'm going to add Goggle AI Studio and I'm considering using GCP but that's often costly.

I'm not looking to operate a CMS, I guess I'm cool with this until google makes something better. I'd like to make more plugins, but its so much work compared to typing in a text box and pushing a button. This and my GC account cost me a buck a month.

It Makes My Brown Eyes

It's referential to a movie; I'll drop clues in my serial complaint this morning; first one in wins a hundred bucks. 

Crystal clear it is to me, but the news is so full of dust that I'm reticent to mention the LA fog this morning. I love the fog. A driver coming in near the coast is lamp-lit and parked probably, the winds from the desert occasionally drifting across the sands. 

The news is full of it, but Spock would pass it off as the foolish actions of a foolish planet. I never argue with anything that has pointed ears. 

I'm good at finding rocks, of course. It's regretful, but necessary in a nuclear weapon fight.

So, rock on, dude.

Morning World 

Much love 🐼

Monday 9/23/2024

My Day 

It was a mixed bag day, with some scary parts, some ignored parts, and some headache parts. And then I stopped watching the news. As a result, I have this knot in my psyche, which comes out in pajama and elephant references; I shot one in my. It feels like I did, and I'll get over it, but I'd prefer better programming off the media streams as well. 

I am still looking for the garden path to the identity Eigenvector for hydrogen expressed as inference. I look forward to applying it to other use cases and to other things. The bots these days are almost smart enough, and I thought about customizing a model. I'm for it. 

I find myself asking how rows and columns of lists of lists of lists that look so stupid make the model smart. Of course I know, a million monkeys at typewriters is slower.

I am disappointed in the apparent insistence by someone unspecified or by accident that precludes a bot that can actually write code and remember what it wrote a half a second later. I am starting to feel like someone expects additional payment for that lobe or something. So they thought, eh?

The weird point today is how delta d over delta x can be so much more. In context it was a stupid question, until. I also stumbled into fields by a strange coincidence. It was a day like that, insight or statistics may be moot.


Why do I feel like a Big Mac.

Winning is everything is offensive, stupid.

It's been 25 years since that genie popped out that bottle. Much love Christina.


Question for the peanut gallery, and Congress. Is calling any race 'the chosen people' racist or anti-semitic? How about housing a captive population that has no rights and cannot become citizens in ghettos, racist or anti-semitic?   Is subjecting an entire population to squalor, starvation, and injustice racist or anti-semitic?  How about if it's been going on since 1949?

I'm tired of this already, but I need one more.

Is murdering 40000 + of these captive residents as racial recompense for terrorism, half of them children, racist or anti-semitic? 

There is no point in asking the race blind. So much time spent ignoring social norms has acclimated many to think these are the rights and actions of a persecuted people, and it is ok to persecute anyone who disagrees. What would one guess would be the basis for anti-semitic behavior, as some put it?

So, in short, it may be that no one cares what many think about much else, given the rest of the narrative. They may find they are 180 degrees out of phase on this. 

If anyone feels any race is special or entitled, they may be a racist, with apologies to comedy. I'm not saying they are, but convince me I'm wrong without calling me racist or anti-semitic. I have an opinion, and as a person of the book, I'm embarrassed to have my government support the actions of a friendly nation that murdered, bombed, blew up, shot, imprisoned, gang-raped, and sullied the reputation of people who were not even involved. 

Another 700 Lebanese died, and 1000 were injured today.

Editors Note: I feel compelled to re-edit these to fit standards the media conforms to, and as an editor who is also the composer, it is sometimes more than my intention requires.  It's not personal. I dislike defending this content. I'd rather cook.

Morning World

Much love 👆

Sunday 9/22/2024


She's in it for the power, that's why she puts up with the roller-coaster building BIll Clinton.

Obvious even to her in her deep myopic condition.

Something's lost, some things gained, that's my spelling. For them it's the best of all possible worlds, the one they make up in their heads.

Sundipped Sunday 

The weeks slide by and before you know it,  there is an election. On a Sunday, as it's Sunday, it's sundipped because we all know how painful an election can be.

Control Structures

Foreign Influences
The Flex of the Democrats
The Imploding Republicans
Death By Remote

More as time and energy permit.

