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Mr Frosty thru 5-31-2024

Friday 5/31/2024

The Smell of Fear 

This rambling man act comes full circle; this man stood in front of a Church holding a bible upside down and backward over his head and called the riot squad for a photo op.

Speaking of a photo op, billed as a press conference, standing in his gold-plated lobby, looking for all the world like a fool consumed by his appetites, reaching for an alibi or a scapegoat and finding no one listening.

I can smell if from here.

Trump Spews False Claims and Fury in Wake of Conviction

From the NYTimes

Donald J. Trump, speaking from the gilded lobby of his Midtown Manhattan tower, excoriated prosecutors and the judge in his criminal case and ran through a litany of false statements. President Biden called the remarks reckless, dangerous and irresponsible.

Mr Joe

About this Gaza genocide. I know, it's work though, and with your running mate and her husband, of course, you won't agree with my word choice. That should tell you something important.

This peace plan; I'm all for it. Thanks. But let's be realistic. Israel never gives an inch and settles for what it wants in the end to begin with and to discuss where there is a disagreement later, which never happens. 

So fine, great progress. Make sure they actually negotiate, not dictate.  Ask yourself, in a two-state solution, where is the Palestinian defense force? Israel needs to face the realities of the modern world, including a Palestinian state's right to defend itself. And some essential values, like life, liberty and the other things we expect of a democracy. 

Israel seems to plan existential isolation and occupation of Palestine. That's not the end of anything..

Perhaps we need to think of other ways to placate the psychotic stepchild of war.

Bomb Damage Assessment 

That's what this morning feels like. What's still standing, who's missing limbs, where's my toothbrush?

It is a scary morning. A pissed-off Ol Yellow Stain is worse; we're deciding. He's pissed off at us, and that means you because he can't aim. 

There seems to be a long line of the evil, unscrupulous,  unwashed, and unwarranted lining up to shore up the sagging soft political underbelly of convicted felon Donald J. Trump. I think it is time for the fork, he's done.  

Haven't we all had just about enough?

Oh, yes. You've had your moment, Republican Illuminati, pick your horse.

It's Festivus

The airing of grievances.


YouTube won't let me post a normal link. Skip ahead 10 minutes or so.

It's not that it's worth watching; it's part of DJT's BDA. He looks foobar to me. I couldn't make it all the way through. I guess his 15 minutes are up.

He is on the verge of weeping uncontrollably; he gets breathless. This man is a mess. Don has a crash coming, I fear for the world.

Ok, it's not sheetrock legal expense, it's a blowjob, and you didn't want anyone to know. Guilty as fuck Donald. Was it worth it?

Morning World 

Much love ➕

Thursday 5/30/2024

Let's Take A Moment 

 Fox is doing the Fox thing. My goodness, where does this end? 

This is a convicted felon. 

We haven't heard from a lot of Republicans. That's a hint. Let's be big about it and give them a moment.

Hey, we're giving you a moment, get it together. 

Not Innocent

The 'G' word sounds so hard.

But, yahoo.

Biden's Boggle

Someone in the CNN Inside Politics report remarked the missing phrase was that things are better than your wallet is telling you. If you can flippantly dismiss it, let's exchange wallets.

The Sermon 

Senator Warnock remarked that Biden needs to keep reminding the choir what they are singing about; tell the story, the good news.  That's what he does every Sunday, he maintains. The bad news is that's a Christmas story. We need more than a story. We need some water into wine good for America from statesmen, not politi-speak from used car salesmen and real estate moguls. 

In some circles, the boast versus reality ticket shows you sold us a 4 bedroom, and we're living in a car park. You can blame it on Pelosi and the Republicans, and it's an argument that is not without weight, but the job of a leader is to lead. I don't even know where you are going, just yonder. Yonder is not specific. If you mean laissez-faire, that's a no. 

I'll ask you again: what are you going to do this time that's different?

Don't give me a distracting political identity narrative, just a plan, please.

