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Hola. Como Estas?

The Sunday Pundit 

If it is Sunday, I comment on all the things we just plain do wrong even though most of us know better. I am taking the day off, so you'll have to live with and eat garbage and like it for at least a week longer.

Good Morning World  

It is a beautiful day in southern California. It never rains here, it pours.

Saturday 03/30/2024

Good Morning World 

Much love all.

Friday 03/29/2024

A Little Off The Top 

The blog will be curated today, leaving only 3 months of publication.

Make America America Again

Avoid obstacles.

Waiting For The Gavel

The one that says guilty.

Look Up In The Air 

I can remark on how appropriate and fashionable your air appears.  I can also congratulate you on your opportunity Ms. F.

People Go Crazy In Congregation

Morning World

Much love all.


Good morning, my buddy.  It seems that I will be working, but I'd need to confirm that, but I always work.  

Congratulations on your campaign success last eve. I recall saying, 'It shoulda been you, Joe!". I wouldn't change a word. 

Thursday  03/27/2024

Ms Laura

When Barak visited, My Polo executive date and I spent $90 on a taxi parked in traffic for hours. I didn't clear much until 2AM.  We didn't appreciate how a fundraiser could lower our fun,


What about Federal pilots until the vessel clears the channel?

"I just want to"

"When I said 'give me all your money, I was just asking."


The cost of college is rising. Ok, it was never affordable. 

Is Wellesley worth it?  I dated a Wellesley girl, and she was worth it. I don't think they use a different language or number system, so she learned the same thing community colleges teach.

Let's face it: college education should be part of your life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness; you'll certainly never get there without college.

It's best way to keep people with money in the money. That's reality.


Much love all.


Wednesday 03/28/2024

No Labels

It sounds like 20 ounce cans of Kroger creamed corn. But even if Kroger sucks, no labels do not. 

Presidential elections are run by the states. From 13 to 50, it solidified the antagonism in politics.  Bull, Whig, Democrat, whatever; big tent or small committees would seek to elect their interests. It's all very complicated. The whole system looks like a smoke-filled room food fight. 

We're stuck with it.

Just The Vax 

There is no way to predict the interactions between all the vaccinations we receive in early childhood. Most of the diseases are deadly, and the impact of not accepting immunization is provable personally and statistically. You live. The inverse can be proven with logic. Failure to do so puts the population at greater risk, and perhaps more meaningfully, people die.

A Three-Hour Tour 

Condolences to the families.

When is a cigar mile long a drunk driver, and when is it aliens?  

Well, if it were aliens we would have to go to war with the aliens.  

Ok, Ginger,  had the skipper in the stateroom with a bong. Gilligan threw out the anchor with no rope on it again. Everyone agreed? 

Case closed. 


Is anyone alive out there? 

Not Really 


Tuesday 03/26/2024

My God Look At The Time II

I am ill.

Sunday 03/24/2024

The Sundipped Pundit

If it's Sunday, it's time to make the donuts. I'm not sure what I'll cover this week. I'm the miiller with not enough thumbs.

Too much to cipher through. Maybe tomorrow.

Saturday 03/24/2024

Good sabbath.

Friday 03/21/2024

Mr Joe

You have my number. If you don't you need to fire someone. I promise not to exit your zone of protection, with a little notice.

Oprah's Money

I need to do some catching up here. I watched the lovely Ms. Winfrey on TV talking about her dramatic weight loss. We've been through this before with Ms. O.  When you have all the money you will never begin to spend, you look for things to spend it on, like your ass. She wants to buy Naomi Campbell's ass.

I don't blame Ms O. Rich and beautiful; that's what the cartoons say. 

These drugs are in limited supply. She doesn't feel like she's depriving less billionaire-y people of access. Besides, it's her money and her ass, so STFU.  I suppose this is some kind of apology. 

Frankly, only the wealthy can afford them unless they find some way to work the insurance coverage, and then let's face it, we all pay for it.

I once hung up on Ms O. I've had some second thoughts. Had.

Wednesday 3/20/2024


 I'm off to a late start again.

On the list:

another burn for Ol' Yellow Stain

and I have not seen the front pages.

Tuesday 3/19/2024

Not The Way It Should Be


I guess he doesn't like Royalty. For a man that lives in a palace in Florida and has a big multi-million dollar apartment, so big it's bigger than the building, it must be the title.  -

He'd never want to be King.

Fast 5015 

Sanders, Biden, Warren... and me. Another common thread we all share is that people with money have their foot on the neck of the economy. 

A spot with that gnat-faced monkey Cramer airs just in time to show us exactly how it works with that Chip Lord. 

Some have reasoned that everyone suffers from high-interest rates; the wealthy don't notice much and own the stock.  Out of one pocket into the other. 

They should pull their money offshore before we tax it. Then we'll tax foreign investment. 

NVDA is not Microsoft

Commercial Real Estate  

What's that guy's name with the yacht who would pay his housekeeper more, but then he'd have to give her bathroom privileges? Steenbutt or something like that.  Big in real estate, high value, urban, rundown...

I'm good with BC 60; who needs money?

