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The blog has rolled over 

Thursday 8/15/2024

Mr. Joe

Look, you're a friend. No one wants that other person in office again. I'm sorry they put upon you; I believe you've changed your view on a few things.  I have to re-spend all that quality time we spent together with Kamala, and I don't trust her. I get it, but it's bullshit. 

That make all the money you want  thing, you still have that wrong. They waste it and use it to subvert our Democratic legacy. Look at Musk; he's not just inept, he's dangerous. 

Changes to the tax law would help, but the wealthy fund the elections, so it never happens. Isn't that curious?  

You're an intelligent man. 

I must believe you already know. Pelosi et al. are only necessary to bring the money because the red team has people with lots of money to spend on keeping THEIR taxes low. 

You can get two birds here. Make it so?

Campaign finance reform is the one thing that can save America.

Sundipped Thursday 

Here we go again. It's the end of the week. Do I need to explain? It's Thursday, and on Thursdays and Sundays, it's Sundipped.

This morning, we're talking zombies and atomic weapons. Ooooo. I bet you can't wait.

Let's begin.

Genocide Ala Carte

Forty Thousand Dead in Gaza
The Blind and Toothless
Unca Bluto

More as time and energy permit.

Genocide Ala Carte

The war in the Middle East reached a new milestone. Let's go ahead and reflect for a moment on the validity and purpose of the Israeli actions. Let's examine history for parallels and try not to upset the gauleiters in the IDF. The most obvious I can think of is a similarity that they won't like in Israel. I'll let someone else explain; here's the symptom that makes the analogy work.

Theresienstadt served as a holding pen for Jews in the above-mentioned groups. It was expected that the poor conditions there would hasten the deaths of many deportees, until the SS and police could deport the survivors to killing centers in the East.

I'm sure to be violating some rule here, speaking out against murderers who happen to be Jewish.

Let's get on with the blasphemy then.

Forty Thousand Dead in Gaza

I barely dare type that subtitle. It's inconceivable that any country would do this on purpose, in full view of the world, and with the backing of our government.

But it happened. It's still happening.

An attempt to understand the mindset that desired and implemented this travesty leaves one asking who put these people in charge. 

Netanyahu has had a plan to irritate, abuse, and pester the Palestinians with poverty, home invasions, arrests, murders, and airstrikes. The plan was to get them to go somewhere else, kill them, or cause so much unrest and suffering that desperate Palestinians hit back.

In the wild, homestead militias harassed the local Palestinians, acting as the bully on the block with well worn Uzis. 

This they called mowing the lawn.  I'm quite serious, that's the term Netanyahu himself uses.

Well, Palestinians hit back and killed 1000 Jews in Kibbutzim located near the borders. Gee, what a surprise. 

This was just what was wanted. Now Netanyahu has evidence and a reason to dismiss humanitarian protocols and kill them all, dammit.

In the glut of prisoners collected by the IDF are mostly Palestinian males who have been Imprisoned and subjected to abuse, beatings, and gang rape by the IDF guards.

These actions taken, presumably by God's chosen people. Yeah.

The Blind and Toothless

The tit-for-tat in the Middle East continues, although somewhat one-sided. 

Like a meal ordered from room service, genocide arrives on command, literally. The intent of Netanyahu is clear. 

The enemy hides in hospitals, so the IDF bombs all the hospitals. The enemy hides in schools, so the IDF bombs all the schools. The enemy hides in churches, so the IDF bombs all the churches.  

The apparent truth is that civilians are the enemy, including the children.

How do these people sleep at night?

The dare is out there: knock that chip off Netayahu's shoulder. 

Left to its designs, Israel will be blind and toothless, and the enemy will still hide.

Unca Bluto

If you know Popeye, you'll recall Bluto. Bluto was the big jerk who wanted Olive for his own, and he'd do anything to acquire and keep her, willing or not.

The dirt in the Mideast is good for olives if there is water. There's not much water. That doesn't stop Bluto. He wants all the dirt. 

Bluto could be prime minister. 

Unfortunately, Popeye isn't going to help Olive. 

It seems Popeye cut a deal with Bluto; he acts as a bouncer, and we let him beat up whoever he wants. When the battle looks like it could turn, we send in the cavalry.  

In the current situation, we advise a cease-fire. The Israeli response is to kill leadership in Iran, a threat.  This keeps genocide in play and peace off the table. 

In order to avert WWIII, we pressure Iran, and Israel feels justified, and with us to back them up, they will continue spreading death and destruction. Israel will do whatever it wants until the zombies and nuclear weapons get their say or until their psychologically damaged public sentiment heals, and in this environment, that can never be. 

Again, an attempt to understand the mindset that desired and implemented this travesty leaves one asking who put these people in charge. 

What's wrong with this picture? 

This is a damaged nation with no respect for international norms. I submit that a country that acts like this does not have a right to exist anywhere. 


The PR engines are in high gear. Please don't notice anything I said. 

If it's not apparent, I should mention that I practice Judaism.

It is not about anti-semitism; it is anti-barbarism. Like those in Israel, act out your conscience in the way that best illustrates your character. Do better than they do.

Morning World 

Much love 😵

Wednesday 8/13/2024


I guessed right enough. 

I'm rather fatigued by people spouting every detail of the image of the next 5 minutes that coincidentally mirrors what they'd like to happen.

The ticket focuses on costs because they don't know how to fix the economy.  It is nickel and dime operations designed to distract everyone from the dollars.  Insulin costs, give me a  break. As a fix for the people's miasma, it's like a bandaid on a head wound. As to looking after the middle class, their definition starts at unrealistic levels for most Americans. This is my primary problem with Harris.  Like Nancy Pelosi, she's given up on America, she just want's to carve her initials somewhere, and win something.

I try to make the point that home ownership is problematic in form and function; it is the fuse on the American economy and the American dream. People won't stand for it. If you don't get it, that's the way up, the golden path. The only legal and honest way to get ahead, and most millennials will never own a home. 