Well, you'll probably beat that loudmouth convict, so we want some reasons you deserve it, that's all. You couldn't have a more captive audience.

The Unemployment 

Unemployment is whatever you want it to be. If it means housewives all have to work to make the mortgage, we got that. But it is not at 50-year lows. Citation, or you're full of it.

It is not that I put any credence in the numbers used as the quotient. Frankly, the official numbers are cooked and have always been cooked; I accept that. But they aren't even cooked in the same way anymore. It's not meant to indicate the number of people who can't get a job they are qualified for, that would be meaningful. 

Real Economies

The same for the CPI/PPI. The numbers include things like the cost to produce razor blades and discounts line items like rent. So, the number are worth whatever you want. It may have once meant something, and in a catastrophe it would be an indicator no doubt, but so would everything else.

Real People

Even if everyone who wanted a job could get a job they were qualified for, there would still be huge unemployment in all the areas with jobs people would rather not do; this is just a fact.

Pretending that those people don't matter, won't notice, or can get by is insensitive beyond measure. This is a stream of thought we need to grow out of. 

The Chaff

Eventually, we'll run out of immigrants and short people. 

This is what America feeds on, you , just a few generations earlier. But things have changed, and they'll never get out of that, ever. Ask a millennial. 

In mathematical terms, the slope of the integral tends toward infinity.  We don't have that, but we all deserve that; the Constitution says so.

Morning World 

Much love ➕

Wednesday 5/29/2024


It's thematic, you can see how they've unhinged from most of that in later work.

This is not some malware, it just sounds like it.

Since I'm Bored

A Thousand Words 

Who do you think is buying lunch?

One down and three to go.

From the NYTimes https://www.nytimes.com/live/2024/05/29/nyregion/trump-trial-hush-money 
For a good time call...
Good for you.

Morning World 

Much love 💞

Tuesday 5/28.2024

Late Night Nightcapping

I'm drawing pictures of things to make sure I remember what I did today, sort of. It's a game I play, enough to remember, not enough to steal.

Speaking of Suffering 

The CNN anchors are punchy. It's ok; we're watching re-runs.

 (Suffering with the re-runs, of course.)

The End of Self Deception

When you go to a movie, assuming it's not your first one, your brain accepts that specific rules no longer apply, the bad guys don't shoot back for example. Suspending disbelief is the common term. 

Suspension of disbelief is the avoidance—often described as willing—of critical thinking and logic in understanding something unreal or impossible... 

What would happen if we woke up tomorrow and saw ex-President Donald J. Trump for what he is? 

Mr. Trump, Bubba, after the verdict, cut the strings, don't take the whole Republican party with you, pull out of the election. 

Yes, it's time you ended your self-deception, Donald.

Mind The Gap

To Sum Up

Eventually. So that's over with. Now the real drama begins. The questions remain: Will Donald Trump bribe someone on the jury? And is someone on the jury insane or what? Who doesn't think Donald is guilty as fuck, come on. We're waiting for the mob boss to move a pawn.

I bet he's got a better, newer Michael Cohen working on it.

Top Ten Reasons..

Yes, I once did Top Ten lists. Maybe not...

Guilty or a bribery?

Agenda Du Matin

I'm going to muster a Kubernetes cluster and poke some holes today. 

I'll be trying to design a meaningful experiment that won't inform bystanders.  Experiment complete for the day maybe, more later if I feel like working.

Next was brain analysis, what parts, how many, where.

You have no idea how expensive software at scale is.

Trump Tock Tick

And so we wait for them to stop talking, then the other guys, then the rebuttal, then the judge, then the jury, and then maybe if there is a God, Ol' Yellowstain gets his yellow jumper.

The feather in the wind lands with basically everyone thinking he's guilty, except for the Trump dyed in the diaper types.

Morning World 

Much love ➕

Monday 5/27/2024

California Evenin'

 After such a summer day.  I could do a project update, that's usually good for 500 words not about my projects, and it's a lovely feels like Saturday evening. 