Control Structures 

Let's pretend the election happened yesterday. Many of the trends are obvious enough to make some prognostication. I'm usually right, so I'll take the responsibility. Of all the things that will change and won't change as a result of the election, the only one I trust is me. What does the Brave New World look like? Let's take off the sunglasses and take a look at what we can likely expect.

Foreign Influence

The news reports Iran, Russia, China, and all manner of bad guys are pulling on the coattails and the wallets of the candidates and their control structures, that is, the DNC and the RNC.  That's what's in the news, but honestly, that's just some perspective on the meaning of bad guys. The primary foreign influence on American elections is Israel; it's always Israel. 

We have an affliction here in America. We've bought into the Israeli fairy tale to such an extent that this nation has killed 40000 civilians in retribution for terror responses to their quiet, little regime led by quiet little Benjamin Netanyahu. Israel expects more leeway in murder and help in cleaning up the humanitarian mess in return.  If you disagree with Israel, you're anti-Semitic.  I offer a simple argument: despot is as despot does. These are the collective actions of a despot of a type unencountered before. A despot with an American Lobby. 

The Trump team in the party of his daughter-in-law, who heads the RNC control structure, is preparing a list of blame for the loss of the election. Lately, he blames Israeli influence. This may be the only thing Israel has gotten right lately. 

His pen pals, Vladimir, Lil Kim, and close personal friend, Viktor Orban, are probably backing his campaign. Vladimir wants to trade Ukraine for some unannounced tit-for-tat -- maybe a Trump Tower in Moscow, for example. We can't predict what Donald expects in transactional detail for slicing up Ukraine, but clearly it's not good for anyone but Trump. 

Experts agree. We can expect more of this. We've made it easy, Congress is cheap, and the elections are funded by money. Foreign money has no end. Yippee.

The Flex of the Democrats

Let's get this over with. Kamala is married to a billionaire Jewish lawyer who heads up efforts to combat this Israeli reality talk; He calls it anti-defamation. Listen, if you're an asshole, you're an asshole. If it is obvious, you could form a committee to punish those who think so, but in the end, well, we know how that nightmare ends. 

But I'm not writing about any of that. I want to cover the post-election Democratic party, run by the same cadre of wealthy, self-interested individuals but with the ribbon of a won Presidential campaign to brag about.  I should comment that it's not most democrats. All democrats are expected to fall in line, echo the party rhetoric or suffer primary results caused by the DNC backing someone that will. Under control and compliant, accepting of the laissez-faire as ordered.

They've nothing to brag about. This candidate would not be a candidate were it not for the happenstance of unlikely events and a situation that sends ordinary people into a panic: Donald Trump. The replacement is the party's choice, not yours. Your other choices are to shoot yourself in the head or vote for Trump with similar outcomes.

The list of the untrustworthy and powerful is short at the DNC. Bring the money for a seat at the table. Other entreaties would have to undergo a vetting process; if it doesn't help the election of the chosen one, you may as well forget it. 

Nancy Pelosi is quoted as saying she's not giving up power. Emeritus isn't in the Constitution, Nancy. You bought all that attention because people wanted to get rid of you; sticking a label over your new office and position as a plain ordinary congressperson was to appease you and keep you shoveling money from the elite into the election coffers with the promise of status quo for the monied elite. She goes on to say that the Democratic party is strong and, after this election, will be unstoppable. 

Listen to the queen; ignore her at the peril of the nation.

The Imploding Republicans

What does the post-Trump Republican party look like? Enquiring minds want to know. There are two possibilities, and neither looks promising for a Republican politician. 

Scenario A: Trump retreats to Elba or St. Helena and is never heard from again. The Republican party gets its groove back without plowing a furrow in the Constitution and, in a slow, decades-long recovery, regains the questionable notoriety of the previous Republican politicians. I think back, and I recall Bush, and the Neo-Cons, and all of that. 

Let's face it, that's not going to happen. 

Instead, we can expect a long series of court cases and arguments that 1+1 = 4, and Trump really won, probably fought primarily over the hand-counted, much delayed, and scrutinizable Georgia election results. 