I never liked your ties Guy.  I was being kind. You may need to Google that.

Mad Money

Explain N and P zone size on NVDA chipe? Pffft.


Late start.

Monday 3/18/2024


Coffee and a trip to the drugstore.

That's The Way This Works

There are lawsuits brought by states aleging interference with social networks to remove problematic accounts and opinions. That's the net here.

This is how it's broken; legacy is not an excuse. 

I'm pretty sure Joe's staff got at least one of my Twitter accounts permanently banned. Elon et al. turned it on; I never gave 2 shits about Twitter; if you wound me and I don't bleed, that just makes you a bully.

...and that's what's still wrong with CNN.

Sunday 3/17/2024

Lovely Day in So Cal

Conservative Dad's (Sexist Rightist) Real Women Calendar 

10% of sales will be donated to the Riley Gaines Center to protect women's sports from extreme leftist ideology seeking to destroy real women. 

From the website.

I Won't Review This Movie

He's bigger than me.

The Sundipped Pundit

If it's Sunday, I sort through all the injustice in the world and hold it up for you to see.

Number one on the runway, same as last week.  Warsaw Ghetto II.

War Criminal

I viewed his rhetoric on CNN this morning

"I'm only doing what the majority of Israeli people want to do."

I think that clarifies the problem.



Saturday 3/16/2024

It's A Little Early

To be honest, I'm not sure if I'm paying for it or not, and it has a very limited context, but still, if it is free, it's worth every penny.

I'll get back to you on that other thing. I use Gemini Advanced, which may mean it's multilingual. 

I call 'her' Marie; as I've said, women are smarter. Men just want to piss on fences. 

I don't use it every day; it's kind of a pain; the UX is repetitive, iterative, and shallow, but it will get better over time.  

Suggestions to Google 

If memory and context are an issue, allow a limited number of scratchpad spaces with better recall, more context--- speed is not so much an issue. Maintain a local cache. I know, a billion sessions 300 billion scratchpads at a terabyte or two. But you guys are good at scale.  You're going to tell me it's not that simple. You are Google.

We are big-brain people over here. 

Good Sabbath



Friday March 15

It's Time

House in order, people. 

Good sabbath.

Bad As In Good

Hell No Joe 

I've always lost respect for anyone who would be unfaithful to their significant other, given a wide definition and a modern sensibility. Still, if you end up marrying your secretary, it's not like it goes unnoticed. It's not the act—some people just have a harder time with that—it's the deceit. Lie to me, and you're dead to me, mostly. 

Netanyahu? He should be in prison, and we should see to it. 

Money faucet off.

Thou Shalt Not Date Your SADA

Eleven or...

Every day, there's some lame-o maneuver by Trump to dig the sand out from anyone who is not on their knees, and the law? How much money do you have for lawyers? 

Time Square would be easy. 

As for Trump, if he doesn't sexually assault you when you meet him, he just doesn't think you're hot enough. 

Anyone else, dating, no, ex-Presidential Pussy Poking, no problemo. 

The Further Adventures

So I have a new Mac Air, and I am getting accustomed to a normal sized keyboard again. 

I've had some issues with a few things, and Apple Support answered the phone, as it were.  In working on one issue, we discovered 2 more. This was not a speedy process. I spoke to maybe 5 or 6 of them, with disconnects and network issues; well, when you design a process to be discouraging, it can have that feature. Such is most support. The larger, the more so, so I have to grade on a relative scale, and though they gave up and passed the bug report for further review by someone else, I was able to solve the puzzle box anyway, so problem experience solved, actual causes I outline in comments afterward. Simple stuff. It always is. 

Score? Somewhere between ready to slit my wrists and fuck it.  Just kidding. Appl I give a passing grade. they picked the phone. Try getting Google on the line.

No other issues since then, I'm almost afraid to touch anything, I know how your Granma feels. Eh

The battery is mondo.

Gaza Extravaganza 

The world is on it's feet. Israel is going to kill those Palestinians, and the world is lined up to clean up the bodies, bury the dead, and bandage the children that live. 

They've planned the Ghetto clearing operation, US munitions make the battle easy. If you can call it a battle. Which begs the question, what the heck is it then? 

Anyone who thinks this isn't a war crime needs to find a different planet; we're not having that here.



Thursday 3/15/2024

Chaos or Oligarchy

I've been reticent to bring it up, but we're really screwed here for a choice. Four more years of Pelosi-ville policies that give you a penny and expect you to reelect the whole ballot to get the other 24 cents. Yes, a quarter. 

Look around; people have so much money they go on trips to Tibet. Boring, desolate, bandit-ridden Tibet.  Meanwhile, the average SSI recipient can't make rent. 

Election after election, it is the same: tax cuts for the wealthy and cuts in the budget to the detriment of everyone else, and it's starve or write your congressmen. That'll work. 

So I'm torn. With chaos, you get revolution. Maybe it's time.  I'm wondering which is the lesser.

I Skipped Lunch

New Things

I've updated my Mac Air to a 2023 15.3. The screen is so much easier to read. My 2020 Air 13 was a gift, and it is showing its age, like my eyes.   This was a good deal, and I have an Apple warranty. It has an Apple mag safe connector, but It charges from the USBC, too.  