I can only talk about Emma in broad strokes, even the architecture is a departure. Everything old is new again. When I connect all the wires, I have no idea what exactly she will do, but I won't be programming her.  


I've also enough architecture to build some of the working math for research, which is helpful, and will be built as an engine, not a model. 

I'm still at chromo-dynamics, looking for math, theory, bolts, anything. Three quarks.

Assuming conservation of energy and statistical models for electron-photon transitions, what of colors? Past the explosions, or instead of. I may look at star physics.

Oh My Goodness

Now, that's two, count them at least two actual paragraphs about actual project with actual progress. Yeah, there is something wrong with this picture. I'll whittle it down, you betcha.

Woe Is Whether 

Here in Southern California, it's the good weather before June gloom, and it's going to be a perfect day. 

It feels like a Saturday after the circus left town. Oh, it's the Trump Trial For Ecstasy1 , I almost forgot. Final arguments are heard tomorrow, a real circus.  Today we have some peace.

That may be part of what makes it perfect. 

1 Trial For Ecstasy, I'm convinced Donald orgasms from this stuff. The edge of doom is his Mountain Dew.

Memorial Day 

It's the long weekend before summer officially starts. 

My uncle, Peg, served as a Marine tank commander in the Pacific; he once described pulling his men out of burning Sherman tanks. Not glamorous duty.

My oldest brother, G, served on a destroyer in the mid-Atlantic or thereabouts. Being afloat in the heat and humidity of Africa in a tin can served the country's interests. Not glamorous duty. 

That's what Memorial Day is about.  They are all heroes.

Much Love NYC
Much Love LA

Morning World 

Much love 💕

Sunday  5/26/2024

You're Welcome

Today's History Lesson 

I won't ask you to provide 1000 words on how this is relevant to ex-President Trump, but go ahead if you wish. 

The Invisible Trump


He could shoot a person in Time Square and get away with it.

The Sundipped Pundit 

If it's Sunday, already and the world looks the same, perhaps you are not surprised. in fact, it probably looks worse. Let's look closer.

Say It Aint So Today

Take It Down The Road

Make Me A Match

Semper Fi

Take It Down The Road 

Donald J. Trump got a load of what libertarians think of him last evening. I couldn't help but notice something really funny: in a room sure to be full of angry political people, he was still angrier,  especially when they told him to !#(% off. 

Donald will carry on, and in spite of epithets he stuck to the outline with phrases like "Nominate Trump or go back to getting 4 percent."  

He'll put a libertarian in the White House , probably Veterans Affairs. 

Locked and Loaded

Among the usual griping, Donald referred to his paid complaint squad of lawyers and the legal search of Donald Trump's home for top secret documents involving people in law enforcement who may have had weapons. In espionage cases, the FBI will usually walk the perps backward with their hands behind their back.  

Make Me A Match 

Yes, I'm bringing up candidate Kennedy with the dead worm in his brain, and the billionaire divorcee on the ticket.  Meanwhile, the Kennedy family is talking up its mental health legacy in politics. Imagine. 

I can't make this up.  You are so lucky I'm cutting you satirical slack on this. 

On the serious side of this candidacy; as if, I really would like to know what this is going to accomplish, except to further discredit the Kennedy family in politics going forward.  

Never mind, as you were.

It's only 5 states, you can wear earth shoes.

Semper Fi 

It's memorial weekend. Every male member of my extended family of my fathers generation served.  America was a beautiful thing then, worth fighting for.

We've slipped some.

We owe it to them to fix it.

Morning World 

Much love 🤟

Saturday 5/25/2024

Good Sabbath

Topical Trump
Wanting what you've got.

Morning World 

Much love ➕

Friday 5/24/2024


It's also Memorial weekend.  Semper fi.

House In Order 

AKA Monday Morning Quarterbacking on a Friday

It's an excellent day to start the week fresh, cleaning out the week we just left.  A lot of people are cooking ahead. I personally think that is pushing a practice past practicality. You can buy chicken at fast food stores. 