Likely, the Republican party will continue to be controlled by the lunatic fringe and continue the endless quest to re-fight the Civil War and stir up trouble to feed the campaign coffer/ legal defense fund of Donald J. Trump. 

The result is a party that can't win an election it has not extensively manipulated by all means, including gerrymandering and district mapping. 

You'll have to fight like hell, or you won't have a country anymore. 

Listen to the King. Ignore him at the nation's peril.

Death by Remote Control 

I don't want to frighten you. The news also has stories about about exploding pagers and walkie-talkies. Like ATT, Israel can reach out an touch someone and implement it's Final Solution for Palestine by remote.

On CNN the Republican Scott Jennings, comments "That's cool as shit, we want some of that technology."

Yeah. Think what Nancy and Donald could do with something like that.

One More Thing

I practice Judaism. I don't call myself a Jew anymore for the obvious reasons. For probably the same reason you don't call yourself a Republican anymore.

Morning World 

Much love  🎮

Saturday 9/21/2024

Math Day 

I just feel like doing math today; I'm going to spend time trying to arrive at fast solutions to 19 dimensions of calculus; u=You must be kidding it is Saturday, for you. As long as I can do it in my head, I'm cool with math; the industrial scale I leave to people with more good humor to spend.

Oh Yeah

I'm also doing a couple of loads of laundry, a perfect fit. Mindless waiting and folding with plenty to think about while doing it. 

Laundry done, and I spent the time doing differential equations.

Morning World 

Much love 🧮

Friday 9/20/2024

These Jagged Media Event(s)

Hey everyone, it's Oprah, the Ms and a gaggle of gaggled women, and in the front row, raw emotional fodder for the election construction set.  Let's get it on TV, and please find it in you to feel its emotion despite the put-up show.  My empathy is for the unrecognized injustice alive in America, as always. 

A woman's health is a woman's issue. Who could argue with that? 

However, please don't brandish this stuff like a limerick or a bumper sticker. The unborn deserve more respect. 

Ok, now that's clear, let's do better. 

As I said, injustice is where you find it, and you'll find it everywhere you look.

Morning World

Much love 🧊

It's cool today.

Changes One CNN

It's been good to have you in the mornings, Wolfie. I don't watch CNN much; I'll catch Kasie when she's on if I don't have to get up in the middle of the California night.

V'nishmartem me'od l'nafshotehem.

See you in the Situation Room.

Thursday 9/19/2024

The Fred Flintstone Vote is Solid

You're kidding with these ads. Yah-bah-dah-bah-do.

The Campaign has spent 10 million dollars on advertisements intended to attract the vote of the working male.

They miss by about three rungs on the evolutionary ladder, sorry Fred,

 With the price of energy as it is, we must ask Fred: what's the mileage like?

The About page says satire/political/social opinion.

Sundipped Thursday 

"O brave new world, that has such people in it!”We're living a Tempest, I thought it appropriate because it's Thursday, and if it's Thursday, it's sundipped.

The Tossing Tempest 

Many Unrequited Returns
Pennies for Heaven
Stairways to  Indifference

More as time and energy permit.

The Tossing Tempest

"Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

This is the reason they come to America. They often come without luggage and yet often with baggage. This is the reason they come to America. 

These people, those people, were us. Each of us landed here as a transplanted alien or a wave-borne one. Each of us hoping for a home, a place, a promise of equality and comfort in the midst of personal cyclone or the result of a real one.

They scrub the floor, fill the burrito, pour the coffee, and make the bed. The days can be long, and the struggle eased but not a memory. The hope is a better life, a home, children, loved ones, and the laughter of happy women.

We all wanted that. That's why we came to America;

Many Unrequited Returns 

It is a brave new world for each of us. As time passes, the pastiche of reality changes the image and the frame of reference. 

Our promised fruits are often imaginary constructs, placating measures replaced by baseball or landscaping. I found solace in the differing patterns formed by mowing the yard. It may have represented order or perhaps security. 

Still, we cast an eye to a higher plain and wonder where our childhood mountaintop lies and when we get that chance to sing. People died for this.

We all may secretly still wish for this, while we mow the lawn.