Figure it out. Donald has all those people worked up. That's the correction, Trump's candidacy. He doesn't intend to fix anything, and he wouldn't. 

That old American model where white men get rich off immigrants who will work for pennies and not think about tomorrow, just getting something to eat, is over. They don't have a new model, if they did it would never pass Congress. 

And Kamala wants to be our latex salesman...

Ms Abby

This panel needs a reset. Piffle. You have 2 ex Trumpers, they swap out their conscience on command. What were you thinking?

About ticket positions: any position trumps Ol' Yellow Stain, my objective is to elicit a response and commitment.  

My thing, per the About page, is outcome optimization given the current manifold.

I don't buy the bigger-than-epic thread. Its relief. I'm still exhaling that breath.


I don't know what else to call this. I get the drift on the news that everyone should be on their best behavior and not say anything that might cause a problem after Trump loses the election. I assume they mean, used to incite the masses.

If there are masses after the election, especially if it goes the other way, that's not my problem.

My problem is the mess we have. 

Great Googley-Moogley

No Tax on Social Security, heck, no Social Security, who's he kidding? Most people don't get enough SSI to ever pay tax on it.

For that matter, people living on waitress tips don't make enough to tax either.

Is everyone just.... 

The Oracle Doth Spake

Knowing you like I do, any numbers reporting your standing we find fascinating. He has interesting poll numbers, he asserts. Honestly, I'd tend not to believe anything anyone paid by Donald Trump said to Donald Trump about anything. 

He aspires to a certain kind of presence. 

He says this is an intellectual exercise; he doesn't mean to be held accountable for anything.

Ok, Bringing Back the American Dream

How, in steps? You couldn't hire people to give you an honest answer on step one. They'd all want the usual piece of the action. You just don't get it. Despots always fail because the people in control are evil; there is no honor among despots. A despot can not win at anything.  It's a slash-and-burn job. 


He skipped over it. He's going to rebuild San Francisco.  He'll declare war on sanctuary cities, that's what he'll do, and he'll encourage the continued dumping of immigrants there.

Morning World 

Much love 🎐

Tuesday 8/13/2024

Movie Meme

X The Unknown

Grab the popcorn; better than a Trump presser.

Psst: it's a Hammer film (horror)

X the Unknown 

I just have one question, maybe it's me. Who still uses this? Ok, all you bots, sit down.

You can create a mess here, and people will come and ogle.  This is valuable to failing politicians and overbearing megalomaniacs.

I've heard Musk remade the platform. I agree. It's trollville, and he's the head troll. 

I don't use X or even the pillow guys' social media, whatever it's called. I throw TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and all the rest of the wannabe instant content terror sites into the same pile. Knock yourselves out. 

These are busy places at times. People have their reasons. Now that you've been made aware of the teeming masses of the unwashed and unworthy drawing their self-worth from the latest selfie; how busy are you?

Let's Define Some Things

Biden is not responsible for high prices. Biden is partially accountable for housing costs, but we all are. Overall, I would give Mr Joe a passing grade on recovering from COVID. It was an Obama plan extended where the former failed adjusted to fit the circumstances as best as they could. The method was to correct a fluttering economy further with more stimulus. No one has done this before; no matter what they tell you, it is trial and error; it is all a real economy that changes quickly with technology and business conditions.

Stimulate This

The unfortunate part of the COVID recovery package was it skewed too sharply to the wealthy, even causing Mr. Wonderful to start an enterprise to skim a percentage off the refund he'd cook up for your business. Not only that, but the stimulus was excessive in many other ways and not for the lower economic classes, who needed help to survive. Let's be clear, people didn't have to take severe advantage of the system; their behavior could have been more moderate, they still could. Blame them first. Excessive stimulus, in general, caused inflation to a large extent. It wasn't trickle-down; none of that went anywhere but up.


Most of the problem with the housing model is what is referred to as wealth building; simply put, buying a home low and selling it high and moving up. It's still the same house, same location, same plumbing, and predictably worth 10% more each year. People need to be able to buy a starter home; that cost goes up 10% a year, just like above. Incomes, maybe not.

Interest rate hikes slow the rate of inflation in housing, sort of. No one can afford to re-finance and make money on the churn. Isn't that why?

The other problem is that this is the only path to wealth for most of America.

So, politics aside, how do you fix this? 

Economic Tete 

It's great that people are interested in understanding the economy. The underside of the economy is that there is always a segment that will take advantage of every inch anywhere, and the results are usually detrimental in some way to the whole. This is that.

The Larger Issues

There are even larger issues, imagine. The basics: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are first among them on my list.  When you consider wealth concentrating over generations, it becomes apparent we have the same model playing out written large.

Trumpeting Nothing 

The more he opens his mouth, the more votes slip trough his fingers. 

Inside Dana 

No surprise you can buy a nickels worth of Trump for a million dollars, and its worth 2 cents. Elon is getting it on sale, presumably. We'll have to see which one of them turns on the other one first, or rather, get's caught.

Ms P.

It goes out to a million million people, and only an idiot believes it. I'm not saying Twitter isn't full of idiots. It's not the stupid I worry about, without them where would any political party be? It's the smart deviants like Trump and Musk.  

Play it again, Sam.
Or just ooo along.

Ruesday Tuesday 

Third day of the week, not a two really. Rued not for being rude but for the PR. Who hung this name on you, anyway? We will perservere, it's just 2 days until Friday, we can make it, right team?

Let's see if we can find a nice warm rabbit hole.

Morning World 

Much love 🕳️

Monday 8/12/2024


Wow 100 commercials. 

Ms Abby 

Cat's cradle, I never knew how to do that when I was a kid. I've never sat with the bottoms of my feet touching another person's feet, either. 

I'm not sure what you are talking about.  I think I bumped into Vonnegut somewhere around herding cats, which just popped into my head for some reason.

Goddess Kamala

Oh, let her have the moment. 

Ok, that was enough. My goodness, President of the United States, a black woman who's just not that smart,  perhaps adequate, but she's snappy. 