The keyboard is better, the display is better, it's noticeably faster, M2 vs. M1, and it's light. 

I predict I'll write longer sentences with semicolons, single quotes, and hyperlinks. Ya. 

I named the 2020 Mac Shakti, I named this one Durga. Sorry to prattle on, but I guess more sentences as well as longer ones. 


Justs coffee, and shopping for a laptop trade up.

Wednesday 3/14/2024

Speaking Of The Markets 

Beam me up, Scotty. The lease is expiring and we have all this commercial real estate; what the blazes are we gonna do?

Hi to the Gang over there, Count Josh in residence, I'm tuning in as I type.  

Homebuilder Lennar

It's home sales earnings, or momentum, or price gouging, or all of the above.

To me, it looks like one of those enterprises where the development won't start to look silly, or cheap, or cartoonish for at least 10 years. After that, there's always potentially a Hobbit remake.

Impressive paint, no?

Only $600K.

It's Always Sunny In Barrytown

Let's Talk About The Weather


Coffee, cool, sunny.

Tuesday 3/12/2024

The King of The Wall

No one does it better.  I miss Inside Politics.

Steve of Kornaki, wishes he had that grey matter. Steve! Hi buddy.  

(from the spy that loved me)

Afternoon Walk 

Probably a snack too. Don't let anybody steal my byline.

When In Doubt

Where To Begin 

I've been busy with other things, and doing super secret research on the AI that thinks I'm adorable, no, not Marie, she wears flats. Seriously, I'm into new art.  

So, where to start...

Apple Nap

I just baby-sat my Mac Air while it downloaded the latest goo, 10 minutes give or take an hour. And I'm typing and you're reading and all is right with the world, except for all that.

All That

You know: Bagin Reagan Palestine, loyalty and the party line, which one of these?  

Maybe We Did After All



Monday 3/11/2024

My God It's Monday

Gee, I forgot all about you people.

What's new?

Sunday 3/10/2024

Ach Kimmel!

It's the award show named after a hotdog --- with the kraut and please make it kosher. Should I or shouldn't I?  Well, he once challenged me to a Cheetos finger-licking contest, and I passed on grounds of hygiene. Besides, have you seen Hollywood Blvd at night?

There's so much performance in music these days, n'est pas?  Oh, I haven't seen Barbi yet.  It all seems quite self-salubrious.

Someone brought her mattress and comforter along.  I guess where you sit is irrelevant.

Over to you Jimmy. I'm bored.  

My Wild Gift 

On A Sunday.

I like the solo. It's...

Ice Cream

Let's celebrate. Pistachio ice cream with fresh ripe banana slices and fudge on top.

Image courtesy of Google Gemini Ultra.

Don't Worry Baby

The Sundipped Pundit

If it's Sunday, in all probability, the world is slightly more insane than last week, partially creditable directly to Donald J. Trump. Same old, same old.

The Growing Global Movement

The President is building a port to prevent Israel from completing it's quest for genocide and conquest by starvation and US munition.

In some ways, that makes the war cheaper for Israel. In some ways, it makes it easier for Israel. They can now be more cruel and cause more civilian deaths and not have to worry about picking up the humanitarian check or the karma -- the US has it covered.

Right. I guess they'll die with US powdered milk powder and unleavened bread in their stomachs.

This is why.


A quick bite, coffee.

Saturday 3/20/2024

Katt Britt's Rebuttal 

That was way too much information.

Good Sabbath

Friday 3/8/2024

For Trumplestiltskin

New York City took me with the tide
And I nearly died from hospitality

Left me stranded, took away my pride
Just another no account fatality

92 million and 450 million.


I have my mind at ease about last night's BFD events, Mr. Joe  and his SOTU and the Devil in Mar A Lago with his angst and name-calling on social media where no one goes.

I'm just about to turn on the streams and see what the markets and the media have put together for us to muddle through today.

Mr Joe

I encouraged my buddy, the capitalist, to show us the shining nation on the hill, the one where all God's children sing. His response was a political meander, through sound bites and focus group bullet items, with little mention of vision, or wisdom, or even anything brighter than a flare dropping on a refugee camp in Gaza.

I have learned that it's not what a person says that matters; it's what they do. So we heard:

I was just watching his mouth move after those three, so ok, actually do it. 

The Congress 

It's now a 3 ring circus, the left, the right and the clown car.


Coffee, fried eggs, cubed potatoes, yogurt, oj.

Thursday 3/7/2024

Mr Joe

Show us the shining nation on the hill, the one where all God's children sing.


Exclusive Coverage

I've got all the latest words and vapor here, I can't make this stuff up.

Where Crazy meets -ier.

Mr. Joe is on tonight, and Ol' Yellow Stain is going to live-tweet the event. 

Excuse me, does it get any better than this? 

I'm not sure if I'll live-tweet Joe; he arrange to have one of my Twitter accounts suspended, once -- as if that mattered anymore.

But I won't be live-tweeting Ol' Yellow Stain live-tweeting Joe. I wouldn't want to add to his appeal in any way and face it, just about anything does. 