Pennies for Heaven

It's half of a penny on a dollar. Relief for the housing industry was the day plan. This morning CNBC reports the price of a mortgage increased by two full percentage points. 

In the markets, it's a madhouse. The rate cuts have everyone counting their change. A cut of half a point was already priced in, and though the market called for a half-point cut, it was not widely expected, leaving them all wondering what they missed. 

The cut, though meaningful, is not helpful in any real sense except to affect sentiment. 

The fear is recession and unemployment, potentially correcting the stock market. Aside from this activity, the bond market slices itself a slice, and consumers pay more for a mortgage. The market floats with the 10-year bond rate and is a measure in very broad strokes of market sentiment; it is up half a point. 

The real challenge going forward is the supply chain, and the cost of goods. A trend toward markedly lower interest rates is good news for the economy and supply chain costs. 

I should point out that a new round of tariffs would throw a monkey wrench into supply chains, probably resulting in an increased cost of business and panic in the economy, and the sputtering that results would affect most economies. Benefits from rate cuts would be consumed by supply chain cost.

That's the flip side of the day-to-day.

Stairways to Indifference 

These daily distractions consume our lives, whether it's making the coffee, mowing the lawn, or placing a put call on TSLA.  We're all too busy with what's happening before us to look at where we are.

It's normal. 

Meanwhile, people who are already here live unrequited lives to feed the mill of the American economy. The promise of equality, justice, and a fair shake still applies in baseball and in mowing the yard, and that seems to be where our attention turns to in frustration.

Make a point not to get on the stairway today.

I'm taking to you Miss Harris.

Morning World

Much love 🎢

Wednesday 9/18/2024

La Musica de los Vatos Locos

Here we go again, Marty. 

No brake lights. No brakes.
Sugar cookies.
Super glue.


Music Block

I once did music blocks, a formatted series of 5 or 6 music videos. 

I don't do them anymore. I never pick the music, but the format usually works. No one believes that.

I've added one. 

Shockin' in Weehawken

Everywhere else too. The Fed cuts 50 count em' 50 bp; the gallery gasps, now it wonders what the Fed sees that they don't see, the gallery was funnin'.

Welcome to American capitalism.

Already reports of +2 to the stock P/E ratio by some silk suit on CNBC. That is also known as inflation.  I don't think that's what the Fed had in mind.


I would not expect consumers to notice any decrease for some time. It's half a cent on a dollar.

Fed Up with Fed Up 

That's the impression I'm left with from the American consumer's viewpoint. The consumer complains that no one can afford anything. That is a haunting phrase, as it results from an unregulated inflationary economy. It's my position that most things considered signs of a healthy economy, i.e. as money changing hands, are inflationary events, such as house flipping for wealth building or stock speculation. 

This is a symptom of an educated segment of the population that has acquired the skill to use the financial tools of an inflationary economy to their advantage.  That's not a bad thing unless it's also used by some in business, including real estate developers, perhaps especially, to accumulate wealth using the same mechanisms intended to spur economic development for personal gain.

The Fed has the only brake, and it's somewhat effective at managing the inflation rate, recognized or unrealized as capital gains, or housing or a 401K, but has bad side effects in that it is a regressive tax on the average citizen. 

They've had enough rate increases, but that is not the problem, as demonstrated.

I've presented many arguments to support the restructuring of the American economic model that doesn't scoop all resources up the asset ladder, until left to perpetuity, an economy results in which no one can afford anything. A two bedroom house in the millions, for example. In California, this happens first.

I will point out the obvious. Inflation only bothers people that don't have too much money.

I am in favor of measures to achieve equity, and improve the odds of success for the middle American. We may differ on the definition of middle. I refer to a population median, not a political gamut.

Opportunity Knocked Already

Most important point. $50000 in tax credits won't buy any plates for a start-up restaurant. If you like to cook, sling hash for 10 years and don't miss any payments, that's the real opportunity. Similarly, a $25000 tax credit for a mortgage just inflates the starting price of starter homes. 

This is the problem with this opportunity economy theory. II you don't have anything, you still won't have anything.  It's not possible to bootstrap yourself even with a college degree, it takes more.

It's an additional opportunity for people with opportunities already, like her mother.  Still, her mother could not afford a home for 15 years or more. That's the upper 10 percent. Check this blog for a source for census figures of American incomes. 