I'm sorry, I have a high bar over here; it's not so much about the intellect; it's about the heart, and I'm not sure she has one. I'd love it if I were incorrect. I think, three slices Bernie, 2 of Kamala. 


Like many of us, reticent to even sneeze until after the election. /nudge


It has to pass first. less than 50- 50.


It's knee deep.

Musk X's Donald

We'd all love it if both of you would pick up your TinkerToys and go home. The only question is, how long before X crashes. If it doesn't happen, there's no reason to be there.

Circle jerk meets just plain jerk live streaming.

Elon made a special pile of money to throw at campaigns to try to get his way. To a certain point, we'd all like that privilege. Elon has meddled in Ukraine and now England, and he's got Ol' Yellow Stain live on X while it lasts. I wonder if there's a button, like poker, and one person can take turns holding court with the other.

I'll kiss your ring if you'll kiss mine or something like that.

You can both kiss my X.

X-it Stage Musk

I'll try not to chuckle. That sink thing, so funny.

Trump 's Plan

About the Tok

Dana, here's the thing.

Tiktok is the most ineffective social media in the world. Views mean absolutely nothing. The same goes for Twitter and Instagram. I said ineffective. A bot can be as effective as a person, more so, it never sleeps. That's the neighborhood.

Likes too, it's a game. There is no point in winning it. People with brains figure it out. Those people with one hand clapping on those platforms are all about self-pleasure. 

If your thing is pimping Jerry Curl for $3, my apologies. 

Maybe you don't know, but there are bots and chains of bots for likes and follows. You follow one, they all follow you. 

Taking the counterargument? Anyone who's views are swayed on Tiktok, well, there aren't any. All those people on that awesome chartreuse green Kamala is brat project, oingo-boingo- bonking off.

Let me also point out that this is abetting a cult of personality with votes, they aren't informing, they're hanging paper like Mussolini did.  That's messed up.

The Other Tik

TikTok is for kids, and that's problematic. The mobile apps are easy to hack, and they seem to get hacked often, perhaps sometimes on purpose. It may be valid to ask if any content ever isn't a hack of some kind.

I tend to think it is. 

!#(% the Tok, they don't need you and you don't need them. Grow up.

Morning World 

Much love 🎙️

Sunday 8/11/2024

The real world is over here.
Like I'm the only one.

Sundipped Sunday 

We all know the meme: if it's Sunday, or Thursday, it's Sundipped. I don't know what they do over on NBC on Sundays, I never watch anymore. Today We've an abbreviated column, I'm tied up with projects and I need to get back to it. 

The Future America

The Warring DNC
The Ends of Privilege
Forward Home
Special War Dispatch

More as time and energy permit.

The Future America 

Over the next few months, and perhaps years, America will be remade. It can be by choice or by some pre-selected plan to benefit privilege.  

Our choices have never been at the forefront of our minds as they are at present, and the consequences have never seemed so immediate and real. Chances are there is a vision for America you believe in, perhaps bought into. Chances are that vision for America is an illusion, created to win the election. Once the election is over, America, the public, is a lame duck. 

Choose your America, up, down, or sideways.

The Warring DNC

Some in the DNC have the opinion that it is at war with America. The DNC and the RNC are natural opponents, and the DNC is at war with the RNC, perhaps as they should be, depending on what one prefers the function of a political party to be. During the '60s, the Republican party took this to extremes; 'ratfucking' was the term. Political warfare fought with fake documents,  conspiracy theories, and 100's of pizzas. Some of that sounds familiar.

Progressive Fronts

The DNC has also prepared to undertake a war on the rest of America.  Depending on the election results, the whispered plan is to secure the DNC as a political entity in America.
The DNC is not about opposing views or dissent or even not going along with the party line. Progressive opinions matter when they coincide with party objectives.

Who decides what the party line is? The important thing is, it is not you or anyone you know unless you have Nancy on speed dial, and likely unless you are willing to throw a million dollars at the problem in contributions, don't count on much.

Eenie Meenie Mine

If it was just the party line, perhaps, it's nothing to get excited about. The same people chose the Presidential candidate, and Hillary, not Bernie, got the juice. Hillary lost to Trump. The same people chose Biden for a second term, then changed their mind after you voted and chose someone else. Someone that Nancy thought could win if she threw enough money at it.

That's why it matters.

Choose your America.

The Ends of Privilege 

This is a land of freedom. The French motto is Liberty Equality Fraternity.  We stole from them. The French stood their ground against kings and conquerors. We followed their example, and as the Statue of Liberty gives testament, we turned a former king's playground into a nation of the free. 

Aspirationally Free

Along the way, we picked up traits that were uniquely American. Persistence, tenacity, and integrity. Privilege is not on the list, but the privilege prospered; freedom is as freedom does.

The ends of privilege are simple. Persist and exist. 

America grew in every direction, sometimes directionless but American and democratic, through dust and hail we emerged a people reborn of freedom.

America the People

Money, power, and celebrity have an impact on lives. These are the trappings of privilege in our society. These things are attractive, and we encourage self-actualization. We lack in seeking self-control.

Our busy lives seek shortcuts. What to buy, what to do, who to vote for. We are natural suckers, an easy mark for the fast-talking and manipulative.

The Party Lineage

You hear it on the news, how all these people are so qualified. “These are very accomplished people."  The same people get hired to do the job because they’re on the shortlist. That's the reason they’re so experienced and accomplished. The privileged in government come from money, go to college at Yale, and end up in the Senate or running for president. 

The Red Zone

Competition for the ball in the red zone in the real world is brutal with real bodies. When that world bleeds into politics it brings money with it, and often viewpoints out of sync with the rest of America.

Frankly, I don't seek 50-yard line seats at the Super Bowl. Knock yourselves out. 

But leave the elections and government alone.

Forward Home 

You can see it from here, the future. It's where you'll wake up tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar. It happens a little at a time, and we're acclimated to the pace. Besides, we don't have all day to sit around waiting for the bell to ring.

Answering the Bell

So I'm telling you. The bell for losing your freedom is never going to ring. It will be gone one day, and you'll wonder how you got here.