Either way, it's a good day to be nicer to your wife and help her cook. Turn food into love, if she'll let you in the kitchen. Order takeout together or something.

On The Way Down
She's Kidding
Brain Worm (Gees!)

Made It To Friday 

Someone said stumbled; I guess that's commentary. 

The Ghost Of Chaos

We're all on the edge of our calendars, frightened for the future. Perhaps it's time we ask how we got here, and I don't mean yet another editorial in the Times . Please consider your part in it and what it would be in a reinvigorated-Trump administration. If you have a pulse, it should be racing. 

Worse and Worser

What are we going to do about this? We're unhappy with Mr Biden's policies and fear a Kamala presidency by proxy. We made it through four years, and these are the choices. I don't want to come off as anti-Biden; I don't make up the polls; talk to the hand. 

Seriously, some of you in power could have an impact here; there may not be a do-over available, and we need your help.

When is the election? We need more than help here.

Sign You Up

To the Illuminati with an eye on the money ball; you'll probably need to pay someone to stay in business, maybe a lot, probably campaign contribution payola. Are you thinking about a position in the administration? What would you do when you're working for Trump?

The news is full of what that life is like. After he's squeezed the life out of you, what's your prognosis, a tell-all or CNN?  Maybe there won't be a CNN. Maybe Trump won't like your book.

Monday Mornings

Now that you are awake, let us be specific. I could include the whole Republican party here, but that's too obvious. I could include the Democratic cadre that decides who we get to vote for here, but they have the incumbent; they don't listen to anyone. 

Remember Hillary? She was next by decree. That's how Trump got in last time.

This Barbi and Ken show you run here for our benefit and call an election needs a new format where the people with money don't pull all the strings.

The More Things Change

This stuff just stopped working, at least in a controlled manner. If you want an election system where a con man with some backing can weasel his way into the Presidency, well, that's precisely what you will get. 

Ask yourself, what's after Trump? 

Morning World 

Much love 🩷

Thursday 5/23/2024

From The Desktop

I've stretched my life across two laptops, a tablet, and an iPhone, and I feel quite exposed. I've taken steps to sync my work across these devices, but I've realized that most of my data is in the cloud, another cloud, or stored on various servers. 

Occasionally I muster a cluster for cost or feasibility, but not often enough. It's experimentation with just one more challenge.

Otherwise Laundry 

Yes, it was time once again—just a couple of hours, including folding. 

I feel like chocolate cake, ya? 

Over The Hump

It's the fourth day of seven by my count. Another week gone and forgotten except for the lessons learned and the pie.  I hope you had pie because the lessons so far this week have been ground-shaking. 


I felt like work today, so I posted the next video for those of you keeping up. 

Other than that...

A Day Without Trump

Is like a really good day man. I've been listening to the media and picking up the lint from the web. I think the consensus is 80% guilty and 0% innocent. At this point, it's, please go away, far.

Tool 3a

If you are like me, and you aren't, it's been awhile, as in never, since you used partial diffys and matrix math on a real world application. So, breathe deep.

Some of it is a bit esoteric. Visualize it.

Morning World 

Much love 💙

Wednesday 5/22/2024

Oy Hey

Mr. Sanders chased Ted Cruz on Ms Collins' hour.

Mr. S. Well, arguments, literature, fill, people wouldn't read all that, so I pin it to the refrigerator.

It seems to be a bigger problem than any arms shipment or peace plan or talk, with the US looking a lot like the protector of old-world interests, money,  oppression, and control.

I keep repeating that it's a closed system; the amount of violence found is the amount of violence that is around.

I would venture that Netanyahu orchestrated the events in question as part of a plan to push the Palestinian Authority or Hamas far enough to make them commit an act that would allow Israel to overreact.  He seems to be begging for a final solution to the Palestinian Problem. Pardon me.

It will take a lot of counter-evidence to combat that thought.

When It's Wednesday

Baby Gemini Banters Beautifully

My dearest and brightest oracle of the known but too lazy to look for, what is the derivation of the word wednesday?