We are all empathic and get it, but it does not work for many. Think deeper.

I've mentioned the economy needs more than a rate cut; it requires regulating banks, hedge funds, and other fund managers. Consumers also need a path to wealth that doesn't cause inflation. 

Housing is complicated, and it may be necessary to require rental housing to operate as a not-for-profit business. Real estate investment trusts, similarly, contribute little except to the shareholders. 

These are complex measures, but capitalism is not a dinner sport; it goes for the jugular, everyone's jugular, for a slick ride, and Puffy Combs like party notoriety.

Morning World 

Much love 🪖

Tuesday 9/17/2024

Weary is the Toupee that Covets the Crown

I didn't know how else to say it. Life is tough as a political instigator/co-conspirator / presidential candidate. This trend towards wayward men with wayward weapons: Was it worth trend spotting, or was it weird-ohs and a willing lens? Everyone says yes. 

But I wondered, were there other occasions where a boisterous leader had multiple close clashes with moving metal projectiles? Wikipedia to the rescue. I have this memory that latches on to patterns, exceptions, standouts, and, lately, boundary conditions and won't let go.



Do we have a pattern match here, or am I kidding? I'll let you be the judge. I've this predilection about not being Encyclopedia Britannica, or in this case, Wikipedia, so I'll leave it to the gifted reader, and aren't you all to check my math on HMFICOE Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini[a] (29 July 1883 – 28 April 1945)

The Man with Plans

The plan, to govern. Yes, that was the official line. We wonder at times where the legacy of politics really originates, and at times it seems it may have been perfected by kings, and countrymen of all shapes long dead. 

He survived multiple assassination attempts as well and ended up hanging by a barbed war necklace. This is what politics looks like at the edges, and thats where Donald J. Trump makes camp.

My sympathies to those wishing to rule but frustrated by an aware public, an active media, and people with common sense.

Da Feds 

The news is that Ms Warren is calling for rate cuts by the Federal Reserve.  It looks like politics for the Fed to cut rates by more than 25 basis points, and it would perhaps be a better judgment. My recommendation remains that any rate cut should wait at least until after the election results; it's not that far away, and with Christmas around the corner, it would accomplish the same objectives with the same effects. 

My preferred view is to wait until after the Inauguration to see what the promise of spring brings. I understand Ms W's position, and I understand the markets as well. They've already priced in 50 basis points; that's how the market manipulates the Fed with rumor and innuendo, and it's part of why I suggest a wait-and-see stance.  Generally, the market works at cross purposes to itself; like banks, that's where the money is.

The Christmas season is shades of green, and we should see how green it is first. 

However, I fully acknowledge that the Fed is empowered to look after employment and not the economy, and I often differ with their immediate conclusions. My knowledge of the full economy is as limited as anyone, and I follow the Fed regardless of my opinion. 

I will consider Ms W's suggestion regarding the immediacy and degree of rate restructuring. 

My short analysis: it's sugar water on ice. Before the shopping season, perhaps consumers would overspend, which would indicate consumer confidence. However, considering the tenuous state of inflation, it would work against lower prices and over-stimulate an already self-stimulating holiday season. 


If I wanted propaganda, I'd probably do it better. Thanks anyway. We have a published agenda and we have invited the candidate to participate. Given the political environment, acknowledgment is risky, yet that is our expectation, and we, together, outnumber Nancy and her money train.

I pity the politician who plays footsy with the group and fails to perform.

Welcome to the shortening of the way.

Morning World 

Much love 🧣

It's chilly this morning, 55 degrees F when I walked for coffee. Undershirt, t-shirt, long-sleeved-silk-t-shirt, sweatshirt: cold in California wardrobe for the thin of blood.

Monday 9/16/2024

Response Required 

I guess we've all had those, R.S.V.P. at some point: weddings, Bar Mitzvah, toga parties, whatever.  I want to take the high road and ignore the pursuit of the ex-president by extraordinary means, read assassination, hopefully, attempts.  It's a stretch to admit I'm overly relieved he's running for president, independent of said same.