You probably don't want that.

L'Age des Gens

It's time to end the age of privilege and start the age of people. It's not populism; it's America as conceived.

It's where you will wake up tomorrow, if you choose.

Special War Dispatch 

It's almost midnight in Israel. Those objects zooming overhead are not angels. The news reports have suddenly turned to coverage of the Middle East, It's past dinner, and cleanup is done; time to get back to the war.

While Waiting for A Shoe to Drop

While America was exhaling the breath we all felt when our brains accepted the possibility, even the likelihood, of Donald Trump losing again, the Middle East has simmered, burned and exploded several times,  in several places, as yet unanswered. 

The Plan for a Plan

The scuttlebutt from Israeli peace insiders (sic) report that Israel is waiting to see if there is a nasty response to all the bombing and killing the IDF is conducting. Meanwhile, we wait for the Israeli reply to the current peace plan everyone else has already accepted and that's their plan. Naturally, one would expect a violent response, which will give Israel an excuse to walk out of negotiations and adopt more stringent conditions before beginning re-negotiation. I've seen this movie.  Meanwhile, the war and the genocide continue. 

The edge of reality is too harsh for my reportage. It's not good to be on either side in Palestine or the Middle East at the moment, even casually.

The Dispatch 

Quite literally, this war could go six ways from Sunday. The diplomatic channels must be burning up. I hope so. Just about the last thing America needs is to have to pay for and bail out Israel and its war against Hamas, Hezbollah, Lebanon, Palestine, Iran, Yemen, who knows, Syria, Russia, who else?

Can there be a right side? An eye for an eye until you run out of eyes.

Morning World 

Much love 🍅

Saturday 8/10/2024

Candidate Confidential 

Today's sidebar is about both candidates stated and proposed positions on Social Security.  

Donnie, baby, let's get to brass here. It is the position of the blog and many others that Social Security needs protection. That is also your stated position.  Cake, am I right?

These questions are appropriate for both the Democrat and Republican tickets.

Whey you at on dis? (sic)

Specifically, how will your administration protect Social Security and Medicare? 

Will you support expanding the FICA contribution cap and extending benefits to include eyewear and dental care?

Don't try this at Guitar Center

Good Saturday

I never know what to do with myself Saturdays, there so little news one must purposely pursue a line of thought to generate impetus to write. Usually, topics to write about fall out of the air, like airliners or something.

I just asked Siri and Google when it would rain next.  As it is mid-August, the wise among us, or perhaps the unwise, are beach-bound with a cooler and a partner for fun in the sun. It never rains in California, though it has been known to pour infamously in song and Hollywood daily. 

I'm considering whether that makes habitants inured to the climate, and the weather not presenting any challenges. I'll have to move back to Minnesota and reflect in a weekly thunderstorm or tornado watch. I can project, however. 

There is absolutely no chance of rain here. When I was young, the remark was free, white, and 21. 

I'm no longer young. Have a beach day. It was mentioned 'white' might be racist. Well, here's the thing: I'm white. It doesn't bother me at all. Us white people call each other white all the time, you could call it the W word.

Good Sabbath

Morning World 

Much love 🩴

Friday 8/9/2024

Airline Safety

Look Up In the Tree 

It's a Brazilian airliner. The videos are strange. It's hard to stop an airliner and let it fall out of the air. What is the stall speed of this aircraft? Is it rated to fly with one engine? What is the restart procedure?

I mean no disrespect to the families. May their memory be a blessing.

Can It Be Friday?

Just like that, it's another week and another regret-less house in order. 

For the uninitiated, I recommend Friday afternoons before 4 PM local to put home in order in form and spirit and conduct a post-mortem on the week. It clears the weekend.

News Bicycle

My weeks and weekends are broken up mostly by pauses in the news cycle, like you, perhaps.  I attempt to look back at all that has happened in the past 7 days, but I find myself grasping for details in a week with many. 

#LONGWEEK  I don't really do hashtags; there's a plain text search function above.

In the 32nd week of 52, that was the week that was; some things came, and some things went.  During the week, we went from a deep breath before the plunge in Israel to the exhale heard all across America now that Trump is losing.

We're waiting for both of those shoes to drop.

Planning Ahead

I've asked all of you to be participants in reforming the political parties, and I mean those that are a part of the organization and see the cracks too. I know many of you are in politics because you want to be a co-manager of stability and change. 

At times, leadership loses sight of the forest for the tree. 

What would you change, what's broken, what's stupid, and what's unavoidable? I know you have an opinion; use it.

Candidate Confidential 

I'm starting a new feature, see above, wherein we put the candidates through a thorough typing at, with questions they won't like, and may try to avoid answering. 

Undaunted you and I will push on and persist with pickling the Presidential packages.

...Make Housing More Affordable? 

This is an odd circumstance. It's because I would be for it if it were achievable.  Short of rental subsidies, I don't see how you do that, and that does not deal with the base problem. 

A presidential memo cannot change the mortgage rate either.

So, how, specifically?

Take Me To the Church 

The economic scales are out of balance; that's the problem. That means higher compensation. Yes, that throws everything out of whack; if it were easy, we'd have fixed it by now; lagging wages keep the income gap gaping. The trick is to level the graph without causing a depression.

I can only conclude that you don't mind if we find that analysis superficial; please explain. Impractical solutions are not a solution.

I don't want to get apocalyptic. It's only 10:30, but the world model is out of date, too. Usually, war attempts to correct these little imbalances, but that's hardly the easy way; it's just the most likely one.

I don't have a global solution. I'm not the President. I guess I'd start with values and work my way out. From what I know of the State Department and Foreign Policy in general, that's where the problems start.

Joe's got big shoes.

A Late Start

...what did I miss?

Morning world 

Much love 🕵️

Thursday 8/8/2024

The Markets 

When I want to raise my blood pressure, I watch Wapner. He usually has a reasonable group; reasonable in that they espouse a range of investment viewpoints, and one acclimates to doing the mental math after a short time. I'm not sure exactly how that math goes, but -- you read the signs.