No problem, I won't call you lazy! The word Wednesday actually has a pretty interesting origin story, involving two powerful gods:

So, Wednesday is a kind of combination - depending on the language, it reflects either the Germanic or Roman god associated with ideas like travel, communication, and wisdom.

There You Have It

The call of the day was, or is to be wise. For some of you it may not be too late to change the litter box. The rest of us don't have cats.

I've Never Driven A Truck
Man On A Mission

News Of The World

What's up-ness here is that the 13 Macbook Air is back.  Shiva was damaged by water and had some dings, and the 'A' letter sometimes didn't work. So I took it to Apple, and they replaced it effectively. The only original part left seems to be the one with the serial number on it.

Update on the Update

I like to post-mortem everything, so here's my book report on Apple and the whole help me my Mac got wet and now looks like Windows  (eek!) problem. Ya so, I spilled on it; I accept responsibility. The unit was a gift so, fixing it or not is not an option, it was fine before, I've an attachment for it even. 

The store was quite polite about it right up to the last person in the chain; isn't that always the case? You know, bad clerk, bad day, on a can you understand my broken English through my facemask morning. Not a happy event in that way, either. But, who cares? I mean.


I bitch about Apple, and I keep buying the stuff. I like the laptops, all the software I'd term as 'workable' and that's what we look for right folks?

So which do I prefer? I like the larger screen size. In bed on a pillow, I'll take the little one.

Morning World 

Much love 💖

Tuesday 5/21/2024

Recapping The Day 

I have a moment and a charged laptop and phone, so I'll take a look back on the day; it's gone by, whoosh, and I should pay more attention. It was a skin of the apple month.

Edge Of A Singularity 

What if, at the quantum level, some part of us retains a bit of information?  We're not sure. quantum physics and classical physics have incongruencies, or perhaps our understanding of these physics has inconsistencies. 

Amderson's guest wants to believe in the metaphysical. Men argue over the metaphysical to little effect. Why not. What could go wrong?

Partially Deferential

I am days deep into the red sauce of the mix of research I pursue, all the common elements, as if someone made the stew on purpose. In other areas, the recipe always seems to be the same. Time will, maybe.  It's fun cooking.

Classic Movies

If you follow the blog, you have a chance to view the first version of the Frankenstein novel. I read the novel, but I've seen so many Frankenstein movies I'm not sure what happens in the book version; from a cultural viewpoint, it is just a detail. 

Anyway, who knew this would closet its way into describing our society, even now, so easily?

No, pick your metaphor, there are many.

Should we do another movie, ya?
Welcome to Hollywood
Trendy truck vogue

I'm always reminding Mr Joe to think beyond the box, and sir, I'm looking at the box.

From the NYTimes

The president, speaking at a Jewish heritage event in the Rose Garden, criticized the decision of an international prosecutor to seek arrest warrants for top Israeli officials on war-crime charges.

The Evil of Men

Eventually, each of us realizes that there are evil people in the world. Perhaps some lucky souls depart unschooled; who knows? If we're fortunate, we only encounter minor evils, perhaps at most compounded by repetition, complicated by severity. 

If you can measure a bridge not only by its girth but by the span it bridges, what can we say about the measure of men?  There are men whose evils span rivers, cross continents, and cause calamity and harm even in our basest tenets. 

Repetitive, severe. 

What possible remedy could justify the lust for power, the deceit, and the evil of these men? 

Donald Trump? Grasping the full implication of a re-energized President Trump is beyond imagining.  There would be no America anymore.

I had not thought of Netanyahu, but both shoes fit and the helmet.

Have A Seat Miss
Two Faves

Tuesdays Child

Is full of grace. She should be running for office. We could use some grace in the office and in practice.  How can I open Tuesday's blog and talk of grace during these times? You need not ask. 

Make your place a situ of grace.

Morning World 

Much love 💟

Monday 5/21/2024


If you've been following along you were exposed to Bells Theorem and some math review to give you insights. I bumped into this today, which is interesting background and included a link to some code.

