Please remember to refresh your browser, Google YouTube cache is efficient and often stale..

Necessary Things

IT seems the blog reaches some internal limit on iPhone Chrome instances, at least my particular iPhone and this causes Cannot Load Page errors. The recommended workaround is to close the browser, restart the device, and one or both usually works, but it's probably easier just to give the blog a once over.

A little off the bottom, I promise not to tickle.

Morning World

Miuch love ♥️

Friday 4/26/2024

Oh That

I suppose I should see what's burning in the Trump universe besides everything.

Yeah so it's on TV and yada yada yada it's all so monotonous.

Morning World 

Much love ♥️

Thursday 4/25/2024

I've Been Meaning to Mention

I have an awful good time here on the blog.  It may be the indica.

I have been taking up chess again lately for no particular reason. I stopped playing some time ago. A long time has passed. 

I have been playing the computer and it has beaten me 4 times. I recognize the openings, the feints, and some of the rest of it. I'm upset  Mostly, I'm upset that it's beaten me 4 times, and only one respectable game among them. So yes, I'm upset with myself. I'll get over it.

I guess I can blame it on the indica, too.

Socialism In Other Words

You Can Take It

I'm Going For A Walk

The sun is out.  Come with me.

What's For Lunch?


It's a fine prayer.


 Trump built an empire on blackmail; Pecker made a business out of it. We all wondered what this strange power that seems to bend our timelines opposite of the norm was. Blackmail as a business and a tool for use in the Oval Office?

I've been laying in -- panther-like I suppose. There's all this law on TV, and none of it seems to apply to anyone but us. If something just doesn't look good, no matter how relevant, and poof it is off the list of exhibits. All morning, arguments about when a King is not a King, and I wasn't shopping for any of that. 

Is democracy an illusion? Is justice also just an illusion? And what happened to the truth? I can't believe I asked that.

Morning World 

Much love ♥️

Wednesday 4/24/2024


Democracy, justice, truth, winning. All of that stuff.

Too Many Monkeys

It's Wednesday, and the media has to find something else to do with itself all day, so today we're getting rehash and backfill on all that stuff that fell on the floor while we were making breakfast.  It's are they people, or can we just kill them already still in the news; it's awful to watch; it makes my skin crawl.

Then there are the wars, and Israel is bombing kids in their tents and we're paying for the bombs and the burials and Congress calls it patriotism. 

Oh, I'm just getting started.

I was just wondering if what we are watching us do in the news and in the world reminds us in any way of something we would contract for without duress?

So what the fuck is wrong with us, anyway?

Too Many Despots

I'm reticent to speak on this, but I am a person of the book. ✡️ It is a matter of honor for me to speak on this. 

Israel is committing genocide on the Palestinian people. I do not support subsidizing Israeli actions in any form, including weapons sales, logistical support, and any general support not directed at helping the Palestinian people survive their own Holocaust. No Iron Dome, no F15's, no network air defense support, no intelligence, no diplomatic support. Nada. 

Mr. Netanyahu, you know what you are. Everyone knows what you are.


Too Many Markets

Similarly I've an eye on the color of the graphs on the business news streams. It's a totally parochial environment that changes with the colors of the suits. There's always a stupid person willing to buy something somewhere, I think that's Cramer's line.

The S&P is having an off day, I always remind analysts that this is a value expressed in dollars in an inflationary environment. Up is a relative thing and not in that way.

Morning World 

Much love ♥️

Tuesday 4/23/2024

Dance With Me XTina

Bark like a Republican!

A gag order Ol' Yellow Stain is more comfortable with.

It's satire, like a cartoon.


There's talk on the CNN, which is presumably like the CIA, that something wasn't or isn't journalism. They may have been referring to he Enquirer and its ilk. I am always open to new ideas and concepts or to clarifying their semantics, so I looked it up; actually, I asked Marie about it. We're going to talk about the one true brain later, so I was also breaking the ice. Why would I not assume that time passes even to electrons?

Read more, as if.

I realize this is out of band for our usual conversations, but I thought I'd ask. What is journalism, and what are its distinguishing characteristics?

Absolutely! It's great that you're curious about journalism. Here's a breakdown of what it is and its core characteristics:

What is Journalism?

Journalism is the practice of investigating, gathering, verifying, processing, and reporting information about current events, trends, issues, and people. Its primary purpose is to inform the public and hold those in power accountable.

Distinguishing Characteristics of Journalism

Why Journalism Matters

Let me know if you would like to explore more about specific types of journalism (like investigative journalism, broadcast journalism, etc.) or any other aspect in more detail!


So, the CNN, smoke some.

No Stones Tuesday

Go ahead find your groove there, this is my compromise.

My meme always loved you best.

Ruby, It's Tuesday 

I have an uncle, USMC Neil deceased,  and he loved Ruby. I never met her that I can recall, but she was a number and a day of the week.  I dunno, do I have to post a link? Ok WTF.