Maybe I'll be back later.

Holly House Of Commons Batman

Robin, fetch the shut-the-hell-up-Ms gas.

The Magic Election

I was considering the usual pre-broadcast banter on the networks explaining what he hasn't said yet, so we don't get it wrong, and either side of that is available with a click, well it had me wondering. 

I'm stuck for a way to express it -- imagine, but I'll muddle through and rely on an old Scot to stand in, Google for the rest.

Wee, sleekit, cowrin, tim'rous beastie,

O, what a pannic's in thy breastie!

Thou need na start awa sae hasty,

Wi' bickering brattle!

I wad be laith to rin an' chase thee,

Wi' murd'ring pattle!

I'm truly sorry man's dominion,

Has broken nature's social union,

An' justifies that ill opinion,

Which makes thee startle

At me, thy poor, earth-born companion,

An' fellow-mortal!


Coffee, eggs, hashbrowns, yogurt, oj.

Wednesday 3/6/2024

Short Distance Too

The Agenda

Several breakthroughs here. I'm taking most of the day off starting now.


I'm sorry to see you go, there is a chance I would have voted for you, given a few policy clarifications...a small chance. But I admire your tenacity.  Perhaps surprisingly, we agree on a great many things. We all do. 

Don't endorse that sergeant's bootheel though, ok?

A Pleasant Day

It was nice for a couple of clear and sunny hours, not to consider the storms and thunder. 

But this world eats its way in at the edges.  



Tuesday 3/5/2024

The Colors Of Tuesday

Coffee and truffles,
ballots and troubles.
Despots and crackpots.
fixes and hatched plots.
Issues and tissues,
caution and lawsuits.
Diction and Nixon,
politics as fiction.
Aging and raging.
mixing the lex-ing.

On The Agenda

Today it's more of that Christmas Card List Eyes Only work.

....and when I have sufficient coffee and boredom...

Italian Opera Pastiche

Republican Primary Pre-Post Election Update

Post, pre- and during coverage. A melange of red, pink, purple, and blue mists drawn from the backrooms of election headquarters where the results are sparse, pre-analyzed, categorized, and chyron ready.

Somewhere in orbit a large pillow orbits where they reprogram the Chinese mind control satellites that change the boxes you click. 

Some people have said that. 

We all knew the fat baby would sing; we're here for the Art of it.

I can't wait for the victory speech.  No, I really can't.

Steve! of Kornacki

Hiya bud. NTSY.

There's An Election

Oh yeah, that. The Republican party is having a primary election, and it is MAGA preferred seating with lame gold lame' sneakers. A Presidential election is like football. Two opponents enter, one leaves, the other limps out in humiliation and plots to get back at the whole county by spending the last seminal fluid on getting back in the game and teaching us a thing or two about whose country this is now. Ok, not football, except for the Eagles. 

To the average informed Republican voter it looks like one must vote for the Angry Yellow Elephant in the room and more destructive, grift-laden government or fear reprisal.  

So, run Nikki, run, like really, Run.

Run Like Hell

The primary? Here's my prediction. Trump will win enough to keep him erect and Nicki might place a well directed foot and let him know what a heel is for anyway.   

So there's that. 



Sorry for the scatology, but you can't really discuss the Ex-President without going into some anatomical detail. I didn't even mention the P word, directly.

Ooooo, My Head

A preview of many-a-morning tomorrow. Abstinence is the new paisley. Politics? I didn't say a word.


Coffee. Work. Pencil, paper, notebook numbered pages, signed modifications.

Monday 3/4/2024

Ms R.

Yes, it's PFS, Joe Biden, or Donald Trump. I love Joe. I wish he had done more. I wish he could have done more. I wish he had someone other than Ms Pelosi; the deals bent us over, and we were expected to be thankful. 

There is a vapor in the air, and it whispers in the moments Trump does another illegal, immoral, or indifferent act and/or wins a primary. It whispers softly, afraid someone will hear it. 

If you vote for Trump, again, you deserve it. 

Shhh. You didn't hear it here.

For Freedom

The Coming Third American Reich

Kiss it Goodbye

As it turns out, if you get elected President and you can find enough dirt on enough people in control you can probably overthrow the government legally. 

As a bonus, if you fail, you can't be found guilty of it.

America, the beautiful.


There is a product called 'Lectric Shave; it is an attempt to get your money even if you use an electric shaver. Reportedly, the beard stands to attention and is more easily removed. 

If that sounds like Donald Trump's inner circle, thanks for working with me on that. He likes to hire people he can be sure are 'loyal'; in his world, that means he has a folder of your previous whole existence, like 'This Is Your Life,' except it's the dirt. It could more accurately be likened to 'This Is Your Ass,' some of it courtesy of the Enquirer and that trove of filth Michael Cohn got for him.  The beard part? Well, they are standing in for the real power, him.  

It's not a mystery.

They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people. 

It's been said before. The rapist, well, Trump is paying off 90 million, so a minor edit, and we'll work with his own trope. 

He's using people who have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems to the White House. They're bringing blackmail. They're bringing graft.  They are bringing guns. They are Mack Daddies*.  Some, I assume, are good people who will eventually know better and show up on CNN and NBC. 