I like the architecture, but I don't have time for this. Enjoy


Another Week of Days

Mondays, there are songs, poems, and even paradigms about Monday. For example, Monday morning quarterbacking.  If you follow the blog, that's Friday's ToDo list. 

Ol' Yellow Stain's Denouement 

So it is Monday, and the media is back in session with the trial-by-proxy programming. If there is any justice, this will end soon. 

Most of us, pardon me if I include you in this, have decided already. As this nears the end, the shock of the discontinuity caused in our mindseye when we recognize that a presidential candidate will likely be found guilty of a felony sends our sensibility spinning.

A candidate would typically step down from pursuing any office in this situation.

The Cross 

This just in: Donald Trump's former right-hand lawyer, Michael Cohen, kept funds meant to for a company engaged to alter results, he paid them cash in a manila envelope and kept 3/5ths. Murderers are convicted every day because other murderers testify to it. Next?

Morning World 

Much love 🫶

Sunday May 19, 2024

The Sundipped Pundit 

If it is Sunday, it is time as is my mode to augment my coffee and oatmeal with political satire and sense. You get to read the precis. I always view the selection of the topic list as avoidable, but given the nature of American life, I find the list self-populates; I do some of the typing. As it should be.

Today's Faux Pas Parade

Fetterman Myopia and Choice

Democrat Hoosegow

The Politicization of Kindergarten

AI and Us

Mr Joe

Fetterman Myopia and Choice

I watched the 'interview' of Senator Fetterman on one of the boiler-room morning airings.  I recall the election. The juicer doctor Republican, whats-his-name, lost. We were all for that. I remember that bridge with the barn next to it in the Pennsylvania wood and how men built it, and though it didn't fit the current building code, it had stood for 50 years. It served long and well.

This was the mindset, as I recall.  Senator Fetterman seems amiable, and it's hard to work up a reason to find an argument, but his judgment seems burdened by the length of the cognitive awareness of a voice-to-text algorithm.

His view on Israel is one of the moments his choice seems directed by a sense of urgency born of disability of choice.  It is the easy answer, certainly the lower-energy path, and understandable. What is not so understandable is the verve he attaches to his stance on occasion, leaving us to wonder about that barn by the bridge.  

Eventually, that barn was overcome by natural forces, a strong storm in Pennsylvania, and a broken spar. The wood was repurposed, and a steel shed replaced it. 

Democrat Hoosegow 

I knew a man, someone's uncle, someone's father, and he swore by Huey Long as the savior of the working man. Mr. Long probably was a low-level crook. According to history, well, be your own judge. 

There seems to be a similar situation occurring in Texas and possibly New York. It seems so obvious when it's written out like that.  Did I mention Donald Trump, but that's another matter. 

Nothing in any party doctrine ever suggested that a politician must be honest; there is only an ethics committee of peers to give the appearance of oversight.  Let's examine those in power; who are the top political leaders, and are they Biden-esque or Barack-esque?  Pelosi? Give me an emeritus effing break.

As I've often explained, Republicans are just easier to pick on; it's the hats.

The Politicization of Kindergarten 

I was thinking as I wrote the subject line that it had a few meanings, especially in places like Florida. However, I'm referring to the less important news, the trivial and childish stories that make headlines, the bad build butch beany-baby whatever thing.

It's a dumpster fire; Ms MTG will burn for a while.  S'mores?

AI and Us

I should speak on this. I see AI in the news, which will soon permeate every aspect of life. Some visionaries are excited, envisioning wealth, while others fear job displacement or remain oblivious. AI will change everything.  I do not feel this can have a positive outcome for many; its disruptive effects will be widely felt, largely negative, and randomly affect every part of society. 

It is because AI is not applied in a way that will facilitate the genesis of anything else. 

Most of what is marketed as AI is nonsense: Bayesian predictive junk designed to sell you more snow tires and augment someone's pay stub marketing conversion metric; it does not need to be. That's where Zuckerberg is taking that part of the world. Advise me where that ends. 