Closing Bells 

Today's vibe about the Markets is all Smiley Face, it was an up day, perhaps the Fed stepped in with a parachute. Many people aren't aware of the Federal Reserve  balance sheet, or the reserves they hold. We skate over 700 point drops and the next day the sharks are feedling again.

The official call seems to be jobs numbers, not as expected. Somehow, that makes commerce think enough people are being handed pink slips to satisfy the god of equity, not the equality definition, the money definition of equity.


Money, money, money and Netflix. We should not be surprised; it's a money faucet; even better, subscriptions, so the faucet is on whether it's on or not.  I'm not sure these expectations can be justified with a subscription model. There is disruption in the market, and my only comment is they sell lots of umbrellas when it rains, too.  I'd rather build planes.

Fast 5150 

The boys are back in town. Ms Melissa is back, and so are Guy's ties. 

Unemployment was up today, or am I in error? Similarly, the hire rate was off expectations -- people didn't start work. The read here is a business reaction to marginal markets and revenue. If I were in the Fed, I'd read this as market volatility; I'd still not cut.

I have been working on projects; the markets are something I watch to avoid some of the talking heads on other networks or to keep a figurative toe in the water.

The market is overpriced and overbought. Smart money would be somewhere else. 

If it was work, well, eat hearty.

I worry that many of the nuances of the market are becoming an easy read, so either I'm getting better or I'm getting senile. Ok, better weed is also a possibility.

Get the Hook 

I've got Donald rambling on about his demons. It was one sentence, at least 10 minutes long. He's taking questions. 

My pants are bigger than yours, paraphrased when asked about worrying about losing the race. Now he's in Afghanistan, two sentences later. Now inflation. Now fuel, EV's yada yada yada. I think I saw this somewhere before. Crowd size again. Oy vey. 

Donald, if you lose, will you accept the result?

Someone let us know if he answers; I'm not holding my breath.

Still Meh 

The winds of change are still swirling, this is not enough. I beg to differ. That which wants for more wants for more still. It's time to fix this.

What may be different is a resolve not to let rhetoric, dogma, party rules, or carpet-bagging campaign gurus stop us this time.


Mr. YouCantCallMeAnAssWithMyFistInYourMouth reinvented politics. Let's reinvent him.

Sundipped Thursday

It's a full Bill. It will be a busy day.  It's also Thursday, and like Sunday, if it's Thursday, I get to play.

Let's get started.

The Lucky Numbers Game

Dismantling the DNC
Reconstructing the RNC
Reimagining America
Your Lucky Number

More as time and energy allow.

The Lucky Numbers Game

The writing is on the wall, and Donald has retreated into his little world of positive spin on negative tops and whatever he takes for the mood swings. Democrats will win this election.

As I said, we got us an ugly frog or two, and that's what's on the menu. (sic)

Pick a number.


Better Angels "I don't see cheeseburger anywhere, can I get a burger?"

DNC "Just what's on the menu."

Sense of Humor "Let me try. Hey man, can I get a cheeseburger and a chocolate shake? The other analyst likes the strawberry. For two, copacetic?"

DNC "Just what's on the menu sir."

Better Angels "But the sign outside says 'Cheeseburger and a Pair of Guys'"

Sense of Humor "It does; that's why we stopped."

DNC "We got yer range bird and frogs legs, or frogs legs and range bird"

Dismantling the DNC

We are interrupting someone's fever dream to undertake an initiative to rework the political parties, Democrats first, top to bottom, from Howard Dean to Van Jones. 

There must be a job for people who are as well-spoken and accomplished as all of you. We're confident you'll assimilate into society quickly when you leave or get out of confinement. 

Perhaps you need a reason why anyone would think of such a thing after a stunning landslide victory for the Blue team; they all believe this is the chance to grab the rest and plant stakes at the corners. 

Well, do you have Alzheimer's or what?

"We're going to be more powerful than ever, and the policies we have are going to continue." -- Nancy. 

If I didn't mention it, Nancy goes first.

We all have a right to fair elections, the private sector cannot provide that.

Reconstructing the RNC

I'm thinking ahead just a bit here. When Donald loses this time, the smart money says he will go around politics and the election process. 

That will leave the RNC in the control of the likes of MTG, Gaytes, and all those sentries in the southern congress. Before you get too excited, this will create a vacuum the size of Donald Trump's ego, and it will suck all the Fox universe in. Somewhere out of all of that, someone will pass gas just right and become the leader of the gang.

It is a hard act to follow, and the list of wannabes will be longer than Donald Trump's court date list. Sununu, sure, he's megalomanic. De Santis, of course, likes used shoes, too. Who else is a loose nut banging around the politi-verse? 

I'm not sure what our duty is. The Republican party was 19% before all these feral horses started the stampedes.

In the process, the rational conservative Republicans have become rational conservative Democrats and pull the party to the center overall. What Hillary described as the deplorables are Donald's side-thing base. Side-thing. Connotations are intentional.

They have a case, and they are at totally the wrong gate. Here is an invitation.

Out of all that chaos, probably more chaos. We will all get to watch. Somehow, that may be what will make it worth it.

Reimagining America 

We hear this every four years at least.  Somehow, no matter what goes in one end, it comes out feeding the wealthy best, first and always. The rest is a maybe.

This time, let's help. This is the ultimate back-seat driving experience. 

I don't trust the Democrats or the Republicans. It's still our country. This time, let's be sure it doesn't turn into a shell game.

The job is big enough for everyone. I try to keep my senses keen. Don't tell me what you want, tell them.

Thanks for the help. I'm following you.

Your Lucky Number 

I asked you to pick a number above. Please do.

You picked 2. 

No, I'm telling you, you picked 2. For a minute, it was 3, but I changed my mind. 

Ok, so I made the point, again.

Morning World 

Much love 🪄

Wednesday 8/7/2024

Fall Down Go Boom 

We all have heard it; when you get knocked down, you get back up. And when they knock you down again, you sell like everyone else.