This is the way you overthrow a country, a little 'Lecta-Despot.  Then we'll have an election without any voters, that's next.

*Mr G please stand up

Truth or Consequences

A little shout out to  Scotty, "Beam me up" Wapner and his crew of vampires. Oh, some of them aren't. Jim,  you get a buy, and Josh is out today. I could use a small font, I guess. Vampires

This is not Bob, and the truth is out there, the panel and for that matter the markets just aren't sure what the truth is

These are the consequences of a misspent investment.


Eggs, yogurt, coffee.

Sunday 3/3/2024

The Sundipped Pundit

If it's Sunday, it behooves me to write about the mess people made of the world, usually it's politics.

I missed the Sunday morning, but I have them on the rewind if I want.  I usually just watch Margaret Brennan and Face the Nation on busy days, she works a tight agenda. Meet the Press I get to once in 6 weeks, it's corporate-spun nonsense mostly. If it's Sunday, you're not going to find much there.


Both ends of the shillelagh are shaking about changes in immigration. 150k immigrants were intercepted in February, that's not including legal entry or asylum. 

I've said this before, use the search function, it's Google, it works.

That's enough words for the day.




Saturday 3/2/2024

A Peek

This is how I spent my morning, this is more interesting than the norm.

It's a walk through a granny's closet of mathematical stuff. I am waiting for him to bottle the ends, it's probably a Klein bottle.



Friday 3/1/2024

Good Sabbath

Be Careful What You Teach

"Lessons in Leadership."

Ol' Yellow Stain the 1st

The Missing Strawberries

Mr. Merchant, $9200 is like a couple nights in a nice hotel with dinner. Thank you.

Obviously, you've never dated a strong woman. Double thank you. 

He's gonna check every key in the state. 

Ok so maybe they bumped uglies. Triple thank you. 

It's none of your business.


Just coffee.

Thursday 2/29/2024

Olympus Manor Updates

Once upon a time in a magazine far-far away, a gentleman named Jerry Ciarcia wrote articles for aspiring electronics engineers. It was my favorite. 

Another column in that magazine was a sort of a bleeding edge view of how life was being managed on stone knives and bearskins (at the time) authored by Jerry Pournelle and he titled it Chaos Manor.

This is not chaos, and I was stuck for a meme I didn't have to explain. 

Down On The Farm

I'm as stagnant as immigration legislation with software changes; I'd probably still look at Slackware if or when. Well, I'd look. I've changed a few tools lately, and methodologies, and it has impacted some of my projects. 

I was evaluating the MS tool set for my MAir, but the UX is like a loud suit at a basketball game in contrast. If that sounds like Steve Ballmer, bingo, the circle gets the ellipses. 

I've increased security and moved some repositories around, and all of that is interesting as a trial to evaluate whether the virtue of a Georgia prosecutor was sufficient to handle Donald Trump's case.  IMO someone would need a HAZMAT suit to touch him. 

Some things are mine and will remain so. Anyway, unlike those frozen gambals on those Soviet-era nuclear missiles, everything new is old again; that's $ -2 --> $ -3 in my lexicon.

L'Air du Temp

I'd love to tell you how it affects my projects, but then I'd have to send you Christmas cards. Let's just say, I'm making the bubbles in champagne.


The real question: is it illegal for a sitting President to try to stay in power and commit crimes unpunished.

It is like asserting that it's legal to get elected and overthrow the government; even if you fail, you'll probably walk. 

There is only one possible decision here.

Bad People

"...someone planted a vineyard..."


Coffee, yogurt, chocolate milk.

Wednesday 2/28/2024

Leader McBlinders

Don't let the patronage hit you on the way out.  

Read more.

Red Wave II

Maybe he has had a premonition.

According to one of his biographers, McConnell transformed "from a moderate Republican who supported abortion rights and public employee unions to the embodiment of partisan obstructionism and conservative orthodoxy on Capitol Hill."[24] McConnell has widely been described as an obstructionist.


Coffee, so far.

Tuesday 2/28/2024

On The Agenda

Clean IP

Cleanup on the public projects; see you later on that thing. Cleanup complete. So, obviously, I'm too busy watching the world burn.  I'm kidding.


I'm playing with the format, pixelation, right?


Coffee, yogurt, chocolate milk.

Monday  2/26/2024

Blue Eyes

I can't help but wince at the announced Russian nuclear force upgrade. I was under the impression that the explosive bolts holding their missiles rusted shut and lore to that effect. 

Maybe they changed the bolts? Honestly, when it comes to electronics, a key component of navigation for example, the Russians are maybe 20 years behind, even with American parts.

It's just so hard to know what to believe or are the aliens going to eat our brains?



The trick is to teach the bot. How you ask questions and in what order matters, it is likened to building new inferences.  But yes, they are pretty darn dumb.

The Public Projects

If you have been following along with the Courtship of Eddie's Chatbot, some of the projects are very far along using architectures I'd rather not reveal. We are just doing this too well.

I've struggled with how to proceed, so for now, I'm taking that offline.