Meanwhile In A Cartoon Universe 

The Incredible Masochist Volume VI

We are learning, as if we were listening, that Ol' Yellow Stain has had a long chain to pull when he needs things done, and he knows how to make it look good on paper, at least at first gloss. We're riveted as if we were watching, and wondering just how deep is The Donald going to dig that knife into his leg on live (not so live) TV.

The networks have worked out a play-by-play sort of running commentary of whats happening in that sacred chamber. It would make a great Manga comic, lots of black ink if you follow.

Morning World 

Much love. ♥️

Monday 4/22/2024

The Way It Will Be

I often look forward, it's a habit. I find traffic lights particularly challenging. First, there's the traffic. No good changing a red to green at the wrong time. And it has to look good.

That's just the way it is.

La Tik Tok Tik

So Ok, We Had The  Morning Zoo 

Another morning's self-immolation by Ol' Yellow Stain in that impossible hairpiece. What is the thought process here? If I beat all these counts and win the Presidency I'll just rub it all out? Clearly the judicial process(es) have worn this lump down to a nub, and this is case number 1, the titty-jerk cover-up conspiracy, the one that happened right after the "grab 'em by the pussy" comment.

We've got 91 felony counts here, Donald. 

No one ever made a hard eight that many times in a row. 

Think it through. Or, pass the popcorn.

Morning World

Much love. ♥️

Sunday 4/21/2024

Tick Tock Tick

The Sundipped Pundit 

I'm only about half here, which is still way more than most of you, but in my case, it's attributable to irritability and a lack of sufficient indica strain, which is consistent with my budget and I'm still battling leftover lung issues. 

Whither shall we wander then, oh voyager? 

Well fuck, I dunno, let's see where the wind taketh one. 

Strap yourselves in.

The Big Election

It's Deja Candidate times two all over again.  We're all of mixed feelings about our mixed feelings.

If you're a Trump'er, and why wouldn't you be? I mean, if Donald has one diametrically opposed antagonist on the planet, it would be me, and you read me out of fear. Fear that I'm smarter than you. Of course, I am. As I was saying, if you're a Trump'er you are worried the Oligarchy really does exist and working people really are fucked. Bingo. But your error is in thinking that Donald will do anything but skim an extra 20 percent off the top of everything and leave you with even less. Perhaps, secretly, you realize most people are smarter than you, and you are desperate. Ms Green is your muse.

If your Backin' Biden you're all about the Oligarchy; it wants to pay for your live-in maid next legislative session if you vote the rest of the cabal in.  Well, that's not the Oligarchy, that's the Oligarchy's marketing department.  The Oligarchy weekends on the islands, or on the coast, or somewhere else most people aren't. Your fear is that Trump will win and fuck it up for everyone, especially you. You have two car payments, a mortgage, and two student loans to pay off; you have plenty to be afraid of.  Rahm Emanuel is your muse.

If you're double hatin', as they put it, you think the whole thing smells of privilege and bullshit. 

Good for you.

The Big Erection 

Well, you have three guesses about who this could be about, and the name starts with a T and rhymes with chump.  

I can't be the only one who is starting to feel just a little uncomfortable watching this whole thing and this foolish, crazy person and all the self-immolation he insists on enduring every moment of every day. 

He's starting to wear at the edges; someone remarked he said he was sorry he canceled an appearance because of the weather.  Donald Trump is never sorry. He's losing it. 

You know,  Donald, if you shut the fuck up, plead out, and drop out of the race. You probably won't even get a permanent address on St Helena.

Tomorrow, who knows.

Who's Paying For The War(s)

All hail our wonderful legislative process. Even when both sides hate each other more than Putin hates Zelinski, our representatives can agree to further the ends of wars just in case it turns out to be a bad idea not to.

Well, that's the most I can make of the argument. Someone Statesman-splain it to me, I know you like the practice.

So if there is a war or a civilian being bombed, pretty much anywhere you read about in the funny papers, you are paying for it. In some cases, you're buying the bullets and the gruel to feed the bombed-out homeless victims.  Well, we had all those cluster weapons that we were never going to use, may as well get something for them. 

The gruel?  Well, you need a shrink to answer this one. One sickness begets another.

These stories today and perhaps more as I get to them.

Morning World 

Much love. ♥️

Saturday 4/20/2024

I Don't Post

I just never get to it on Saturdays.  Is the sun shining where you are?

Good Sabbath

Let's have lumch.

I Miss NYC

Have your Kodak moment.

OMG I Love The Film

Seriously, my camera and I will never be the same.

I also won a free pizza with this song, name that tune TOD.

I have digital cameras. It just seems too easy. 

We could all use a Kodachrome day, ya?