That was Wednesday. What else do you want to talk about?

August; I don't think that's fall yet. They are making arguments; pin the tale on the indicator. There's something about bond yields, but who buys bonds? Money buys bonds, so what is the oracle saying? 

Something tells me the oracle is saying 'sell'.

The vibe is everything is way overpriced, the problem is it is also overbought; sell out of one for safety, and it becomes the next threat. Doing nothing is risky as there is so much chum in the water. too much to ignore.

I guess, bonds? Bonds Chart Are you paying attention out there?

Both Approaches

As per broadcast, campaigns can about the positive or the negative; progress and school lunches or retribution and anger.

David, both of those approaches work, for an election. Not for a world. As I said, do the right thing; it's the only thing.

Vince Lombardi called it winning, which is just a side effect. 

"...you don’t do things right once in a while… you do them right all the time..." - Mr Lombardi


Every campaign event would need a SWAT team. It's just not practical. It's more about genocide than anti-semitism anyway. Listen, there is always that squeaky wheel.  Woe is us. Some people need to be treated differently or think it's discrimination. That's perspective. 

No matter Mr Shapiro's stand on the issue, the other faction would be in the audience 20 signs deep.

Given the active persecution of people that disagree with Israel, if you don't recall, if anything, there's reverse discrimination, APAC anyone?

Even people you may know.

Finally, I should also mention that it's a choice based on reality. Submit your comments to Kamala. 


It's political influence and control by a religious group, no separation here.

Is that an alarm bell?

The Day Ahead 

First coffee, then I'll punt. No that's the plan.


Morning World 

Much love 🐰

Tuesday 7/6/2024

Pennsylvania Bypass Ahead 

They just dig a hole in the mountain, red rocks for miles. 

Anyway, I visited 270 to Win this afternoon. I found a lot of ways to 270.  

As to: if it comes down to woulda-coulda-shoulda gone for the local boy, what difference would it make. 

I still maintain that an ugly frog should be able to beat Donald Trump. If you can't beat Trump, maybe you need a Princess.

Mr Walz


This post is like those forms with 'required' in fine print over the box. He's from Minnesota; I don't need to check his CarFax. There's no movie, and no bullshit. The important thing is he's not armed, and there isn't a battalion of Marines on call everywhere they go. 

As a tactic, a target for the more left than Bugs Bunny remarks other than someone else. Mr. Walz can stretch the envelope, and she can watch. For regular guys who want to go fishing more and worry less about the family, that survey says many red hats. 

There is a looney fringe you couldn't pry away with a free bump stock and 15 percent off ammunition. 

Michigan would probably be the weak spot. It is a bifurcated state; upstaters and the rest often speak different grievances. Take it John King.

B U G S.  Like hugs with a bunny.

The ticket looks good from many perspectives. As I pointed out, I'm hoping that there are enough honest men and women to accomplish shared objectives to improve the human condition for everyone in America. 

The progressive voices will not be silent. It's the right thing to do. It's the only thing to do.

All progressives have views that are our own and not for cloistering and bickering about. Left to ourselves, we would get it done. 

Learn from our example.

The Missing Semantic 

That something that is missing is something besides Rainbo Brite and an army of obstetrics surgeons as the theme. There has been no real talk of issues, just rhetoric. 

Yes, we're under threat; all that stuff is true. !#(% the fear, deal with how we fix this and remain undistracted by politicians with gloomy narratives. Trump will tear this nation a new one, ok. 

The nation is falling apart from the middle class and down. We have real issues.

Speak up or hand the baton to someone with moxy. Mr Sanders, have another talk with the new ticket, please.

Philly Blues 

They are crying in their spilt treacle in Pennsylvania I guess. I don't think I'll ever get over mixed feelings. I find myself concocting strategies and eventualities and there just aren't many that end well. Where is Dr. Strange when we need one?

How about, Iron Man with a magic glove in Malibu?  May lightening strike on the right golf course or something.

Volunteers? not you Thor.

Morning World 

Much love 🏖️

Monday 8/5/2024

Steve is shy.
Your lesson.


The list is extracted from sources on the internet, the newspapers, and the streaming media and attempts to describe the view of America as reported.

Demands for America List

Better Angels List for America

Sense of Humor's Wish List

And Visions of Pelosi 

Danced in her head.

The Emeritus herself was on with Dana, begging our indulgences; she did it for the good of America. 

Number one on the shortlist is Nancy. Who said you could rule here?

Ok, I'll be more serious. You are a house member, not even officially a ruling member. Ok, forty years in Guyana, yada yada yada. In my neighborhood, when a four-year-old says out-of-band nonsense about ruling on the floor of the House, we take away the crowns and tiaras; I guess your parents didn't think of that. Maybe they encourage this delusional behavior.

When their district is a shit-hole country all to itself, what does Emeritus mean?

I have a request from myself and many thinking Americans.

Forget this number. One voice, one person, one vote. No more kings and queens, if you don't like the invitation, es tut mir lied. My German isn't what it should be.. I have the Constitution on my side as you know. You bring the money, yes. That is the biggest problem we have. Oh we'll still take the money, but lets put a filter on it, and not you personally.

If you don't trust the people to vote, you are the problem.

If you want to help, invest in campaign finance reform, the good for America kind.

I softened the edge, I dislike being direct. 

La Música para la Mujer de los Pantalones Grandes

As in trampled ...Underfoot
..by would-be gods and emeritus,,,
...talkin' about winning..

I'm Late

I feel like a rabbit with Alice in tow, tea for two? Mondays are like that. Everything happens on a Monday. I think the blues is about Monday. There is popular music about Monday like mad.

Keep it under your hat, I've been doing retail therapy again. The remainder of the ammunition and dichromium crystals list. A man's work is never done, though often undone. Just ask Mr Joe.

If I've been neglectful, my sincere apologies. It's not all about me. I just needed socks.

AI and The Human Race

Dana mentions the market sell-off and the part AI speculation plays. Her fears surround AI taking over the world or as an economic threat or as a mechanism for further dividing the economy.