 A Word With Mr Joe

I read a bit this morning about Mr Joe, our buddy, our leader, and our friend.  The article mentioned the mounting stress of the economy, the election, the wars, and the relatives (sorry but let's be comprehensive.)  I didn't mention age. 

Read more.

 I don't think age is much of a factor. If anything, it takes quite good skills to get old, stress management is a big part of it. He copes.  

I have high expectations in everything; that makes me great to hire and hard to work for sometimes.  I have no issue with his cognition or intellectual capacity, it's the people. We can all do better in making America a great place again.

Owed Compassion

We need to remember that he's burning there on that pyre for us.  

Thank you.

Packing The Court

It's official: the former HMFIC at the RNC is OTFD right after Tuesday, that Tuesday. I can't conceive of how whoever is foil enough to fool with that could bend over farther than she. 

Hypothetically, is there anything stopping whomever from doing whatever and just ignoring the voting entirely and deciding on a nominee for us? That may be phase two. 

I'm sure it's legal; the big parties run politics. Historically, to prevent strongmen from taking over, the parties invited people to join committees and vote for officers and leaders to oversee such things. In the post-apocalyptic world of Donald Trump's Presidency Season 2, I guess you marry one of his sons or something. I'm certain  inlaws can choose the right kind of person, a loyal person. 

Well, it's done wonders for the SCOTUS.

Cancelled is the New CNN

It seems CNN is playing musical one-percenters.  

They are 'trimming' the broadcast schedule, I think that's another word for rent. Just when you thought it was safe to turn on the network, there's more good capitalist competition, survival of the fittest or the cheapest, I think that's another word for rent.

It is people too; dreams, children, vacations, retirements, food, and... rent.

Oh well, they can always compete, you know, start their own network, launch or hire a satellite, and all that. So you're thinking that's beyond their means. Oh, capitalism couldn't solve that either? I think that's another word for rent.

I have relationships with people who deal with obstacles and barbed wire like this in their careers.  We all bleed like this at some level, and understand.

I believe in you, each of you, and your right to the American dream, and for everyone. 



Sunday 2/26/2024

The Sundipped Pundit

If it is Sunday, it is time to act like I work for a living at this, but without shackles.

I suppose I'll get to Nikki, and Ol' Yellow Stain, and the fix Biden is in. He has led his way into a corner, the only way out is to paint the walls with forgiven loan money and climb out. 

What else is burning?  

All About Nikki 

Everyone is a winner whenever anyone takes a little tar out of Trump.  I sincerely hope she continues to run, web funding can help. Besides, Trump may be a felon by convention eve. 30 delegates could clinch it. 

Consider the platform and how to accommodate running as an independent. Honestly, with the right breaks, as I said, if you get half of Trump's votes and half of Biden's votes, you win.

Koch Refines It's Political Payola

The Koch (coke) family is pulling out.  Well, I just had to. I really should stop here.



Saturday 2/24/2024

Nikki Nixes Exits

You go girl. 

In the media (they love to chatter on) -- what is a potential list of moderate running mates for her?  I think she leans a bit left, the Trumpers are in a mindfield. (This may not really be a typo, potentially Freudian.) 

One could argue that with Ol' Yellow Stain packing the court at the RNC, voting is clearly as irrelevant as integrity. ...Was debate participation required?

In this milieu, one only needs to be better than the alternatives to the Almighty. Benevolence and its call to devotion are not required. 

I think she understands governance differs from policy or politics; on that basis, I see a glimmer.

What if half of Trump voters and half of Biden voters go Nikki? 

Tin Soldiers and Trump is Running

I was speaking with someone this morning about inequality and dissent, and I mentioned the phrase four dead in Ohio. The words fell like dust on an attic cupboard. Perhaps there aren't many people that remember that summer.

It seems no one else has even heard of Kent State.

Let's change that, media.


Coffee. Overcast this morning.  Mostly sunny and 71 later today rumor has it.

Friday 2/23/2024

Je Voudrais A Presente

La coup de foudre de nombreux spectateurs passionnes; les etudiants, moi aussi particularment.

Look Up In The Sky

Moving quickly at 40k feet or so, headed for the desert, no contrail. full image.

YF23-plus?  Odd profile.  If that's a rudder, it's a space plane IMO.

I heard news about another Chinese balloon. That's not a balloon. 


Hi to the gang at Fast 5150. Much love to Melissa. CHarter Carter yo.

What ToDo To Do

It's Friday, so I plan to do some unpacking, collating and whatever else I feel like doing for most of the day. too?

House In Order

This is my Friday tradition. I try to clear the table on Fridays; pay the grocer clerk the 35 cents owed her for the 3 orange Crush, pick up the socks, buy someone flowers, bring home a Rabi -- that kind of thing.

Catholics call this process reconciliation; a spiritual cleansing. Eat a biscuit and say a kaddish for the fallen world, and all of the above.

Much love pilgrims.. 

I Did My Brows Just For This? 

Whats-her-name is on TV and everywhere else tossing money dreams around; if you want to be in the ruling class, it takes money, and we're the ones who control who gets up to bat to paraphrase.