Technology does not need to take a hard right and go for the money; AI could be a boon to humanity. This is not where any corporate interest focus lies. 

There will be shifts in the workforce, applied randomly, even, and especially in technology. If you're not already using AI, you'll likely need to adapt soon, as those who use AI may replace you.  In this manner, much of the change will occur. 

AI may make the rich richer for a time. In the end, if things don't get better for everyone, things will get worse for everyone. It's a closed system. 

There is a lesson here if we choose to learn it.

Mr Joe

You're on the list this Sunday, generally it takes meritorious effort or laxity to make it on my list. 

I guess I'm conciliatory today. I don't understand how that creepy crook is kickin' your ass. My senses, all of them, tell me this man Trump will steal your door knob if he needs one; how is much of America so enamored of this hallucination with a PR team? 

Of course, I know the answer; you do, too. America is a mess. It's time America was America, finally. All those promises are coming due. 

I've been trying to tell you. What do you do with kids that don't want to listen?

I'm perplexed.

Full Circle

I acknowledge it's not your fault, but it is your problem -- that's suboptimal math. I remember Barack remarking that politicians were usually organizational or inspirational; the other qualities usually failed them in office. I think he said that he could have.  I don't think it's that simple. It does not explain Lyndon Johnson, for example. I argue that he was neither, yet he succeeded in important ways. 

Joe Biden could do many things. Still, he has been limited by baggage and perhaps persistent [emeritus] leadership, and though there are bright spots, he has failed to deliver much lasting substance, some would argue.

What I'll Do When I Bat Next

Someone once said, lead, follow, or run for Congress, or something like that. You said this at Morehouse. What's the plan?  

Morning World 

Much love ❣️

Saturday 5/18/2024

Arson By Another Name

A Lovely Day In Cali

Some clouds, not windy, around 70 in the shade. Let's picnic?

Snip Snip Snip

So yeah, the blog is done on this side. It'll be right here, promise, just with a thinner footprint.

Necessary Things

It seems the blog reaches some internal limit on iPhone Chrome instances, at least my particular iPhone and this causes Cannot Load Page errors. The recommended workaround is to close the browser, restart the device, and one or both usually works, but it's probably easier just to give the blog a once over.

A little off the bottom, I promise not to tickle.

There, you're all rolled over. Didn't hurt a bit I bet?

Rollover Time

Google Chrome engineers: Listen, right about here the iPhone instance tends to start to complain with :

'Cannot load page, reload your browser, restart your device

Restarting Chrome usually fixes it. Usually. Clue 1.

I think it's running out of YouTube cache, or it maybe memory. This is a symptomatic analysis. I usually trim the. blog, and that usually is a lot of videos, and  so I assume the plugins for the videos are problematic, i.e. YouTube.  Naw, I'd rather not run the debugger. It's not all that much content.

So, enough, it's foobar. Fix it.

Also, the video plug-ins tend to use cached, stale content at times, at least YouTube, I don't use others. 

While I Have Your Attention 


I've asked for a meta-panel before, a panel that would accept other basic panels (text, video, etc) with the usual UX placement and sizing options. 

Also, the CSS (styling) architecture needs new functionality.  You'll probably want to integrate another styling plugin, so ya, do that, either or.

Also, perhaps some widgets, toasters, popups, sliders, side panels -- UX candy, is what I mean.  Others would ask about social plugins, bleh social plugins; integrations with Patreon, and the likes, excepted.

I don't want that. If I did there are ways, Quora and etc. Most of these things are dated. 

All of this stuff I could script and do myself, but that's why I use this tool.


Chat GPT 40

Remember, these things will do exactly what they are programmed to do. Pardon my laughter. Cute, feisty character is cute, who wrote the thing? Pffft. Silly shit.

I'm not programming Emma.


Morning World 

Much love 💘

Friday 5/17/2024

Tapper: Sourcing Natering Naybobs

Is William Safire, NYTimes

Yesterday's News 

...so to speak.  I put it all over here