The answer? Yes.

AI, at least most of the offerings that they call AI these days just aren't that useful. It's almost on purpose as if it was profitable, they'd have to discern how to charge for it, and the net effect of disjuncture is slowing innovation.

I consider myself one of the few people that I know who, even theoretically, have a reason to have an AI as an integral part of their life or workday. There may be many, but there may not be as many as those claiming so, claim. I find it wanting. 

Honestly, I'm fearful of using it for many of my projects, as Google mentions a savvy user will not share any details about proprietary processes, as it can legally be used as part of Google AI models. Other projects I run into the "Sorry, that's information we decided you don't need to know, and we're telling you to shut up about it." or words to that effect, warnings. Biochem especially. Can I help it if I know this stuff? 

So, it could be more useful, but !#(% that. 

I think these reasons are effective brakes. Toss in Microsoft and Oracle, and get your checkbook ready. Is there a bigger brake than money? That's the problem in the markets. ROI based on speculative momentum is passe. 

And it's also why you can sleep with both eyes closed unless you don't want to use an AI for your work.

 AI will eventually rule the world; we'll all write the stuff, and our lives will be hell or nirvana. It's up to us. Actually, like everything else, it's up to people with money who don't know what the heck they are doing, like the markets. Go ahead and be a little nervous. 

Pardon my street; I was shopping; it rubs off like a sweet potato.

Morning World 

Much love 👾👾👾👾👾👾

Sunday 7/5/2024

Sundipped Sunday

Oh my goodness, it's Sunday already and if it's Sunday, or Thursday, I have to spell correctly for half an hour straight. That's how long the columns take to write; they're extemporized, hot off the fingertips, and fresh for everyone. I touch them up to ease the medicine as required later.

Election Cheat Sheet

Heads or Heads
Pick Up Sticks
Other Shoes

More as time and energy permit.

Heads or Heads 

Someone counted the days until the election, and spent money to build a page to update us in real time. Too Much Time On Their Hands, according to them, it's 93 days. 

The story is: it's a horse race. There are subtexts and sidebars galore. If one needed that which to describe and deride,  it's target rich. 

One thing has not changed. It is still a choice between two candidates you probably didn't select, or did but had no real choice. Even now, chances are if you voted for this, you regret it. 

I will not support the ticket without conditions. Senator Sanders has spoken on this, and he has a workable vision.. I am somewhat hopeful that there are enough clear-eyed Democrats who will ride along and not just suckle the juice of power but contribute to the human condition. 

This is my hope. I'm keeping my power in technicolor. 

A note. Senator Sanders should have been the nominee and beat Trump the year he beat Hillary, who was next. The DNC was driving.

PIck Up Sticks 

In the media, everywhere, you'll find at least a sidebar or color report that fills in the magic wall map, without John King in some cases.  Politics has gained a new partner in data science. With the advent, well, of all that AI shit. Expectations, if nothing else, are high for the predictability of the elections if they can get the correct algorithm worked out.

Thus, analysts and pundits alike are cutting and slicing the milieu of this election nine ways from Sunday. 

Are you pro-life? Do your children attend public school? Are you white? Do you shop at discount stores? Is your left foot bigger than your right? All manner of detail, any one of which, many hope, hold the key to the election results.

In infinite combinations, the colored sticks of our lives are odds-makers' fodder. What this depth of analysis may otherwise reveal is still a mystery.

I'd advocate for a simpler view. Who has bought into improving the human condition for us all?

Other Shoes

In the wider world, it's a deep breath before the plunge, or is it? The Middle East will explode again; it's inevitable. Everyone in the world seems to be aware of this, except for the Israeli government. 

In my opinion, it's time to take off the alternate reality lenses and see Israel for what it has become. I hope Israel is the land of happy kibbutzim, laughing children, and fresh melon in the morning. That's not what it is. 

Let me say that again. That's not what it is, and the Israeli people are partially to blame. In the Bible, the chosen invaded, and infidels suffered a total ban. That is not when this is. 

Let me repeat that: that is not when this is.

The world waits for the shoes to drop. The West hopes it doesn't start WWIII.

Morning World 

Much love 🍧

Saturday 7/3/2024

The TIcket 

The Democratic ticket is getting cast in cement this weekend, if it isn't already. I take it that the announcement stating the campaign run to all of the battleground states begins in Pennsylvania, not Mississippi, not Arizona, not Minnesota is an indicator.

I think the choice of Pennsylvania governor would cost the election. The ticket can't just pretend WWIII isn't brewing in the Middle East, and most progressive Americans aren't comfortable with it, for good reason.  

If the Pennsylvania Governor has strong support, he should be able to sway voters in his state off the ticket.

I've had a change of heart about Astronaut Kelly. Here's what bent my opinion.

The media reports that whats-her-name seeks someone who can help her govern. I don't recall that on the list of qualifying criteria before. It's a big job, big enough for anyone. Given the world we are in, to support a candidate that thinks the presidency is a hammer and the world needs pounding would be unthinkable. What's a mother to do.

I've watched Minnesota Governor Wahls, and I think it's a better pick. It should help in battleground states, and he won't have to fight the first great Arab-Israel war on the campaign trail.

I've seen the reports that the most liberal candidate is on the ticket, but I still see Uncle Joe's 711 and Muffler Repair neon sign. 

Good Sabbath 

Morning World 

Much love 🌐

Friday 8/2/2024

My Focus 

I have such full days, and I often don't have time for many things. The thick of thin things.

Other than that, the usual endless triage of the news on the streams. 

I often speak of the magic token, black on one side, white on the other. Take a guess.

Let's Clear Things Up 

The public needs to know where the Democratic ticket stands on issues. The media must help with this. But my blog could be a good resource for a list of grievances to nail to the door.

I'm fatigued to think of accumulating a list, so let's deal with the issues as they come up, ya? I concur; it's a good plan.

Let's start with Israel.