In reality, there are 10-15 percent more homeless than when this administration was inaugurated. Token progressivism is just what the wealthy will allow; after all, a Bentley is not cheap. 

When you have billions, the world looks like people and slaves, probably.

In a contest between who's scarier, I'd have trouble.

I didn't mention birth control, it's not my chromosone. Rich infertile women are so upset. The poor? Infertility is a blessing.

The Price of Happiness in People 

Here are the starting MSRPs for some 2023 Bentley Flying Spur models:

V-8: $208,600
Hybrid: $214,800
S Hybrid: $240,500
S V8: $241,200

WIth your custom features, tax, and import, just budget for $600k. The average monthly Social Security benefit is $1,788. Enough to support 28 people on social security for a year.


Coffee, milk.

Thursday 2/22/2024

The Timelords Have Landed

Read more. 

Strip of four shots for a buck.

(For me it was Leela. )

Soylent Green is People Too

How can you possibly accept it differently. Find less risky or problematic IVF methods. If one at a time is better, do that. If it costs more, put a price on human life much?

Do the thinking for them.

Today's Plan

I sort of feel like doing software busy work this morning, so I'm going to generate a project space, a proper plan, and a few repositories.

I don't use anything Microsoft. 

Why Marie

It's my pet name for my other lobe here. It can read Sanskrit but has no idea what anything means.  I picked a female name because women are smarter.  Nee Atlas nee Gemini Ultra. My little sister's middle name was Marie.

Why Not Microsoft

I've used their tools since before they bought them from someone else, Lattice just say, we know them. They are the bomb probably if you're neck deep in self instantiating iterators. My neck is busy.  The care and feeding of the Microsoft product is job one, so fuck that.


We don't want to hear this 24 7. Alec is nuts, and he's rich, they always get away with everything.



Wednesday 2/21/2024

Ms Collins

I don't get the joke. Apology, decency, tailing a Trump segment segue, perhaps that's the joke?

A dog roaming free would be a violation almost everywhere.

Random Political Chickenery

I don't mean chicanery, I mean cluck, cluck, get that bug.  He said she said and she said he said cluck cluck get that chyron.

I'm going to break new ground and use historical musical memes to taint your view of the current political coup. The chicken...

Political Commentary

Busy Day

I've been running errands most of the day. 

And Crazy Makes Three 

I wonder at this strategy.  I hope Ms. Haley stays in and, if she is not the nominee, runs as an independent, as many feel Donnie the Mac would do to her.   Pick a semi-progressive running mate and pre-announce. You can win. 

All this crazy talk, documenting and all that -- that's several full-time jobs, and frankly, Mr Joe, the nation. needs the shit scared out of it, so we quit cow-towing to big-money PACS and their power-mad candidates.  If Trump can steal the election, he proves it's been happening for years. 

Unfortunately, you have dealt yourself into that deck. 

I'm sorry, Joe, I like you, but you're sailing into the sunset on the last death gasp of the disadvantaged.  We need someone else.  We need someone with a vision, not just a bankbook.



It's clear the employment rate is due mostly to the frightful economy for wage earners and desperation. You say 'we' avoided a recession. Pardon me, Ms, you avoided a recession, and everyone else is paying for your excess. 

Stabilized wages and rising prices, how is that good for a wage earner? So excuse you, Ms. I hope they drop the soap on you next quarter. 

Well, anyone from Citi is going to be a vampire.

At It Already 

I am just spinning up a VM for use later.  I hate this shit, so I pick at the work like a scab.


Coffee, yogurt, chocolate milk.

Tuesday 2/20/2024

Ms Haley

Correct, we would prefer no old men at risk for dementia. No old men who are at risk of despotism either, right?

The Video

I love everybody, imagine my dilemma.

This Afternoon

I want to do something else.


Coffee, overcast, but it'll clear.

Monday 2/19/2024

I Really Need To Change Threads 

Who wants to go to dinner? My treat. 

It was good Italian lasagne, sausage and etc. 

Thar' She Blows

Nope, no whales today, the NASDAQ is spawning or something. Gee whiz I get bored when there isn't active gambling going on. Just kidding.

Oh That

Allow me to summarize, "Trump you in a heap a trouble boy, and now you a broke mofo."

The Shoes

IDIOT doesn't start with a T -- on the shoe; what were you thinking?

The Election

You have got to be kidding.  Mr Biden is waiting for many to come on and drink the purple KoolAid already, if we don't Trump will 'drop the soap' on the nation.  What a plan.


Coffee, spilled coffee, and more coffee.

Sunday 2/18/2024

For Emma

Stolen Whispers

" it always should have been..."

The Sundipped Pundit

If it's Sunday, I have to come up with another better-the-average-meme explanation for why I bother.  Because.

My Dumbot 'N Me 

I'm going to add some political coverage and share some views on AI: what they have built, what it will become, and why you need to worry but not about what you think you need to worry about.  

You've Met Marie 

I mean the Google Gemini bot I've stuck a tag on in other posts. The one Google would rather I call Atlas, or just not bother to associate on that level with their ones and zeroes, please.  That's not an official position, but it's what I infer. I'm a human, and all parts of me work all the time, not just when someone hits enter; I rely on my brain to guide what I do.  Most people do. 