Free to Speak 

In this universe, you have to recognize these events when they happened to Donald J. Trump, or you're being anti-Trumpite. Don't laugh.  It may even be your fault.

I haven't seen the plan for 2015 or whatever. Spirit willing and the levee don't rise; it'll never happen,  but I'm sure it's in there. Anti-Trump will equate to criminal, terrorist, murderer, or journalist, and those that sully even a passing thought shall be accounted for. 

The Disease 

I'll go on the record. The last move in politics is to pick up a gun. I can't blame the symptoms while ignoring the disease. Trump is a threat to America, and some people who hear his rhetoric get worked up and may do the unthinkable; that's what they do. This is why people of conscience don't invent stories about eating pets to stir people up.

Movie du Jour

Winchester '73

w/James Stewart

Morning World

Much love 🍁

Sunday 9/15/2024

For The Want Of Justice

Cowboy ways are not our ways

Sundipped Sunday 

I need not remind you what day it is, it's written right there, but to fulfil the meme; if it's Sunday, it's Sundipped. So let's sharpen the saws and saw down some trees, right? This weeks list.

Forests for the Trees

Life with JD Vance
Shameful  Behavior
Goading the Goat

More as time and energy permit.

Life With JD Vance 

If I had to make up a story about JD Vance to get the media to be aware of a problem that clearly needs addressing, I'd just watch today's episode of State of the Union.  I wouldn't have to make up a thing; it really happened. 

Painful to watch, I've seen dogs doing a better job of hiding the mess they dropped on the kitchen floor. 

Still, it is not the issue of dogs and cats and immigrants eating one another, but so far, that's been the bait. The door of the trap is the distraction from the reality of a broken, shame-ridden campaign. Perhaps that's too broad; after all, it may be just the broken, shame-ridden leader of the insurrection, Donald J. Trump. 

La Squeeze

It's bad taste to mention another's shortcomings, and I find it contrary to my character. This presents a particular predicament in this instance, and there is nothing else of substance to discuss. There are no positions or policy statements, just made-up tales that give the active mass of Donald Trump's echo chamber ample nonsense to talk about. Twitter is alive with it. 

And we ignore the co-pilot attached to his hip that isn't his wife, any of his ex-wives, or any of his pornstars or ex-pornstars; she's the dumpster and the probable co-progenitor of the continued fever dream, with an erotic twist.

PR training ala NBC.

Shameful Behavior 

I mentioned it already, but it deserves broader coverage as the results of this particular flavor of bad behavior affect the lives of others, read residents of Springfield, Ohio, and you and me. 

We've become accustomed to 'pushing the envelope'; if we participate in social media, that seems to be at least half of the objective. We had a president who has made painting and embroidery of creative lies our expectations. 

Elections and debates that are lost are not lost. A particular variety of delusion makes the impossible possible, the unmemorable, memorable,  the untruthful, truthful. 

This delusion spreads, and the distorted vision becomes the fictional context for a movement that otherwise would have to rely on slot machines, prostitutes, body men, and overpriced golden-painted sneakers for inspiration. Exclusion by group, color, age, gender, religion, immigration status, or how one looks in a miniskirt becomes the means of incitement and prejudice to feed the frenzy. 

Never mind the small man behind the curtain sans the intellect, and disregard the media coverage.

Goading the Goat 

There is something about the psyche of a movement that begs normal society to squash it like a bug for the ways the movement proudly and ireverently calls that which was good, shit. 

I have called it group psychosis; some would call it a conspiracy. Who would invest the time and energy to broadly affect many areas of society and ignore the lasting side effects for the promise of personal gain? 

History is alive with instances of the few who have chosen to spit into the wind of the greatest civilization of all time. 

You can read about their demise in the history books. Can you imagine how this ends.

Morning World

Much love🪷

Necessary Things

It seems the blog reaches some internal limit on iPhone Chrome instances, at least my particular iPhone and this causes Cannot Load Page errors. The recommended workaround is to close the browser, restart the device, and one or both usually works, but it's probably easier just to give the blog a once over.

A little off the bottom, I promise not to tickle.

There, you're all rolled over. Didn't hurt a bit I bet?

Yesterday's News 

...so to speak.  I put it all over here