That Hole in Gaza 

Whats the nominee-designate's stand on the war in Israel? More weapons, less weapons, more pressure, less pressure, or whatever your hub tells you? What are the conditions for the involvement of American troops or assets?  What is the end game for the US, and exactly how do we get out of this? 

While talking about gapping hole engineering we're financing, let's consider the excavations in the Ukraine; we posit the same basic questions. 

Birth Control and Women's Health

Birth control too, we can probably infer broad strokes, but in detail, what procedures for what conditions, and what week? This is your bread and butter here.  There should be a national minimum standard structure, advocate one. A working structure.

Voting Rights 

Spell out what you would do differently to make progress on disenfranchisement, get on the bridge and yell it out. 


I feel like I'm on a roll. All the talk you talk about help for struggling families is a start, but it is not enough. Please also recognize that the cost of a family is daunting even without kids. Further along the same thread, single life is even harder. What will you do about that? 

For too many Americans, there is no path up. Achievable means meant for supermen don't meet the need. 

There are many more interesting problems with labels like: education, training, college, and mortgage. Endless.

That should keep you busy. Chop chop that Yellow Canary is eating children.

Markets Rush 

The markets are off a bunch, it won't auger in, the stock market works like an elevator, if the brakes break, the government slows the damage. 

I note that all tech is selling off, and the big AI spenders are all stopping off at the cleaners. Discretionaries and consumer industries are feeling it, too.  America is apparently running out of quarters for the five cents worth of gum machines. This indicates a lack of faith in the retail market; once thought it would keep everyone floating while they launch yachts. 

The royal everyone has been working the Russell index, it's been the only place to hide from falling tech giants. Yes, them too. 

I've been warning about the irrational exuberance of the markets, especially concerning AI speculation and, in particular, NVDA. The counter argument was that the wave lasted long enough to pay for three Bentleys, STFU. Ok, I'm shutting. Now you own chip stock, and no one can afford to speculate on it anymore. You clearly won. 

The impetus is the jobs report. Hiring is not up, but reportedly, wages are up.  I spent seven dollars and change for a single at Wendy's yesterday. It's still almost too expensive for the employees. I did not see much indication of the high life in their faces. 

Burgers aren't much of an indicator, and I don't eat burgers often. I take the lesson. As I've been saying, it is a bifurcated economy, nearly predatory, with the top eating the other for lunch, not at Wendy's. 

There's more to read in the movements in the markets. 

In a more sinister way, this is the oligarchy telling the Fed that they wanted a rate cut because the impact of price hikes on unit sales is affecting profits, and an interest rate break to augment the dip in the EBITDA moves that money around. 

The winds of the market are more sinister than the most evil fire-breathing dragon. Ask any MBA.

Morning World 

Much love 🪶

Thursday 8/1/2024

Sundipped Thursday 

That's right. If it's Thursday, or if it's Sunday, it's Sundipped. Thursday, the real end of the week /wink /wink, is all about tying up all those loose ends so you don't have to give penance for not doing it tomorrow. Some of you have enough backlog to keep you working another lifetime; Donald, you know who I'm talking about. 

So if you fudged up Wednesday, we're giving you today. Politicians, you are  on  your  own. 

The list is ambiguous today. I say today like most days you're not thinking here; the royal today.

The Twelfth of Never List

He Won't Back Down
That Hole in Gaza
Open Wider and Say War
The Economy of Hostages

More as time and energy permit.

He Won't Back Down 

The list is ambiguous, my intent is to leave you wondering if I realize what I just wrote, like most days only more so. As we look around the world, and fit these words to things you or I may be thinking about right at that microsecond, the list of possibilities expands with your experience and creativity.

Unfortunately, there are many men with their backs to the wall, betting our futures on what they can convince us of. Did your list just expand, or contract? Work with me here.

In this particular instance, I was moved to press those keys while considering the possible presidency of either of the parties, and it occurred to me; this is a syndrome or something.

I feel like Mickey with a thousand buckets and brooms and the wizard is out to dinner.

That Hole in Gaza 

A literate person will go at least two directions here. My beginning thread in this context was about the desolation and suffering in a modern war fought with modern weapons against an invisible enemy in a ghetto. 

There are no fronts, no battles, no skirmishes, or seemingly objectives. Just endless mayhem and bloodstained clothing while the other is not looking, each round of tete-a-tete more deadly, barbaric and in the end meaningless except to indicate the manifestation of evil.

Each action requires reaction; the hole gets bigger, and all sides only know how to dig.

Open Wider and Say War 

I would not consider myself an anti-dentite. I like teeth as much as the next person. I'm also partial to the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Beautiful women, for example. 

In an eye-for-an-eye and a tooth-for-a-tooth world, there's not much I need to add.

While you can still eat.

The Economy of Hostages

I have to acknowledge the big fucking deal happening in diplomacy. Good job Mr. Joe.

Could it be we live in a world where people are held and punished to make a point; perhaps denied employment, perhaps denied human rights, perhaps imprisoned, perhaps murdered?

Modern democracy, in the fine print, points out that these human rights are protected by the law and honest men.  Aspirationally, we must acknowledge the work required, the dedication, and tenacity and recognize the ability to produce diplomatic results. 

As a game for couner-intelligence agencies, It seems endless and escalatory. 

In our country, this kind of thing almost never happens. If it were spelled 'retribution' or 'within my rights,' would that make it a'ight? 

We're all hostages to the threat of the demise of democracy; the threat looms. It's in the advertisements. Democracy is a word used by some to describe something that sounds more like a kingdom. We long for the kind that should be capitalized, the kind that works for us. 

It's our right, and it should be free.

1 The honest men is that part that needed fine print.

Morning World 

Much love 🫦

Necessary Things

It seems the blog reaches some internal limit on iPhone Chrome instances, at least my particular iPhone and this causes Cannot Load Page errors. The recommended workaround is to close the browser, restart the device, and one or both usually works, but it's probably easier just to give the blog a once over.

A little off the bottom, I promise not to tickle.

There, you're all rolled over. Didn't hurt a bit I bet?

Yesterday's News 

...so to speak.  I put it all over here