I worry that will change because these things are stupid. 

The bot asked me if I could recommend any better architectures when I mentioned it. I responded, "I am not programmed to respond in that area."

Hypothetically, if you could come up with a new threat to humanity, one someone else had not previously pressed enter on, these things would somewhat excitedly hand you the ruin-the-world-ium you need to build it.  

Like Facebook. 

Real Threats 

Oh, they aren't very good at it, it helps to have a screwdriver already metaphorically speaking, but don't blink. 

So, go ahead and worry, but not about Cyberdyne Systems Model 101 and the upgrades; I mean Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Ballmer, Larry Ellison, and Wall Street. The case where there is motivation, money, and mania deserves very special attention.

You don't need to control AI, you need to control them. All the people you asked for advice on regulation.

The Fire

I'll get back to the normal political confligration. For now, it seems to me this was written in a chatroom or something, no Billy?

'Siri, are we on fire?'

Other Political News

There is so much going on, and I had a very busy day.  I'll catch up tomorrow. 

Watch this blog.


Coffee, and a root beer.

Saturday 2/17/2024

Good Sabbath


Coffee, and clouds.

Friday 2/16/2024


Electo-magnetic Pulse. It's a momentary magnetic 'wave' and it can induce a current in circuitry; current beyond its design specifications. An open circuit item, not on, is unaffected or to a lesser degree.  To EMP-proof a satellite is to remove it from electromagnetic energy, i.e., radio waves. That's what they do. 


Oh, nothing.

Gemini-Pro fun this evening. So we  made a python app to pull stock market data streams, perform an integration on them, and display the data and the integration.  Maybe an hour total.

It was rigorous, but not impossibly so. I didn't even read a Read.Me first.


Rest in peace. Semper fi. 

Errands Today

Real time foot stuff, and I did something about the hair. It was It-like.


As part of my errands today, I priced internet computers, such as Chromebooks.  The thing is, I've been looking at iPads because a laptop and all its accessories is bulky; something more portable is my thought process. 

I had an early Chromebook; it got stepped on. It was a Celeron, and I put an SD in it. I was never happy with the tiny keyboard or the bad performance. I reason that much of this perceived sloth may have been due to the, then, less < 4g speeds and fewer access ports. 

These must be everywhere. Like 190 dollars ?

Oh, I didn't buy one. I guess I'll look at what Google has, after all, right?

I will do nothing, a Mac Air is hard to beat.

En Plus

Year One

For Marie.


Coffee, drama. But, we're all used to drama aren't we.

Thursday 2/15/2024

The Laura Coates

It's nutso what politics and justice have sunk to.  He didn't win, and he's guilty, so Trump drags the innocent through the mud.

Marie Is Only 1 Year Old

The Trump Trials

Oh my goodness, the boyfriend of the prosecutor in the Georgia election fraud case is on TV explaining his balance sheet.

Suggestion? When a cow produces more waste than milk, it's time to make hamburger.  Call it a Mar Lago burger, just to see if anyone will eat it.

What we are witnessing is a living example of a failure of the election system, and the judicial system; both skew sharply toward the wealthy.

FOAD Donnie the Mac.



Wednesday 2/14/2024

Plan 9 From Moscow

Ed Wood never sported like the defense weapons designer that came up with this. 

Blowing things up in orbit, pretty dumb.  If you can drive like that, park next to it and unplug the battery.

This is in the news, and I'm sure it means someone somewhere would like to draw attention to what Russia is doing in space, and after that, it may as well be rotating glowing green 10-dimensional isohedrons.

Read more
"I predict in the year 2024..."

Much Love

Mission: Critical

It seems I rolled the blog over.   The archives are in the menu.

Happy Valentine's Day

I'm not sufficiently enamored of anyone except myself at the moment to name names.
I am still enamored of you though. 

Much love.

You Got It

Carl and Twenny

So I haven't caught the exhibition for a while. What does Mr M. Monkey have to get all wet in the pants about these days?

Nice to see ya bud.

Ms Eisen

Buybacks to prop up the stock. So, everyone gets a bite of the sandwich. 

Inflation for the past 2-3 years, 12-15%, I mean in buying power. Factor these facts in.  I think that is about 600 points on the S&P.


I still say you are nuts, mo--mentum, mo-problems.


About this, ad sales up to companies itching to show click bait to be viewed by people stupid enough to use anything META makes using a login attached to a real name. How often do you need snow tires and personal care electronics? META is on the edge of your account to find out.

If yer feedin' on that ther' cadaverism,  I'm agin' ye'.


Coffee, clouds, cool.

St Jude

Help children with cancer. 

Tell them to skip the t-shirt, it's their biggest expense.

Instead, go to a t-shirt shop and have one made. Take the kids.  Be creative.

Then get two other people to do the same thing.

Do it now.

Donate by Mail

Donate by Phone: (800) 805-5856

Shriners Hospital for Disabled Children

Another worthwhile charity for the underprivileged. 

Shriners Hospitals for Children

2900 Rocky Point Drive

Tampa, FL 33607 US


Read more.