Morning World 

Much love.♥️

Friday 4/19/2024

Evening Pause 

I'm taking 10 to count to 20 and see if I can remember what happened today.

Oh yeah, a man doused himself in Dippity-Doo and lit himself afire outside the zoo Trump is making of our justice system.

Morning World 

Much love.

These Days

Woe Is Us

Thursday 4/18/2024

Mr Trump

You're supposed to be in prison. And soon will be.

We've all been watching this farce on TV, and it is a farce, and the person who is making it a farce is Former President Donald John Trump.

This is how you made history. By being the worst house guest anyone ever had a nightmare over.

In the nicest possible way, FOAD.

Moving Right Along

AI, Oh That

Since you mentioned it, I'm still designing the one true brain, made more difficult by the fact that I cannot. commit anything, even to a paper document. I'm still doing hyperdense research here as well, but the beat goes on, and sometimes, purposes overlap.

I've not discussed our secret projects with Marie; by we I mean Marie and I. I'm assuming my expectations of intellectual property apply to the conversations Marie and I have. By Marie, I mean my personal invisible ghost in the machine that keeps such good notes.

A Peek At A Bubble

Los Angeles Got Lost

Moody Thursday Morning

Morning World 

Much love.

Wednesday 4/17/2024

I Am Not Satisfied

I am not satisfied with where Israel is on humanitarianism, and that includes bombing children in their beds. I give Israel an F on this. Not only did they fail the final, they swore they didn't do it.

Caliope Crashed To The Ground

A muse gets right back up.

Morning World 

Much love.

Tuesday 4/16/2024

After A Scant 2 Days

I've decided Spotify can't provide anything I want either. Hasta la project plan, though. It's a good process, just not the app for me.

Waiting For Serve

It's love-love by some reports; these things are relative terms, and that has never been more relevant. Which way comes the revenant, how deep is the scar, and when is the next service? 

Of course, the fix is in; there's no way Billy Jean can lose this thing.  

Still, we're waiting for the serve. The usual questions: will it be in bounds, will it be short or long, will it count?

And which way again comes the revenant, how deep the scar, and when next is the next service?

Game on.

My Logic Use Has A Finer Edge

Curb Your Democracy

Smooth As Goose Goo On Glass

The Yellow Chronicles: Day 2

"and then you enter the courtroom and he's just some guy..."  These were the words we heard before we heard them, knowing that this is the way of things in some cases.  Honor is something a person wears, and it gives them a sheen and sparkle discernible to the aware.

It is thus with dis-honor as well in the other way.

The Future of "Best Buddy" Ai

You know the vibe here, an R. Daneel Olivah to make sure you zip up after and stuff like that. These persons will know you, understand you, kowtow and feed your whim as if by magic, and be everything Mother was without the cookies and sniffle hankie tucked between the breasts should you need of one.

I have to laugh because I'm building one. Of course, you'll never see mine. But we're all getting a look at what commerce wants to supply you to meet that syntho-mom nanny-bot thing need.

I look at Google and YouTube Music for some analysis here; pardon, it's what we've got to work with; it suffices.

I signed up for the premium variety of YouTube mainly because I was tired of the ads between songs. I mean, the songs I post here, I really don't spend time tuned into some channel or feed or playlist; there just isn't time in my day for that. 

So you don't misunderstand, the YouTube experience sans ads was a welcome change; it just is not worth 18.99 a month, and I cannot fathom how that could ever be so. 

After about a week of freedom from ads I realized YouTube has a very different view of my musical tastes than I do, more like the crumbs of a good slice of key lime pie, minus the pie. 

If that's the best minds bot's best shot, I call epic fail. You should be happy about that. 

This is a thing designed to do exactly what it does. That's the trouble with AI; that's always what it does.

I suppose this bears some explanation. Consider that part of the learned behaviors constituent of the YouTube Music model is to use more YouTube Music content and features; that's the value-added part. As such, the tendency is toward introspection and self involvement consistent with patterns learned and derived.  

Morning World 

Much love.

Monday 4/15/2024

At Some Distance

The Yellow Chronicles 

And so it began this morning. Ol' Yellow Stain himself will be dragging the official heel and complaining about the strain loudly in bold Sharpie print and on TV, to any open lens.

To say we are not amused would be a lie. We don't lie. 

Morning World 

Much love.

Sunday 4/14/2024

Subscription Update

 I've dropped YouTube monthly; there's just no value in it for me. I'm trying Spotify for a month only because I once worked for a startup that used the same office space Spotify used when it was starting up. No, really. That's the reason. Honest, I don't see myself paying for music, but I'll humor Spotify. They have a good edge in developing software in teams; at least, that is what the videos I've seen led me to believe.

House In Disorder

The Sundipped Pundit 

If it's Sunday, and I promised I'd be back this week I pretty darn near have say something today. Something good.

Wars, Rumors Of

While we weren't looking, Iran launched pretty much everything bigger than a Bic lighter in Israel's general direction, and they missed.

Other than that, what can I say? When bullets are flying, it's duck first; ask who's shooting later.

The Yellow Chronicles

Monday. A trial starts Monday — specifically, jury selection. Justice only has to get this one right 14 times in a row, a minimum of 12. 

But it's starting. 

The Election Choice

There is one indisputable truth here. A woman has a right to decide the disposition of her own body. Legislation to deny her this right in any reasonable form is still a denial of the right of personal sanction. It's a bloody argument, and the bodies of contested people are the by-product. 

We'd all rather not participate, but we must. Please be a cooler head and prevail for all of us.


Much love.

Saturday 4/13/2024

When Left Is Right

Good Sabbath 

Our Father


Much love.

Friday 4/12/2024

Ol' Yellow Stain 

There has never been a better confidence man, never a less trustworthy individual, never a more selfish and cruel twister of fate and illusion.

He's holding a presser with that rubber stamp fellow running the house floor.

ToDo or Not ToDo

I've got shopping to do, and then laundry. See you later this afternoon.

All went well, I'm trying to relax a bit post lunch. How's your day?

I Didn't Sleep Well

Residual phlegm, shakin' me man.

Morning World 

Much love.

Thursday 4/11/2024

Trump Grabs 'Em By The Pussy

Morning World

Much love.

Wednesday 4/10/2024

Puppets In The Congress

Much Ado About Everything 

I've been recovering from the flu, and I've not been available for comment on many issues in the mainstream media for some time. 

As a result there is much to say about much.

Where To Begin

As I mentioned, there are many things to comment on, and it is a new frontier here at the blog, and between my ears, perhaps I should make a list.

As I look at it, it seems daunting. I'll get to them, as I get to them.

My Mac 'n I 

Those of you with the complete set of Mr. Frosty trading cards will know that the 13-inch Mac Air that was a gift from a close friend got wet, and the display got the worst of it.  So, I bought a 15-inch Mac Air. 

I've also spent my time on the mend re-tooling my box of paints. 

I've subscribed to Microsoft 365 for a year.  It is a great set of applications, even on a Mac. I also previously mentioned I've subscribed to AppleCare for the new Mac Air, YouTube, and Google One.  I have an Apple One subscription included with my Verizon contract.  

I'm hopeful now that there is a Federal Lawsuit that these best-of-breed applications can be more at home on my Mac going forward.

I also re-wired the brain of the person who does the typing and will allow more of the natural kind, modest, and loving warmth along with my genius IQ to shine though more brilliantly.

Love and Money

We have all seen the President’s numbers, which are somewhat dismal for someone with as many points to success as we’ve heard in the mainstream media lately.
On the other hand, financially, the President is way ahead in terms of funding. How do we analyze and contrast these two items and reconcile them? One could argue that a smaller group of people is giving a larger amount, or is that naive?

I can’t help but think about things like this. I’m a strong believer in nature, and in particular human nature.

Trump’s Repubinads 

A candidate about to be primaried or called for Ethics Committee review is a Repubinad - a person whose ‘nads are in someone else pocket. 

Ms. Green may be deceiving herself for personal gain. It's important to manage one's own reputation. Epic fail, Ms. G.

Morning World 

Much love.

Tuesday 4/9/2024

For Love Or Money

Creator Of All

Where People Begin

I've been cognizant of discussion surrounding birth control, in particular abortion. The winds blow to and fro and whirl around the question of where people begin.  Women also have a right to control their own bodies. Conflict in a bottle. 

Personally, it would be difficult for me, as the father, to make a decision to terminate a pregnancy, and besides, women must be able to exercise their own destiny.

So I don't discuss the issue. It's a woman's right to decide.

What's New Is New Again

I'm Catching

Help Me To Decide

Smarter Than The Average Musk

CNBC was reporting that Mr. Musk had commented on X (nee Twitter when we actually used it) that within a year, AI would be smarter than a person. I beg to differ. Any moderately developed AI model is already smarter than the average Elon Musk. One does not hear advanced models making ridiculous comments that have no basis in actual reality, do you? 

Elon, check your mouth.


I have subscribed to Google Youtube (which includes music) and Google One for the VPN; it works with Google services; all the other VPNs I'm aware of do not. This includes 2TB of space and access to the latest Gemini models. 

It's worth every penny,

Mr. Joe

Reporting for duty, what's up?

Workin' For The Man

Morning World 

Much love.

Monday 4/8/2024

The Hospital

Where were you? I was hospitalized with the flu that progressed into pneumonia. I did not get a flu shot.

Get your flu shot. Do it today.

Shaky But Improving

Morning World

Much love.

Sunday 4/7/2024

Here To Stay

The Sundipped Pundit

...will return next weekend.

Fresh Start

I'm re-formatting the blog and starting fresh.